Bug 573325
Opened 15 years ago
Closed 1 year ago
After using quickfilterbar, status bar wrongly shows "Searching..." forever (should show "X matches found" or "No matches found" instead)
(Thunderbird :: Search, defect)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: thomas8, Unassigned)
(Keywords: regression)
followup from bug 544628
1 quickfilter bar: search for some string
a) matching messages
b) no matching messages
- status bar shows "Searching..." for good, even after search has completed.
- only if another event happens to change the status bar, the "Searching..." msg will be removed from status bar
- this might confuse the user if search is finished or not
- when we're through with filtering, status bar must be updated:
a) "X matches found"
b) "No matches found"
Or something similar.
We can take old/existing status bar strings to fix this for 3.1 without L10n changes, tb2 had something like
"X matches found" / "No matches found".
Alternatively, again without L10n changes, but less informative, we could take the new strings that we have on the filter bar:
"X messages" / "No results"
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Updated•15 years ago
Blocks: gloda-ui-regressions
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Comment 1•15 years ago
With "sticky filter" ("keep filters applied when switching folders") and some filter words in the filter bar the misleading status msg persists even more radically, TB claims to be "searching..." almost all the time.
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Updated•15 years ago
--- → ?
Updated•15 years ago
? → ---
Flags: wanted-thunderbird+
Just a note, on Windows XP with TBird 3.1.3 (Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20100825 Thunderbird/3.1.3), when it's actually searching, there's a little animated spinning indicator (circle of dots) on the folder tab that shows when it's actually working (the folder tab is the tab that displays "<folder name> - <mailbox name>" usually in the upper left). The indicator changes back to a image of a folder when done.
Not to say that this bug isn't a problem, just pointing out an inconvenient work around.
Comment 3•14 years ago
xref bug 345366, which I was just about to dup to bug 545955.
I would imagine this is a regression from bug 545955.
note: I'm not convinced the results count is needed or wanted in status bar.
This problem is still active in Tbird 5.0 (build info no longer available in Help->About)
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Updated•13 years ago
No longer blocks: gloda-ui-regressions
I still see the problem (ie., "status bar shows 'Searching...' forever") in Tbird 9.0.1 on Windows 7 Enterprise, service pack 1. (Sorry, I don't have detailed build info. It's no longer displayed in the Help->About screen)
Comment 7•12 years ago
This is still a problem - I notice it particularly if No Matches are found, which means you don't know when to move on from the search or when to wait for more results.
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Comment 8•12 years ago
Andrew (asuth) (assignee), are you going to fix this little thing?
Confirming on TB15/winXP. Just ensure you're not getting other Status bar messages at the same time, from auto-download or auto-compaction etc., as they will overwrite the ever-lasting "Searching..." status bar text.
This should be really simple to fix. Somewhere near where we set the status bar text for "Searching...", when we're done searching, pass the result to Status bar, too.
Comment 9•12 years ago
I can review such a fix, but am not working this. Clearing assignee.
Assignee: bugmail → nobody
Comment 11•11 years ago
Reopening and adding dependency on 1051901 (and it's possible duplicates - @Thomas D. mentions memory about those in, like 1051588 - original reporter @Thomas D. seems to be in favour of this.
Comment 12•11 years ago
I just see that I can neither add the dependency nor edit my previous post...
Comment 13•7 years ago
I am still seeing this in Thunderbird 52.7.0 on Linux - kubuntu 16.04. For me, it happens using both the global search field and the one on the Quick Filter Bar.
Fairly often, it just sits there, even when I'm staring at a message that has the search target in it. I frequently have to use recoll to find messages. The "Searching" message just stays there.
I do have a lot of messages in both my IMAP and Local Folders. My whole profile (with two accounts with saved local copies of messages) is 5.3 GB, but a lot of that is undoubtedly attachments. About 1.1 GB is in IMAP.
Updated•2 years ago
Severity: minor → S4
Comment 15•1 year ago
Since 115 this is no longer relevant.
Closed: 1 year ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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