Bug 471773
Opened 16 years ago
Closed 15 years ago
[gdh_GB] I would like to help localise Firefox into Scottish Gaelic
(Mozilla Localizations :: Registration & Management, enhancement)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: ppspmguard-ffox, Unassigned)
(1 file, 1 obsolete file)
User-Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; IEMB3)
Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-GB; rv: Gecko/2008120122 Firefox/3.0.5
RE: Bug 284295 - [gd-GB] Gaelic (Scotland): Firefox
I would like to help localise Firefox into the above language. I am currently negotiating help from experts in the Gaelic-speaking world to help select/correct the best terms for software strings/labels. As for myself, I have experience translating software projects; as well as, some technical knowledge of software/programming.
Thank you for your assistance
Reproducible: Always
Steps to Reproduce:
Updated•16 years ago
Assignee: nobody → registration
Component: General → Registration & Management
Product: Firefox → Mozilla Localizations
QA Contact: general → registration
Comment 1•16 years ago
Updated•15 years ago
Summary: I would like to help localise Firefox into Scottish Gaelic gdh_GB → [gdh_GB] I would like to help localise Firefox into Scottish Gaelic
Comment 3•15 years ago
Michael has a rar up on, which I took and converted to something that more platforms can actually decode without a ton of setup. tarballs for the win.
This is getting an r-, compare-locales is finding 5 parsing errors here:
ERROR: Unparsed content "
which is run by
Example Enterprises, Inc.
The layout of the identity dialog prevents combining this into a single string with
substitution variables. If it is difficult to translate the sense of the string
with that structure, consider a translation which ignores the preceding domain and
just addresses the organization to follow, e.g. "This site is run by " -->" at 19028-19406
ERROR: 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xad in position 400: unexpected code byte
// remove this file
// remove this file
// remove this file
// remove this file
// remove this file
// remove this file
// remove this file
// remove this file
// remove this file
// remove this file
// remove this file
// remove this file
// remove this file
// remove this file
ERROR: Unparsed content "
<xul:button xmlns:xul='' id='getMeOutOfHereButton' label='&securityOverride.getMeOutOfHereButton;'/>
<xul:button xmlns:xul='' id='exceptionDialogButton' label='&securityOverride.exceptionButtonLabel;'/>
" at 7412-7741
ERROR: Unparsed content "
Gu mì-fhortanach, chan urrainn do thuairisgeulaiche nan tuairtean aithisg tuairte a chur air falbh.
Mion-fhiosrachadh: %s" at 348-471
ERROR: Unparsed content "'S urrainn dhut aithisg tuairte a chur thugainn gus ar cuideachdh le rèiteachadh na mearachd.
" at 653-748
// remove this file
// remove this file
// remove this file
// remove this file
// add and localize this file
// remove this file
// remove this file
keys: 943
unchanged: 460
changed: 4741
missingInFiles: 0
errors: 5
91% of entries changed
You can reproduce this output with the software at described at
There are a few further comments:
The .xml files in browser/searchplugins are not needed.
In browser/chrome/browser-region/,
is wrong. Please revert the whole file to the version in en-US on the 1.9.2 branch. We'll do the right changes to both this file and the searchplugins after discussions in separate bugs.
Please review the strings in security/manager/chrome/pipnss/, the comments about the length limits there are real, and I think I found at least one that doesn't match. If there's no localized string that fits, revert back to English.
There are more reports in a in-development version of compare-locales, namely
ERROR: argument 2 `S` obsolete at line 47, column 31 within errorCreateNewDirIsFileMessage
ERROR: argument 2 `S` obsolete at line 48, column 35 within errorCreateNewDirPermissionMessage
WARNING: trailing argument 1 `S` missing at line 25, column 39 within quitCancelDownloadsAlertMsgMacMultiple
WARNING: trailing argument 1 `S` missing at line 23, column 36 within quitCancelDownloadsAlertMsgMultiple
ERROR: argument 1 `s` should be `S` at line 41, column 13 within disableTitle
ERROR: argument 1 `s` should be `S` at line 31, column 23 within uninstallWarnDependMsg
WARNING: trailing argument 3 `S` missing at line 78, column 22 within invalidFileExtMessage
Check the en-US source on those again.
Please fix these errors, and attach a new src?
Attachment #439569 -
Flags: review-
Comment 4•15 years ago
I'm working on fixing these for Michael in a fit of Pan-Celtic enthusiasm.
For these two errors:
ERROR: argument 2 `S` obsolete at line 47, column 31 within
ERROR: argument 2 `S` obsolete at line 48, column 35 within
the English has one instance of a variable %S but the translation uses the variable twice. That's not allowed? If indeed it's not, I guess we could change the first string to "... tha e 'na fhaidhle" and the second to "...sgrìobhadh thuige". Michael?
errorCreateNewDirIsFileMessage=Directory cannot be created, %S is a file
errorCreateNewDirPermissionMessage=Directory cannot be created, %S not writable
errorCreateNewDirIsFileMessage=Cha do ghabh am pasgan %S a chruthachadh, tha %S 'na fhaidhle
errorCreateNewDirPermissionMessage=Cha do ghabh am pasgan %S a chruthachadh, chan urrainn dhut sgrìobhadh gu %S
Comment 5•15 years ago
Yes, changing to
errorCreateNewDirIsFileMessage=Cha do ghabh am pasgan %S a chruthachadh, tha e 'na fhaidhle
errorCreateNewDirPermissionMessage=Cha do ghabh am pasgan %S a chruthachadh,
chan urrainn dhut sgrìobhadh thuige
would resolve that problem (linguistically).
