Closed Bug 313816 Opened 19 years ago Closed 18 years ago

Hard to read top 100 bug descriptions in Step 1 of reporting a bug


(Bugzilla :: Query/Bug List, defect, P3)




Bugzilla 2.22


(Reporter: dick, Assigned: gerv)




(1 file, 1 obsolete file)

User-Agent:       Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/20050511 Firefox/1.0.4
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.7.8) Gecko/20050511 Firefox/1.0.4

The Top 100 window is very short, vertically, so it is hard to read the content of a truly popular bug. Perhaps when you actually select such a bug to read, you could get a WHOLE PAGE of the content rather than three or four lines at a time. Since it is a Top 100 bug report, you may be suspicious that the contents are looooong and give it some room to stretch out and relax.

Reproducible: Always

Steps to Reproduce:
1.Pick the second bug in Top 100.
2.Read the contents, very slowly and painfully
3.Write that up as a bug. That's what I'm doing.

Actual Results:  
hard to read

Expected Results:  
easy to read

switched to a much larger window so more can be seen before needing to scroll more.
*** Bug 315094 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Assignee: query-and-buglist → justdave
Ever confirmed: true
OS: MacOS X → All
Priority: -- → P3
Hardware: Macintosh → All
Version: unspecified → 2.20
Assignee: justdave → query-and-buglist
Gerv owns this page
Assignee: query-and-buglist → gerv
No longer blocks: bmo-upgrade-051022
The HTML says that the <iframe> should be 80% of the height of the viewport, but Firefox is ignoring this and using the default height. This behaviour is rendering-mode dependent, and it changed when mkanat added a system identifier to our DOCTYPE in March 2005 in bug 162194. This switched us from Quirks mode to Almost-Standards mode.

We have the following choices:

- Change the page to use a fixed pixel height for the <iframe>
- Find a way to change this template only to have a different doctype, probably by inserting it above [% PROCESS global/header.html.tmpl %]
- Reverse bug 162194

Wow, the Standards Modes don't allow us to use % heights on an <iframe>?

(I think we already have this bug filed somewhere, by the way.)

I think the best way to go is a fixed-pixel height for the <iframe>.
Attached patch Patch v.1 (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Let's go with that, then.

Attachment #229228 - Flags: review?(mkanat)
Severity: enhancement → minor
Target Milestone: --- → Bugzilla 2.24
Hmmm... Is this a browser bug? tells me iframe height values may well be percentages: the height attribute should be a "length" (
I'm not sure; there are a few bugs which discuss the subject, and one makes the point that it's hard to calculate a percentage height if the containing block doesn't have a specific height of its own. When should the percentage refer to the height of the container, and when to the height of the viewport?

CCing roc to see if he can add any clarity.

#container is height:auto so its %-height children don't work. Try making it height:100%. You might also need height:100% on BODY and HTML. They will overflow vertically anyway so it shouldn't hork the page.
Attached patch Patch v.2Splinter Review
Ah, nice one. That'll do. This also fixes the problem, but still uses percentages.
Attachment #229228 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #229234 - Flags: review?(mkanat)
Attachment #229228 - Flags: review?(mkanat)
Comment on attachment 229234 [details] [diff] [review]
Patch v.2

Okay. I trust Roc. :-)
Attachment #229234 - Flags: review?(mkanat) → review+
I don't see anything wrong with backporting this. It's a template change, but an extremely minor one, on a page that is probably only rarely used in translations.
Flags: approval?
Flags: approval2.22?
Flags: approval2.20?
Target Milestone: Bugzilla 2.24 → Bugzilla 2.20
I can see 2.22, which is our most recent stable release, but does this really need to go into 2.20?
Flags: approval?
Flags: approval2.22?
Flags: approval2.22+
Flags: approval+
No, I would suppose it doesn't. :-)

I'd imagine justdave might want to apply it to bmo, though.
Flags: approval2.20?
Target Milestone: Bugzilla 2.20 → Bugzilla 2.22
gerv, too lazy to commit your patch yourself? :-p
No, just snowed under with stuff. I'll get to it :-)

Checked in on trunk and 2.22 branch. Trunk:

Checking in template/en/default/bug/create/create-guided.html.tmpl;
/cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/template/en/default/bug/create/create-guided.html.tmpl,v  <--  create-guided.html.tmpl
new revision: 1.34; previous revision: 1.33


Checking in template/en/default/bug/create/create-guided.html.tmpl;
/cvsroot/mozilla/webtools/bugzilla/template/en/default/bug/create/create-guided.html.tmpl,v  <--  create-guided.html.tmpl
new revision:; previous revision:

Closed: 18 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
*** Bug 354860 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 321689 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Depends on: 372589
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