Closed Bug 1054947 Opened 11 years ago Closed 9 months ago

"It looks like you haven't started Firefox in a while" message because NFS doesn't update lock modification time


(Toolkit :: Startup and Profile System, defect, P3)




129 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox128 --- verified
firefox129 --- verified


(Reporter: djst, Assigned: Gijs)




(3 files)

I'm getting the message to Reset Firefox on my Firefox beta (32.0) despite running Firefox daily for a living. Did we regress here? I saw bug 896276 but it's an old one.
Summary: "It looks like you haven't started Firefox in a while" message despite → "It looks like you haven't started Firefox in a while" message despite running Firefox daily
Matt, can you help figure out what's going on here?
Blocks: 498181
Flags: needinfo?(MattN+bmo)
David, do you have any special Firefox launcher or profile setup (e.g. on a network share)? Can you also provide the result of Services.appinfo.replacedLockTime from the Browser Console[1]? [1]
Flags: needinfo?(MattN+bmo) → needinfo?(djst)
Thanks, I confused it with the Web Console. Here are the results: Services.appinfo.replacedLockTime 1409037992000
It happened again today, I got that info bar at the bottom complaining about Firefox... starting... slowly again. Not sure if this is related, but Firefox *is* acting slowly too, but not during startup. I frequently suffer from "Not responding" lockups of the entire browser and just recently had to Force Quit it. I do have iMacros running, if that's relevant. Services.appinfo.replacedLockTime 1409754389000
This morning I got it again. "It looks like you haven't started Firefox in a while. Do you want to clean it up for a fresh, like-new experience? And by the way, welcome back!" Again, my browser is running constantly. It recently crashed, maybe that's related? Services.appinfo.replacedLockTime 1325376057000
Matt, are there any other steps I need to take here? Don't want this bug to be forgotten as it could potentially affect many more than just myself.
Flags: needinfo?(MattN+bmo)
Flags: firefox-backlog+
Flags: qe-verify?
MattN, I keep getting this bug from time to time. I have a hard time imagining that I would be the only user that is affected by it. Could you explain what Firefox does to determine that I haven't started it in a while? Is there a particular file it checks? Would love to understand this better. My sense is, it should be fairly easy to determine that I have indeed started Firefox recently - my profile is literally filled with files with recent modification dates.
From nsProfileLock::Lock it looks like the mtime of the ".parentlock" (on OS X) file in the profile is used.
Component: Untriaged → General
My fiancée hit this. STR: * Install Firefox (at the time, 37 Beta on OS X 10.8, but I doubt it matters). * Use it for two straight months without restarting the machine or relaunching Firefox.
(In reply to Richard Newman [:rnewman] from comment #11) > * Use it for two straight months without restarting the machine or > relaunching Firefox. Yeah, that's a known limitation of the current approach. David, do you also leave the same Firefox session running for 60 days or more?
Flags: needinfo?(MattN+bmo) → needinfo?(djst)
See Also: → 1091619
This is also a duplicate of bug 1011978. And yes, I do leave the same Firefox session running for 60 days or more.
MattN: yes, that's fairly likely that I've sometimes left Firefox and the machine running for 2 months. That is, without rebooting (but putting it on standby). I didn't know that was a limitation, that would certainly explain this. Why aren't we looking at when history was most recently updated instead?
Flags: needinfo?(djst)
(In reply to David Tenser [:djst] from comment #14) > MattN: yes, that's fairly likely that I've sometimes left Firefox and the > machine running for 2 months. That is, without rebooting (but putting it on > standby). I didn't know that was a limitation, that would certainly explain > this. Why aren't we looking at when history was most recently updated > instead? Because you can run Firefox without saving history (permanent private browsing mode).
(In reply to Friedrich Volkmann from comment #13) > This is also a duplicate of bug 1011978. And yes, I do leave the same > Firefox session running for 60 days or more. This isn't quite a duplicate - you're seeing this on every new window, and this bug is about this happening after you restart 60 days past the last restart. I wonder if in order to fix this, we could touch the lockfile on shutdown. Don't know if that's a really dumb idea. Matt?
Flags: needinfo?(MattN+bmo)
(In reply to :Gijs Kruitbosch from comment #16) > I wonder if in order to fix this, we could touch the lockfile on shutdown. But you'd still get the message if Firefox or the system crashes or otherwise goes down uncleanly after a long period of continuous operation. The date probably needs to be updated periodically while Firefox is running (such as once per day or per week or so).
Blocks: 1351616
Whiteboard: [photon-onboarding]
Priority: -- → P1
Target Milestone: --- → Firefox 56
Assignee: nobody → fliu
Flags: qe-verify? → qe-verify+
QA Contact: jwilliams
