Closed Bug 62434 Opened 24 years ago Closed 24 years ago

status bar, progress meter, throbber don't work after skin switch


(Core Graveyard :: Skinability, defect, P3)

Windows 2000


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: pete, Assigned: bugs)



From Bugzilla Helper: User-Agent: Mozilla/4.73 [en] (Windows NT 5.0; U) BuildID: 2000120804 Using the above noted build, the progress meter, status bar, and throbber all work fine, until I switch a skin. When loading a new page after switching a skin, each window that was open during the switch does not give *any* feedback from the throbber, progress meter, or status bar. If you open a new window, it will work correctly in that new window. Old windows that were around during the switch do not work correctly. I am not familiar with the mozilla codebase, so I might be way off, but I think the problem is this: During a skin switch, mozilla reloads every single webpage that is open. It turns off the all the progress indicators, so people don't get confused. The progress indicators are probably just never turned back on after the reloading is complete. This doesn't seem to depend on what skins you are switching from/to. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Open Mozilla 2. Load 2 windows with any websites you wish (not about:blank) -- The progress meter, status text, and throbber should be working fine. 3. Switch to a different skin 4. Click a link in each of those two windows. -- There should be no feedback from the status text, progress meter, or throbber in either window. 5. Press CTRL-N to open a new window. 6. Load a website --Progress meters work fine in the new window, but not the 2 previous windows. Actual Results: The status text, progress meter, and throbber do not work inside windows that were around during the skin switch Expected Results: They should work all the time. Marking severity as Major, since there is no visual feedback after switching skins for those who don't open bunches of windows. Please, change it if its not major. cc'ing hyatt. I *think* he wrote the skin switching code and is familiar with it. Pete
Progress meter part of this bug is bug 61796. I cannot reproduce the throbber and status bar part though, they work fine after theme switch. Can you still reproduce this with a nightly build? If you can, please resummarize this bug to one of the two issues, and file a new bug about the other issue. Thank you alot, Fabian.
Fabian, Thanks for trying to reproduce this. I made a mistake in my original report, saying that once a new window is opened that the 2 old windows would still not work. I was wrong, all windows *do* work correctly after a new window is opened. They do not work before the new window is opened, though. I just tested a new win2k trunk build (2000121204) and I am still seeing this bug. Also, I think that this bug should probably just be one bug, since the status text, progress meter, and throbber all stop working at the same time. That leads me to think that the same bug is probably at fault for all of them. I do not know much about programming or the mozilla code base, so I could be--and probably am--wrong. :-) Pete
confirming failure of progress bar and throbber with skin change, build 2000121204 win95 mtrunk. i would suggest that either the scope of this bug be shifted to only the failure of the throbber, since 61796 covers progressbar, or that a new bug be started altogether to cover the throbber issue. status bar is already pretty messed up, so that issue may relate to preexisting problems - see 47359, 47579.
I still don't know what to do with this... IMHO since the url location bar and the progress meter each have their own bug, this one should also be split into several ones. But at the same time they have apparently the same root. Marking new so we can get blake or ben to triage this. Fabian.
Ever confirmed: true
*** Bug 64845 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Pretriage of skinnability bugs, I guess someone needs to split a bug for either status bar or throbber and turn this one into the other.
Throbber : bug 68230 Status bar : bug 68227 Closing this one as dup of of 61796, better than nothing. I decided to open two new bugs, so the comments in this bug don't mess with further technical discussion on how to fix it. Thanks, Fabian. *** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 61796 ***
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
verified, and that bug is a dup as well.
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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