Closed Bug 53009 Opened 24 years ago Closed 18 years ago

Make Bugzilla pages always fit easily in 1024x768


(Bugzilla :: User Interface, enhancement, P2)






(Reporter: mozilla, Assigned: kiko)




(Keywords: polish)


(6 files, 1 obsolete file)

The bugzilla pages are too wide because the CC box is over too far to the edge. If I have my sidebar open then I have to scroll in order to see the whole page. Ideally, the page should be the same width as the banner at the top of the page which is 600 pixels wide. Yes, I don't have my browser full screen but it shouldn't have to be.
Here is a timeless's layout discussed on #mozwebtools: 10:38 <timeless> <a href=>vote</a> for <a href=>bug 53006</a>: <a href= cgi?bug_id=53006>0</a> 10:40 <timeless> that replaces: 'Votes for bug 53006: 0 Vote for this bug ' 10:40 <timeless> and then you can put it above the tree stuff 10:40 <timeless> /----------+----------\ 10:41 <timeless> |Add CC | Vote for bug x: 0 votes| 10:41 <timeless> | [x] CC me | tree| 10:41 <timeless> | CCs | graph| 10:41 <timeless> | CCs | depends| 10:41 <timeless> | CCs | blocks| 10:41 <timeless> ... 10:43 <timeless> [x] CC me can be implemented later 10:43 <timeless> actuall 10:43 <timeless> | [x]CC me| Vote for bug x: 0 votes| 10:43 <timeless> | Add CC | tree| 10:43 <timeless> [if we add it]
This happens to me too, and it's annoying. The width depends on the product. Browser has a very big component selection widget, and the right column tends to partially go offscreen. Webtools is OK for me. Of course this is all window/font size specific, and I suspect this can't be fixed in general, but a reduction in space would be nice and should deal with most situations. We shouldn't be aiming to reduce the size to anything that is specific. Maybe we could move CC elsewhere. Then move reporter next to the create date and make it look like a standard comment.
Target Milestone: --- → Bugzilla 2.16
Priority: P3 → P2
will the 640x480 group please stop complaining? ;)
Assignee: tara → myk
Component: Bugzilla → User Interface
Product: Webtools → Bugzilla
Version: other → 2.10
This used to happen to me on a 1024x768 screen until I reduced my font size. And it wasn't particularly big.
I had the same problem with my installation: our users rarely browse over 600 pixels wide (and yes, we do have large monitors @ 1600x1280). I've gone and changed the layout of show_bug.cgi to something a bit different. The added colour isn't what i'm pointing to: it's the fact that the top panel for selecting all the bug mumbo jumbo is organized. See what it's like at I would like feedback on the organization of the panel, and if people go for it, I will produce a patch against 2.14 that does what I want, the right way. I will factor the code into something easier to templatize, too, re bug 86168, too.
I like the look of that. Patch it :-)
We are currently trying to wrap up Bugzilla 2.16. We are now close enough to release time that anything that wasn't already ranked at P1 isn't going to make the cut. Thus this is being retargetted at 2.18. If you strongly disagree with this retargetting, please comment, however, be aware that we only have about 2 weeks left to review and test anything at this point, and we intend to devote this time to the remaining bugs that were designated as release blockers.
Target Milestone: Bugzilla 2.16 → Bugzilla 2.18
We need this in during 2.16 in order to keep people happy with bug 11901. Kiko, you mentioned in an earlier comment you already had a patch for this. Where is it?
Blocks: 11901
Priority: P2 → P1
Target Milestone: Bugzilla 2.18 → Bugzilla 2.16
and he's not even reading here. Kiko: see previous comment on this bug.
Fixing this is now a trivial change to the template. But I'm not so sure we should - we've learnt from experience that some people don't like the layout of things (e.g. the query page) changing; we should only change it if there's a really good reason. I'm not sure this alone qualifies. Perhaps we should wait for a UI designer to take a look at the whole page? Gerv
The CC and reporter fields _definitely_ need to change place. Definitely. In the default installation, too. MPT: HELP Why does this block bug 11901?!
Originally it was blocking 11901 because people didn't want horizontal scrolling in the comments. The original intention of 11901 was going to let the browser do the wordwrapping on the receiving side when VIEWING comments. Gerv objected because he like the narrow column of comment text. Someone pointed out he could just make his browser window narrower, then it was pointed out that making the window narrower wouldn't work because of the CC widget sticking off the right side at the top. 11901 is going to do specific column wordwrapping at the server before sending to the client now, so it's probably not really a blocker on this anymore. But this would still be nice I think.
