Closed Bug 384907 Opened 17 years ago Closed 14 years ago

"Quit dialog" setting suppresses "Closing multiple tabs" warning on last window closing


(Firefox :: General, defect)

Not set



Firefox 3


(Reporter: mwu, Unassigned)


(Depends on 1 open bug, Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: ux-error-prevention)


(2 files)

When there is just one window open and the quit dialog is configured to not show, the usual warning about multiple tabs does not show either.
Under what circumstances would you set either warnOnClose but not warnOnQuit or vice-versa? Either you don't want to lose your data or you don't care. Are there any additional use cases?
This is definitely a problem on mac because closing the last window does not quit firefox, but the multiple tab warning dialog is suppressed anyway.

On non-mac platforms, this is still an issue because it's so easy to close a window by accidentally clicking the X, whereas quitting is hidden in the file menu. Just because the user wants the session to always be restored doesn't mean the user doesn't want to be warned when a window full of tabs is about to be closed, regardless of whether that closing that window will quit the application or not.
Summary: Quit dialog suppresses warning on last window closing → "Quit dialog" setting suppresses "Closing multiple tabs" warning on last window closing
Probably the same thing: if = 3 , and warnOnClose and warnOnQuit are true, no confirmation request appears.
(In reply to comment #2)
> Just because the user wants the session to always be restored doesn't
> mean the user doesn't want to be warned when a window full of tabs is about to
> be closed

We obviously would just ignore the Session Restore settings and always show either the Confirm Close or Confirm Quit dialog. People not wanting to be nagged would have to change that pref when the dialog pops up the first time (as they have to now).

As to quitting being well hidden: closing the last window on non-Mac platforms equals quitting - so it's really quite difficult to tell apart for outside users.
Assignee: nobody → michael.wu
(In reply to comment #4)
> (In reply to comment #2)
> > Just because the user wants the session to always be restored doesn't
> > mean the user doesn't want to be warned when a window full of tabs is about to
> > be closed
> We obviously would just ignore the Session Restore settings and always show
> either the Confirm Close or Confirm Quit dialog. People not wanting to be
> nagged would have to change that pref when the dialog pops up the first time
> (as they have to now).

That would be a regression. Currently, I get the chance to realize that the window that I'm about to close isn't the last one and won't be restored. That is, I do want to be nagged, but not when quitting Firefox.

> As to quitting being well hidden: closing the last window on non-Mac platforms
> equals quitting - so it's really quite difficult to tell apart for outside
> users.

So it seems as if a Mac-only fix is needed.
Attached patch Fix logic on macSplinter Review
A fix just for OSX. I'm not sure what the right behavior is on other platforms is yet..
Attachment #269400 - Flags: review?(mano)
Comment on attachment 269400 [details] [diff] [review]
Fix logic on mac

Attachment #269400 - Flags: review?(mano) → review+
Checking in toolkit/content/globalOverlay.js;
/cvsroot/mozilla/toolkit/content/globalOverlay.js,v  <--  globalOverlay.js
new revision: 1.32; previous revision: 1.31
(In reply to comment #6)
> A fix just for OSX. I'm not sure what the right behavior is on other platforms
> is yet..

From the Opera Desktop Team blog:

"Only 1.8% ask Opera to confirm exit. Since most people only use a single window, this setting is very close to the warning in Firefox that you are about to close a window with more than one tab. The low number might indicate that asking by default (like we used to do and like Firefox still does) is annoying more people than it helps." --
Need some better strings here.
Attachment #272077 - Flags: ui-review?(beltzner)
(In reply to comment #10)
> Created an attachment (id=272077) [details]
> Screenshot of new confirmation dialog (when session will be restored)

How's that better than attachment 267750 [details]? Basically, you've removed the info how many windows and tabs will be closed / restored as well as the option to quit without saving or to not quit (depending on what "Cancel" is meant to do in your new screenshot).
This might not be the best place to put this rant, but here goes:

Warning for closing of multiple tabs *must* be different than warning on quit. There are different keyboard accelerators for those actions, and telling Firefox to not ask again when it warns you about quitting -- especially in a world of session restore -- is not at all the same as telling it to not warn you about closing a window of 8 tabs which you won't be able to restore.

