Closed Bug 717753 Opened 13 years ago Closed 13 years ago

[SeaMonkey] mochitest-a11y: test_focus_browserui.xul needs to support non-Firefox applications too


(Core :: Disability Access APIs, defect)

Not set



Tracking Status
firefox10 --- wontfix
firefox11 --- verified
firefox-esr10 --- wontfix


(Reporter: sgautherie, Assigned: sgautherie)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: regression, Whiteboard: [perma-orange][qa-])


(1 file)

*** -central (SM 2.9a1) Linux comm-central-trunk debug test mochitest-other on 2012/01/12 01:48:18 WINNT 5.2 comm-central-trunk debug test mochitest-other on 2012/01/12 09:20:09 { 2656 ERROR TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | chrome://mochitests/content/a11y/accessible/events/test_focus_autocomplete.xul | Test timed out. 2659 ERROR TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | chrome://mochitests/content/a11y/accessible/events/test_focus_browserui.xul | an unexpected uncaught JS exception reported through window.onerror - gA11yEventListeners is undefined at chrome://mochitests/content/a11y/accessible/events.js:1438 ... } *** -central (SM 2.8a1) Linux comm-central-trunk debug test mochitest-other on 2011/12/13 10:10:51 rev:78ef1297c71d moz:3c321d2c9884 WINNT 5.2 comm-central-trunk debug test mochitest-other on 2011/12/13 13:21:45 rev:808503d44ba1 moz:271d2711b66c Already failing. *** -aurora (SM 2.8a2) WINNT 5.2 comm-aurora debug test mochitest-other on 2011/12/22 18:22:42 rev:229f9bf65df3 moz:7c408ff60a8e { mochitest-a11y 3826/25630/8 } 2nd regression. WINNT 5.2 comm-aurora debug test mochitest-other on 2011/12/22 02:29:43 rev:ae083d2568ed moz:7c408ff60a8e { 2657 ERROR TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | chrome://mochitests/content/a11y/accessible/events/test_focus_autocomplete.xul | Test timed out. 2662 ERROR TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | chrome://mochitests/content/a11y/accessible/events/test_focus_browserui.xul | an unexpected uncaught JS exception reported through window.onerror - gA11yEventListeners is undefined at chrome://mochitests/content/a11y/accessible/events.js:1438 ... mochitest-a11y 4272/9663/1180 } 1st regression. Regression timeframe: MANY MANY changesets: *_BASE_20111220 ! *** -aurora (SM 2.7a2) WINNT 5.2 comm-aurora debug test mochitest-other on 2011/12/20 16:40:16 rev:e2a0482484a7 moz:0d8490e27457 { 2779 ERROR TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | chrome://mochitests/content/a11y/accessible/events/test_focus_autocomplete.xul | Test timed out. mochitest-a11y 2495/1/7 } Not this bug (yet). WINNT 5.2 comm-beta debug test mochitest-other on 2012/01/12 06:49:17 { 2787 INFO TEST-INFO | chrome://mochitests/content/a11y/accessible/events/test_focus_browserui.xul | [SimpleTest/SimpleTest.js, window.onerror] An error occurred: gA11yEventListeners is undefined at chrome://mochitests/content/a11y/accessible/events.js:1437 } Hum, the test(s) didn't change, but, after bug 652494, these "warnings" are now errors... ***** Locally, with an opt build, I reproduce a timeout, with an Error Console warning: "No chrome package registered for chrome://browser/content/browser.xul"
(In reply to Serge Gautherie (:sgautherie) from comment #1) > "No chrome package registered for chrome://browser/content/browser.xul" is Firefox specific :-< *** SeaMonkey equivalent is to be loaded through "chrome://navigator/content/navigator.xul" As a confirmztion, if I s|"chrome://browser/content/"|"chrome://navigator/content/navigator.xul"| in test_focus_browserui.xul, then that test succeeds :-)
Assignee: nobody →
Depends on: 647414
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla12
I also used Firefox URI rather than URL, to be more explicit (easier MXR search, ...). NB: This one test is the cause of all (but 1) of the (new) errors :-/
Attachment #588258 - Flags: review?(marco.zehe)
Blocks: 673958
No longer depends on: 647414
Comment on attachment 588258 [details] [diff] [review] (Av1) test_focus_browserui.xul: Support SeaMonkey too [Checked in: See comments 7 and 14] r=me. Thanks for fixing this!
Attachment #588258 - Flags: review?(marco.zehe) → review+
Shouldn't you be using the browser.chromeURL preference?
Blocks: 717963
(In reply to from comment #5) > Shouldn't you be using the browser.chromeURL preference? Thanks! I'll do that.
Blocks: 717969
No longer blocks: 717963
Summary: [SeaMonkey] mochitest-a11y: lots(!) of tests fail → [SeaMonkey] mochitest-a11y: test_focus_browserui.xul fails and causes lots/all of following tests to fail too
Comment on attachment 588258 [details] [diff] [review] (Av1) test_focus_browserui.xul: Support SeaMonkey too [Checked in: See comments 7 and 14] Av1, with comment 5 suggestion(s). [Approval Request Comment] Regression caused by (bug #): bug 652494. User impact if declined: none, just perma-orange on SeaMonkey for almost the whole a11y suite. Testing completed (on m-c, etc.): this comment, (soon) to be verified. Risk to taking this patch (and alternatives if risky): "No risk", test-only which doesn't change anything on "Firefox" side.
