Closed Bug 225423 Opened 21 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Loading URL crashes Moz [@ JavaObject_getPropertyById ]


(Core :: JavaScript Engine, defect, P1)

Windows 2000





(Reporter: wolruf, Assigned: brendan)




(4 keywords, Whiteboard: fix eta: 2003-nov-25)

Crash Data


(2 files)

build ID: 20031111 on Win2k + Sun's JRE 1.4.2_02 Steps to reproduce crash: 1. Load URL 2. Wait until Java loads 3. Mozilla crashes. Doesn't crash IE6 + JRE 1.4.2_02
stack was generated through Dr.Watson, can someone provide a Talkback ID or proper stack in the time being (I won't get access to such a computer today) ?
Keywords: stackwanted
---> Java: OJI
Assignee: live-connect → joshua.xia
Component: Java: Live Connect → Java: OJI
QA Contact: PhilSchwartau → general
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.6a) Gecko/20031030 Java Plug-in 1.4.2_02 for Netscape Navigator (DLL Helper) I´m just trieing to get you a TalkbackID, didn´t succed so far. Loading this page was brought my memory down, but my memory manager recovered some. The website tells me I should use a more modern browser: There are one or more problems preventing you from entering the meeting. Please correct the problem(s) below, then click here to try again. * You must change your Platform configuration to use PlaceWare. You are using an unsupported browser, Netscape Communicator 5. PlaceWare will not run using this browser. For the best experience we recommend using Microsoft Internet Explorer 4 through 6, Netscape Communicator 4.06 through 4.79, or Netscape 7.
*** Bug 224781 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
This worked fine with the MozillaFirebird 11/03 nightly and not with the 11/04 nightly.
Flags: blocking1.6b?
Flags: blocking1.6b? → blocking1.6?
*** Bug 225696 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
from checkins in the regression window 11/03 to 11/04, bug 212563 could be a culprit as the sites crashing involve creating frames through JS with document.write. bug 224781 comment 8 mentions the patch for bug 212563 (attachment 134397 [details] [diff] [review]) could be wrong: anyone tried this bandaid ?
Assignee: joshua.xia → events
Component: Java: OJI → DOM Events
QA Contact: general → ian
What's the stack backtrace? I don't see one here. /be
Flags: blocking1.6b?
Brendan, see comment 1, I cannot generate a proper Talkback ID yet so I got it from DrWatson, I will post the full stack from DrWatson but I'm not sure if it can bring more information.
Re commnet #7. I am the person who mentioned the patch for bug 212563 as a possible cause. This was before this was found to be more related to java. At the time the only known crash was logging in to and that page: 1. uses a java login applet 2. the resultant page (after login) uses frames 3. Is password protected 4. Is SSL Trying to find patches related to any of those, the checkin for bug 212563 kind of stood out. That cehcikin could still be the culprit, but based on the Dr.Watson stacktrace, however, I am more suspicious of <a href="">this</a> checkin.
What's the relationship between this bug and bug 222237? Is this a DUP? Anyway, why is this DOM Events instead of Java: LiveConnect? /be
Bug 222237 was submitted on October 15th. This bug was not introduced until the November 3rd/4th timeframe. They are seperate problems.
Someone needs to reproduce under a debugger, and get the line number in jsj_JavaObject.c, and ideally the bad state in registers, local memory, etc. /be
I think I'm hitting this bug with all the unofficial MozillaZine nightlies beyond 20031103. I use the P4/SSE nightlies advertised in the MozillaZine Firebird Builds forum, and every single one beyond 20031103 hits this bug. This is for the Linux versions of MozillaFirebird. To reproduce: 1. Install Java SDK 1.4.2. 2. Use the Netscape6.1 gcc3.2 plugin. 3. Go to 4. Attempt to log in with a valid HushMail account. When the browser tries to load the Encryption Engine, the browser crashes with no errors.
There are many sites that exhibit this issue. However, the only one that has been found for which you don't need a valid login to cause the crash is the one in the original report. The easiest way to reproduce is to just visit: That said, the fact that you cannot reach that site is NOT why this has been nomated as a release blocker. There are numerous on-line banking and other financial sites that use a JAVA Applet login that crash upon successful login. Also the Entrust site for certificate management ( exhibits this problem.
One additional point that I left out. This bug is NOT about liveconnect/placeware not working with Mozilla. That is BUG #184176. This new bug was introduced recently. Before this bug was introduced, the placeware test URL would return a page saying the browser is NOT supported. With this bug the browser crashes.