Comment on attachment 8871336 [details] Bug 1054947 - Fix misjudging user who always uses and never closes Firefox as one that hasn't used Firefox for a long time ::: browser/components/nsBrowserGlue.js:902 (Diff revision 1) > + profilesIni.append("profiles.ini"); > + if (!profilesIni.exists()) { > + profilesIni = profileDir.parent.parent; > + profilesIni.append("profiles.ini"); > + if (!profilesIni.exists()) { > + throw "Failed to find profiles.ini"; Basically this case shouldn't happen however in case of any unexpected thing, still a try-catch still be added here so as to make sure the start-up process couls proceed. Should we report this error here using, say, telemetry service if really happened?
Comment on attachment 8871336 [details] Bug 1054947 - Fix misjudging user who always uses and never closes Firefox as one that hasn't used Firefox for a long time Hi Matt, This patch switches to using the last modified time of the profiles.ini file to check the last Firefox-used time. Thanks
Attachment #8871336 - Flags: review?(MattN+bmo)
Comment on attachment 8871336 [details] Bug 1054947 - Fix misjudging user who always uses and never closes Firefox as one that hasn't used Firefox for a long time ::: browser/components/nsBrowserGlue.js:892 (Diff revision 1) > + // The profiles.ini could be located in the parent or the parent of prarent folder of profile dir, > + // depending on different OS platform. > + let profileService = Cc[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIToolkitProfileService); > + let profileDir = profileService.selectedProfile.rootDir; > + profilesIni = profileDir.parent; > + profilesIni.append("profiles.ini"); > + if (!profilesIni.exists()) { > + profilesIni = profileDir.parent.parent; > + profilesIni.append("profiles.ini"); > + if (!profilesIni.exists()) { > + throw "Failed to find profiles.ini"; > + } > + } I think if you use `UAppData` you avoid this problem: ```js Services.dirsvc.get("UAppData", Ci.nsIFile) ``` ::: browser/components/nsBrowserGlue.js:912 (Diff revision 1) > + _profilesIniTouchTimer: null, > + > + _touchProfilesIniScheduled: false, > + > + _scheduleTouchProfilesIni() { > + if (!this._touchProfilesIniScheduled) { > + // For every 24 hours, we touch the profiles.ini's `lastModifiedTime`. > + // In this way, for users who don't close Firefox for months, > + // we will still be able to know their last-used time. > + const NEXT_TOUCH_PROFILES_INI_24_HR = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; > + this._touchProfilesIniScheduled = true; > + > + if (!this._profilesIniTouchTimer) { > + this._profilesIniTouchTimer = Cc[";1"].createInstance(Ci.nsITimer); > + } > + this._profilesIniTouchTimer.init(() => { > + this._touchProfilesIniScheduled = false; > + let profilesIni = this._getProfilesIni(); > + if (profilesIni) { > + profilesIni.lastModifiedTime =; > + this._scheduleTouchProfilesIni(); > + } > + }, NEXT_TOUCH_PROFILES_INI_24_HR, Ci.nsITimer.TYPE_ONE_SHOT); I have to think about the overall approach a bit more but in the meantime I think it could be simplified a bit using DeferredTask.jsm
Attachment #8871336 - Flags: review?(MattN+bmo)
Comment on attachment 8871336 [details] Bug 1054947 - Fix misjudging user who always uses and never closes Firefox as one that hasn't used Firefox for a long time > I think if you use `UAppData` you avoid this problem: > ```js > Services.dirsvc.get("UAppData", Ci.nsIFile) > ``` Thanks for reminding this, updated. > I have to think about the overall approach a bit more but in the meantime I think it could be simplified a bit using DeferredTask.jsm Thanks for reminding. Switched to DeferredTask.
Comment on attachment 8871336 [details] Bug 1054947 - Fix misjudging user who always uses and never closes Firefox as one that hasn't used Firefox for a long time Hi Matt, About the overall approach, one consideration is about the windows stub installer. If the current user hasn't used FF for over 60 days, the stub installer will present a dialog with checkbox saying the profile auto-refresh will be done. And do auto-refresh if user doesn't opt-out. One possible reason using the profiles.ini is that the stub installer could simply check one file's lastModifiedTime, then present that dialog, then execute `$ firefox --reset-profile` to do auto-refresh when launching Firefox. Thanks.
Attachment #8871336 - Flags: review?(MattN+bmo)
Blocks: 1369255
Comment on attachment 8871336 [details] Bug 1054947 - Fix misjudging user who always uses and never closes Firefox as one that hasn't used Firefox for a long time I have lots of comments but it's not too bad. ::: browser/components/nsBrowserGlue.js:898 (Diff revision 3) > + }, > + > + _touchProfilesIniTask: null, > + > + _scheduleTouchProfilesIni() { > + if (!this._touchProfilesIniTask) { Nit: Do an early return if it's truthy instead to avoid nesting/indentation. ::: browser/components/nsBrowserGlue.js:899 (Diff revision 3) > + > + _touchProfilesIniTask: null, > + > + _scheduleTouchProfilesIni() { > + if (!this._touchProfilesIniTask) { > + let { DeferredTask } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/DeferredTask.jsm", {}); Might as put this in the lazy module getter