Bug 31174
Opened 25 years ago
Closed 24 years ago
SSL requests not going to proxy
(Core :: Networking, defect, P1)
(Reporter: quan_tony, Assigned: darin.moz)
(Keywords: crash, regression, Whiteboard: [dogfood+]suntrak-n6-highp)
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At my site all https requests must go through a proxy server, but there's
currently no way to set the name of your https proxy server in the UI.
If I set the http (no s) proxy server to the correct value (at my site the http
and https proxy servers are the same) and try to
visit any https page, the browser times out after about a minute and doesn't
display the https page.
Comment 1•25 years ago
i think this is a dupe of 31164. i will add your comments to that report.
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 31164 ***
Closed: 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Comment 2•25 years ago
not a dupe.
This bug (31174) is https doesn't work through
proxy - not psm window can't open because of proxy. I have a
proxy and i can still view https sites through it. I just can't
change my psm preferences in that new window that pops up when
you click on the lock icon - (which I filed as bug 31164)
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
The PSM SDK now provides API to create a secure proxy connection. The
secure proxy connection should go through PSM to succeed. There is a function
that opens a connection to a secure proxy server (note that it starts out as a
cleartext connection), and the other that "turns on" security on the socket.
The protocol handler should be able to use these functions to implement the
secure proxy.
Comment 4•25 years ago
So, who's the owner of the https protocol handler?
Ever confirmed: true
OS: Windows 98 → All
Hardware: PC → All
Comment 5•25 years ago
fyi I can duplicate the bug with 2000031412 on Win98. I did a sniffer trace and
it definately is not sending https: data through the proxy (nor DNS lookups for
https connections).
Comment 6•25 years ago
CCing some people, who might know, who owns the https code.
Summary: No UI for setting https proxy; https requests not going to proxy → https requests not going to proxy
Comment 7•25 years ago
Has anyone had any luck tracking this one down?
Comment 8•25 years ago
Bob, is this really your bug? If not, can you assign to the correct developer,
Comment 10•25 years ago
Bug 36125 filed about prefs UI.
Comment 11•25 years ago
there were really 3 bugs here...
1. the pref for HTTPS is not being set.
2. the pref is not being conveyed to the channel from the proxy protocol
3. the proxy setting conveyed to the https channel is not being used.
I have fixed the #2. BenB is filing a new one for #1 and I am assigning this
back to lord for #3.
Assignee: gagan → lord
Comment 12•25 years ago
This bug appears also for snews. Updating SUMMARY. Seth Spitzer, do you need to
make additional changes similar to #2 for snews?
Keywords: beta2
Summary: https requests not going to proxy → SSL requests not going to proxy
Comment 13•25 years ago
Raising priority - This bug prevents at least 15% of Mozilla users from testing
Severity: normal → major
Updated•25 years ago
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2+]
Updated•25 years ago
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2+] → [nsbeta2+] 1w
Comment 15•25 years ago
Reassigning all https/cartman/security bugs to valeski. He will be finding new
owner(s). This shift is so that I can focus on embedding issues. If the new
owner has questions that can not be resovled, I may be able to lend a (quick)
over to valeski....
Assignee: dougt → valeski
Comment 17•25 years ago
*** Bug 43141 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 18•25 years ago
Part #3 of this bug (actually using the proxy setting) is near code I've
recently been changing due to socks stuff. I've enabled the PSM proxy code
in the SSL IO layer, so I wouldn't be surprised if adding the code to
nsProtocolProxyService is all you need to do. The proxy settings should get
through to the io layer, which should do the right thing with them. I'll look
over it again, just to make sure there's nothing left out.
Also, I can add the UI and config code in about 10 minutes if you want me to
take care of this bug entirely.
Comment 20•25 years ago
justin: go ahead. thx.
Comment 21•25 years ago
From what I can tell, the transport gets and uses the proxy info (part #3)
I think the problem people are seeing here is that mozilla is trying
to talk in SSL to the proxy server. And based on the description
of the reporter's set-up, the proxy server doesn't speak in SSL.
If that's the case, then this is really a duplicate of bug 40203.
We can do HTTP proxy with SSL in two ways:
1) mozilla speaks SSL to the proxy, and does a normal GET http://foo/ proxy
2) mozilla speaks cleartext with the proxy, does a CONNECT foo:port, and then
starts up SSL and writes the request to the dest host directly (which is what
bug 40203 implements)
I can't imagine we'll see number 1 often, so how about we always take path 2.
And if we do so, what's the purpose in a separate SSL proxy server
Comment 22•25 years ago
Thanks for your help Justin.
ruslan/dougt: do you guys have more info on this CONNECT call question from
justin? Can me make it always be that way? Seems like an ok thing to do but I
don't know enough about this to make that call.
Assignee: gagan → ruslan
Comment 23•25 years ago
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 40203 ***
Closed: 25 years ago → 25 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Comment 25•25 years ago
I updated, installed PSM, restarted Mozilla, verified that the Security Manager
shows up correctly, verified that the proxy is correctly shown in
Prefs|Advanced|Proxies|SSL and stored in prefs.js (
user_pref("network.proxy.ssl", "myproxy");
user_pref("network.proxy.ssl_port", 1111);
) and tried to load <> (and other SSL
pages), but I get
* Unsupported Request Method and Protocol
Squid does not support all request methods for all access protocols. For
example, you can not POST a Gopher request.
Works fine with 4.x. REOPENing.
Resolution: DUPLICATE → ---
Comment 26•25 years ago
I believe you need to set one more pref. It's called netwerk.*.ssl.connect or
smth like that. Please retest with it.
Comment 27•25 years ago
What is it for? Anyway, neither true nor false work.
Comment 28•25 years ago
it's called "network.http.proxy.ssl.connect", default false BTW.
Comment 29•25 years ago
Per gagan, moving from [nsbeta2+] to [nsbeta2-]
Whiteboard: [nsbeta2+] 1w → [nsbeta2-] 1w
Comment 30•25 years ago
I tried to set "network.http.proxy.ssl.connect" to true on 2000072809 and still
got "GET https://..." delivered in clear text to my proxy (squid).
Second. How much proxies do speak in SSL? I know no such (because technically it
is [near to] imposible to create [good] one) , while CONNECT understand most.
So, please, make use CONNECT default if https proxy setting is set.
Comment 31•25 years ago
The estimation in the status whiteboard is propbaly wrong now.
Could somebody please tell, what I'm supposed to do in order to create a SSL
connection to a webserver over a usual proxy (e.g. squid)? I should work, right?
Comment 32•25 years ago
As per
provided with bug 40203 program hould
1) establish tcp/ip connection to https port;
2) send "CONNECT hostname:portnum HTTP/1.0\n"
3) optionally send "User-agent: bla bla bla\n"
4) optionally send "Proxy-authorization: basic hidenPasswd\n"
5) send "\n"
6) receive HTTP responce header "HTTP/1.0 200 Connection
established\nProxy-agent: squid/1.23\n\n" all until empty line
7) on that connection speak SSL as like just established direct connection with
SSL server.
I just checked with my squid - this scenario works.
Have a good look!