What needs to happen is the following:

 - add a "Do not ask for confirmation before quitting" pref (warnOnQuit) in the "General" preferences window
 - instead of "Do not ask next time", the Quit confirmation dialog should offer to "remember my choice"
 - if "remember my choice" is checked and the user saves & quits, then set to 3 
 - if "remember my choice" is checked and the user quits, then set warnOnQuit to false

I wish I could think of a way of doing this without adding another pref, though.
Comment on attachment 272077 [details]
Screenshot of new confirmation dialog (when session will be restored)

ui-r+ with the notes in comment 12 are followed.
Attachment #272077 - Flags: ui-review?(beltzner) → ui-review+
Comment on attachment 272077 [details]
Screenshot of new confirmation dialog (when session will be restored)

Oh, wait, Dao's totally right. I like removing "windows" here, but not changing it entirely from the regular quit dialog.
Attachment #272077 - Flags: ui-review+ → ui-review-
The Target milestone here is outdated.  can someone please update it?
Target Milestone: Firefox 3 alpha6 → Firefox 3
Depends on: 404081
Flags: in-testsuite+
Flags: blocking-firefox3?
Flags: in-testsuite+
Is this even still valid?
Flags: blocking-firefox3? → blocking-firefox3-
This bug is still valid and annoys me a lot. If I disable the warn on quit (which is the session restore dialog) and then accidentally hit command-Q instead of command-W, I'm screwed (and they are so close together). Even with multiple windows open I don't get any warning about multiple tabs being closed.

Firefox Trunk Build 2008042806 OS X

Steps to reproduce:
--> Open Firefox 3 with clean profile (so you know it's not existing settings)
--> Open multiple tabs
--> Command-Q
--> Check the box ("Do not ask next time") and press "Quit"
--> Open Firefox again, open multiple tabs.
--> Command-Q and Firefox just up quits.

If you do Command-Shift-W (AKA Close Window). You do get a dialog about confirming windows closing.

So whether it's a OS X fix only, that's fine with me, but I think the confirm window with multiple tabs should come up even if you disabled the warn on quit message.
Hi All,

I just realized an odd behaviour, sorry if it's written elsewhere

When browser.tabs.warnOnClose = true and browser.warnOnQuit = false, ff doesn't warn when closing multiple tabs like everyone says.

But, if I open two or more ff windows, then ff warns me when closing multiple tabs in one of the windows. 

I'm using windows xp and ff 3.0 rc1
"(In reply to comment #18)
> When browser.tabs.warnOnClose = true and browser.warnOnQuit = false, ff doesn't
> warn when closing multiple tabs like everyone says.

I assume you mean "doesn't warn when closing multiple tabs with a single window open". The single window case is treated like a Quit, which means we show the Quit prompt, and the warnOnQuit pref disables the Quit prompt.
(In reply to comment #19)
> I assume you mean "doesn't warn when closing multiple tabs with a single window
> open". The single window case is treated like a Quit, which means we show the
> Quit prompt, and the warnOnQuit pref disables the Quit prompt.

Thanks Gavin,

You're correct. I didn't see "When there is just one window open" clause in the description, sorry to bother. 

But this behaviour still bothers me, I hope they seperate this two preference in the final release. Because I don't want to be asked to save my tabs when I quit, but I want to know when closing multiple tabs because sometimes I accidentally close the window instead of the tab I want to close.
From what I understand, the way browser.warnOnQuit works is dependent on whether browser.tabs.warnOnClose is active or not, that is, I would be more inclined to think of it as browser.tabs.warnOnClose.warnOnQuit (which reflects the dependency).

I would personally prefer that it kept its name and changed its behaviour to reflect its name. In this way the two different warning classes (the quitting one allowing to restore the session's tabs and the other one being a simple warning) would be decoupled. I think that this behaviour would clear the doubts and answer the user cases stated above and in other bugs (such as bug #386067, bug #433123, bug #422040, bug #412640, bug #419009).

1.- Both unset would mean no nagging.

2.- Setting only warnOnClose would allow to quit without a nag yet protect the user when closing a window with multiple tabs. If there is only one window, there would be no difference for Mac OS X users. For others systems in which the behaviour when closing the last window is to quit the application a choice would have to be made. I would opt for considering it a window close and not a quit, since power users could Control/Meta-Q and it would protect in on ther scenarios (e.g. accidentally closing a window when wanting to close a tab).

3.- Setting only warnOnQuit would not nag about closing a window with multiple tabs yet protect against accidentally quitting (e.g. by an off-by-one keyboard error--W and Q keys, bug #52821) and would be a way to allow the choice of whether or not to save the session upon application shutdown _even if there is only one window with a single tab_.

4.- When having both options enabled it would work as it does now: closing a window just a simple warning and quitting allows the session to be saved. In this case, the prompt shown to (non OS X) users closing the last window and thus quitting should allow saving the session.
I don't agree too much with your idea. IMO the best solution for tabs are:

1) a boolean setting to simply warn if multiple tabs will be closed
2) an integer setting to remember you to save session. If =0 no warning, if =1 warning only if multiple tabs, if =2 warn you even if there's only one tab.

(obviously, Fx should not ask to save session for about:*, file://* and similar...)

if Pref_1 == False, Fx will only warn you to save session, and only if Pref_2 != 0

if Pref_1 == True, Fx will warn you if you are closing an Fx window with multiple tabs. If closing this window with multiple tabs you'll quit Fx and Pref_2 != 0, you'll be not warned for multiple tabs, but for saving session.

