Closed Bug 1398567 Opened 7 years ago Closed 4 years ago

Can't search for b/c because the awesomebar doesn't provide a search action


(Firefox :: Address Bar, defect, P2)

57 Branch



Firefox 78
78.2 - May 18 - May 31
Tracking Status
firefox56 --- unaffected
firefox57 --- wontfix
firefox78 --- verified


(Reporter: alice0775, Assigned: mak)



(Keywords: parity-chrome, parity-edge, Whiteboard: [DUPE ME] [fxsearch])


(2 files)

Remove Search Bar by default in Nightly.
It takes long time to get a search results from Address Bar.
It is no problem from Search Bar.

Steps To Reproduce
1. type b/c in Address bar and hit [Enter] key

Actual Results:
It takes long time to get a search results.

Expected results:
It should not take so long
And notice, there are no Search grass icon in address bar drop down list.
It is instant for me... Note that searching for b/c does a DNS roundtrip to try to resolve "b", and then when that fails it fallbacks to a search. Looks like a slow DNS problem in your network? :(
The fact is the location bar cannot know if "b" is a valid host or not.
Attached image screenshot
See attached screenshot,
The dropdown list does not show any search glass row.
At least, this is a Bug.
well, it was not intended to show it, because the text contains a slash and thus it is interpreted as an url.
Surely it could be changed, but in general we need to figure out better strategies to distinguish urls from strings.
Changing the title to reflect the real issue. The one-off buttons are there as one way to search, but I think we could also improve our heuristic here. Another workaround for similar cases that I use is appending a space that triggers the search action in the results.
Priority: -- → P3
Summary: It takes long time to get a search results from Address Bar if search words contains / → Can't search for b/c because the awesomebar doesn't provide a search action
Whiteboard: [photon-structure]{DUPE ME] → [photon-structure]{DUPE ME][fxsearch]
another workaround we may provide in the future, with bug 1386548 it should be possible to add a question mark to force a search behavior.
Whiteboard: [photon-structure]{DUPE ME][fxsearch] → [photon-structure] [triage] [DUPE ME] [fxsearch]
Whiteboard: [photon-structure] [triage] [DUPE ME] [fxsearch] → [DUPE ME] [fxsearch]
It works as expected on Chrome and Edge
Whiteboard: [DUPE ME] [fxsearch] → [DUPE ME] [fxsearch][parity-Chrome][parity-Edge]
Mass bug change to replace various 'parity' whiteboard flags with the new canonical keywords. (See bug 1443764 comment 13.)
Whiteboard: [DUPE ME] [fxsearch][parity-Chrome][parity-Edge] → [DUPE ME] [fxsearch]
Blocks: 1180329
No longer blocks: qb-results-papercuts
Points: --- → 3
Assignee: nobody → mak
Iteration: --- → 77.2 - Apr 20 - May 3
Priority: P3 → P2
Iteration: 77.2 - Apr 20 - May 3 → 78.2 - May 18 - May 31
Iteration: 78.2 - May 18 - May 31 → 78.1 - May 4 - May 17
Iteration: 78.1 - May 4 - May 17 → 78.2 - May 18 - May 31

With recent fixes that can properly identify whitelisted domains, whitelisted
domain suffixed, valid known public suffixes, and forcing to visit URI-like
strings that end with a slash, it's time to re-evaluate the URIFixup behavior.
Until now URIFixup considered everything a URI unless it had specific search
characteristics, this patch inverts that behavior.
This improves the urlbar handling of strings as a single search SAP.

Pushed by
Invert URIFixup default behavior to search unless the string looks like a URI. r=Gijs
Closed: 4 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → Firefox 78
Regressions: 1642435

Reproduced the initial behavior from comment 0.

This issue is verified fixed using Firefox 78.0b3 (BuildId:20200604213430) on Windows 10 64bit, macOS 10.14 and Ubuntu 18.04 64bit.

Blocks: 1643850
Regressions: 1647200
Blocks: 1641467
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