Comment 33•25 years ago
*** Bug 46627 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 34•25 years ago
oops. meant to add-- considering the severity of this problem now (as compared
to its original form) I am marking this as nsbeta3-
Comment 35•25 years ago
OK, finally started tcpdump. Mozilla seems to issue a GET, not CONNECT:
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux 2.2.16-3 i686; en-US; m18)
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: de, en
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,compress,identity
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive
4.x does a CONNECT and works.
Reporter | ||
Comment 36•25 years ago
Confirmed this, my firewall only understands CONNECT for the SSL proxy
Comment 37•25 years ago
I'm using Squid 2.1.
kaspar, which proxy do you use?
Comment 38•25 years ago
I should issue connect. Did you turn on all the prefs? It's still on my list to
clean up confusion out of preferences.
Comment 39•25 years ago
Comment 40•25 years ago
The same problem if proxy server is Apache-1.3.12
Comment 41•25 years ago
Adding myself to CC list; SSL via proxies is vital to Sun and other customers
who are behind firewalls.
Comment 42•25 years ago
ruslan, see my comments at 2000-07-22 and the day after.
Comment 43•25 years ago
Doesn't work with Winproxy 2.1 either
Comment 44•25 years ago
qawanted. I'd like to know what is going on here. SSL through proxy has to work.
Keywords: qawanted
Comment 45•25 years ago
Tested again on Windows NT build 2000081308 and any secure connection crashes
the browser totally. The one from the 08 Aug just failed to connect. The
depends on bug id #40203 is marked as fixed, and this bug appears to be becuase
of that problem. Is it?
Comment 46•24 years ago
*** Bug 46810 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 48•24 years ago
*** Bug 49869 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 49•24 years ago
OK, we have 5 people for whom this is not working, inclusing one crash. qawanted
has been ignored so far. Removing nsbeta3- for reevaluation and adding dogfood.
Updated•24 years ago
Target Milestone: M17 → M18
Version: 1.1 → 1.3
Comment 50•24 years ago
actually, this is not really dogfood for me /right now/. But it is an essential
feature that has to make it in final, and dogfood is the only way to get pdt
attention these days, i think.
Keywords: dogfood
Comment 51•24 years ago
It's dogfood for *me*, and the rest of Sun. We are behind a firewall, and our
only access to secure sites outside of the Sun firewall is via proxy servers.
We cannot currently use Netscape6 or Mozilla as our default browser at Sun until
this is fixed. Our CEO would like to switch to Netscape 6 as the default
browser used inside of Sun today (like, really: today). But until this bug is
fixed, we can't do it. I'm happy to go on record as nominating it as dogfood.
Keywords: dogfood
Comment 53•24 years ago
Ok. Our proxy support appears to be totally busted. I can't even get to the
place where it's supposed to do CONNECT handshake. We've a major regression - it
never even seems to set overriding spec on the url. Very bad. This bug can only
be fixed after general proxy bustage is fixed.
Comment 54•24 years ago
Concerning the general proxy bustage, what happens at
line 1474 of netwerk/protocol/http/src/nsHTTPChannel.cpp?
Is SetOverrideRequestSpec being called? If not, which of the
tests is false?
Comment 55•24 years ago
No. It is not being called.
Comment 57•24 years ago
I don't understand the state of this bug. To me it seems the SSL through proxy
is working. (Linux nightly 2000090621 with PSM 1.2)
Comment 58•24 years ago
Worksforme with the 9/8 Linux and Win98 builds, and the 9/7 Mac build.
Closed: 25 years ago → 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Comment 60•24 years ago
I cannot do any kind of surfing(ssl/non-ssl) when the proxy is set on. I am
using a proxy server up here at santa clara
John : can you give me a server I can use as proxy to test this.
Comment 61•24 years ago
SSL through a Proxy is not working for me with build 2000090704 (Windows) and
PSM 1.2.
When I try to connect to, I get a couple of page faults
in the PSM:
PSM caused an invalid page fault in
module NSPR4.DLL at 0137:3000295b.
EAX=00906ae0 CS=0137 EIP=3000295b EFLGS=00010206
EBX=817d7c00 SS=013f ESP=00fefec8 EBP=00fefefc
ECX=04833300 DS=013f ESI=00908840 FS=5b37
EDX=00feff3c ES=013f EDI=009088e8 GS=0000
Bytes at CS:EIP:
ff 51 44 83 c4 14 c3 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90 90
Stack dump:
00906ae0 00feff3c 00000008 00000000 ffffffff 0040e2fc 00906ae0 00feff3c 00000008
00000000 ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00feff48 00407a6f 00906ae0
PSM caused an invalid page fault in
module <unknown> at 00de:009046f9.
EAX=00906ae0 CS=0137 EIP=009046f9 EFLGS=00010206
EBX=817c9fa8 SS=013f ESP=0110fed8 EBP=0110ff10
ECX=009046ec DS=013f ESI=009085c0 FS=5b47
EDX=0110ff28 ES=013f EDI=00908668 GS=55ae
Bytes at CS:EIP:
87 90 00 b0 83 90 00 ec 19 79 00 ec 19 79 00 20
Stack dump:
3000298e 00906ae0 0110ff28 00000008 00000000 ffffffff 0040e360 00906ae0 0110ff28
00000008 00000000 ffffffff 00404ad9 00000000 0110ff48 00404b77
After clicking "close" on the faults, the firewall returns the following error
> URL form not supported
> The URL that you tried to use is not supported by the proxy. This may be due
> to an unsupported scheme, or possibly that the URL was malformed. The URL that
> was seen by the firewall was:
> If this is an error, then you should contact your local firewall
> administrator.
Our proxy (Raptor-Eagle 4.0) requires use of the CONNECT method on port 80 to
establish a tunnel to the remote server.
Comment 62•24 years ago
Nitin, try Also remember that you cannnot reach
internal web sites then, so try
Comment 63•24 years ago
Did your resolution "WORKSFORME" come from using proxy on 443 port which most
likely _KNOWS_ how to speak in SSL? If that's the case, could you please try
again with squid/apache/etc what understand only CONNECT method. And if it will
work, could you please document _HOW_ to you achieved that.
Thanks in advance.
Comment 64•24 years ago
Does not work for me with build from Sun with Squid proxy. It MUST work with
Squid proxy. If it does, please add instructions. REOPENing.
Resolution: WORKSFORME → ---
Comment 65•24 years ago
PDT agrees P1
Whiteboard: [dogfood+][nsbeta2-][nsbeta3+] → [dogfood+][nsbeta2-][nsbeta3+][PDTP1]
Comment 66•24 years ago
Hmm to me it's Worksforme with the Squid proxy on port 80. With Linux nightly
2000090621. I've didn't change anything except of setting the proxy address and
port. Maybe it doesn't work on Windows only?
Comment 67•24 years ago
My proxy runs on another (pretty arbitary) port.
Comment 68•24 years ago
And I'm running Linux on the client (see my UA above).
Comment 69•24 years ago
Still worksforme. Here is a list of proxy servers to try - - I've tried about ten, and they have all
Comment 70•24 years ago
There is some amt of counfusion here. I just used the url john gave above and I
cannot do any kind of surfing.