Comment 6•15 years ago
Everything fixed, I think:
Comment 7•15 years ago
Re using the string twice, that's not allowed. The text formatter inserts "(none)" for the second.
Another thing I forgot yesterday, do we need the -GB region code for gd? I'd think not, and we usually try to keep our locale code as short as possible.
And, I'd love to get the new code attached here in the bug with a review request on me, then I can use my bugzilla query to find it and don't have to remember picking this up.
Ever confirmed: true
Comment 8•15 years ago
I used gd-GB because Irish has ga-IE but I'm personally happy to go just with gd but perhaps the Irish team have a specific reason for using the double barrelled version? Kevin?
Comment 9•15 years ago
Attachment #439569 -
Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #439686 -
Flags: review?
Updated•15 years ago
Attachment #439686 -
Flags: review? → review?(l10n)
Comment 10•15 years ago
Re: ga-IE vs. ga, some other team members felt strongly about it but I don't recall why.
Updated•15 years ago
Blocks: fx36-l10n-gd
Comment 11•15 years ago
Comment on attachment 439686 [details]
Updated gd translation
Found yet another one, but we can fix that later. toolkit/ says "Irish" :-) Anyway, r=me.
Michael, please follow the instructions at to file a bug for hg access and the paperwork with it? Mark is as depending on this bug, that's gonna make it easier to track things down. I guess that Kevin can be your hg buddy for a bit, too.
I have moved the team page to
Do you guys already have an hg repo set up locally that we should use to start or do you want me to bootstrap that?
I'll move on and file the follow up bugs right now.
Attachment #439686 -
Flags: review?(l10n) → review+
Comment 12•15 years ago
I don't have a local repo. If you could do the initial commit, that would be great and we'll use that as a starting point.
Comment 13•15 years ago
Will do.
Comment 14•15 years ago
Just spotted something else which follows on from the debate on gd-GB vs gd. Namoroka (and I assume therefore the same would be true for FF) under About still identifies itself as ga-IE.
I can't find anywhere obvious where I can change that in Narro :/
Comment 15•15 years ago
This is for both ga-IE and gd (Keeeevin!):
Please change the line that matters in browser/firefox-l10n.js to
pref("general.useragent.locale", "@AB_CD@");
Comment 16•15 years ago
Fixed for ga-IE now.
Comment 17•15 years ago
Fixed for gd too - I think. Will upload later.
Comment 18•15 years ago
Firstly, welcome to the new world, you have localized builds for Scottish Gaelic Firefox 3.6.x.
*Immediate Next Steps*
To get them to ship to users, we'll need to work on the bugs blocking your release tracker,
*Staying connected*
You should also follow the Mozilla l10n newsgroup,, available as mailing list, newsgroup or google group. The traffic isn't too high frequency. You'll find messages starting with [ANNOUNCE] in the subject every now and then, those are vital to read, as they include things that the l10n-drivers want you to know and attend to. There's a second group,, where we discuss web localization issues. That's a separate group as quite a few localization teams have dedicated volunteers for that.
*Builds of Firefox*
We refer to the pre-release versions of Firefox as "builds". These are where you will continue to work and test to perfect your localization. They're coming in two variants:
- Nightlies. You find those on Sometimes it starts with old versions, so you wanna look at the end what's the current version, and then search for the,, or files for win, linux, and mac, resp. These files are good to use for daily browsing, and they'll get a small incremental update every night, bringing both the latest of the stability release as well as your landings to you and your fellow testers.
- Tinderbox builds. Those get built within a few minutes after you landed fixes in hg and pushed them to the upstream repo. Those are the right thing to quickly verify that the changes you made work in the build. These builds can be found on (note the different dir two levels up).
Please make sure that you're not regressing the fixes that I landed on top of your attachments. The only fix was the language name in
*Monitoring your localization now and in the future*
Now, as if that wasn't enough, there are a few places on the web that you should regularly check to see if there's stuff to do. One would be the web dashboard (you'll use that to hunt down the web pages for your Firefox release), The other one is called the dashboard, you can find it at And you and your peers should start watching the bugzilla alias for your locale, gd@localization.bugs. You can do that at the bottom of
Enjoy and congratulations!
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Comment 19•15 years ago
Should the Web Parts ( bug still be open? I've done About:
Also fairly certain I also did Snippets and Community (can't find the bug but I remember the problems I had uploading in the right format...) though not 100% sure about the Customize or even where to deal with it. Pascal was dealing with those I believe.
The Protocol Handler bug ( I don't think I can fix as I don't think I had anything to do with it in the first place - as I said in the bug, when Staś raised the Yahoo! Mail thing, I assumed it had gotten Post Yahoo! from the main translation.
Not sure what I need to do about the Getting Started page.
And yes, I intend to monitor ;)
Comment 20•15 years ago
I expect more bugs to come on the web parts. I commented about the protocol handler, bug 560525 comment 8, with what I find narro.
Also technical treat, see how bugzilla linkifies bug and a number? Generally, no need to reference bugs with the full url, just bug and number, optionally followed by "#8" or comment 8. Same goes for attachment 123456 [details] [diff] [review].
Comment 21•15 years ago
Ok, will do in future.
Comment 22•15 years ago
yes, more bugs to come on the webparts, probably tomorrow when I am done with Fx 4 beta 2 release
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