Closed Bug 936532 Opened 11 years ago Closed 6 years ago

Add @formFactor global / formFactor() macro to l10n.js


(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia::L10n, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: stas, Assigned: zbraniecki)



(Whiteboard: [flatfish][TCP=feature-p2])


(1 file)

To differentiate between types of devices (phone, tablet, desktop), it would be useful to have a way to define variants of translations for each type.

For instance, the current "Device information" string might read "Phone information" on small-screen phones, and "Tablet information" on tablets.

I suggest we add this once we land the l10n.js refactor (bug 914414).  The refactor implements many concepts from L20n and modularizes the code, so we can add this with little effort.

As far as implementation goes, we could either implement this as what L20n calls "global variables" (, or as a macro (similar to the current plural() macro).  Let's discuss the pros and cons of each approach in this bug.
I believe global variable will be better here since we have no input to process, just static data.
Blocks: flatfish
I actually changed my mind. Because of the way we work in Gaia, I think it should be a macro provided by Gaia.

I'm working on a patch to add that.
Depends on: 940772
Attached patch POCSplinter Review
This patch adds a formFactor macro that allows for:

settings={[ formFactor() ]}
settings[mobile] = Settings Mobile
settings[tablet] = Settings Tablet

it currently always returns mobile, since I don't know do we want to identify tablet scenario.
I see several potential solutions:
 - resolution
 - aspect ratio
 - device name
 - some form factor API

Once we have dependencies landed this is going to be trivial to land.
Assignee: nobody → gandalf
Nice work.  I think the more difficult part will be figuring out how to customize this on build time.  We might need some Makefile magic to change the return value of the macro.  Or, if the information about the device type is already stored somewhere, the macro could be made more agnostic and just query this other place.
(In reply to Zbigniew Braniecki [:gandalf] from comment #3)
> Created attachment 8334975 [details] [diff] [review]
> This patch adds a formFactor macro that allows for:
> settings={[ formFactor() ]}
> settings[mobile] = Settings Mobile
> settings[tablet] = Settings Tablet
> it currently always returns mobile, since I don't know do we want to
> identify tablet scenario.
> I see several potential solutions:
>  - resolution
>  - aspect ratio
>  - device name
>  - some form factor API

From what I have been told people on the web determine that based on the width (using a virtual limit of 768px) and the orientation (landscape for tablet).
(In reply to Vivien Nicolas (:vingtetun) (:21) from comment #5)
> From what I have been told people on the web determine that based on the
> width (using a virtual limit of 768px) and the orientation (landscape for
> tablet).

that may work for UI, but we don't want to change the localization based on the orientation here.

awesome={[ formFactor() ]}
awesome[tablet] = Your tablet is awesome
awesome[mobile] = Your phone is awesome

I don't think we should select depending on the device orientation here.

As for resolution, that also sounds a bit risky to assume (and as we get more devices with higher DPI we'll have to change that?)
Please don't change the localization based on the orientation. Since once we have a ipod-touch-like device, and it will also be recognized as 'mobile'.
it would be good to figure out this quickly, as asa's pushing to get a lot of tablet working going soon.
I'm concerned that the variable here isn't the right one. Like,
Component: Gaia → Gaia::L10n
Is this still actively being worked on? We need something similar for bug 908300, but would love to rely on this if possible.
Flags: needinfo?(gandalf)
(In reply to Michael Henretty [:mhenretty] from comment #10)
> Is this still actively being worked on? We need something similar for bug
> 908300, but would love to rely on this if possible.

There's a dependency here. Our toolchain currently cannot deal with string variants. I'll start working on that dependency (and file bugs) next week.
Flags: needinfo?(gandalf)
Blocks: 1006359
Depends on: 1006545
Our build system now able to pass GAIA_DEVICE_TYPE in. l10n could reference that type

# GAIA_DEVICE_TYPE customization
# phone - default
# tablet
# tv

defined in gaia/Makefile
Priority: -- → P3
Thanks for the heads-up, Fred.  It looks like it could be very helpful indeed.

There were questions in bug 908300 about how this bug could solve sizing issues for localizations.  However, I think it is more about providing better UX for cases when you don't want to use a generic 'device' term and instead would prefer to use 'tablet' or 'phone' in the copy.

Sizing is a much more complex problem: screen size, resolution (dpi), orientation, installed fonts.  It's also much more language-specific, which is to say that where one language will be happy with a single-variant one-size-fits-all translation, another would like to be more granular and define a number of translations for different sizes. As Zibi explained in comment 11, this would currently not work with our infrastructure which relies on the fact that strings in properties files map 1-to-1 with en-US, including subvariants, and also would lack support from localization authoring tools, like Pootle and Transifex.
Whiteboard: [flatfish]
Whiteboard: [flatfish] → [flatfish][TCP=feature-p2]
Blocks: 1059704
Blocks: 1055970
Summary: Add @formFactor global / formFactor() macro to l10n.js → [Flatfish] Add @formFactor global / formFactor() macro to l10n.js
Why did you alter the title of a bug in our component? This bug covers more than flatfish.
Flags: needinfo?(feer56)
Woops, sorry about that. I thought it would be easier to track for Flatfish. Most sincere apologies.
Flags: needinfo?(feer56)
Summary: [Flatfish] Add @formFactor global / formFactor() macro to l10n.js → Add @formFactor global / formFactor() macro to l10n.js
Firefox OS is not being worked on
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
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