I put the above url in the "automatic configuration" textfield. Hit a reload and
then I cannot surf.
Then I restarted netscape6 and it does not bring up the home page.
Is anyone seeing something even similar?
Comment 71•24 years ago
Nitin, that url is a website for you to visit. Then select a proxy server and
add it to your http proxy prefs.
Comment 72•24 years ago
John, testing with public proxies is pointless. Setup a private network (with or so addresses) without direct connection to the internet, but only
to the proxy. Run standard Squid on port 6543 (i.e. an arbitary one). Set http,
ftp and ssl proxy prefs in Mozilla to that machine/port. Open
<>. Unless this works, don't mark fixed.
Comment 73•24 years ago
Ben: This is really a specific case and a separate bug should be opened and I am
closing this since in general proxies work for SSL which is this bug. John would
open the other bug but this should be closed.
Closed: 24 years ago → 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Comment 74•24 years ago
I disagree that it should be closed. A specific case was given as an aid to the
developer to know when they got it fixed. I'm sure its not the only case where
there is a problem. I have yet to be able to successfully use mozilla to make a
secure connection via the citibank proxy which runs on port 80. (btw, I've been
trying mozilla for over a year, and have been anxious to see https over a
non-ssl proxy get implemented.) (yes I've got the lastest PSM) This is a
dogfood problem for me, since I can't use Mozilla at work because the nature of
my work involves secure sites. (I support some credit card web sites and would
like to run mozilla to access them to see if we or mozilla have any issues...but
I can't - except from home)
Comment 75•24 years ago
Gagan, I'm confused, could you please give a list of "known" working proxies:
* Product name, version, platform
* which ports they work on (whatever standard ports and two arbitrary)
* whether we speak CONNECT or GET
Is this working for anyone in a large corporation outside of Netscape?
Comment 76•24 years ago
timeless: I am only going by john's comments above.
Comment 77•24 years ago
Ruslan: can you re-verify this? Seems like people are still having problems with
SSL proxy connections. Thx.
Comment 78•24 years ago
This does not work for use within the Sun Microsystems firewall. When we try to
go outside through our web proxy servers, SSL doesn't work.
Comment 79•24 years ago
reopening for investigation.
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Comment 80•24 years ago
gagan: we have Solaris commercial builds inside the Sun network. If there's
anything we can do to help diagnose the problem, please let us know. You're
welcome to come to Sun and sit with us on a Windows, Linux, or Solaris box
with your favorite build and debugger if you think that would help. If you have
any other suggestions about how we can help track down the behavior, please send
email to me ( or Rich Burridge (, the lead
engineer for the Solaris port of Netscape 6, or Margaret Chan
(, one of the senior engineers on the Solaris port.
Comment 81•24 years ago
I can't make a secure connection through my squid proxy to dick-smiths.
Comment 82•24 years ago
*** Bug 53182 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Updated•24 years ago
Assignee: ruslan → gagan
Comment 83•24 years ago
the owner of this bug no longer works for cpd. reassigning to gagan
who is the one who assigned to ruslan. Yes, this bug is still a
problem. People at sun are still having problems with it and this
is a very hot bug for them.
Comment 84•24 years ago
oops. i was misinformed about ruslan. reassigning the bug back to him.
Gagan says he should still fix this.
Assignee: gagan → ruslan
Comment 85•24 years ago
*** Bug 53701 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 86•24 years ago
ruslan, could you give some status on this bug please? There have been
no comments from you since 31st August. Are you going to be able to
fix this in time for nsbeta3? Thanks.
Comment 87•24 years ago
I'm swamped with my own work. I don't think I'll be able to spend sufficient
amount of time on it. Looks like though all the proxy settings are propagated
correctly (after applying the patch attached) - they get clobbered somewhere and
socket transport is still trying to connect to the original host. Back to gagan
Comment 88•24 years ago
Comment 89•24 years ago
Now I'M distributing PSM binaries without a chance to test them, which is
ironic. Severity up to blocker.
Severity: major → blocker
Comment 90•24 years ago
This doesn't work for me either!
Comment 91•24 years ago
*** Bug 53671 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 92•24 years ago
marking nsbeta3- minus as I don't think we should hold PR3 for this. nominating
for RTM.
Keywords: rtm
Whiteboard: [dogfood+][nsbeta2-][nsbeta3+][PDTP1] → [dogfood+][nsbeta2-][nsbeta3-][PDTP1]
Comment 93•24 years ago
I don't know how to argue more cogently than this, so here goes:
PUH-LEEEEEEEZ fix this for PR 3!
For any company that sits behind a firewall and uses proxies to get to the
outside world (Sun is one example; I'm guessing there are others, but am not
personally familiar with any other examples), the existence of this bug prevents
those N6/Mozilla customers from using secure sites outside the firewall. It's
actually worse than that in the normal case: even for secure sites *inside* a
corporate firewall, the browser will often not work. The reason: in enterprises
where many prefs are pre-set for the end user, prefs will be set to use a proxy
for SSL support, but the corresponding "Ignore proxies for these domains..."
pref will not be set. So, even though it's not necessary to go through a proxy
to get from one internal site to another, the proxy settings will force the
browser to use that proxy, thereby disabling the end user's ability to visit
internal secure sites.
Imagine trying to do your work at your company without having access to your
daily secure web apps (corporate phone book, expense report tool, org chart,
secure email, payroll app, benefits chooser, etc.).
I can only argue veridically for Sun, but I'm guessing this is a show-stopper
for other companies as well. For Sun, it means another two months that the
company has to wait before switching to N6 as the default internal browser.
With this bug fixed, we have support from the company CEO (more than support,
I'd say: significant pressure) to switch to the Netscape 6 browser as the
To summarize: it'd be Real Nice if this bug were fixed for PR 3. If there's
anything I can do to help, I'm willing to try my best.
Comment 94•24 years ago
Sun is definitely not the only company with a proxy requirement. I'd guess (I
have no stats at all) that 10-25% of the users are in a similar situation.
Comment 95•24 years ago
Removing nsbeta3- for reconsideration after reading the plea from Sun and many
Whiteboard: [dogfood+][nsbeta2-][nsbeta3-][PDTP1] → [dogfood+][nsbeta2-][PDTP1]
Comment 96•24 years ago
Taking about the list of proxies. Here's what I get:
Error 400
Invalid request "CONNECT HTTP/1.0" (unknown method)
as you see we do issue CONNECT request in that mode (when the pref is enabled -
you'll also need a patch attached b4 to this bug report).
Comment 97•24 years ago
*** Bug 52824 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 98•24 years ago
A very large percentage of Internet users access the Internet from the workplace
for both work related and personal reasons. I can't find a reference but I
recall reading a figure around 50%. Most of these users are behind corporate
Comment 99•24 years ago
I also belive that PR3 should be able to use PSM behind firewalls!
Comment 100•24 years ago
Ruslan, your changes look ok to me, although I'm unclear on why you need
strncasecmps when comparing URI schemes. If you are comparing scheme to scheme,
you should use strcasecmp. If you're comparing scheme to full URI string, don't
you need to insist on the the : (in case someone used a scheme such as
httpsnotreally: at the front of a URI)?
