Closed Bug 184151 Opened 22 years ago Closed 20 years ago

Switching themes messes up some toolbar buttons


(Firefox :: Toolbars and Customization, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: Biesinger, Assigned: hyatt)




(5 files)

1. use default phoenix theme
2. go to and look for crystal and
click install
3. wait for it to install
4. observe that icons look wrong

will attach a screenshot
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.3a) Gecko/20021207 Phoenix/0.5
Christian, you're mass reporting bugs and marking them as NEW directly. You
shouldn't do this. First of all, this is probably a Mozilla bug, and secondly,
it's most definitely a duplicate of another bug. Thirdly, it's not a Windows 98
specific bug (which you have specified in all your bug reports filed today).
As for your secondly, I did search for existing bugs; only in the Phoenix bug,
but that's because I did not see this in Mozilla. Granted, Mozilla doesn't do
live skin switching, but that was done for a reason.

As for thirdly, I have marked this Win98, because that's where I tested it. I
did not test on Linux, I do not know if it happens there; if it does, feel free
to fix the OS.
*** Bug 184300 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
According to both the screenshot and bug 184300, the only buttons that have
problems are Home, Reload and Stop.

OS -> All
Severity -> minor
Changing summary
Severity: normal → minor
OS: Windows 98 → All
Summary: installing theme messes up phoenix → Switching themes messes up some toolbar buttons
When you restart phoenix the problem is solved.
WFM with Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; en-US; rv:1.4a) Gecko/20030318
Is someone still seeing this, or can we mark it WFM?
WFM, FB 0.6.1rc1.

(Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.5a) Gecko/20030725 Mozilla
I've had this problem with Skypilot in 0.6.1 (binary from I'm
using Libranet 2.8. Restarting the browser solves the problem.
*** Bug 219700 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
QA Contact: asa
*** Bug 215905 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Assignee: blake → hyatt
Component: General → Toolbars
QA Contact: bugzilla
Hardware: PC → All
Attached image toolbars
When I switched themes from skypilot to default I got this result. in
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.5b) Gecko/20030917 Firebird/0.6.1+
 note that the new layout persists over application restarts and theme changes
Depends on: 226791
Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040115 Firebird/0.7+

When I switch back and forth between the Smoke and iCandy-Junior themes on this
branch build, I get a lot of messed-up icons. Spawning a new window and closing
the old one causes the chrome to refresh cleanly, leaving the browser usable.
I'm having a similar, but more generalized, problem with Firefox 0.8 and
Firebird 0.7 under Win XP. Toolbar buttons, throbber, and preference panel icons
exhibit strange background overlap with other UI elements. I have found one
similar mis-rendering of a web page. Odd thing is that both the UI and affected
web site work fine under the same browser versions on a different computer. 
(will follow up with screenshots of toolbar, pref panel, affected site rendered
both wrong and correctly)

I'm conjecturing that the combination of problems has something to do with
CSS-P, since this is used in XUL to do UI, but I have no clue why the problem
seems isolated to this machine. I have tried completely removing all Firefox
directories and registry entries and reinstalling the program, but I get the
same result. Ditto for upgrading and rolling back the graphics drivers. I seem
to recall the problem beginning with a theme that didn't work right, but it's
been months ago and I can no longer remember exactly.

Didn't want to post a duplicate bug, and this is the closest one I could find
for problems of this nature. If additional info is needed, let me know and I'll
follow up here.
These and the toolbar icons always have this problem, regardless of the current
theme applied, number of windows/tabs open, or other factors. Browser UI will
sometimes appear normal on program start, but problem will start to manifest
when I mouse-over toolbar buttons.
This nav sidebar from displays as shown on the
affected PC (win xp) in Firefox 0.8 and Firebird 0.7. 

* Displays correctly in Mozilla 1.6, Firefox 0.8, Firebird 0.7 on computers
other than the one affected by this problem (my work PC)
* Does not display correctly in any Mozilloid browser on the affected computer
* Displays correctly in IE 6 on all computers tested so far
*** Bug 238588 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Now WFM. Coordinated troubleshooting efforts with a gentleman named Matthew
Provis who doesn't have a Bugzilla account but saw this bug and contacted me via
e-mail. He deserves most of the credit for discovering this fix.

Matthew and I discovered that we both have Nvidia TNT-2 based vid cards, and
when M downgraded to driver version 44.03 his problems went away. On reading his
e-mail I went to Nvidia's site for the old drivers and found out they'd just
released version 56.64. Upgrading to this version solved my problem.

Previously, I was using 52.[something] and Matthew was running the
release distributed over MS's Windows Update site and dated Nov 17, 2003.

Anyone else out there with TNT-2 graphics who can verify this fix?
could be a dupe of bug 224279
Can confirm that this is a dupe of 224279, as those screenshots look exactly
like the problems I'd been having and the resolution was identical. Recommend

*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 224279 ***
Closed: 20 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
No longer depends on: 226791
I have encountered a similar problem with Firefox 1.0.6.
But it happens only when more than one windows are opened. 
And it doent happen in the 1st one.
It muddles up any theme, even spreadfox theme some times which i have not even

QA Contact: bugzilla → toolbars
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