Closed Bug 1693376 Opened 3 years ago Closed 3 years ago

Move the Pocket button the toolbar


(Firefox :: Pocket, task, P1)




89 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox89 --- verified


(Reporter: mstriemer, Assigned: thecount)


(Blocks 1 open bug, Regressed 1 open bug, )


(Keywords: helpwanted, Whiteboard: [proton-address-bar])


(1 file)

The meatball menu is being removed in Proton so the Pocket button should become a browserAction instead of a pageAction.

Keywords: helpwanted
Assignee: nobody → sdowne
Priority: -- → P1
Depends on: 1697420

To test:

In general, you can just start up a new profile and see the button in the new location.
Save a page, log in, and it should act similar to the previous button position.

Some notable things that changed that I would say are the areas that changed the most, and should have specific QA steps.
You now see the Pocket button on newtab, clicking it should show a reasonable error message. We're looking at making this better in bug 1697597.
Make sure clicks to links in the panels navigates, and maintains the expected Pocket button colour, that would make the expectations of the previous button position.
Test that the strings for hovering over the button are working.
To test customizing the button, button position, opt out, and overflow button:

Overflow menu:

  1. Right click the button and click pin to overflow menu.
    Expected: should have moved the button into the overflow menu.
  2. Click the button in the overflow menu.
    Expected: Should see the panel loading and working via the overflow menu.
  3. Remove it out of the overflow menu
    Expected: Should now be back in the toolbar.

Customize button position:

  1. Go to the customize toolbar page from the hamburger button menu.
  2. Move the Pocket button out of the toolbar using the customize toolbar page.
    Expected: Should now no longer be in the toolbar, and should now be an option in the customize page.
  3. Move it back
    Expected: it should be back in the toolbar.

opt out pref

  1. Go to about:config
  2. Set extensions.pocket.enabled to false
    Expected: The Pocket button should no longer be available in either the toolbar, overflow menu, or customize toolbar page
  3. Turn it back on.
    Expected: should be back, and keep its previous position/customization.

To test migrations:

Pocket disabled:

  1. Setup a new profile without the changes in an older version of the browser.
  2. Set that profile so extensions.pocket.enabled is false.
  3. Upgrade to the changes in this patch.
  4. Load up that profile.
    Expected: Should not show the Pocket button, and should not be available in the customize toolbar page.

Pocket customized migration:

  1. Setup a new profile without the changes in an older version of the browser.
  2. Right click on the pocket button.
  3. Click "remove from address bar"
  4. Upgrade to the changes in this patch.
  5. Load up that profile.
    Expected: Should not show the Pocket button, but should be available in the customize toolbar page.

Default position migration:

  1. Setup a new profile without the changes in an older version of the browser.
  2. Go to the toolbar customization page.
  3. Remove stuff or everything from the toolbar. (or you could also try adding a bunch of other items to the toolbar to mix things up)
  4. Upgrade to the changes in this patch.
  5. Load up that profile.
    Expected: Pocket button should be able to figure out a decent place to go.

Toolbar doorhanger position:

  1. Put Pocket into the overflow menu.
  2. Right click on a link in a page.
  3. Click "Save Link to Pocket"
    Expected: Doorhanger should be pointing to the overflow menu.
  4. Go to the customize toolbar page
  5. Move Pocket out of the toolbar completely.
  6. Trying saving another link from the right click context menu.
    Expected: Doorhanger should be pointing at the hamburger menu.

Make sure the save to Pocket button in reader move opens the doorhanger.

Blocks: 1700112
Pushed by
Move save to Pocket to the toolbar. r=Gijs,fluent-reviewers,gvn,flod
Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 89 Branch
Regressions: 1700862

To test Pocket button telemetry:

  1. Set to true.
  2. Open the multi process debugger.
  3. Go to any https page. Example
  4. Click the Pocket button while logged out.

Expected: Should see a telemetry event with {"action":"click","source":"save_button"} and "pocket_logged_in_status":false in the log.

  1. Log into Pocket.
  2. Go back to an https page, same https page from the previous step would work.
  3. Click the Pocket button.

Expected: Should see a telemetry event with {"action":"click","source":"save_button"} and "pocket_logged_in_status":true in the log.
Expected: Should see an on save recs telemetry event with 3 {"action":"impression","position":0,"source":"on_save_recs"} objects in the log.

  1. With the same page, open the logged in panel again by clicking the Pocket button.
  2. Click the learn more link.

Expected: Should see a click telemetry event with {"action":"click","source":"recs_learn_more"}
Expected: Clicking other links should produce similar events but with a different source describing the event.

We verified this issue using Fx 89.0a1 on Windows 10 x64, macOS 10.13 and Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

Regressions: 1724668
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