Closed Bug 59935 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Javascript function calls to plugin do not work (in Real Player)


(Core Graveyard :: Plug-ins, defect, P3)

Windows NT


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: ecohen, Assigned: serhunt)



It seems that function calls like 'doPlay(), doStop(), doPause()' which are Javascript calls to RealPlayer plugin provoke the following error : "xxx.doPlay is not a function" whatever xxx is between : - document.pluginInstanceName - document.getElementById('pluginInstanceID') My plugin is embedded to the Web page using <EMBED> tag. With netscape navigator, I use the following : - document.pluginInstanceName.doPlay() to start playing a video. We will be using Mozilla on Linux-based platforms as an interface for interactive TV applications. So far we've developed our interface on Windows NT platforms. Q: Is there another JavaScript syntax I can use ? Is this problem related to Real Player plugin (I use V.8) ?
Have you tried using the <OBJECT> tag ( It may not help, but it's worth a try...
Browser, not engine. Reassigning to Plugins component -
Assignee: rogerl → av
Component: Javascript Engine → Plug-ins
QA Contact: pschwartau → shrir
LiveConnect (4x style of plugin scripting) is not supported in mozilla. You'll have to wait for Real to ship an XPCOM plugin.
Huh? I thought we had just fixed that bug.
Lack of support for LiveConnect (as opposed to xpconnect) scripting of plugins was an architectural decision made long ago and won't be 'fixed'.
To sum up : - I had a try with <OBJECT> tag but Mozilla simply ignores it. - If I want to use plugin functions, I have to wait for the XPCOM component to be released (if it doesn't exist yet). - La balle est dans le camp de Real Networks (only Real can solve this problem) Is that it ?
Pretty much. I know that they are working on an update - it might already be included in the n6 download.
Reporter is this still a problem in the latest nightlies?
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → INVALID
This is a Real problem not ours. When they get there act together I am sure we will have many more bugs. Until then there is nothing we can do. Marking INVALID.
*** Bug 62275 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 90035 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 81136 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
This bug is not invalid. Scripting isn't working in Real on Linux. This bug has moved. See:
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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