Comment 101•24 years ago
Talked to jar and we agree that we agree that the patch is simple enough to
consider for PR3 *IFF* we can get some experimental data *TODAY* that the patch
fixes the problem and doesn't regress anything else. Who wants to do that? If no
one steps up, the fix slips to RTM.
Comment 102•24 years ago
fine. i'll take a look at it and see what I can do.
Comment 103•24 years ago
I can commit engineering resources at Sun to try the patch and see if it works
from within our firewall. I'll send private email to PDT with my cell phone
number in case you wish to contact me (and apologize in advance for the spam).
If I can be helpful here, I'm happy to.
Comment 104•24 years ago
From ruslan's comments at 2000-09-22 17:10, I understand that this patch is
*not* supposed to fix this bug. Or wrong?
Comment 105•24 years ago
are we sure that only ssl requests are not going through a proxy. I just setup a
proxy server and netscape6 could not even
go to I removed the setting from the prefs and I could
surf fine.
Comment 106•24 years ago
I have applied the patch on Windows 2000 and rebuilt.
Trying to access a secure site the proxy (squid) tells me:
970209736.544 1402 xx.xx.xx.xx TCP_MISS/000 1366 CONNECT
3 - DIRECT/ -
So the browser is correctly issuing CONNECT insted of POST.
But no further loading of the site itself. In the status line it says Document:
Done. I can refresh as often as I would but it will not load.
I'm using build 2000092822 with psm fresh installed.
Comment 107•24 years ago
changing product to browser. this isn't a psm/client lib bug. this is a
networking bug.. more to follow
Component: Client Library → Networking
Product: PSM → Browser
Version: 1.3 → other
Comment 108•24 years ago
Comment 109•24 years ago
so here is what I see:
we send:
=== Start
CONNECT aka:443 HTTP/1.1
Host: aka
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux 2.2.16 i686; en-US; m18) Gecko/20000918
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,compress,identity
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive
=== End
we get back
200 Connection established
from the server...
so all is good up to here. then we step up the proxy connection (which goes ok)
then we send:
=== Start
GET https://aka/ HTTP/1.1
Host: aka
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux 2.2.16 i686; en-US; m18) Gecko/20000918
Accept: */*
Accept-Language: en
Accept-Encoding: gzip,deflate,compress,identity
Keep-Alive: 300
Connection: keep-alive
=== End
and from here things go down hill....
we flush the buffer out again incase we have anything, then we get into:
nsHTTPRequest::OnStopRequest() [this=426049d8]. wasKeptAlive=0, channelStatus=0
the AsyncRead call in here returns failure, so we call in to ResponseCompleted
with a failure status which leads us to report a (bogus) error loading the page.
nsHTTPChannel::ResponseCompleted() [this=423fce00] mDataListenet=426b4fb0,
nsHTTPFinalListener::OnStopRequest [this=426b4fb0], mOnStopFired=0
Error loading URL https://aka/: 804b000f
shortly after this point, we get back from the server:
=== Start
HTTP/1.1 404 Not found
Server: Netscape-Enterprise/3.6
Date: Fri, 29 Sep 2000 01:01:50 GMT
Content-type: text/html
Content-length: 207
=== End
now, if you manage to get the debugger to wait just long enough, you can get the
data to come in and so the AsycRead doesn't fail and then we crash in some other
pipelining code because it is looking for a request from the request array which
happens to be null... this seems to be very timing specific.
I've tried to follow what is going on here, but I am having a lot of problems
all of the listener, response, etc stuff. I've stepped through all of the PSM
proxy code and it is doing what it should be doing.
ruslan, I need your help.
Comment 110•24 years ago
Hmm. From what I see there's a bug somewhere when we didn't reset the url to be
back a uri, so it should have said GET /, not GET https://aka/ - but it's not a
problem after all. The problem is that right after we get Connection established
- the transport goes and calls PSM's step up function - that obviously didn't
happen as you should not be able to see clear text at all (it should start ssl
Comment 111•24 years ago
Pavlov, from your analysis, it seems like you are being hit by bug 52492 (which
sadly seems to be a rare/difficult to dup problem) I am tempted to ask someone
who has this bug as a reproducible problem to try it with pipelining switched
off using the pref--
user_pref("network.http.pipelining" , false);
Or even the keep-alive with this pref--
user_pref("network.http.keep-alive", false);
Comment 112•24 years ago
added edburns to cc.
Gagan, Will this make RTM?
Comment 113•24 years ago
Release noting. "Secure (https) websites such as cannot
be reached through a proxy."
Keywords: relnote3
Updated•24 years ago
Whiteboard: [dogfood+][nsbeta2-][PDTP1] → [dogfood+][nsbeta2-][PDTP1] suntrak-n6-highp
Comment 114•24 years ago
I don't suppose we can expect a fix in the trunk in time for an M18 in the next
day or two...
Comment 115•24 years ago
Responding to Gagan.. I tried both of those prefs (changed via the gui in
debug/networking. Still hung going to a secure site through our proxy server.
Whiteboard: [dogfood+][nsbeta2-][PDTP1] suntrak-n6-highp → [dogfood+][nsbeta2-][PDTP1] suntrak-n6-highp [rtm need info]
Comment 116•24 years ago
Comment 117•24 years ago
I applied the patch and
WHOOOHOOO!!!! (I'm trying hard not to wake up the whole house - it's 6am
I could sucessfully visit <>. It recognies
RC4 cipher, 128bit. The test machine can't even resolve inet hostnames, but goes
through a Squid 2.3 installation.
For the case you missed it: The last patch from Nikolay contains a description
of the fix. Nikolay, the standard here are |cvs diff -u|s from the highest
common dir. I'll attach such a patch - it contains the same code Nikolay attached.
Comment 118•24 years ago
Comment 119•24 years ago
Comment 120•24 years ago
r=pavlov someone should rtm+ this... gagan?
Comment 121•24 years ago
great! This seems to working well now. If dougt/ruslan can add the sr then I
will change this to rtm+ and let PDT approve the final checkin.
Comment 122•24 years ago
Added dougt to cc so he knows he needs to take action to give sr = dougt.
Comment 123•24 years ago
> the final checkin.
Note that Nicolay says, POSTs did not work correctly.
Comment 124•24 years ago
This is another bug which should get validated on the trunk before we take the
patch on the branch. Also, the patch has a lot of commented out debugging
printfs, which should be removed. junruh, please report back in the bug after
you've tested this in trunk build.
Comment 125•24 years ago
Comment 126•24 years ago
Comment 127•24 years ago
Comment 128•24 years ago
Just a quick update-- I am in process of getting these changes into the trunk.
POST is a known problem and I am yet to find the related bug. Thanks for hanging
in there!
Comment 129•24 years ago
Fix has been checked into the trunk. Per PDT's suggestion, I would check this
into the branch after ensuring that this works well on the trunk. All of you who
have been patiently watching this bug are requested to try the trunk for
possible problems and help us test this bug. Thanks!
