Closed Bug 819357 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Please re-image the following win64 slaves


(Infrastructure & Operations :: RelOps: General, task)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: armenzg, Assigned: dustin)



They have gone through lots of hand modifications for the Elm branch. I would like them to have a new beginning. w64-ix-slave11 w64-ix-slave20 w64-ix-slave42 w64-ix-slave43 Thanks a lot!
I'll work on these today.
Assignee: server-ops-releng → arich
Depends on: 819376
20 and 42 have been reinstalled. 11 and 34 are waiting on a power cycle in the blocker bug.
Assignee: arich → dustin
Don't use 20 and 42 yet - they seem to have the Win 8 SDK installed (despite disabling that step)
I assume those are the old steps that MaRu had for the old sdk (prior Nov. 15th). We assume the builders will come without the SDK and then install them by hand:
Yes, it was a work-in-progress he did. I had hoped to experiment with installing it the "right" way today, but things are not going quickly..
FTR, this is not an urgent request since we have enough win64 capacity.
So, I * disabled the "Install Windows SDK 8.0" step in the task sequence * updated the deployment share * installed from WDS and in the end, it looks like the SDK is installed anyway: Directory of c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0 12/07/2012 01:39 PM <DIR> . 12/07/2012 01:39 PM <DIR> .. 12/07/2012 01:39 PM <DIR> bin 12/07/2012 01:39 PM <DIR> build 12/07/2012 01:39 PM <DIR> Catalogs 12/07/2012 01:39 PM <DIR> Debuggers 12/07/2012 01:39 PM <DIR> DesignTime 12/07/2012 01:38 PM <DIR> Include 12/07/2012 01:38 PM <DIR> Lib 12/07/2012 01:38 PM <DIR> Redist 12/07/2012 01:39 PM <DIR> References 12/07/2012 01:39 PM <DIR> Remote 06/27/2012 07:06 PM 330 SDKManifest.xml 07/02/2012 07:00 PM 61,548 sdk_license.rtf 06/27/2012 07:06 PM 62,297 sdk_third_party_notices.rtf 12/07/2012 01:39 PM <DIR> Shortcuts 12/07/2012 01:39 PM <DIR> Windows Performance Toolkit 3 File(s) 124,175 bytes 14 Dir(s) 36,917,960,704 bytes free c:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0>
Chris, this was where I was seeing the TS step run despite being disabled. I'm sure I'm doing something wrong -- maybe some other step is installing it too?
What is the status on this? where can I help?
FTR, the drive should be E: rather than D:
Last I heard, these weren't a capacity problem at the moment, so I'm saving these for Chris's help with when he's back online. I just heard that's next Monday, not today as I misunderstood.
Thanks for the info. WFM.
Depends on: 827497
All four have been reimaged.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Dustin: is "No module named buildslave.bat" expected on these?
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Nope. Looks like that happens after slavealloc, so it didn't appear until you enabled. That's no fun, because the task sequences don't change that :( Not sure how this is installed normally.
These were perma-red this morning; I've taken my master down to do other build testing. The slaves are currently disabled in slavealloc.
Staging tests were successful, back in production.
Closed: 12 years ago12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Component: Server Operations: RelEng → RelOps
Product: → Infrastructure & Operations
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