Closed Bug 833182 Opened 12 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Story - Updating Metro Firefox


(Tracking Graveyard :: Metro Operations, defect, P2)

Windows 8.1


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: asa, Assigned: bbondy)



(Whiteboard: feature=story c=Settings_pane_options_and_about u=metro_firefox_user p=13)


(2 files)

No description provided.
Depends on: 794936, 794937
Whiteboard: feature=story status=for_sprint c=Settings_pane_options_and_about u=metro_firefox_user → feature=story status=for_sprint c=Settings_pane_options_and_about u=metro_firefox_user p=0
Whiteboard: feature=story status=for_sprint c=Settings_pane_options_and_about u=metro_firefox_user p=0 → feature=story c=Settings_pane_options_and_about u=metro_firefox_user p=0
Whiteboard: feature=story c=Settings_pane_options_and_about u=metro_firefox_user p=0 → feature=story c=Settings_pane_options_and_about u=metro_firefox_user p=8
Whiteboard: feature=story c=Settings_pane_options_and_about u=metro_firefox_user p=8 → feature=story c=Settings_pane_options_and_about u=metro_firefox_user p=13
Component: General → Metro Operations
Product: Firefox for Metro → Tracking
Version: unspecified → ---
Depends on: 835151
I think this should be split up into 2: - Story bug 833182 should only contain work bug 794937 which allows updating Firefox in the background (P2) p=8 - Story bug 833182 should only contain work bug 835151 which gives users the ability to update Now in Metro with UI (P5? v2?) p=8
Flags: needinfo?(mmucci)
Sorry the last message should read: I think this should be split up into 2: - Story bug 833182 should only contain work bug 794937 which allows updating Firefox in the background (P2) p=8 - Story bug XX_NEW_XX should only contain work bug 835151 which gives users the ability to update Now in Metro with UI (P5? v2?) p=8
No longer depends on: 835151
QA Contact: jbecerra
Whiteboard: feature=story c=Settings_pane_options_and_about u=metro_firefox_user p=13 → feature=story c=Settings_pane_options_and_about u=metro_firefox_user p=8
Hi Asa, with the removal of work item 835151 as a dependency, does the current user story need any modification?
Flags: needinfo?(mmucci)
Depends on: 846255
Assignee: nobody → netzen
Blocks: metrov1it5
No longer blocks: metrov1backlog
Updating points based on more realistic scope of work
Whiteboard: feature=story c=Settings_pane_options_and_about u=metro_firefox_user p=8 → feature=story c=Settings_pane_options_and_about u=metro_firefox_user p=13
Blocks: metrov1it6
No longer blocks: metrov1it5
Depends on: 715746
Depends on: 572162
Depends on: 861322
Depends on: 866229
Summary: Story - Updating Firefox → Story - Updating Metro Firefox
Depends on: 866247
Blocks: metrov1it7
No longer blocks: metrov1it6
Depends on: 874323
QA notes for testing: Please note that there is a change story in bug 866229 (for adding a preference to turn off metro updates) and a Defect story in bug 874323 (about Metro Firefox not closing itself when applying updates) left to do. These will be tasks in iteration 8. Please test ignoring those 2 things.
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Trying to verify this with a build from the 24th of May. I'll write two possible issues and wait for feedback - I'm not sure if intentional or not. 1. If I haven't searched for updates via Desktop Firefox (open Metro directly and the About section afterwards) => "Checking for updates" message and afterwards: Firefox is up to date I would have expected it to find an update. 2. If I previously opened the About dialog in Metro, Desktop Firefox will display the "Nightly is being updated by another instance" in the About dialog until Metro is closed. (it's the same the other way around, Desktop - Metro) Apart from that everything looks in place: "Checking for updates" message, Metro Firefox restart Firefox button when Desktop has been updated.
Flags: needinfo?(netzen)
#2 is expected, for #1, are you sure it says up to date when it's not? Works for me.
Flags: needinfo?(netzen)
Yes. I can't get the restart button until I update in desktop nightly. (tried with builds from the 24th and 26th) Pave over and clean install. Same result. Anything else I should check?
It's probably the app update url needs to be updated for m-c as well. I'll file a bug for releng See
re-opened that bug for RelEng, so for #1 you'll have to wait to retest that until that's done.
Depends on: 882142
Bug 866247 is fixed now and updates work. Used a build from the 27th of May: -opening Metro's About dialog with Desktop Nightly closed will start downloading the update. -Once the update is applied, a Restart button is displayed -Metro is restarted in the background This seems ok, but it doesn't correspond with one step from the User Story - 3a (no initial Update button): "The user sees that Firefox is out of date and a button for updating Firefox." I'll ask for confirmation before setting this to verified.
Flags: needinfo?(asa)
Unless there's an important reason to diverge from how the about box on Desktop Firefox works, I'd like to keep the process the same. Updates are already complicated enough and hard enough to troubleshoot with people.
Depends on: 882598
Depends on: 890626
Depends on: 889039
Depends on: 893781
Depends on: 893784
Depends on: 913307
Flags: needinfo?(asa)
Depends on: 966019
OS: Windows 8 Metro → Windows 8.1
Product: Tracking → Tracking Graveyard
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