Comment 130•24 years ago
I blasted through this thread b/c I've to some other fires, but I think I can
explain why the "GET HTTPS worked on someone's server". (appoligizes in advance
if someone covered this)
They are using a Netscape Proxy server that was not configured correctly in a
strict sense.
There is support for what some mindless docs person named "HTTPS Proxy". It's
bascially a feature where the Proxy would support SSL dumb clients by accepting
clear GET's to https URL's and then do the SSL as a client when it forward the
If you want to support this, create a new pref, and call it a "feature", but
try explaining the difference between "HTTPS Proxy" and "Security (SSL
Tunneling of snews and https) to an end user. It even confused some of our
smarter Proxy customers when I supported the product.
If someone needs more detail on this, post here or mail me offline.
Comment 131•24 years ago
tever is testing this problem, and he is using build:
Win NT 101308 & LINUX (both TRUNK).
I've checked the log files of my proxy server (Netscape Proxy Server 3.5x), and
it it works.
Here are the log entries: - - [13/Oct/2000:12:06:03 -0700] "CONNECT
HTTP/1.1" 200 0 - 0 0 0 370 73 - - 4
He's still working on the Mac build.
When your client sends the "HTTPS Proxy" style request, the logs read: - - [11/Oct/2000:17:57:14 -0700] "GET HTTP/1.1" 403 234
- - - - 304 169 - - -
Comment 132•24 years ago
I tried it early this A.M. and it still hung - doesn't work here. I downloaded
PSM on Sep 23 06:11 (am). Do I need a newer one? I had to install it manually
using psm_12_rhlinux6.1.tar.
My network prefs are:
$ grep netw prefs.js
user_pref("network.cookie.warnAboutCookies", true);
user_pref("network.http.keep-alive", false);
user_pref("network.proxy.ftp", "www-proxy");
user_pref("network.proxy.ftp_port", 80);
user_pref("network.proxy.http", "localhost");
user_pref("network.proxy.http_port", 8000);
user_pref("network.proxy.no_proxies_on", "");
user_pref("network.proxy.ssl", "www-proxy");
user_pref("network.proxy.ssl_port", 80);
user_pref("network.proxy.type", 1);
localhost:8000 is junkbuster which forwards to www-proxy.
The same exact settings work with ns4.
Comment 133•24 years ago
Try a newer version of PSM from
Scroll down to the bottom and click on the correct button.
Comment 134•24 years ago
This worksforme on the trunk builds. I was able to connect to various https
sites through an ssl proxy with no problems. Ben verified that the CONNECT is
showing up in his log files. Checked 1013 and 1016 builds on winNT, Linux, and
Mac. I am also seeing the problem with posting but I don't know what the bug #
Comment 135•24 years ago
> Ben verified that the CONNECT is showing up in his log files.
Not me, so I guess, he means Benjamin Chuang.
Comment 136•24 years ago
yeah, I meant Ben Chuang ... sorry.
Comment 137•24 years ago
Based on tever's (and benc's) feedback I am setting this back to rtm+ for PDT
approval to allow me to check in these changes for the branch.
Whiteboard: [dogfood+][nsbeta2-][PDTP1] suntrak-n6-highp [rtm need info] → [dogfood+][nsbeta2-][PDTP1] suntrak-n6-highp [rtm+]
Comment 138•24 years ago
opened bug 56935 for the POST problem. If there is a dupe of this feel free to
mark it as such.
Comment 139•24 years ago
I realise that bug 56935 has been opened to handled the POST case,
but I'll make this comment here as most people interested in this
are already on the cc: for this bug.
The same person who has fixed 31174 (Nikolay Igotti) is now working
on a fix for the POST case. He's got it working with: and his own test server, but he
needs more URL's for servers to test against (particularly ones where
he will be able to get access to the server logs as well. If you can
help here, please add your comments to this bug or email me. Thanks.
Comment 140•24 years ago
If I go to, I get an error (alert box) right away that
says "The connection was refused when attempting to contact".
And in the xterm window where I started mozilla, it says:
Error loading URL
we don't handle eBorderStyle_close yet... please fix me
And there is no psm process running.
ssl proxy and http proxy are both set (and those settings work in ns4).
keepalive and http pipelining are both disabled.
I am running 2000101221 build.
I cannot install a newer PSM due to the install bugs, and since psm process is
not even started, I have no reason to believe it would help.
Updated•24 years ago
QA Contact: junruh → tever
Comment 141•24 years ago
Qa > tever
Comment 142•24 years ago
Comment 143•24 years ago
Is it true that automatic proxy configuration does not work and the manual
configuration works fine in the edit|preferences?
I could not do anything when I setup auto-configuration, but manual config works
fine for me.
Comment 144•24 years ago
nitinp, do you have the right bug? Your comments would seem to
be relevant to bug 53080
Comment 145•24 years ago
This bug is decision starving :-(
Comment 146•24 years ago
Junruh emailed me a zip file with psm. I unzipped it and struggled with the
start-psm script and finally got it working. Now I can get to but I still cannot log into yahoo mail. I assume this
is the POST problem. Can you folkes at netscape/mozilla get that POST fix into
the nightly build so we can try it?
Comment 147•24 years ago
PDT says rtm++, okay to land non-POST fixes on branch. Please nominate POST bug
separately, as appropriate.
Whiteboard: [dogfood+][nsbeta2-][PDTP1] suntrak-n6-highp [rtm+] → [dogfood+][nsbeta2-][PDTP1] suntrak-n6-highp [rtm++]
Comment 148•24 years ago
I'd like to make a general note here:
For the purposes of verifying that your proxy client implementation is correct,
I think that nobody should be testing with a PAC file. Too many ways it can add
complexity. I see from the previous thread that this has happened.
Updated•24 years ago
Severity: blocker → critical
Comment 149•24 years ago
is there anything keeping this from landing?
Comment 150•24 years ago
it has landed :) (on the branch as well now) Since the post is being tracked in
a separate bug I am going to go ahead and close this one.
Closed: 24 years ago → 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Comment 151•24 years ago
verified on branch using server
WinNT 101908
Linux rh6 101909
Mac os9 101908
already tested on trunk
Comment 152•24 years ago
*** Bug 50141 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 153•24 years ago
Bad news, SSL via proxy is not working correctly in build 2000112704 (Win98).
Our firewall is a Raptor 1.0. When I try to connect to,
I get prompted for my firewall password and, after entering it, the web page
starts to load. However, it looks like the HTTP headers are being included with
the HTML. After most of the page loads, the browser freezes and I have to kill
Comment 154•24 years ago
Similarly, mozilla freezes when trying to go to
As in your case, it starts to load the page, and then it dies. (btw: I have
not been able to get talkback to work through our proxy - it does not seem to
support authentication. thus, i've not been able to send any of the talkback
crash files)
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Comment 155•24 years ago
forgot to mention, we are using an authenticated netscape proxy server on port
80 for https to direct traffic through our corporate firewall.
Comment 156•24 years ago
Tom Canova: try turning off TLS support and see if
works. I just tried it on Win32 and it worked for me if I turned off TLS,
crashed N6 if I left TLS turned on.