array at the top of the file (alphabetically) ::: browser/components/nsBrowserGlue.js:902 (Diff revision 3) > + // we will still be able to know their last-used time. > + const NEXT_TOUCH_PROFILES_INI_24_HR = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; Move this adjacent to `OFFER_PROFILE_RESET_INTERVAL_MS` and then pass the timestamp as an argument to `_scheduleTouchProfilesIni`. Then write a mochitest-browser-chrome calling `_scheduleTouchProfilesIni` with a low number and ensure that the timestamp gets updated. This will ensure that the time gets flushed on every OS. ::: browser/components/nsBrowserGlue.js:903 (Diff revision 3) > + if (!this._touchProfilesIniTask) { > + let { DeferredTask } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/DeferredTask.jsm", {}); > + // For every 24 hours, we touch the profiles.ini's `lastModifiedTime`. > + // In this way, for users who don't close Firefox for months, > + // we will still be able to know their last-used time. > + const NEXT_TOUCH_PROFILES_INI_24_HR = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; Nit: Use a `_MS` suffix Nit: reverse the order of the operands ::: browser/components/nsBrowserGlue.js:904 (Diff revision 3) > + let { DeferredTask } = Cu.import("resource://gre/modules/DeferredTask.jsm", {}); > + // For every 24 hours, we touch the profiles.ini's `lastModifiedTime`. > + // In this way, for users who don't close Firefox for months, > + // we will still be able to know their last-used time. > + const NEXT_TOUCH_PROFILES_INI_24_HR = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; > + this._touchProfilesIniTask = new DeferredTask(() => { Nit: Give the task function a name so it can be found in stack traces ::: browser/components/nsBrowserGlue.js:905 (Diff revision 3) > + let profilesIni = this._getProfilesIni(); > + profilesIni.lastModifiedTime =; I think we should put the I/O in a requestIdleCallback ::: browser/components/nsBrowserGlue.js:906 (Diff revision 3) > + // In this way, for users who don't close Firefox for months, > + // we will still be able to know their last-used time. > + const NEXT_TOUCH_PROFILES_INI_24_HR = 1000 * 60 * 60 * 24; > + this._touchProfilesIniTask = new DeferredTask(() => { > + let profilesIni = this._getProfilesIni(); > + profilesIni.lastModifiedTime =; The I/O should also be done off the main thread with `OS.File.setDates` same as the other place where it's done. If it's more than 2 lines then make it a helper here to be called ::: browser/components/nsBrowserGlue.js:907 (Diff revision 3) > + try { > + this._touchProfilesIniTask.arm(); > + } catch (e) { Since you never finalize, I would remove the try…catch to improve readability by reducing complexity ::: browser/components/nsBrowserGlue.js:977 (Diff revision 3) > + // the backward compatibilty. Before Bug 1054947, only using `replacedLockTime` and not touching profilesIni's `lastModifiedTime`. > + // Hence, `lastModifiedTime` could be much older than the 60-days threshold. > + // In this case we would misjudge lots of daily active users as inactive users if only consider `lastModifiedTime`. > + // So here would take the newer time as the last-used time. > + let profilesIni = this._getProfilesIni(); > + let lastUse = Math.max(profilesIni.lastModifiedTime, Services.appinfo.replacedLockTime); Accessing the lastModifiedTime should be done async with OS.File and I think all of this logic should go in a requestIdleCallback while you're touching it.
Attachment #8871336 - Flags: review?(MattN+bmo)
Comment on attachment 8871336 [details] Bug 1054947 - Fix misjudging user who always uses and never closes Firefox as one that hasn't used Firefox for a long time > Move this adjacent to `OFFER_PROFILE_RESET_INTERVAL_MS` and then pass the timestamp as an argument to `_scheduleTouchProfilesIni`. Then write a mochitest-browser-chrome calling `_scheduleTouchProfilesIni` with a low number and ensure that the timestamp gets updated. This will ensure that the time gets flushed on every OS. Updated and a one test - browser_browserGlue_schedule_touch_profiles_ini.js is added, thanks
Comment on attachment 8871336 [details] Bug 1054947 - Fix misjudging user who always uses and never closes Firefox as one that hasn't used Firefox for a long time > Nit: Do an early return if it's truthy instead to avoid nesting/indentation. OK, np, thanks > Might as put this in the lazy module getter array at the top of the file (alphabetically) Thanks, moved to the lazy module getter array, > Nit: Use a `_MS` suffix > > Nit: reverse the order of the operands Thanks, updated > Nit: Give the task function a name so it can be found in stack traces Thanks, udpated > I think we should put the I/O in a requestIdleCallback Thanks updated > The I/O should also be done off the main thread with `OS.File.setDates` same as the other place where it's done. If it's more than 2 lines then make it a helper here to be called Thanks updated. > Since you never finalize, I would remove the try…catch to improve readability by reducing complexity OK, thanks > Accessing the lastModifiedTime should be done async with OS.File and I think all of this logic should go in a requestIdleCallback while you're touching it. Thanks. Now using OS.File.setDates and requestIdleCallback.