Furthermore, IMO browser.warnOnClose and warnOnQuit are too much similar. I think it's better 'browser.sessionstore.warnOnQuit' and 'browser.tabs.warnOnClose' (or 'warnOnCloseWin').
I agree with Lucas Malor. After all I don't understand why we consider FF behaviour on closing multiple tabs, it was working just fine in FF 2.0. When you have opened tabs and pressed on Exit FF asked if you'd like to close all tabs. And that's how it should be working, I think.
I have FF3 on two different Windows XP machines. In Tools -> Options -> Tabs, both have "Warn me when closing multiple tabs" checked.  Only one of them prompts. This is more than a little annoying. I don't want to trash a profile just to fix this.
You must only set browser.warnOnQuit and browser.tabs.warnOnClose both to True.
They are both set to true.
And I don't get a warning about closing multiple tabs.
(First of all I want to specify you problem is not related to this bug. However: )

Probably it's a problem caused by an extension. Try to disable them one-by-one. When and if you find the problematic extension(s), inform its author.
I disabled each extension one-at-a-time, restarted FF, and then Exited with multiple tabs open. I never saw a warning regarding multiple tabs.
I made FF ask before closing tabs with the following steps:

Go to Tools -> Options -> Main -> Startup -> When Firefox Starts

Change the dropdown from: Show my windows and tabs 
                      to: Show my home page

And click OK

Upon Exit FF will ask,

Quit Firefox
Do you want Firefox to save your tabs for the next time it starts?
Do not as next time (this is unchecked)
Click 'Save and Quit'

Relaunch FF and the previous tabs reloaded.

Change tabs and Exit Firefox again and it will ask,
Quit Firefox
Do you want Firefox to save your tabs for the next time it starts?
Do not as next time (this is unchecked)

Relaunch FF and changed tabs reloaded.

Gabert, obviously if you enable "Show my windows and tabs from last time", Firefox doesn't ask you want to save the session. That option means "Save always my session without asking me".
Of course, if

Tools -> Options -> Tabs 'Warn me when closing multiple tabs'

would work, I wouldn't need to do the above to see a warning.
No, you have done an understandable misunderstanding.

'Warn me when closing multiple tabs', aka browser.tabs.warnOnClose, warns you if you are closing a firefox window with more than one tab. So if you have two Firefox windows and you want to close one of them, if that window has more than one tab Firefox alerts you with an "are you sure" popup.
Firefox warns you to save session if you want to quit Firefox, and the related preferences is browser.warnOnQuit. The only problem I can see is browser.warnOnQuit is not set to false when == 3, and this could cause some misunderstanding. 
However this is not related in any way to this bug.
Well, it seems weird to me that if I want to save all my tabs and restore them, then the right setting is not "Show all my windows and tabs from last time" but "Show my home page" if I also want a confirm at browser close.

I want my tabs to be saved, so I must tell Firefox _not_ to save them and it will still suggest to save them... What's that again?

And with my 144 or so tabs, closing the browser and then restarting everything takes quite a long long time. Not something I would want to do by mistake. (It has already happened to me to click the [X] at top right of the browser window when I meant the [X] at the right end of the tab bar.)
(In reply to comment #34)
> I want my tabs to be saved, so I must tell Firefox _not_ to save them and it
> will still suggest to save them... What's that again?

Yes, it's a bit confusing. I just filed a new bug to help avoiding this and related misunderstandings: Bug 443396
No longer depends on: 443396
I took a look at those bugs: #384907, #387159, #404081, #482010, etc. In any case, what I can assure you as a regular user of Firefox 2 is that I was really **** off when I got to Firefox 3 recently (3.0.7 on Windows XP), and when I accidentally closed the last window through [X], there was no dialog to cancel that...
Assignee: altape → nobody
Blocks: cuts-cruft
Confirming closing multiple tabs as a result of a keyboard shortcut (on all platofrms) is increasingly important, because we would like to make several other changes as well:

-set the default to not prompting the user on close
-always allow the user to restore a previous session on open

These changes will make Firefox feel lighter weight, since it will actually close when you use the mouse to hit the window close button (on windows), and won't interrupt the user with a question.
invalid due to Bug 592822?
I don't think invalid is the right word, but wontfix on Fx4+
"Warn me when closing multiple tabs" - that's how it's worded in the Options.

I believe the user would expect that the warning appears regardless of whether it's the last window (as it's still just a window from the user's perspective). Closing without warning with this option enabled would be unexpected behaviour. Being able to restore the previous session doesn't justify this.
I think it is very confusing, that Fx will warn that a window has several tabs with several tabs if there are two or more windows but not if it is the last one.

It is labeled “Warn me when closing multiple tabs” and not
“Warn me when closing multiple tabs /and/ there are still other firefox windows open but please don’t warn me if this is the last open firefox window”
I fixed this elsewhere. We will now show the window closing dialog when it's the last window (if you have the quit dialog disabled).
Closed: 14 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
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