No longer blocks: 11901
I agree with Gerv. This page needs an overall redesign. I know a designer who might be interested; I'll look into this further.
Well, for heaven's sake. I had a patch and never saw Dave's comments; sorry Dave, my bad in not having come back and looked. Ugh. I can try and bother mpt into doing a real redesign.
Now that the query.cgi redesign is done, my second priority is index.cgi, and my third is show_bug.cgi. Part of show_bug.cgi will be making it narrower, as well as more consistent with query.cgi. See also bug 124374 and bug 109266.
Depends on: 110012
Whiteboard: [blocker will fix]
Moving this out to 2.18 (and correcting the severity) since it's a minor problem, no longer blocks a 2.16 blocker, doesn't have a lot of action, and is best done as part of an overall redesign of the "show bug" page.
Severity: normal → minor
Target Milestone: Bugzilla 2.16 → Bugzilla 2.18
blocker did not fix... (removing said flag)
Whiteboard: [blocker will fix]
*** Bug 141746 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I've hacked a patch which I will put into use immediately on It does the following: - Moves the CC box into the right-hand column of bug attributes - Adds spacing to clarify the grouping, which we are bad at today. This is against CVS HEAD. I'm requesting ui review from mpt and another senior.
I'd like to make a point here: this form has bad usability at the moment. While I do think it would be nice to do a real redesign, it will take a long time to happen. This change makes manipulating the form easier; I will conduct some basic experiments to see how better people like it at Async (wrt to the default form). This isn't really about low resolution, really, but about window size. Not everybody works with maximized windows, and particularly not those with high-res monitors.
Assignee: myk → kiko
Severity: minor → enhancement
Keywords: patch, review
Priority: P1 → P2
Version: 2.10 → 2.17
The URL above exemplifies the new layout.
We've found from the query page that people get used to whatever the layout is quickly, and don't like it changing even if it's a usability improvement. Therefore, if we do want to make changes, we should make them all at once, to reduce the moaning to one episode instead of multiple. Therefore, I still believe that, while sites can customise this on an individual basis if they like, the Bugzilla trunk shouldn't change the layout until we've looked at the page as a whole. Gerv
I am seriously opposed to us keeping things less usable based on the fact that we have previous installations. Release-note the fact that the layout has changed, place a warning in, whatever -- I even volunteer to doing it, but don't push every layout change off or we won't improve. If the problem is b.m.o., and the matter is just changing it to use one custom page for edit, then I don't think its worth it. A big review of this page is going to take some time, and this can be checked in easily and make things better for all our new users - we want new users, right? Why keep punishing them with a bad layout for the most-viewed page in the system?
In this particular instance, I agree with Gerv. When show_bug.cgi is redesigned, it should be all at once.
There are two points I'd like to make: a) We have custom templates. If site admins think their user base won't get used to the changes, they don't *have* to adopt the change if they don't like it. I am suggesting we take this change for two reasons: first, because new bugzilla installs will have a better show_bug.cgi. Second, because admins that *want* a better layout and think the impact is acceptable, can use it. One solution would be to distribute a contrib/ directory in the template folders if we are all really going to say no to all UI changes. b) It is possible we can reuse the new layout of the top section of the bug in the redesign. In this event, the change would quite probably not be as harsh. Still haven't seen a technical review of the layout, though, which is what I hoped for when I attached the patch.
*** Bug 173092 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I see this bug at: - resolution: 1280x1024 - win98: small fonts - mozilla font sizes: proportianal = 20, monospace = 18 - non (but almost) maximised window I just filed dupe bug 173092. I definetely would not "moan" (comment #22) if this long-standing annoyance were fixed soon. ;)
Hmm, me too. And we have precedent for b.m.o using custom templates for a period of time to ease a transition (the query page redo)
Attachment #93088 - Flags: review?
While customizing Bugzilla for a client I was asked to redo the layout in Red Hat style. I had a look through all relevant layout bugs that seemed relevant and I must say that I am quite positive about kiko's layout at Apart from the two colums I like the idea of giving all dropdown boxes the same size, that removes a lot of Bugzilla's disorganized look - at least that is the first impression people not familiar with Bugzilla have. Please restart the discussion in this bug and conside adopting the proposed scheme. b.m.o is the most high profile Bugzilla installation and should not be afraid of changes so much. After all Bugzilla gets advertised to the world here and it should sport the best possible design and layout.
Keywords: polish
Updating URL field with a working URL that shows a good example of what a narrower and more coherent design might look like.