*** Bug 226461 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Backing out Brendan's 11/03/2003 12:23 PST checkin to jsinterp.c corrects this issue. I am not sure exactly what the issue was that this patch was supposed to be fixing as it does not appear to be associated with any bug.
It appears that checkin was part of the fix for bug 196097
I wonder if perhaps it would be safer to put the code in jsinterp back the way it was and add a seperate call to ComputeThis for the noSuchMethod case rather than trying to move the existing one. That way this change will only affect the No Such Method case without any other side effects.
Taking. /be
Assignee: events → brendan
Component: DOM Events → JavaScript Engine
Flags: blocking1.6b? → blocking1.6b+
QA Contact: ian → PhilSchwartau
Keywords: js1.5
Priority: -- → P1
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.6beta
According to the changelogs, the bug brendan was working on was probably bug 196097. The fix might have been a follow up to that code. See also bug 224956 a regression introduced by the same checkin.
Will the reversion of Mr. Brendan's change affect the Linux nightly trunk?
*** Bug 226654 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Here is the stack per Olivier request: jsj3250.dll!jsj_GetClassInstanceMembers() Line 600 C++ jsj3250.dll!jsj_JavaInstanceMethodWrapper(JSContext * cx=0x0196c3c0, JSObject * obj=0x01a437c0, unsigned int argc=0, long * argv=0x01ab2a2c, long * vp=0x0012ec58) Line 1800 + 0x11 C++ js3250.dll!js_Invoke(JSContext * cx=, unsigned int argc=, unsigned int flags=) Line 932 + 0x1c C js3250.dll!js_Interpret(JSContext * cx=0x0196c3c0, long * result=0x0012ef40) Line 2954 C js3250.dll!js_Execute(JSContext * cx=0x00000001, JSObject * chain=0x01a443e8, JSScript * script=0x0195b048, JSStackFrame * down=0x0012f128, unsigned int special=32, long * result=0x0012ef40) Line 1148 C js3250.dll!obj_eval(JSContext * cx=, JSObject * obj=, unsigned int argc=, long * argv=, long * rval=) Line 1069 + 0x11 C js3250.dll!js_Invoke(JSContext * cx=, unsigned int argc=, unsigned int flags=) Line 932 + 0x1c C js3250.dll!js_Interpret(JSContext * cx=0x0196c3c0, long * result=0x0012f0fc) Line 2954 C js3250.dll!js_Invoke(JSContext * cx=, unsigned int argc=, unsigned int flags=) Line 949 + 0xb C js3250.dll!js_Interpret(JSContext * cx=0x0196c3c0, long * result=0x0012f304) Line 2954 C js3250.dll!js_Invoke(JSContext * cx=, unsigned int argc=, unsigned int flags=) Line 949 + 0xb C js3250.dll!js_InternalInvoke(JSContext * cx=0x00000000, JSObject * obj=0x01a56820, long fval=26486216, unsigned int flags=0, unsigned int argc=26657772, long * argv=0x0012f4cc, long * rval=0x0012f478) Line 1026 + 0xe C js3250.dll!JS_CallFunctionValue(JSContext * cx=0x0196c3c0, JSObject * obj=0x01a56820, long fval=26486216, unsigned int argc=1, long * argv=0x0012f4cc, long * rval=0x0012f478) Line 3572 + 0x26 C jsdom.dll!nsJSContext::CallEventHandler(void * aTarget=0x01a56820, void * aHandler=0x019425c8, unsigned int argc=1, void * argv=0x0012f4cc, int * aBoolResult=0x0012f4c8, int aReverseReturnResult=0) Line 1245 + 0x1b C++ jsdom.dll!nsJSEventListener::HandleEvent(nsIDOMEvent * aEvent=0x0124eb20) Line 182 C++ gklayout.dll!nsEventListenerManager::HandleEventSubType(nsIDOMEventTarget * aCurrentTarget=0x019c25c8, unsigned int aSubType=1, nsCxPusher pusher={...}, nsCOMPtr<nsIJSEventListener> jslistener={...}, nsCOMPtr<nsIScriptContext> scriptCX={...}) Line 1420 + 0x9 C++ gklayout.dll!nsEventListenerManager::HandleEvent(nsIPresContext * aPresContext=0x00000008, nsEvent * aEvent=0x0012f75c, nsIDOMEvent * * aDOMEvent=0x0012f6e8, nsIDOMEventTarget * aCurrentTarget=0x019c25c8, unsigned int aFlags=7, nsEventStatus * aEventStatus=0x0012f788) Line 1513 + 0x24 C++ jsdom.dll!GlobalWindowImpl::HandleDOMEvent(nsIPresContext * aPresContext=0x01b29840, nsEvent * aEvent=0x0012f75c, nsIDOMEvent * * aDOMEvent=0x0012f6e8, unsigned int aFlags=1, nsEventStatus * aEventStatus=0x0012f788) Line 846 C++ gklayout.dll!DocumentViewerImpl::LoadComplete(unsigned int aStatus=0) Line 909 + 0x48 C++ docshell.dll!nsDocShell::EndPageLoad(nsIWebProgress * aProgress=0x60142bbd, nsIChannel * aChannel=0x013cbfe4, unsigned int aStatus=26514904) Line 4326 C++ necko.dll!nsHttpChannel::GetURI(nsIURI * * URI=0x00000000) Line 2615 C++ gklayout.dll!nsBoxFrame::GetPrefSize(nsBoxLayoutState & aBoxLayoutState={...}, nsSize & aSize={...}) Line 930 + 0x12 C++ gklayout.dll!nsGfxScrollFrame::GetScrollbarSizes(nsIPresContext * aPresContext=0x77f473f3, int * aVbarWidth=0x019930e0, int * aHbarHeight=0x00000028) Line 324 + 0x12 C++ ntdll.dll!