Comment on attachment 8871336 [details] Bug 1054947 - Fix misjudging user who always uses and never closes Firefox as one that hasn't used Firefox for a long time Hi Matt, Please see the updated patch. I added the test as a mochitest because in xpcshell test - calling `BrowserGlue._getProfilesIni` would fail (because `Service.dirsvc.get` would fail, not yet ready) and - getting `nsIToolkitProfileService` would fail. The test results are here: - I selected randomly across Linux, Linux64, OS X, Windows different test builds to re-trigger 10x more runs. And no failure was found. - This try tested all mochitests and xpcshell tests. The result looks good overall. There is one xpcshell failure on test_crash_service.js on OS X. I can reproduce the same failure without our patch on my MAC so I believe that has nothing to do with us. - Talos: Thanks
Attachment #8871336 - Flags: review?(MattN+bmo)
Attachment #8871336 - Flags: review?(MattN+bmo)
Attachment #8871336 - Flags: review?(MattN+bmo)
Comment on attachment 8871336 [details] Bug 1054947 - Fix misjudging user who always uses and never closes Firefox as one that hasn't used Firefox for a long time ::: browser/components/nsBrowserGlue.js:898 (Diff revision 4) > + _scheduleTouchProfilesIni(ms) { > + if (this._touchProfilesIniDeferredTask) { > + return; > + } Can you add a JSDoc comment to describe the purpose of this method since it may not be clear to future reader what it's all about or why we want to touch the ini timestamp. ::: browser/components/nsBrowserGlue.js:913 (Diff revision 4) > + let win = RecentWindow.getMostRecentBrowserWindow(); > + win.requestIdleCallback(touchProfilesIniOnIdle); Now that bug 1353206 was resolved you can use: ```js ``` ::: browser/components/nsBrowserGlue.js:916 (Diff revision 4) > + this._touchProfilesIniDeferredTask = new DeferredTask(touchProfilesIniTask, ms); > + this._touchProfilesIniDeferredTask.arm(); Thinking about it more… we should probably be using the idle-daily observer notification instead of doing our own timer. ::: browser/components/nsBrowserGlue.js:971 (Diff revision 4) > - let lastUse = Services.appinfo.replacedLockTime; > + // For every 24 hours, we touch the profiles.ini's `lastModifiedTime`. > + // In this way, for users who don't close Firefox for months, > + // we will still be able to know their last-used time. "Every 24 hours touch the profiles.ini `lastModifiedTime` so that a user who keeps the browser running for many weeks is tracked as having used it." ::: browser/components/nsBrowserGlue.js:974 (Diff revision 4) > // Offer to reset a user's profile if it hasn't been used for 60 days. > const OFFER_PROFILE_RESET_INTERVAL_MS = 60 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; > - let lastUse = Services.appinfo.replacedLockTime; > + // For every 24 hours, we touch the profiles.ini's `lastModifiedTime`. > + // In this way, for users who don't close Firefox for months, > + // we will still be able to know their last-used time. > + const NEXT_TOUCH_PROFILES_INI_MS = 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; Nit: For consistency: PROFILES_INI_TOUCH_INTERVAL_MS ::: browser/components/nsBrowserGlue.js:1008 (Diff revision 4) > if (removalSuccessful && uninstalledValue == "True") { > this._resetProfileNotification("uninstall"); > } > } > } > + if (profilesIni.exists()) { This patch is calling `profilesIni.exists()` 3 times during startup which I believe does disk I/O each time. Please try to reduce this to 1 time. Perhaps you can make `_getProfilesIni` a lazy getter that returns null if the file doesn't exist. ::: browser/components/nsBrowserGlue.js:1009 (Diff revision 4) > + let touchProfilesIniOnFirstWindowLoaded = () => { > + OS.File.setDates(profilesIni.path); > + this._scheduleTouchProfilesIni(NEXT_TOUCH_PROFILES_INI_MS); > + }; > + let win = RecentWindow.getMostRecentBrowserWindow(); > + win.requestIdleCallback(touchProfilesIniOnFirstWindowLoaded); This should be calling a helper which is used both for the initial call and for scheduled ones to avoid having the code diverge by mistake. ::: browser/components/tests/browser/browser.ini:3 (Diff revision 4) > [browser_bug538331.js] > skip-if = !updater > reason = test depends on update channel > [browser_contentpermissionprompt.js] > +[browser_browserGlue_schedule_touch_profiles_ini.js] Nit: keep these alphabetical ::: browser/components/tests/browser/browser_browserGlue_schedule_touch_profiles_ini.js:20 (Diff revision 4) > + let profileService = Components.classes[";1"] > + .getService(Components.interfaces.nsIToolkitProfileService); Please use `Cc` and `Ci` which should already be defined
Attachment #8871336 - Flags: review?(MattN+bmo)
Descope this bug from Photon because now switching to Firefox version as the condition to do stub-installer auto refresh. See the meeting notes [1]. [1]
No longer blocks: 1369255, 1351616
Priority: P1 → P3
Whiteboard: [photon-onboarding]
Flags: needinfo?(MattN+bmo)
See Also: → 1552469
Assignee: fischer.json → nobody
OS: macOS → All
QA Contact: jwilliams
Hardware: x86 → All
Version: 32 Branch → Trunk
See Also: → 1290500