To turn off TLS support, go to the Tasks menu and choose "Tasks->Privacy and
Security->Security Manager" to bring up the Personal Security Manager panel.
Once that appears, choose the "Advanced" tab, then choose the "Options" tab.
You'll see three choices for SSL settings: SSL 2, SSL 3, and TLS. Un-check TLS,
close that window, quit the browser, then re-start it. Try again, you should be
I don't know why this is the case, but it is.
Comment 157•24 years ago
If turning off TLS supports fixes the problem, then that means the server
implements TLS incorrectly. The web site administrator should be notified.
TLS is the lates IETF standard for SSL (TLS == SSL v3.1). We should avoid
encouraging users to turn it off because most web sites will not fix their
problem unless users make them aware of it.
Comment 158•24 years ago
We shouldn't crash, no mather what the server does. Can somebody please file a
bug? As long as we do crash on random SSL sites, it is very reasonable to turn
it off.
Is that the only problem? Can we close the bug again?
Comment 159•24 years ago
If there is crashing using TLS with "SSL Proxy" but not by itself, then there is
a problem on ourside.
If there is a problem with using TLS without "SSL Proxy", then this should not
have been mentioned here :)
Comment 160•24 years ago
Currently I have PSM version 1.3.
Under the advanced tab, it only lists SSL2 and SSL3 (not TLS)
I used the Debug->Install PSM menu to get to the psm-mozilla page on I think I have the current.
https seems to work inside our firewall. The 2 or 3 sites I've tried outside
our firewall have all crashed the browser.
Comment 161•24 years ago
My browser crashes when going to
Amazon and Yahoo seem like pretty mainstream sites...
Comment 162•24 years ago
Tom Canova: you're out of luck for the moment. PSM 1.3 doesn't allow you to
turn off TLS support; there's no UI for it, nor a preference that we were able
to find.
If you're using the Solaris port of Netscape 6 PR 3, you'll get a new version
that will let you turn off the TLS option in about a week (~December 15), when
we switch to PSM 1.4. The released versions of Netscape 6 already let you do
this preference change.
If you're using Mozilla, then I'd recommend asking how to compile PSM 1.4 and
using it with your Mozilla build; it will at least let you work around the
problem for now.
Comment 163•24 years ago
> If you're using Mozilla, then I'd recommend asking how to compile PSM 1.4
Or get mine <>.
Comment 164•24 years ago
This bug was marked to be fixed in a previous milestone but it didn't get fixed
properly. Nominated for beta1.
Keywords: nsbeta1
Comment 165•24 years ago
Marking fixed again per previous comments. Problems mentioned for reopening are
irrelevant to this bug.
Closed: 24 years ago → 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Comment 167•24 years ago
Man, I hate to do this, but in the last two days' commercial builds of Netscape
6, I can no longer go to and access my account through the secure
server. In fact, no HTTPS functionality seems to work.
I realize that this is Netscape 6 versus Mozilla, but these are nightly builds
based on the Mozilla code base.
Has anybody verified in the last few days that HTTPS via web proxies still
works? I claim not, but would be jubilant to be proven wrong.
(build id on Win2K: 2001020704)
Resolution: FIXED → ---
Comment 168•24 years ago
I can confirm this going through a squid 2.3 proxy with
build: 2001020704
user-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; m18) Gecko/20010207
Comment 169•24 years ago
ugh! any chance a fix will materialize in time for 0.8? This is a high profile
regression. updating status whiteboard and keywords and stuff.
Whiteboard: [dogfood+][nsbeta2-][PDTP1] suntrak-n6-highp [rtm++] → [dogfood+]suntrak-n6-highp this is critical for mozilla 0.8
Target Milestone: M18 → ---
Comment 170•24 years ago
I don't mean to panic anybody. It's probably just me. It should be fairly easy
to verify, though; I'll do what I can at Sun (get others to use the same build
on a different Windows box, and also Linux), and perhaps somebody at Netscape
can verify as well.
Comment 171•24 years ago
I'm using Linux and Squid, and https doesn't work for me either. Requests seem
to time out.
drapeau, you have secure servers within your firewall, IIRC. Please try to
access them.
Comment 172•24 years ago
See bug 66904. I've reported it there because I didn't want to reopen this bug.
Comment 173•24 years ago
From the dup bug:
------- Additional Comments From 2001-02-06 16:41 -------
Copying from my report of bug #67815 (which was a dupe of this one, sorry):
Mozilla 2001020508, Linux (Mandrake 7.2, glibc 2.2.1, kernel 2.4.0)
using squid 2.4 (recent cvs snapshot)
The proxy works perfectly for Netscape 4.7x, MSIE and Mozilla 0.7 clients.
Using the aforementioned daily build (2001020508), when trying to access any
secure page (e.g., it takes a long time,
about 1 or 2 minutes, and then says "The operation timed out attempting to
contact https://(address)".
If I configure Mozilla to not use a proxy server for HTTPS sites, it works. The
problem is only when using the proxy.
------- Additional Comments From Tom Mraz 2001-02-06 23:33 -------
I see exactly the same behavior except the proxy is squid 2.3.STABLE4
Comment 174•24 years ago
*** Bug 66904 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 175•24 years ago
Okay, I tried accessing a Sun-internal HTTPS site two ways:
1) Do not use any proxy servers. Result: works fine.
2) Using proxy servers for both HTTP and SSL. Result: no worky.
Comment 176•24 years ago
I too see George's problem. I built the trunk on WINNT4.0 SP4 from source on
last Friday with BUILD_PSM=1 and I can't access my etrade account.
Comment 177•24 years ago
If you configure a proxy for HTTP and no proxy for HTTPS, it also works... the
problem is just when using HTTPS through a proxy.
Comment 178•24 years ago
The last nightly that worked for me was the 23rd (Build 2001012304).
Comment 179•24 years ago
Worked for me on win32 commercial as late as 2001-02-05-11, but definitely
broken on win32 comercial now (2001-02-08-08-Mtrunk).
Proxy server logs show: - - [08/Feb/2001:14:00:59 -0800] "CONNECT HTT
P/1.1" 200 0 - 0 0 0 275 73 - - 31
The request is in quotes, and looks good. However the next 4 fields basically
show that after making a successful client-proxy connection, the client never
completes a successful request-response transaction with the destination server.
This could be due to an SSL handshake failure or other problems. I'll keep
digging, but getting info out of SSL is hard to do sometimes :)
Also, since this was working in several releases, would it be too much to ask
that we put the regression in a separate bug?
Comment 180•24 years ago
*** Bug 68100 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 181•24 years ago
A tcpdump trace seems to show to me that after getting the CONNECT response the
client simply does nothing. Perhaps it doesn't parse the (correct) response right,
or is internally deadlocked.
Comment 182•24 years ago
Is there movement on this bug? It's a 0.8 bug so I'm trying to make sure that
there's still traction.
Comment 183•24 years ago
darin: can you investigate if the asyncwrite changes you landed have something
to do with this regression? I can't think up of anything else that may have
changed from networking side. If you don't find anything I'd let someone
from security group (javi?) investigate this.
