Open Bug 466537 Opened 16 years ago Updated 2 years ago

Reply settings should be from the account where the message is filed, not where it was originally sent


(Thunderbird :: Mail Window Front End, defect)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: realgrouchy, Unassigned)


(Whiteboard: DUPEME)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.9) Gecko/2008052906 Firefox/3.0 Build Identifier: I have two mail accounts. One is "john@example.fake" (in local folders), the other is a generic "support@example.fake" (in its own folder section). I use different stationery (e.g. signature, reply settings) for each. People frequently send me message at john@ when they should be sending it to support@. So I move the message from the Local Folders inbox to the support@ inbox. Unfortunately, when I hit "reply", it still replies from the john@ address, with the john@ signature. I have to manually change the reply-to address, and when I change the "from" bar to the correct account, the signature block for support@ is added to the top of the message and I must move it to the correct location and delete the john@ signature block. If I have john@ set to send in plaintext and support@ to send in HTML, I am unable to reply to the message. The reply settings should be configured to follow how I want to file my messages, not how others choose to erroneously address their messages to me. Whether this is accomplished by making it a default behaviour in Thunderbird, or whether it is a something I can set, it needs to be available! Thanks. Reproducible: Always
This is an ongoing bug that has been around in the Mail core for about 5 years. It is common to bugs 36482, 79455, 122352, 200872, 264626, 327713, 525787, 279846, 394216, 515004, 592935, 684259 that I know of and probably a lot more. No one seems to be interested in fixing this MAJOR bug.
Please always prefix bug nubmers with "bug", so that they get autolinked. Like bug 36482, bug 79455, bug 122352, bug 200872, bug 264626, bug 327713, bug 525787, 279846, bug 394216, bug 515004, bug 592935, bug 684259.
Whiteboard: DUPEME
Surely the idea of multiple accounts is that an account is setup for each email identity that the user has, ie Home, work, charity etc. Then it make sense to keep the mail relating to that identity in folders in the relevant account, ie any work related emails would be kept in the work\inbox, or work\sent etc. Emails could get there by either downloading from different pop servers, or by dragging from another account if all incoming mails are consolidated to one server. Composing a new message when a certain account is highlighted works correctly, ie the correct formatting is selected (text/html) and the correct from address is selected. When it comes to replying or forwarding a message that is highlighted, it should work the same way, BUT IT DOESNT !! Please correct me if I am wrong, but I believe the solution is blatantly obvious and very simple: 1 Ignore the X-Account-Key, or add an option to ignore the X-Account-Key 2 When replying to a message, or forwarding a message, use the same subroutine that creates a new message. That correctly Opens a new edit window Uses the correct formatting Uses the correct signature, CC and Bcc addresses Uses the correct From address To cater for different setups/users then it would be sensible to have some options that the user could select in their preferences.
Severity: normal → S3
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