ni'ing myself to see if we can bring the patch back from the dead.

Flags: needinfo?(mconley)

The technique that the original patch was using here might still be salvageable, but we might be able to build on top of something more robust. Our Telemetry system already records how long it took to do a shutdown into a separate file that's then read upon subsequent startup...

Hey chutten, do you think the data stewards would be opposed to recording the last shutdown time in Glean somewhere?

Flags: needinfo?(mconley) → needinfo?(chutten)

I don't imagine any opposition at all. The proposed data collection is Cat1 (mayyybe Cat2 if you stretch), so it's all good.

(( And to put a finer point on it, Data Stewardship doesn't get to object: you just say what you want to collect and we ensure you have the documentation in line to either go immediately ahead (Category 1 and 2) or detour through Legal/Privacy first (Category 3+). If you need it, then we help you navigate the systems to make that possible... after helping you learn exactly what it is you're asking for : D ))

Flags: needinfo?(chutten)

Like comment #13, I use FF daily but don't restart it unless there's an update to FF or my OS, which tends to happen once a quarter. I therefore see this dialog every time I start FF.

The idea behind this feature is to appeal to people who haven't used the current profile at all in 60+ days, right? The lockfile isn't terribly good at this. Why not key on the session manager or (if that's disabled) site data (cache, cookies, etc)?

(In reply to Adam Katz from comment #40)

The lockfile isn't terribly good at this. Why not key on the session manager or (if that's disabled) site data (cache, cookies, etc)?

None of those work for people who have permanent private browsing enabled (a surprisingly large number of users). I already answered this question in comment 15.

In any case, at this point the issue isn't that we don't know how to fix it (cf. comment 38) but that nobody has had time to do so.

I don't know if this is covered here as well or not, but I'm getting the same issue, but it's not because I keep Firefox running for long periods of time. In my case, mtime of .parentlock simple isn't updated on start.