Assignee: gagan → darin
Assignee | ||
Comment 184•24 years ago
My AsyncWrite changes went in on 1/23 and broke PSM, but this was fixed on
1/27. So if this was working on 2/5, then this most likely isn't a regression
caused by my AsyncWrite changes.
bryner made a change on 2/6 that might be related:
bug 67582 - set channel on security info object for ssl-forcehandshake sockets.
Assignee | ||
Comment 185•24 years ago
who should own this?
Comment 186•24 years ago
I doubt it's my checkin, this just sets an additional attribute on the security
info object.
Can anyone confirm whether nsSocketTransport::doConnection is calling
ProxyStepUp() on the socket?
Comment 187•24 years ago
darin, gagan, this seems to have stalled. can one of youhelp get it moving again.
Assignee | ||
Comment 188•24 years ago
Can someone point me to an SSL proxy for testing?
Comment 189•24 years ago
benc has an ssl proxy server running for testing purposes 443
Comment 190•24 years ago
Reliably, you can only test on a system which is not connected to the Inet other
than through the proxy. Netscape *should* have such systems.
Assignee | ||
Comment 191•24 years ago
We are successfully making the CONNECT with the SSL proxy. It returns a 200
success code. At this point, we switch into SSL mode (via ProxyStepUp).
After doing so, we enter PR_Poll waiting for socket i/o. For some reason,
PR_Poll never wakes up the socket.
I switched back to necko (1/22/2001) and found that everything worked just
fine, which means that this is definitely a bug in necko and not in PSM.
I'm trying to compare the behavior of the two necko's in order to hopefully
locate the bug.
Assignee | ||
Comment 192•24 years ago
I have a fix for this.
Assignee | ||
Comment 193•24 years ago
Assignee | ||
Comment 194•24 years ago
Beware, the patch I just submitted fixes this bug but breaks FTP (see bug
65220). The correct fix requires a true bidi socket transport, which dougt
has on his branch.
Comment 195•24 years ago
re: ben's comments above
I'm not clear on the exact configuration you are referring to. Do you mean we
should have a system that is on a proxy-firewalled subnet? I'm not sure how that
helps in this situation.
If you want to make sure that you client is not connecting directly, there are
methods of verifying the correct behavior without the mentioned configuration...
Comment 196•24 years ago
> If you want to make sure that you client is not connecting directly
> there are methods of verifying the correct behavior without the mentioned
> configuration...
OK. (Read the backlog of this very bug for why I am so distrusting.)
Updated•24 years ago
Whiteboard: [dogfood+]suntrak-n6-highp this is critical for mozilla 0.8 → [dogfood+]suntrak-n6-highp
Assignee | ||
Comment 197•24 years ago
Assignee | ||
Comment 198•24 years ago
r=dougt on the latest patch
Assignee | ||
Comment 199•24 years ago
Please note: my patch is a workaround fix. This bug should not be considered
resolved once this patch lands. For some reason, polling on a SSL socket is
broken. PR_Poll sometimes doesn't wakeup. This is especially true after
ProxyStepUp is called. PR_Poll never wakes up if it is entered right after
calling ProxyStepUp. My patch ensures that PR_Write/PR_Read get called first
before entering PR_Poll, and this seems to do the trick (at least for
However, my patch only seems to fix the problem for some HTTPS sites.
In particular, I am still unable to login to and
using an SSL proxy. I can do this in moz 0.7, but not with my trunk build.
I even tried running a trunk build with necko from moz 0.7, and that didn't
work. Which, confirms for me that this is not a necko bug. In these examples,
the last thing necko does is successfully write some data to the socket and
then enter PR_Poll. PR_Poll times out after a while and we get PR_POLL_HUP
on the socket.
Any ideas? Who should own this?
Assignee | ||
Comment 200•24 years ago
cc'ing mstoltz and ddrinan for SSL help
Comment 201•24 years ago
- if (mSuspendCount) {
+ if (mSuspendCount)
mSuspendCount -= 1;
[auto-pilot style nitpicker engaged] what's wrong with the -- unary operator?
+ //} else {
+ // // Only a suspended transport can be resumed...
+ //}
Rather than [just] commenting this code out, how about an XXX comment raising
some issues? This seems like a big red flag to me, just based on a cursory
reading, and I'd like to know more.
I'm trying to find SSL experts by phone. Please let me know if you get ahold of
one. Do you need protocol-level-snooping analysis, or is it possible to debug
this (into the PSM code as necessary)?
Yes, we're holding mozilla0.8 for this.
Comment 202•24 years ago
*** Bug 65968 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Assignee | ||
Comment 203•24 years ago
Oops... my patch is a bit sloppy. I will clean that up. I am still waiting
to hear from someone with SSL knowledge. I am going to try to generate a
PSM log at least.
Comment 204•24 years ago
*** Bug 67465 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 205•24 years ago
adding nelsonb to cc list. He knows a thing or two about SSL. ;)
Assignee | ||
Comment 206•24 years ago
Assignee | ||
Comment 207•24 years ago
nothing more happens until PR_Poll times out.
Assignee | ||
Comment 208•24 years ago
this log is for necko as of mozilla 0.7
attaching a second one with the latest necko including my patch
Assignee | ||
Comment 209•24 years ago
Assignee | ||
Comment 210•24 years ago
jgmyers says this might be caused by bug 66706. trying work around suggested there.
Comment 211•24 years ago
The work-around may have to be applied in PSM since necko wouldn't be calling
the SSL'ified socket.
If that's the case, insert the work around at the following line of PSM:
mozilla/security/psm/server/sslconn.c line 940
Assignee | ||
Comment 212•24 years ago
The workaround jgmyers (call PR_Write(fd, 0, 0) right after ProxyStepUp)
suggested still didn't get me anywhere. Any other suggestions?
Assignee | ||
Comment 213•24 years ago
Comment 214•24 years ago
Adding to CC
Assignee | ||
Comment 215•24 years ago
Comment 216•24 years ago
I nominate this bug report for the following awards:
1. Most reopened. (6 times)
2. highest number of distinctly separate problems reported in a
single bug report (only superficially similar).
3. highest number of "additional comments".
4. Most attachments
5. Most speculation about how it's supposed to work
6. Most speculation about why it's not working.
7. Most speculation on how to fix it.
Both of the two Necko/PSM logs show that an SSL connection
was completed, and the application data written on the
socket, so bug 66706 is irrelevant.
A proxy would not be expected to log the (possibly encrypted)
traffic on the socket after the CONNECT command succeeded,
though it might log the amount of such data.
What's really needed here is the output of a packet trace
or possibly the output of the ssltap program, although
that might cough on the CONNECT command.
Comment 217•24 years ago
that's odd, my sr comments from this morning didn't take. I must not have been
logged into bugzilla and didn't pay attention after the submit. Sorry about that.
the socket work around looks okay to me (just looked at the revised one with
Brendan's comments). Although I'm confused by Javi's comments. He says the patch
needs to be moved into psm. does that mean we aren't working around it in all
cases or something?
I guess I'm a bit confused as to were we stand. Are we happy that this work
around to the socket transport makes things happy (at least for mozilla .8)?
With a real fix coming later? Or do we need to change some bits in psm?
