Closed Bug 63870 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Better help text in Windows Integration dialog


(SeaMonkey :: UI Design, defect, P2)

Windows 2000


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bugzilla, Assigned: law)




(Whiteboard: WinXP+)


(3 files)

When you start Mozilla for the first time you're presented with a "Windows Integration" dialog. The dialog says: "Do you want to set up Windows so that it will use this application whenever you open the kinds of documents and Internet shortcuts that this application can view?" Perhaps something like this could be added: "To change these settings later select Edit -> Preferences -> Advanced -> Windows Integration after starting Mozilla."
nav triage team: Yeah, would be nice, but don't think we'll get to it for beta1, marking nsbeta1-, reassigning to law
Assignee: vishy → law
In an ideal world we might have a button to open that preferences pane instead of forcing the user to remember...
no, really, marking nsbeta1-
Keywords: nsbeta1-
In an ideal world, this would be part of a `Mozilla Setup' utility which was launched by the installer, it would not be part of Mozilla itself. But for now ... ------ Do you want Windows to use {browserName} to display HTML and image files? [large UI font] You can change these settings later in the `Desktop Integration' category of Preferences. [small UI font] ------
Ideal worlds don't need installers. I'd much prefer to be able to specify which associations to restore rather than carte blank. If we need to trigger the prefs pane or frame that prefs pane here I don't mind. mpt's string is at least misleading. mozilla can capture: browser protocols, mail protocols, web documents, web images, internal protocols, internal file types, and some other stuff. If it isn't too hard a collapse widget hiding the relevant prefs panel might be more appropriate. We designed mozilla chrome to be modular, maybe we should use that feature.
Ok, if we're talking about protocols as well as file types, then the question should be: ------ Do you want {browserName} to be your default browser? ------
And mail client and instant messaging client, and graphic viewer, and web editor, and um what else does our suite do? But yes it's an improvement. Keep those suggestions coming ;-)
There should be separate questions for the browser, and the mail client, and the IM client. The question for a component should appear the first time the user uses that component. Asking a single `Do you want Mozilla to take over your life?' question for the whole suite is not very useful at all.
*** Bug 64630 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Marking nsbeta1- bugs as future
Target Milestone: --- → Future
*** Bug 79408 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 81795 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
ugg....this is very confusing now: After 10 minutes, I finnaly think I figured out what it was trying to ask me. This comes up all the time for me. Attempting to nominate nsbeta1 (forgive me if I do this wrong)
Keywords: nsbeta1-nsbeta1
Target Milestone: Future → ---
*** Bug 81854 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
nav triage team: nsbeta1+, p3, and mozilla0.9.3, adding to cc list
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1+
Priority: -- → P3
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.3
moving Windows Integration [formerly Desktop Integration] bugs to PaulW as qa contact.
QA Contact: sairuh → paw
*** Bug 72453 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
The dialog should read more like the Navigator 4.7x dialog. How about this: "Netscape is not registered to handle Internet Shortcuts. Would you like to register Navigator as your default browswer?"
Correction for Mozilla: The dialog should read more like the Navigator 4.7x dialog. How about this: "Mozilla is not registered to handle Internet Shortcuts. Would you like to register Mozilla as your default browswer?"
bah. this is foolish. Mozilla is not your default browser. You can change these settings in the Internet control panel. [x] I like things the way they are. <Change> <Ignore> bug 77846 is about better windows interegration.
Duplicate of 63868
nope bug 63868 was filed by the same reporter for a slightly different purpose. what is missing is a dependency tree so that people could have found that bug ...
-> me while bill's gone...
Assignee: law → blake
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.3 → mozilla0.9.4
usability/polish, 0.9.4.
This hasn't be touched since July, and is not a stop-ship IMHO. Propose we move it out to a later milestone.
*** Bug 98424 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.4 → mozilla0.9.5
Actually, this is an important part of Windows XP integration and indirectly related to XP Start menu integration (Bug 97813, Bug 95724). We need to make this clearer for our next release. While I believe separate checkboxes for Nav and Mail are the best way to go in the long run, the low cost solution we should try to get for 0.9.5 is a single combined selection, i.e.: "Would you like to make Netscape your default browswer and email program? [Yes] [No] [checkbox] Ask me next time I start Netscape." Or something like that. Saying yes should affect the behavior described in the bugs mentioned above, namely placing Nav and Mail in the default browser and mail section of the WinXP start menu. Blake, are you busy with turbo stuff? Ccing Bill. Adding nsbranch keyword.
Whiteboard: nsbranch
Adding Peter Trudelle and myself to the CC list. Peter, this was discussed in PDT yesterday and I think it is really needed in light of the XP Start Menu integration work we're doing. Not sure if Blake and Law are too busy with turbo stuff/XP start menu stuff to work on it, could you find someone to work on it if so? Thanks.
->law, since he is back and Blake is now gone. I think having a single combined browser/mail prompt would be a disaster, since at least 75% of users would answer "NO!" (cuz they use some other mail program), whereas presumably a large percentage would allow the browser to take over as default. Moving nsbranch to keywords, and plussing, p2 for 0.9.5
Assignee: blakeross → law
Keywords: nsbranch+
Priority: P3 → P2
Whiteboard: nsbranch
taking from bill
Assignee: law → pchen
