Open Bug 1821623 Opened 2 years ago Updated 9 months ago

Switching folder view do not keep the same folder focused


(Thunderbird :: Folder and Message Lists, defect)

Thunderbird 112


(thunderbird_esr102 unaffected, thunderbird_esr115 affected, thunderbird112 affected, thunderbird129 affected)

Tracking Status
thunderbird_esr102 --- unaffected
thunderbird_esr115 --- affected
thunderbird112 --- affected
thunderbird129 --- affected


(Reporter: NicolasWeb, Unassigned)


(Blocks 2 open bugs)


(Keywords: regression, ux-interruption, Whiteboard: [Supernova3p])


  1. Select a folder of one account (1st & start one= Inbox OR 2sd=Draft, ...) of a specific view in the Folder Pane
  2. Select the folder you want to keep viewing in the view mode section you will disable
  3. Switch from Folders view in menu View > Folders to keep just one: Unified only, ALL only, Unified only again
  4. Repeat steps 2 then 3
  5. Select Local Folders > Draft and switch to ALL view

Actual results:
Step 3:

  • Switching to Unified view loose the active folder and show the account root
  • Switching to ALL view keep the active folder, but select it in the Unified folder (1st view in panel)

Step 4:

  • The active folder is always lost, and even some unpredictable one take the focus (local Folders, ...)

Step 5:

  • Switching to ALL view loose the active folder and show the account root

Expected results:

  • While changing folders view, the current viewed folder (and message) should not be changed

Regression: works okay in 102

A specific bug VS DUPEME of bug 1819383. Let's see when the last get fixed

If you use "depends", then bugzilla will automatically remind you when the block bug is closed. "See Also" will not do that for you.

Depends on: 1819383
Keywords: regression
See Also: 1819383
Whiteboard: [Supernova] → [Supernova3p]

(In reply to Nicolas Mandil (:NicolasWeb) from comment #1)

A specific bug VS DUPEME of bug 1819383. Let's see when the last get fixed

1819383 is fixed. Can you still reproduce your issue?

Flags: needinfo?(mozilla.nicolasweb)

Unfortunately, yes, I can still reproduce that bug.

Keeping the same folder active & selected do not work after disabling a folder view mode. After disabling the folder mode in which you had the active folder, depending on if that mode was the first or last listed, TB select the first or last still visible folder (the nearest visible in the folder tree to the previously active folder).

With a setup (simplified) like this :
-Account 1
--folder 1
--folder 2
-Local Folders
--folder a
--folder b

Test 1:

  1. Select UNIFIED/UnifiedInbox/inbox1 or UNIFIED/UnifiedInbox
  2. Disable Unified folder view
    -> Result : ALL/Local Folders/folder b is active

Test 2:

  1. Select ALL/Drafts1
  2. Disable ALL folder view
    -> Result : UNIFIED/UnifiedInbox is active
Flags: needinfo?(mozilla.nicolasweb)
Depends on: 1830819

Nicolas, does this still reproduce for you?

Flags: needinfo?(mozilla.nicolasweb)
Blocks: 1821852
Keywords: dupeme

Yes, it still reproduce with 118.0a1 20230802101449

Actual Results:

  1. The active folder is always lost, and the very first item of the tree in the Folder pane is selected : the account root, or Tags if enabled and on top.
  2. If randomly the corresponding folder is selected after switching folder view mode, keep switching ALL <-> UNIFIED folder view mode many times : it do not activate the corresponding folder, even if you correct on the way by manually selecting the right folder before disabling one mode view. And, since the user got the issue, it keeps happening, even for the situation you had it (randomly) right in the past.

Expected results:

  • While changing folders view, the current viewed folder (and message) should not be changed
Flags: needinfo?(mozilla.nicolasweb)
Flags: needinfo?(geoff)
See Also: → 1838589

I was able to reproduce the unexpected folder switching in 115.2.2 (macOS 12.6.7). However, despite following the STR several times, I wasn't able to trigger the random behavior; folder selection consistently followed a pattern of the same three (original selection, topmost account root, unified inbox).

Ever confirmed: true

Are you still seeing this with 115.5.2 or newer?

Flags: needinfo?(mozilla.nicolasweb)
Flags: needinfo?(bugzilla)
Flags: needinfo?(mozilla.nicolasweb)
Flags: needinfo?(geoff)
Flags: needinfo?(bugzilla)

Does this still reproduce?
Or is it too random to be almost non-existent?

Flags: needinfo?(mozilla.nicolasweb)

Yes, this bug still always reproduce with TB 129.0a1 build 20240619100757 , every time I do the STR of comment #0

Flags: needinfo?(mozilla.nicolasweb)
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