Closed Bug 544823 Opened 15 years ago Closed 11 years ago

[Meta] UI Refresh


(Firefox :: General, enhancement)

Not set





(Reporter: shorlander, Unassigned)



(Keywords: meta)

Meta bug for implementing new visuals. This requires platform specific graphics and icons.

Required Art Resources:

* Toolbar Icons/Buttons
  - Back/Forward (Large) (Connected)
  - Back/Forward (Small) (Connected)
  - Back (Small) (Separate)
  - Forward (Small) (Separate)
  - Stop
  - Refresh
  - Home
  - Print
  - Downloads
  - History Sidebar
  - Bookmarks Sidebar
  - New Tab
  - New Window
  - Cut
  - Copy
  - Paste
  - Full Screen
  - Site Button (Neutral for unverified sites, Blue for SSL and Green for EV)
  - Search Selector Button
  - Star (Location Bar)
  - Feed (Location Bar)
  - History Dropdown (Location Bar)

* TabBar Graphics
  - Graphics for Tabs+Tab Strip
  - Tab Close Button
  - New Tab "+" Glyph

* Other Icons
  - Default Page Icon
  - Default Folder Icon
  - Smart Folder Icon
  - Bookmarks Menu Icon
  - Drop Arrow

* Progress Bar
  - Graphics for Progress Bar

* App "Firefox" Button
  - Graphics for  the App Button

This list will likely expand as the project progresses.
Component: Theme → General
Keywords: icon
QA Contact: theme → general
Summary: [Meta] Theme Visual Refresh → [Meta] UI Refresh
Target Milestone: Future → ---
Depends on: 513157
I know that putting the tabs on top was a way to save space, and you've managed greatly with that. Still, with the "App Firefox Button" a lot of space is available and in the current mock-ups, wasted. But that is useful when you need to drag the window, for example, I can see that. The thing that this post is about, is that a title, that is, the content of the page's <title> element, is missing. I can see how that could be scratched for saving space, but now there is plenty of space up there again. Not putting the title in the mock-ups might be a simple mistake, but if it's not, I ask you to consider putting it in there. This will have two advantages:

1. The whole title will most likely be seen, instead of tabs titles which have limited length.

2. Personally, I think it looks quite odd to not have something in-between the Firefox button and the other OS specific buttons (if there are any).

I see no issues with doing this, do you?
Adding myself since I'll be doing QA on this.
Al please check with Marco for any accessibility QA.
Depends on: 559033
No longer depends on: 559033
Has the Linux UI Refresh been cancelled?
Depends on: 571992
>Has the Linux UI Refresh been cancelled?

We've made great progress on the design mockups, but we are still very actively looking for people who are interested in contributing to the implementation.
Depends on: 572482
No longer depends on: 571992
Depends on: 577067
No longer depends on: 577067
Depends on: 578025
What is the current status on the Linux UI refresh for Firefox 4? Is it cut?
Depends on: 582485
Depends on: 596954
Depends on: 626029
Depends on: 625711
Depends on: 621875
No longer depends on: 626029
No longer depends on: 621875
No longer depends on: 625711
Depends on: 629769
No longer depends on: 596954
Should this bug (as well as bug 544820, bug 572482, and bug 560507) be closed due to bug 870032?
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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