Sounds like in talking to Bill that the code behind this dialog only sets the default browser, not the email app. Since this is the case and we don't have time in the short run to combine the two effectively, we can simply change the wording above the buttons to "Would you like to make Netscape your default browser?" Sounds like with implementation of SMAPI, mail will have a similar dialog. I will talk to them about that one as well.
Ok, so the patch above will insert brandShortName for %S in the initialPromptText and promptText strings. I've changed initialPromptText to be "%S is not your default browser. Would you like to make it your default browser?" I think we should make promptText also short and sweet. Any suggestions?
My suggestion: "Netscape is not currently set as your default browser. Would you like to make it your default browser?" [Yes] [No] [Cancel] [checkbox (default selected)] Ask me next time I start Netscape Ccing docs (Jatin) for input.
There's a subtle yet crucial distinction between initialPromptText and promptText. The former is asked once per installation (more or less; there might be exceptions to that) and really asks about "make this your default browser." The latter is displayed whenever the user's Advanced|System preferences are out of whack with the Windows registry. However, if the user has indicated that they don't want to have the application handle http: protocol Internet shortcuts, then the question is not at all related to being the system's "default browser." For example, it might only be related to being the system's "default .png viewer." So we either need to make promptText more generic, or, enhance the code so that if "isHandlingHTTP" is true, it uses initialPromptText rather than promptText. I think that is doable and would be much preferred by people like, say, Todd :-).
PChen/Trudelle - Staus Pls ... we are closing down today.
Whiteboard: WinXP+
The only real issue left is the text for when your the prefs that you have set in preferences->Advanced->System for file types and protocols have been overridden in the system (by say IE). The dialog text we use for thatnow : Windows is not currently set up to match your Windows Integration preferences. This means that Windows will not use this application when you open all the types of documents and Internet shortcuts that you have indicated. Do you want to update Windows to match your Windows Integration preferences? seems a bit long winded and cryptic to "normal" users. I currently have it so that "this application" will now use brandShortName instead. I'm looking for better wording that what we have now.
How about this: Windows is not set up use Netscape to open all the types of documents and Internet shortcuts you have enabled in Netscape's Windows Integration preferences. Do you want to update Windows to match your Netscape settings?
Any L10N impact here (pls check with Paul Chen on new text)? Todd - U ok with the text here? Paul - Pls add new strings, and screen shot for michele.
Whiteboard: WinXP+ → WinXP+, PDT
Paul, I just talked to Peter and Bill about this one and here's our thoughts on what we should do: 1) Use "default browser" dialog for initial prompt 2) Check when opening for changes to http, https (ftp as well? - didn't discuss this) protocol handlers and html file type only 3) If changed, give the user the same "default browser" text they saw initially. 4) Do not prompt the user in instances where other protocol handlers/internet file types are changed. This probably means that we should deselect the "Alert me if other applications change these settings" checkbox on the pref panel by default. Bill, Peter, does that sound right? Paul, Bill said that he thought this wasn't too hard to do based on his knowledge of the code. I think this path has less of a l10n impact as well.
What about: You have set up Windows to open some types of documents or Internet shortcuts in Mozilla. However, another application has changed these settings. Do you want your previous settings to be restored?
Todd: yes, that sounds fine. Paul: should Bill now have this bug, or can you handle it?
Any and all UI changes need to be checked into the Branch by tomorrow's build 9/25. After that l10n cannot accept UI changes/additions. thanks
I recommend Todd's suggested wording dated 9/21. It's more in line with what these "browser check" dialog boxes have looked like previously.
Attached patch updated patchSplinter Review
As per Michelle's comments, really need to get this r= and sr= and checked in before tomorrow.
Well, it's almost 7pm PDT, and I only have an r=danm (thanks, Dan!). I've been trying to find hyatt (his laptop is still here), but haven't seen him. Also, I need to get a PDT+. Thinks don't looks too promising.
If this is not a stop ship, and you can't get it checked in today, can you please do this on the trunk only? We cannot accept any UI changes after today to the branch. Any UI changes after today will not make it into the localized products. Putting the localized products at risk. thanks.
PChen - Looks like the reviews are there. Please update Patch Status, and resolve this ASAP. We need it, we like it ... bring it to the PDT @ noon for approval.
Attachment #50619 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #50619 - Flags: review+
Attachment #50620 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #50620 - Flags: review+
check it in - PDT+
Whiteboard: WinXP+, PDT → WinXP+, PDT+
Checked into branch but I don't think we necessarily want this patch on the trunk. Marking fixed and will open a new bug for trunk
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Verified FIXED using the commercial branch 2001-09-27 build on Windows 2000.
I have been looking for the new bug that is supposed to cover the trunk's behavior, but can't locate it. Can you point this bug to it please? Thanks.
Reopening. This bug was filed about the trunk, and it's still not fixed in the trunk. (At least it wasn't in 0.9.6, months after this bug was marked fixed.)
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Can we set the target milestone to mozilla0.9.7 or above ? (Please have a look at . I think its not good for the image of moz.)
->law, nsbeta1, clear target
Assignee: pchen → law
Keywords: nsbranch+nsbeta1
Whiteboard: WinXP+, PDT+ → WinXP+
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.5 → ---
fixed, rite?
Yes, fixed (albeit in a slightly different fashion).
Closed: 23 years ago23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
QA Contact: stephend → claudius
v 20020222
Product: Core → Mozilla Application Suite
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