Comment 218•24 years ago
Javi's point was that the "woraround" suggested by John Myers
applies to SSL sockets (that is, NSPR sockets that have had SSL
attached to them, such as is done inside PSM 1.x, and is not done
in the browser process). So, the workaround would have no effect
in the browser, as Darian confirmed.
That "workaround" is also not needed in PSM. John's
"workaround" is intended to get the handshake started in cases
where it has not started. But both PSM trace logs clearly
showed that the SSL handshake completed.
Assignee | ||
Comment 219•24 years ago
Comment 220•24 years ago
amazing that we lived this long without adding the flags for readwrite case.
Great find darin! r=gagan but I'd still like to make sure that there were no
reasons for not doing this earliar. rpotts can you sr this?
Comment 221•24 years ago
r=bryner on final patch
Comment 222•24 years ago
Comment on the last patch. Aren't we setting the mSocketFlag in the
eSocketState_Connected state in Process()? Why do we have to re-OR the flags
back in? Are we totally skipping this state?
Comment 223•24 years ago
Wow -- pretty fundamental. So I guess the async i/o control flow never goes
through the Connected state in nsSocketTransport::Process? Is that right?
Looks like mscott sr'd most of it. I just dug through lxr to understand the
async read/write control flow better, and also to grok how PUT/POST data goes
through a second AsyncWrite. So I can stamp a rubbery,
and plead with anyone who is around and can help to get this into
Many thanks to darin, and to everyone who helped to figure this out. Please
watch the milestone schedule, don't give us a last minute thrill ride next time,
ok? We'll try to keep mozilla #qa on top of proxied SSL regressions, too. The
slashdotters will love us again.
Reporter | ||
Comment 224•24 years ago
As the original filer of this bug, you all can imagine how I feel about it
these days. ;-) Are all of you folks done with it now?
Comment 225•24 years ago
i can't get that patch to apply cleanly :!!
D:\2001\08\mozilla\netwerk\base\src>patch < D:\2001\08\31174.patch
patching file `nsSocketTransport.cpp'
Hunk #10 FAILED at 2208.
1 out of 10 hunks FAILED -- saving rejects to nsSocketTransport.cpp.rej
Comment 226•24 years ago
Comment 228•24 years ago
re this bug is going to die and stay dead real soon.
If you must get your V-day gift early, asa already gave me permission to close
this bug when it's fixed and force each new problem or regression into a new
bug. Bug 53080 has more attachments, and it will meet a similar fate once it
works in a milestone.
Comment 229•24 years ago
*** Bug 68694 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 230•24 years ago
mozilla 2001021503 linux:
Going to does work, but consumes lots of cpu
power and considerable amounts of memory. It becomes slower as I reload it.
Going to takes so much time and memory I had to kill it
(over 222Mb).
Seems like a leak and a delay while a new connection is estableshed. It takes
some time, then the page is there, and then it takes a lot of time and the
images show up.
Assignee | ||
Comment 231•24 years ago
As I told Asa the patch doesn't completely fix SSL proxy. To do so, we need
to wait for dougt's branch to land. My patch just makes SSL proxy work well
for simple sites (such as and very poorly for complex sites (such
as We end up busy waiting a lot with this patch because
the socket transport does not _really_ support bidirectional i/o. This is
exactly the same problem FTP currently has.
Comment 232•24 years ago
busy-waiting doesn't account for the memory growth -- what's the cause of that,
and is there a band-aid for 0.8?
Comment 233•24 years ago
*** Bug 69029 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 234•24 years ago
0.8 (Linux) becomes a lot slower and grows A LOT memory-wise when doing
HTTPS-through-proxy. Wasn't it supposed to wait for a true fix? :(
Comment 235•24 years ago
add myself to cc list
Comment 236•24 years ago
add myself to cc list
Comment 237•24 years ago
Well, I have squid as a transparent proxy, and SSL over it with 0.8 seems to
work quite fine, with me.
I do not have conditions to reproduce the situation in a more closed
situation... but since my isp is using transparent proxy, I don't have problems.
This again adds to the idea that mozilla is speaking wrongly to the wrong ports.
Comment 238•24 years ago
I'm getting this with squid-2.3, Build-ID 2001021912:
82620410.587 29951 TCP_MISS/000 39 CONNECT
and it just sits there.
here's the tcpdump:
[root@uw7moz /root]# tcpdump -i eth0 -v host
Kernel filter, protocol ALL, datagram packet socket
tcpdump: listening on eth0
23:14:57.553107 < > uw7moz.squid: S 649072503:649072503(0) w
in 8760 <mss 1380,nop,nop,sackOK> (DF) (ttl 126, id 15887)
23:14:57.553280 > uw7moz.squid > S 3419165269:3419165269(0)
ack 649072504 win 31740 <mss 1380,nop,nop,sackOK> (DF) (ttl 64, id 37786)
23:14:57.604790 < > uw7moz.squid: . 1:1(0) ack 1 win 9660 (D
F) (ttl 126, id 15893)
23:14:57.636429 < > uw7moz.squid: P 1:275(274) ack 1 win 966
0 (DF) (ttl 126, id 15894)
23:14:57.636560 > uw7moz.squid > . 1:1(0) ack 275 win 31740
(DF) (ttl 64, id 37791)
23:14:57.826025 > uw7moz.squid > P 1:40(39) ack 275 win 317
40 (DF) (ttl 64, id 37795)
23:14:57.983404 < > uw7moz.squid: . 275:275(0) ack 40 win 96
21 (DF) (ttl 126, id 15911)
at this point it stopps.
Assignee | ||
Comment 239•24 years ago
My patch was not applied to the trunk (it was a hack for mozilla 0.8) This bug
is correctly fixed on dougt's DOUGT_CHANNEL_CHANGES_02112001_BRANCH which will
be merging on the trunk very soon.
Assignee | ||
Comment 240•24 years ago
Updating target milestone to 0.9
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9
Comment 241•24 years ago
I applied the patch(attchment 25317). Before applying the patch, I can't even
get into the secure site. After applied the patch, the browser can get into the
secure website, however, it just hangs during loading the page.
This is what I observed with the latest code from trunk.
Assignee | ||
Comment 242•24 years ago
Dougt's branch landed. Marking FIXED.
Closed: 24 years ago → 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Comment 243•24 years ago
*** Bug 69894 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 244•24 years ago
Verified with the 2/23 Win32 trunk, Mac mozilla, and Linux trunk builds.
Comment 245•24 years ago
*** Bug 69481 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Comment 246•24 years ago
For the record, and as a warning: In 0.8 Linux, SSL over proxy caused
mozilla-bin to grab memory without bound at a rapid rate. I had to kill it at
223MB, or it would have crashed my machine.
Comment 247•24 years ago
I have also seen exactly this behaviour in Moz 0.8 on NT4.
(Grabbing memory without bound at a rapid rate after going to SSL site though
a proxy, had to kill from Taskmanager.)
Is there already a new bug on this?
Comment 248•24 years ago
This is fixed in current daily builds. However, most people will keep using 0.8
until there's a new "official" release, so maybe a 0.8.1 or something, with this
fixed, would be a good idea...
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