This is seen with Firefox 91.12.0 ESR on RHEL 8.

Will this also be resolved by this patch? Or should I file a separate bug?

(In reply to Pierre Ossman from comment #42)

I don't know if this is covered here as well or not, but I'm getting the same issue, but it's not because I keep Firefox running for long periods of time. In my case, mtime of .parentlock simple isn't updated on start.

This is seen with Firefox 91.12.0 ESR on RHEL 8.

Will this also be resolved by this patch? Or should I file a separate bug?

There is no patch yet so it's unclear what will and won't be resolved. Do you know why the mtime of .parentlock doesn't get updated on start on your machine? Are there particular permissions on the file or is it a specific kind of filesystem or something?

FWIW if/when this is annoying locally you can disable the message by creating a new preference in about:config named browser.disableResetPrompt and setting it to true.

Flags: needinfo?(ossman)

(In reply to :Gijs (back Thu 8 Sep; he/him) from comment #43)

There is no patch yet so it's unclear what will and won't be resolved. Do you know why the mtime of .parentlock doesn't get updated on start on your machine? Are there particular permissions on the file or is it a specific kind of filesystem or something?

No idea. It's on NFS, but that shouldn't be that uncommon.

For my user, the path to the profile contains some symlinks, so the apparent path and real path will differ. However, another user on the same system is also seeing the same issue and doesn't have any symlink magic.

Anything interesting you want me to check? This is what a stat of the file says:

$ stat .parentlock 
  File: .parentlock
  Size: 0         	Blocks: 0          IO Block: 1048576 regular empty file
Device: 34h/52d	Inode: 1990149117  Links: 1
Access: (0664/-rw-rw-r--)  Uid: (  210/  ossman)   Gid: (20210/  ossman)
Context: system_u:object_r:nfs_t:s0
Access: 2022-06-24 07:21:48.886039831 +0200
Modify: 2022-06-23 19:01:35.374516460 +0200
Change: 2022-06-23 19:01:35.374516460 +0200
 Birth: -

FWIW if/when this is annoying locally you can disable the message by creating a new preference in about:config named browser.disableResetPrompt and setting it to true.

Thanks. I'm hoping to help out in finding a proper fix though. :)

Flags: needinfo?(ossman)
Flags: needinfo?(gijskruitbosch+bugs)

(In reply to Pierre Ossman from comment #44)

(In reply to :Gijs (back Thu 8 Sep; he/him) from comment #43)

There is no patch yet so it's unclear what will and won't be resolved. Do you know why the mtime of .parentlock doesn't get updated on start on your machine? Are there particular permissions on the file or is it a specific kind of filesystem or something?

No idea. It's on NFS, but that shouldn't be that uncommon.

For my user, the path to the profile contains some symlinks, so the apparent path and real path will differ. However, another user on the same system is also seeing the same issue and doesn't have any symlink magic.

Anything interesting you want me to check? This is what a stat of the file says:

$ stat .parentlock 
  File: .parentlock
  Size: 0         	Blocks: 0          IO Block: 1048576 regular empty file
Device: 34h/52d	Inode: 1990149117  Links: 1
Access: (0664/-rw-rw-r--)  Uid: (  210/  ossman)   Gid: (20210/  ossman)
Context: system_u:object_r:nfs_t:s0
Access: 2022-06-24 07:21:48.886039831 +0200
Modify: 2022-06-23 19:01:35.374516460 +0200
Change: 2022-06-23 19:01:35.374516460 +0200
 Birth: -

FWIW if/when this is annoying locally you can disable the message by creating a new preference in about:config named browser.disableResetPrompt and setting it to true.

Thanks. I'm hoping to help out in finding a proper fix though. :)

Maybe :Mossop has ideas on why the lockfile mtime here wouldn't change. It would also be good to confirm this still happens with latest ESR (102.*)

Flags: needinfo?(gijskruitbosch+bugs) → needinfo?(dtownsend)

I can confirm that the issue remains on Firefox ESR 102.4.0esr on RHEL 8.

(In reply to :Gijs (he/him) from comment #45)

(In reply to Pierre Ossman from comment #44)

(In reply to :Gijs (back Thu 8 Sep; he/him) from comment #43)

There is no patch yet so it's unclear what will and won't be resolved. Do you know why the mtime of .parentlock doesn't get updated on start on your machine? Are there particular permissions on the file or is it a specific kind of filesystem or something?

