Bug 169045
Opened 22 years ago
Updated 4 years ago
[meta] preference panel for accessibility in mozilla/netscape
(SeaMonkey :: Preferences, enhancement)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: bugzilla, Unassigned)
(Depends on 1 open bug, Blocks 1 open bug)
(Keywords: access)
i thought there already was a bug for track this, but couldn't find one.
this is a semi-meta bug for adding a pref panel that'd list commonly used
features for mozilla/netscape accessibility. it's meta in the sense that there
are several bugs out there asking to expose specific prefs. it's not-quite
purely meta in that it's also an rfe to add a feature.
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Comment 1•22 years ago
adding blocker bugs for specific accessibility pref issues.
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Comment 2•22 years ago
not sure if this is feasible, but tentatively nominating for buffy.
Keywords: nsbeta1
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Comment 3•22 years ago
not necessarily a blocker, but related: bug 57805, front end for remapping
keyboard shortcuts (user-defined keys).
Blocks: 114521
Comment 4•22 years ago
I think there are 2 questions here:
- Do we want a separate panel for "Keyboard navigation" prefs?
- Do we want a separate panel for "Accessibility" prefs?
The reason I would separate them is, most people don't know that "accessibility"
applies to the keyboard, but might want to tweak the keyboard behavior.
It's possible that the other accessibility prefs can be folded into the
appearance prefs panel and other places.
Priority: -- → P2
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.2beta
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Comment 5•22 years ago
should prioritize which prefs are important (ie, those likely encountered by
most users). (insert the appropriate "this is where usability studies are
needed" phrase. ;)
anyhow, tabbing control i think would be a high-visibility issue/feature. or,
rather, it's at the top of my list in terms of a keyboard navigation control to
expose. (again, imnsho.)
No longer depends on: 169490
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Comment 6•22 years ago
bug 170833 is an example where the default pref could confuse users --or, even
get in the way of QA.
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Comment 7•22 years ago
bug 170871 asks for a frontend for tabbing navigation in mozilla/netscape.
(weird, i thought it already existed, but i couldn't quite find it.)
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Comment 8•22 years ago
clearing milestone since 1.2beta has passed. aaronl, do you know what the new
milestone should be, 1.3beta perhaps?
Depends on: 185489
Target Milestone: mozilla1.2beta → ---
Comment 9•22 years ago
Right now I'm just concntrating on Keyboard Navigation prefs.
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.4alpha
Comment 10•22 years ago
adt: removing nsbeta1 nomination. Please nominate the individual bugs.
Keywords: nsbeta1
Updated•21 years ago
Updated•20 years ago
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
Comment 11•18 years ago
The way i see it there are many things that the setup needs to determine for the user so that the user can get far enough into Firefox to be able to use the internet. The first is "Can the user read the Darn thing?" That is is it large enough to read for the nearly legally blind. Most people would not mind terribly an irrationally large font in the setup process which is in a traditionally small box since the information content is small.
The solution simply increase the box size to increase font size to the largest possible usable size. It might bother the normally sighted but not hinder them too much.
BUT for a person with limited vision Size IS THE FIRST TASK TO BE OVERCOME SINCE VISION IS THE BASIS OF WRITTEN COMMUNUCATION! For my part I just need glasses to read up close(slightly farsighted). But i have had friends that cannot read anything less than 2"x3".
So accessability needs to be addressed from the setup as the first question so that the handicapped user can setup to be able to use firefox, thunderbird, mozilla....
So minimum and maximum font sizes and some translation from normal ranges might help.
Updated•17 years ago
Assignee: aaronleventhal → nobody
Priority: P4 → --
QA Contact: bugzilla → prefs
Target Milestone: Future → ---
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