Closed Bug 1120364 Opened 10 years ago Closed 10 years ago

Release marionette-client 0.8.7


(Testing :: Marionette Client and Harness, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: whimboo, Assigned: davehunt)



(Keywords: pi-marionette-client)


(1 file)

There are a couple of recently fixed bugs and important new features, which we need for our Firefox ui tests. Because of that it would be great to get a new release of Marionette client out once they are all fixed shortly.

Chris, did I miss something you are working on in the list of dependencies?
Depends on: 1107336
(In reply to Henrik Skupin (:whimboo) from comment #0)
> There are a couple of recently fixed bugs and important new features, which
> we need for our Firefox ui tests. Because of that it would be great to get a
> new release of Marionette client out once they are all fixed shortly.
> Chris, did I miss something you are working on in the list of dependencies?

I think that's it for things that already landed.
Blocks: 1065413
Assignee: nobody → dburns
Assignee: dburns → nobody
Depends on: 1122609, 1120809
Assignee: nobody → dburns
It looks like bug 1070307 is going to force us to release a Marionette client. Let's push the one remaining blocker to a follow-up release. I'll put up a patch for the version bump shortly.
Here are the notable changes:

Bug 1100124 - Add --jsdebugger to run marionette under the jsdebugger
Bug 1065406 - Split test class and name for XUnit formatter
Bug 1109282 - adding accessibility checks for singleTap
Bug 1111779 - adding accessibility checks for clickElement
Bug 1111815 - adding accessibility checks for isElementDisplayed
Bug 1112320 - adding accessibility checks for isElementEnabled
Bug 755036 - Re-use the execution sandbox in marionette's executeScript and executeAsyncScript in chrome scope when requested
Bug 1114623 - Implement closeChromeWindow endpoint for marionette
Bug 1114793 - Rename marionette's chrome_window_handle to current_chrome_window_handle
Bug 1120630 - Add --e10s to turn on electrolysis for marionette tests
Bug 1118697 - Allow server root to be a base URL to an existing webserver
Bug 1118825 - Allow passing None as an argument to executeScript in chrome scope
Bug 1118618 - [e10s] Slow script/plugin hang UI
Bug 1110917 - Remove HTMLElement.location usage in
Bug 1122609 - Test that setting script_args for multiple execute_script calls in chrome scope works when the sanbox is reused

Generated (and then edited) using:
$ hg log -M -r e54532e91034:: --template "{node|short}: {desc|firstline}\n" testing/marionette/client
Here's the version bump to 0.8.7. When bug 1070307 is merged we'll need a new release for the on-device Gaia UI tests, which are currently broken on mozilla-inbound. If we can't get bug 1107336 landed in time then I would suggest pushing this to a followup release. I would also suggest that the changes in this bug would warrant a bump to 0.9.
Assignee: dburns → dave.hunt
Attachment #8553006 - Flags: review?(dburns)
Comment on attachment 8553006 [details] [diff] [review]
Bump marionette_client version to 0.8.7

Bug has merged, so let's get this landed.
Attachment #8553006 - Flags: review?(dburns) → review?(hskupin)
Comment on attachment 8553006 [details] [diff] [review]
Bump marionette_client version to 0.8.7

Review of attachment 8553006 [details] [diff] [review]:

Dave mentioned to me that we have lots of breakage without that version being released. So lets get this out and move the remaining bug to version 0.9. Dave, please update the commit message regarding the reviewer before you land it.
Attachment #8553006 - Flags: review?(hskupin) → review+
I've raised bug 1124667 to take care of a subsequent release once bug 1107336 is resolved.
No longer depends on: 1107336
I prefer to wait for version bumps to merge to mozilla-central but we have had our first mozilla-central build failing due to the changes in bug 1070307, so I've released from mozilla-inbound:
Closed: 10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
This is not fixed on m-c, so reopening the bug.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Closed: 10 years ago10 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla38
Product: Testing → Remote Protocol

Moving bugs for Marionette client due to component changes.

Component: Marionette → Marionette Client and Harness
Product: Remote Protocol → Testing
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