Sure that URL works? I get "no such host" from behind Netscape's firewall (which is obviously just Netscape's DNS sucking), and "connection refused" on my computer that's not in the VPN.
Attached image narrow and clean layout
Yes, that URL works here from my university's network and from a local provider's network here in Aachen, Germany. That must be the firewall's fault. I'm attaching a screenshot in any case..
Please also notice how the intelligent use of blank space and grouping of the dropdown boxes greatly improves usability.
OK, I can get at it from both places now. kiko says on IRC that they had an NFS glitch and the site was actually down for a little bit. Looks really pretty, I like it.
Now that we have flags, this bug needs to take them into account. Ideas?
Kiko could you post the changes you made to get this layout as a patch or attach your templates, please? I would be interested in having a look at them.
I'll attach the custom layout I am using. Async runs a (somewhat old) CVS version of bugzilla, so it may not adapt completely, but I'm a bit overwhelmed with work and can't make a better cut here. One thing to look out for: this does *not* contain the (somewhat recent) accesskey and label fixes, so those should be merged in. I think the flag section should be displayed spread horizontally under the attachment listing, with individual flags stacked one above the other.
Attachment #93088 - Attachment is obsolete: true
We also use a custom navigation header instead of the First Last links at the top. If you do a query for bugs on on, product IndexedCatalog and try following the bug nav header at the top.
>I think the flag section should be displayed spread horizontally under the >attachment listing, with individual flags stacked one above the other. Hmm, I'm not understanding this. If the flags are stacked one above the other, aren't they spread vertically instead of horizontally?
For bug flags I suggest something like: | Create a new attachment (patch, testcase, etc) | View All | '------------------------------------------------------------------------' Flags (Help): approval: [ |v] (myk) blocking1.0: [ |v] (kiko) Having the Flags section only show up when there actually *are* flags for that bug.
Attachment #93088 - Flags: review?
I'm going to work on this sometime soon, I haven't forgotten it.
I hope so, or maybe myk can do it instead?
Target Milestone: Bugzilla 2.18 → Bugzilla 2.20
Kiko on IRC said move to 2.20
I think the same should go for the search page. Currently some of the fields go well beyond 800 pixels even at the narrowest. Especially the bug changes and email and numbering boxes.
Bugzilla 2.20 feature set is now frozen as of 15 Sept 2004. Anything flagged enhancement that hasn't already landed is being pushed out. If this bug is otherwise ready to land, we'll handle it on a case-by-case basis, please set the blocking2.20 flag to '?' if you think it qualifies.
Target Milestone: Bugzilla 2.20 → Bugzilla 2.22
The trunk is now frozen to prepare Bugzilla 2.22. Only bug fixes are accepted, no enhancement bugs. As this bug has a pretty low activity (especially from the assignee), it's retargetted to ---. If you want to work on it and you think you can have it fixed for 2.24, please retarget it accordingly (to 2.24).
Target Milestone: Bugzilla 2.22 → ---
QA Contact: mattyt-bugzilla → default-qa
Nowadays this is pretty WFM. 800x600 isn't really the web standard anymore, as most people have 17" CRTs or 15" LCDs and run at 1024x768 or above. All the Bugzilla pages that I've used recently fit nicely in 1024x768. Also, we did redesign the show_bug layout and I think it's a bit less wide, now (though it may even be slightly wider). Either way, it seems to fit in 1024x768 most of the time (unless somebody's realname or username is really long).
Closed: 18 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Summary: Bugzilla pages are too wide. → Make Bugzilla pages always fit easily in 1024x768
I still get a horizontal scrollbar at 1024x768, an *almost* maximized window, and a sidebar open. This seems to be caused primarily by the bugzilla fields: "Reported", "Modified", and "Add CC". I was hoping that bugzilla would adjust to almost *any* size viewing area. BTW: The new bugzilla layout is a huge improvement!
The idea that everyone has at least a 1024x768 display, or that they run their browser full screen even if they do, is incredibly presumptuous. Very disappointing.
This is very bad. We need to recognize that many people are faced with what should never occur; a horizontal scroll bar. Making sure all programs are properly resizable to fit the existing screen resolution is indeed part and parcel of the web standards. I use 800x600 on a 17 inch monitor. I also use 1024x768 on a 40" wide screen television monitor. There should never be a horizontal scroll bar, nor should page elements not fix within the screen confines. I hope that someone will fix this because it sure does not "work for me" and is certainly no resolved as of this date.