No idea. It's on NFS, but that shouldn't be that uncommon.

For my user, the path to the profile contains some symlinks, so the apparent path and real path will differ. However, another user on the same system is also seeing the same issue and doesn't have any symlink magic.

Anything interesting you want me to check? This is what a stat of the file says:

$ stat .parentlock 
  File: .parentlock
  Size: 0         	Blocks: 0          IO Block: 1048576 regular empty file
Device: 34h/52d	Inode: 1990149117  Links: 1
Access: (0664/-rw-rw-r--)  Uid: (  210/  ossman)   Gid: (20210/  ossman)
Context: system_u:object_r:nfs_t:s0
Access: 2022-06-24 07:21:48.886039831 +0200
Modify: 2022-06-23 19:01:35.374516460 +0200
Change: 2022-06-23 19:01:35.374516460 +0200
 Birth: -

FWIW if/when this is annoying locally you can disable the message by creating a new preference in about:config named browser.disableResetPrompt and setting it to true.

Thanks. I'm hoping to help out in finding a proper fix though. :)

Maybe :Mossop has ideas on why the lockfile mtime here wouldn't change. It would also be good to confirm this still happens with latest ESR (102.*)

There is some different behaviour in our profile locking code to deal with NFS servers that can't handle our normal method of locking, or at least they couldn't when this code was last touched 17(!) years ago. Suffice to say I wouldn't rule out NFS as the culprit here. That said looking over the code the modification time stuff should all be determined before that so I'm not totally sure.

When you have Firefox open do you also see a lock symlink in the profile folder?
If you try something like echo "" >> .parentlock does it actually change the modification time on the file?

Flags: needinfo?(ossman)

Sorry for the delay...

(In reply to Dave Townsend [:mossop] from comment #47)

When you have Firefox open do you also see a lock symlink in the profile folder?

Yes. There is a symlink there pointing to <ip address>:+<main pid>. This file is updated when starting Firefox. It is not removed when Firefox closes, though.

If you try something like echo "" >> .parentlock does it actually change the modification time on the file?

Yes. mtime goes from 2022-06-23 19:01:35.374516460 +0200 to 2022-11-21 14:39:05.332846245 +0100.

Here things get interesting, though. After this, Firefox will update mtime once. To 2022-11-21 14:39:56.313528188 +0100. After that, it gets stuck again.

Flags: needinfo?(ossman)

(In reply to Pierre Ossman from comment #48)

(In reply to Dave Townsend [:mossop] from comment #47)

When you have Firefox open do you also see a lock symlink in the profile folder?

Yes. There is a symlink there pointing to <ip address>:+<main pid>. This file is updated when starting Firefox. It is not removed when Firefox closes, though.

Ok so the normal method of locking is working on NFS in this case, that's nice.

If you try something like echo "" >> .parentlock does it actually change the modification time on the file?

Yes. mtime goes from 2022-06-23 19:01:35.374516460 +0200 to 2022-11-21 14:39:05.332846245 +0100.

Here things get interesting, though. After this, Firefox will update mtime once. To 2022-11-21 14:39:56.313528188 +0100. After that, it gets stuck again.

Ok I've managed to reproduce your issue and it is certainly a difference in how NFS shares update their file modification times and I can reproduce it with a simple C program. It appears that in a normal filesystem opening a file for writing but then not writing any data to it still updates the file modification time. On an NFS mount this doesn't appear to be the case, the modification time remains unchanged unless the file's contents change in some way. That makes some sense, but isn't what Firefox is expecting. The reason for the interesting behaviour you saw is that the command I gave you writes a newline character into the file. The first time Firefox starts it truncates the file so causing the modification time to change. The second time it truncates the file but that doesn't actually change the file in any way so the modification time does not change.

In order to fix this behaviour in NFS it looks like would need to either write some data into the file or use a system call to manually update the file modification time.

Flags: needinfo?(dtownsend)

In the process of migrating remaining bugs to the new severity system, the severity for this bug cannot be automatically determined. Please retriage this bug using the new severity system.

Severity: major → --
Component: General → Startup and Profile System
Product: Firefox → Toolkit
Target Milestone: Firefox 56 → ---

The severity field is not set for this bug.
:mossop, could you have a look please?

For more information, please visit BugBot documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(dtownsend)
Severity: -- → S4
Flags: needinfo?(dtownsend)
Duplicate of this bug: 1899844

The severity field for this bug is set to S4. However, the following bug duplicate has higher severity:

:mossop, could you consider increasing the severity of this bug to S3?