_RtlpAllocateFromHeapLookaside@4() + 0x2d ntdll.dll!_RtlpFreeToHeapLookaside@8() + 0x1f ntdll.dll!_RtlFreeHeap@12() + 0xfc msvcr71.dll!free(void * pBlock=0x878b0000) Line 103 C 0001fc45()
Exact message is: Unhandled exception at 0x60b56bf0 (jsj3250.dll) in MozillaFirebird.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x00000015. Code around the crash: JavaMemberDescriptor * jsj_GetClassInstanceMembers(JSContext *cx, JNIEnv *jEnv, JavaClassDescriptor *class_descriptor) { if (class_descriptor->instance_members_reflected != REFLECT_COMPLETE) 60B56BF0 cmp dword ptr [edi+14h],2 <=========== CRASH HERE 60B56BF4 push esi 60B56BF5 mov esi,eax 60B56BF7 je jsj_GetClassInstanceMembers+52h (60B56C42h) reflect_java_methods_and_fields(cx, jEnv, class_descriptor, JS_FALSE); 60B56BF9 cmp dword ptr [edi+14h],0 60B56BFD jne jsj_GetClassInstanceMembers+52h (60B56C42h) 60B56BFF push 0 60B56C01 push edi 60B56C02 push ebx Registers: EAX = 01540938 EBX = 01A341F8 ECX = 00000000 EDX = 01ACD8C0 ESI = 01A341F8 EDI = 00000001 EIP = 60B56BF0 ESP = 0012EBBC EBP = 00000001 EFL = 00010202 00000015 = ????????
So class_descriptor == 0x1? cute
There's an ancient, ugly data dependency from ComputeThis to the liveconnect-only clasp->convert calling code in js_Invoke, which obviously broke when I moved the call to ComputeThis up to come early in js_Invoke. I'm developing a fix; I hope to have a patch by tomorrow a.m. /be
Whiteboard: fix eta: 2003-nov-25
*** Bug 226485 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Attached patch proposed fixSplinter Review
Back out jsinterp.c rev 3.130, rework the necessary follow-on fix to ComputeThis only in the JS_HAS_NO_SUCH_METHOD special case. See the comment there. Nit-picked a ComputeThis-related comment error (no code change). /be
Comment on attachment 136325 [details] [diff] [review] proposed fix So LiveConnect lets Java methods reflect as first class JS functions, but they're unlike JS functions in that they are "bound" to their containing object so that object is always the |this| parameter when a method is invokved. If you say var m = applet.method; m(), |this| will still be applet. In JS, |this| binds dynamically to the global object, or more precisely, the object at the end of m's parent-linked scope chain. Rev 1.130 moved the call to ComputeThis, the subroutine of js_Invoke that implements most of the |this| binding logic, up above the LiveConnect-oriented special case that converts (via clasp->convert) a JavaMember object that stands for a field or method (and can handle overloading) into a method-reflecting JS function object (with the right JSFUN_BOUND_METHOD flag and parent slot). That left the LiveConnect code holding a bogus |this| parameter, not applet in the example, but a global object, probably a DOM window. Wrong-shaped private data => rapid death. /be
Attachment #136325 - Flags: review?(shaver)
Attachment #136325 - Flags: approval1.6b?
I'm guilty in the last comment of misusing "dynamic" to describe JavaScript's |this|-binding rule. If it were dynamic in the same sense as dynamic scoping, then you'd expect the callee's |this| to be the same as the caller's |this|, or strictly induced by the caller's |this|. In my opinion, it's a botch in the Edition 3 version of the ECMA-262 spec that nested functions do not bind |this| that way. Instead, whether nested or not, the callee function's |this| depends on the object to the left of the last dot in the caller's invocation expression. If there is no such object to the left of a dot (as in the m() case), then |this| binds to the last object on the scope chain linked by __parent__ that starts at the callee object. (As usual, dot and bracket notation to access a property are equivalent.) JS has used this rule forever; it's necessary for top-level functions (but not for nested functions, again in my opinion) in lieu of method declarations, in order to let function-valued properties bind |this| to the object containing the property, for poor-man's or class-less methods. So |this|-binding in JS could be called "invocation-based", or some such made up term. Is there a better existing term in programming language theory? /be