This problem is very annoying and still ongoing. It is odd that Bugzilla does not conform to Firefox resolutions. It is the same company for pity sake. I am attaching my screenshot of this serious problem. After the recent upgrade, Bugzilla should have had this fixed.
Flags: needinfo?(default-qa)
Shows continuing problem that is not fixed.
default-qa@bugzilla.bugs isn't a person, and cannot answer needinfo requests.
Flags: needinfo?(default-qa)
Then why is it listed? I need info. This does not work for me at that resolution, and it is reproduceable.
"needinfo" refers to information required to resolve/fix the specific bug report. If you have a specific question *how* to write code to fix this bug, just ask it.
$ fc-match sans-serif DroidSans.ttf: "Droid Sans" "Regular" It appears browser in attachment 8487977 [details] is using a wider font family for its nominal size, maybe DejaVu Sans, but quite clearly there is considerable horizontal scroll required to reach all bug list page content when using a larger than shipped browser default size. This bug may be fixed for those using the shipped default font size, or smaller, but it is not for those who've personalized their Gecko with a larger-than-shipped default size, or those who've zoomed to produce similar effect.
If your font size is pretty big as in your screenshots, it's expected to see horizontal scrolling. All the data cannot fit in your window in this case. And wrapping would make the data unreadable.
The attachement shows the current settings. Please note that Firefox has not default settings to select. Please also note that Bugzilla is one of the worst offenders on the whole Internet. Please also note that wrapping would not actually make things unreadable. That has to do with proper formatting. And finally please note that Firefox ships with a choice of fonts by default, including up to 72 point.
I need information as to how to fix this bug. Please let me know how to do it.
Flags: needinfo?(kiko)
Note the staggered column headings constitute another difference from attachment 8487977 [details], but they result from a page-provided preference all users are free to select. (In reply to Frédéric Buclin from comment #57) > If your font size is pretty big as in your screenshots, How big is "big"? 20px may be "big" to you, but it's optimal for typical web pages on most of my displays here, and often can be too small on higher density displays. On a OLPC tablet's 7.5" 200 DPI display, 20px is tiny, only 7.2pt, only 36% of the size (physical, not nominal) of the most common size preferred by ordinary users of web pages, 12pt (again, physical, neither nominal, nor CSS specification). > it's expected to see horizontal scrolling. Whether that is or ever may have been true is subject to opinion. The page's CSS "suggests" the largest x-height font family commonly installed, Verdana, while it could be specifying a narrow family for the wider than average pages that buglists often are. Now that @font and media queries are ubiquitous among browsers, buglist.cgi could be choosing an optimal font based on viewport size, choosing narrower when content would likely not fit available space, minimizing or eliminating horizontal scroll. (In reply to KitchM from comment #60) > I need information as to how to fix this bug. Please let me know how to do > it. If you're talking about fixing it for your own profile, you can do as I did for this attachment. Put the following in your Gecko profile's chrome directory in a file named userContent.css (create it yourself if it doesn't already exist; add it if it does), substituting for <your-font-family-preference> the name of any narrow font family you find installed (if you don't find any narrow font installed, install one.) and prefer on your own computer: @-moz-document domain( { body, dt, dd, p, th, li, input { font-family: sans-serif !important; } .bz_buglist td { font-family: <your-font-family-preference> !important; } } Fixing buglist.cgi for all users could be similarly simple.
Thanks, Felix. You have good comments, that also point out the many problems associated with this programming error. Actually, I want the necessary information to fix the program for all users. To continue: As I understand it, Bugzilla is created to conform to W3C standards, or should be. If it does not, then there is a programming flaw. Properly done, using a larger font or zooming in should only change the line/word wrap within a given column. Such is not the case here, and that is the only reason that readability might be hurt. Worse, there appears to be a problem with row height as well, and line wrap within the row. No one should have to adjust their browser settings unless a problem happens on all web sites. This is not the case here. This is a programming flaw with Bugzilla alone. Every site that uses Bugzilla has a similar problem. Therefore, this is a Mozilla programming problem. So I ask again, Andre, how can I fix this with proper code.
Flags: needinfo?(kiko) → needinfo?(a9016009)
(Please don't needinfo me on some code requests as that's nothing I can provide help with. Thanks.)
Flags: needinfo?(a9016009)
Okay. But you were the one who offered.
"Offered what? Where? Quote, please. Plus how is that related to "I need more information"? andre" From your comment #55, I quote: "If you have a specific question *how* to write code to fix this bug, just ask it." Obvously needed as "more information" to fix the problem.
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