Attachment #588258 - Attachment description: (Av1) test_focus_browserui.xul: Support SeaMonkey too → (Av1) test_focus_browserui.xul: Support SeaMonkey too [Checked in: See comment 7]
Attachment #588258 - Flags: approval-mozilla-aurora?
Closed: 13 years ago
Flags: in-testsuite+
Resolution: --- → FIXED
(In reply to Serge Gautherie (:sgautherie) from comment #7) > Comment on attachment 588258 [details] [diff] [review] > (Av1) test_focus_browserui.xul: Support SeaMonkey too > [Checked in: See comment 7] > > > Av1, with comment 5 suggestion(s). IMO, the pref choice here probably should have had review (but I'm not sure, not thinking on it too hard) > [Approval Request Comment] IMO, this test-change is not worth it on aurora, given that SeaMonkey on aurora still has horrid test-coverage results atm, so I don't think we'd gain all that much by getting this approved/checked-in.
(In reply to Justin Wood (:Callek) from comment #8) > IMO, the pref choice here probably should have had review (but I'm not sure, > not thinking on it too hard) I don't disagree, but please ... there are review requests (of mine) waiting for you if you have spare time :-| > > [Approval Request Comment] > > IMO, this test-change is not worth it on aurora, given that SeaMonkey on > aurora still has horrid test-coverage results atm, so I don't think we'd > gain all that much by getting this approved/checked-in. This fix helps (me) uncover hidden/remaining failures: as in less horrid. Given how much time I(!) spend trying to sort (and fix) all these failures out once again, please ... let me choose which fixes I would like to be backported: this one is one of the few.
(In reply to Serge Gautherie (:sgautherie) from comment #0) > 2656 ERROR TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | > chrome://mochitests/content/a11y/accessible/events/test_focus_autocomplete. > xul | Test timed out. (In reply to Serge Gautherie (:sgautherie) from comment #3) > NB: This one test is the cause of all (but 1) of the (new) errors :-/ Err, it's test_focus_autocomplete.xul which actually triggers "all" the other failures. (I must have confused something when I tested at that time.) I filed bug 718237 about test_focus_autocomplete.xul timeout. I filed bug 718235 about the 1 uncovered failure. ***** (In reply to Serge Gautherie (:sgautherie) from comment #1) > Locally, with an opt build, I reproduce a timeout (In reply to Serge Gautherie (:sgautherie) from comment #9) > This fix helps (me) uncover hidden/remaining failures: as in less horrid. I was wrong at that. I agree this fix is less important then I thought previously. Yet, it would avoid a (long) timeout if/when bug 718237 is fixed on (SM 2.8) Aurora.
Summary: [SeaMonkey] mochitest-a11y: test_focus_browserui.xul fails and causes lots/all of following tests to fail too → [SeaMonkey] mochitest-a11y: test_focus_browserui.xul needs to support non-Firefox applications too
No longer blocks: 652494
Comment on attachment 588258 [details] [diff] [review] (Av1) test_focus_browserui.xul: Support SeaMonkey too [Checked in: See comments 7 and 14] [Triage Comment] I understand that the benefit here may not be great, but this is a test-only fix without any effect on Firefox. It's difficult to argue that we shouldn't take it for risk reasons, so I'm just going to a+
Attachment #588258 - Flags: approval-mozilla-aurora? → approval-mozilla-aurora+
Keywords: checkin-needed
Whiteboard: [perma-orange] → [c-n: to m-a] [perma-orange]
This missed aurora, removing checkin-needed to help clear out the checkin-needed saved search (presume you would need re-approval for beta anyway).
Keywords: checkin-needed
Whiteboard: [c-n: to m-a] [perma-orange] → [perma-orange]
Comment on attachment 588258 [details] [diff] [review] (Av1) test_focus_browserui.xul: Support SeaMonkey too [Checked in: See comments 7 and 14] [Approval Request Comment] Per comment 12.
Attachment #588258 - Flags: approval-mozilla-beta?
Attachment #588258 - Flags: approval-mozilla-beta? → approval-mozilla-beta+
Keywords: checkin-needed
Whiteboard: [perma-orange] → [c-n: to m-b] [perma-orange]
Comment on attachment 588258 [details] [diff] [review] (Av1) test_focus_browserui.xul: Support SeaMonkey too [Checked in: See comments 7 and 14]
Attachment #588258 - Attachment description: (Av1) test_focus_browserui.xul: Support SeaMonkey too [Checked in: See comment 7] → (Av1) test_focus_browserui.xul: Support SeaMonkey too [Checked in: See comments 7 and 14]
Keywords: checkin-needed
Whiteboard: [c-n: to m-b] [perma-orange] → [perma-orange]
Whiteboard: [perma-orange] → [perma-orange][qa-]
(In reply to Serge Gautherie (:sgautherie) from comment #7) > WINNT 5.2 comm-aurora debug test mochitest-other on 2012/02/24 00:22:29 { 2689 INFO TEST-END | chrome://mochitests/content/a11y/accessible/events/test_focus_browserui.xul | finished in 5523ms } V.Fixed (In reply to Jens Hatlak (:InvisibleSmiley) from comment #14) > WINNT 5.2 comm-beta debug test mochitest-other on 2012/02/24 04:18:33 { 2680 INFO TEST-END | chrome://mochitests/content/a11y/accessible/events/test_focus_browserui.xul | finished in 5174ms } firefox11: verified.
No longer depends on: OrangeFactorCommApps
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