I wrote: > If there is no such object to the left of a dot (as in the m() case), then > |this| binds to the last object on the scope chain linked by __parent__ that > starts at the callee object. (As usual, dot and bracket notation to access a > property are equivalent.) I misspoke here. In the m() case, the value of m, or its scope chain, does not matter. What matters is in which property m is bound. If m is a local variable, then conceptually it's the property of an activation object. Per ECMA-262, such objects are never exposed, even via |this| -- they are censored. Instead, in the spec, null is used temporarily, and when the property reference base of null is used as a |this| parameter, the "global object" is substituted for null. In real-world web browsers (something neither the w3c DOM specs, nor ECMA-262, bother to spec), there are many global objects. Hence the use of parent-linked scope chains to find top-level objects at the end of such chains, so that multi-window/frame web-page JS does not suffer from dynamic scoping. See this comment from ComputeThis: /* * ECMA requires "the global object", but in the presence of multiple * top-level objects (windows, frames, or certain layers in the client * object model), we prefer fun's parent. An example that causes this * code to run: * * // in window w1 * function f() { return this } * function g() { return f } * * // in window w2 * var h = w1.g() * alert(h() == w1) * * The alert should display "true". */ Anyway, whether "global" or "top-level", the point is that for an invocation expression of the form m(), there is no object to the left of the last dot in the callee expression (m). So the object in which m is bound is used as |this|, unless it's an activation object, in which case (via a null intermediate, in the ECMA spec), the right global object will be bound to |this| in the invocation. To reiterate the criticism of nested function |this| binding in ECMA-262 Ed. 3: a nested function binds a property of the activation object of the outer function, therefore, as with local var m, activation-object-censoring kicks in and causes |this| for the inner function being invoked to bind to the global (a global ;-) object. Which sucks if the inner function wants |this| to bind to the outer function's |this|, a common case. The usual workaround is something like this: function outer(a, b) { var self = this; function inner(c) { return self.some_method(a, b, c); } return inner; } /be
Comment on attachment 136325 [details] [diff] [review] proposed fix This looks OK. r=shaver.
Attachment #136325 - Flags: review?(shaver) → review+
Comment on attachment 136325 [details] [diff] [review] proposed fix a=asa (on behalf of drivers) for checkin to 1.6beta
Attachment #136325 - Flags: approval1.6b? → approval1.6b+
Fixed. /be
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
wfm Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:1.6b) Gecko/20031125 Tinderbox BuildID 2003112523 tested URLs of dupes: Bug 224781, Bug 225696, Bug 226654 all working. At first, testcase 1 of Bug 226485 seemed to work, but when I closed the tab, all the contents of all other tabs was gray, contents was only redrawn in the area used by opening and closing a menu. Trying to reload didn´t succeed, throbber was spinning forever. Didn´t retry.
re comment #38. did you have valid logins for all the URLs you tested? All the dupe crashes required a login with a valid username/password to cause a crash.
The testcases in Bug 226485 don't require a login.
re comment 39: no, I didn´t try to login, but two of these bugs have been crashing for me. I don´t remember having tested Bug 224781 before. Bug 255696 was crashing for me without logging in, before the virtual keyboard came up, now this is working. Bug 226654 was crashing for me, the left frame didn´t fill with content. I didn´t report, as there were enough comments, now this is working. I tested a bit more on Bug 226485, that one isn´t fixed for me. Closing the browser, Java stays, closing the tab only the other tabs don´t display. Had to reboot to get rid of Java, didn´t see it in the taskmanager.
Bug 224781 definitley required a login to reproduce the crash as did several other sites (mostly web mail and banking sites that use java login applets) that no bug was submited for. This is actually the case that I am most interested in making sure it is fixed, not just becuase it is my bug, but also becuase it is not at all clear to me why a login applet would be using the live-connect feature.
OK my Mozilla Firebird build finally completed. I can now verify that bug 224781 is definietly fixed by this. I tested under original failure conditions using Mozilla Firebird and a valid username/password. Good job Brendan.
Both testcases from Bug 226485 (I'm the reporter of this bug) now work fine with 2003112608 under Windows XP
*** Bug 226832 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Marking Verified FIXED in light of contributors' findings above. Thanks to all -
Flags: blocking1.6?
*** Bug 226996 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Flags: testcase-
Crash Signature: [@ JavaObject_getPropertyById ]
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