For more information, please visit BugBot documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(dtownsend)
Flags: needinfo?(dtownsend)
Summary: "It looks like you haven't started Firefox in a while" message despite running Firefox daily → "It looks like you haven't started Firefox in a while" message because NFS doesn't update lock modification time
No longer duplicate of this bug: 1899844
See Also: → 1899844
Assignee: nobody → gijskruitbosch+bugs
Pushed by Also check prefs.js last modified time before showing profile reset notification after a long absence, r=mossop,firefox-desktop-core-reviewers ,mconley,glandium
Closed: 9 months ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 129 Branch

If I understood correctly, Pierre would like an uplift in mozilla-esr and contacted me directly because he could not leave a comment here on the bug: "Since NFS is mostly an enterprise thing, and fairly common there, could you see if the bug fix could be back ported to the ESR branch? We do get some annoyance from our users about this issue, and it would be nice to have a fix out for them."

Hi Ryan! Could you maybe help us?

Thank you!

Flags: needinfo?(ryanvm)
Flags: needinfo?(ossman)

ESR115 is nearly EOL, but uplifting to Beta for ESR128 might make sense. 302 Gijs for that consideration.

Flags: needinfo?(ryanvm)
Flags: needinfo?(ossman)
Flags: needinfo?(gijskruitbosch+bugs)
Attachment #9408107 - Flags: approval-mozilla-beta?

beta Uplift Approval Request

  • User impact if declined: NFS users get confusing prompts about refreshing their profile
  • Code covered by automated testing: no
  • Fix verified in Nightly: no
  • Needs manual QE test: yes
  • Steps to reproduce for manual QE testing: See final comment in bug
  • Risk associated with taking this patch: Low-ish
  • Explanation of risk level: Adds a new interface to the pref service but only uses it in 1 place so any breakage would be constrained to that 1 place
  • String changes made/needed: No
  • Is Android affected?: no

(In reply to Serban Stanca [:SerbanS] from comment #59)

If I understood correctly, Pierre would like an uplift in mozilla-esr and contacted me directly because he could not leave a comment here on the bug: "Since NFS is mostly an enterprise thing, and fairly common there, could you see if the bug fix could be back ported to the ESR branch? We do get some annoyance from our users about this issue, and it would be nice to have a fix out for them."

I have requested uplift. However, it would be really useful to get some confirmation from someone with access to NFS (ie not me) that the issue is fixed with the patch.

For QA, as I noted that this should get some manual testing as we cannot really replicate this scenario in an automated test:

  1. create a profile using the profile manager and run with the Firefox version in question.
  2. make sure that in about:support, the "Refresh Firefox" button is visible in the top right.
  3. close Firefox
  4. backdate .parentlock from the commandline. On Linux and macOS: touch -amt 202306181000 .parentlock (where .parentlock is a path to the .parentlock file inside the profile); on Windows with PowerShell (not cmd): (ls .parentlock).LastWriteTime = '2023-06-18 10:00' (same deal about making sure the path is correct)
  5. verify that your file manager sees the last write time for the .parentlock file as June 18, 2023 (ie a year ago).
  6. run the same Firefox with this profile

Before this change, you should be prompted to refresh your profile with a notification bar. After this change you wouldn't.

Flags: needinfo?(gijskruitbosch+bugs)
QA Whiteboard: [qa-triaged]

Reproduced the issue with Firefox 127.0.1 and 129.0a1 (2024-04-14) on Windows 10x64 by following steps from comment 63. After reopening Firefox again (step 6) the It looks like you haven't started Firefox in a while. Do you want to clean it up for a fresh, like-new experience? And by the way, welcome back! Refresh Firefox / Refresh Nightly notification bar can be seen.
The issue is verified with Firefox 129.0a1 (2024-06-19) on Windows 10x64, macOS 12 and Ubuntu 23.10. The Refresh Nightly notification bar is no longer displayed after reopening Firefox (step 6).

Attachment #9408107 - Flags: approval-mozilla-beta? → approval-mozilla-beta+

Verified fixed with Firefox 128.0b6 (20240620182924) from comment 65 on Windows 10x64, macOS 12 and Ubuntu 23.10. After using steps from comment 63 the Refresh Nightly notification bar is no longer displayed after reopening Firefox (step 6).

Has STR: --- → yes
QA Whiteboard: [qa-triaged]
Flags: qe-verify+
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