Closed Bug 779830 Opened 12 years ago Closed 8 years ago

[adbe 3328396] Flashcrashes on facebook


(External Software Affecting Firefox Graveyard :: Flash (Adobe), defect)

Windows Vista
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: banakon, Unassigned)



(Keywords: hang)

Crash Data


(3 files)

User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.0; rv:14.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/14.0.1
Build ID: 20120713134347

Steps to reproduce:

Load this video

move the pointer forward (skip forward the video).
switch to other tabs.
return to this tab.

freeze + flash crash:
I become
Severity: normal → critical
Component: Untriaged → Flash (Adobe)
Product: Firefox → Plugins
Version: 14 Branch → unspecified
Version: unspecified → 11.x
Crash Signature: [@ hang | WaitForMultipleObjectsEx | RealMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx]
Ever confirmed: true
Keywords: crash
Depends on: 781317
Crash Signature: [@ hang | WaitForMultipleObjectsEx | RealMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx] → [@ hang | WaitForMultipleObjectsEx | RealMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx] [@ hang | WaitForMultipleObjectsEx | RealMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx | MsgWaitForMultipleObjects | F_1152915508___________________________________]
Flash version in 1st crash:

banakon - please try Flash v11.3.300.271.

Are you able to reproduce this in that Flash version also?

here the new crash from now, when I klick an other link without closing the tab with video.
Keywords: crashhang
Flash version in 1st hang:

Candules - please try Flash v11.4.402.265.

Are you able to reproduce this in that Flash version also?
Crash Address	0x77445cd4

Scoobidiver / anyone else - what are your thoughts? What needs to change & how to go about it?
(In reply to nick_prowse34 from comment #7)
> Scoobidiver / anyone else - what are your thoughts? What needs to change &
> how to go about it?
It's a Flash hang similar to (maybe dupe of) bug 763896 and bug 779657 and Adobe needs to file a related bug.
unfortunately, i'm not able to reproduce with the steps above.  would you have a different set of steps to reproduce?  thanks.
thanks bob.  the URL/STR in comment 40 doesn't cause a hang/crash for me.
This is Adobe 3328396.  I've assigned it to a QE to investigate, and have asked them to follow up directly with reporters here, if they have trouble reproducing.

For the folks that are able to reproduce this consistently, it would be great to know: 

1.) Does disabling Hardware Acceleration in Flash resolve the crash?
    (Right-Click the SWF, choose Settings, uncheck Enable Hardware Acceleration) 

2.) The output of dxdiag (attach it to the bug, please)
    (Start > Run > Dxdiag > Save Output)

Summary: Flashcrashes on facebook → [adbe 3328396] Flashcrashes on facebook
here my dxdiag
Attached file dxdiag as requested
Attached file Request dxdiag info
I tried running the game mentioned in comment 12 without HWA and didn't hit the hang/crash. I didn't play as actively as before, though, so it's just a hint. I've attached my dxdiag info as well.
Just to confirm certain findings, are all the machines where this issue was reproduced either Windows server 2008 or Windows Vista?
(In reply to sundarap from comment #17)
> Just to confirm certain findings, are all the machines where this issue was
> reproduced either Windows server 2008 or Windows Vista?
I don't know where you see Windows server 2008. The two attached DxDiag logs show Vista and 7.
Keywords: topcrash
Blocks: 789379
Let's only mark the tracking bug as a topcrasher.
Keywords: topcrash even without facebook: a simply tab woth youtube.
again....every day....endless...

(unuseful link)
other crash fronm yesterday and today...
>You're seeing this page because the crash report you selected was held back from submission. For statistical purposes, we don't need every crash report and sometimes we decline the submission of a crash report as a form of throttling. If you'd like to see your crash report, type about:crashes into your location bar and your report will be automatically submitted to our server where we'll give it priority processing.
(In reply to banakon from comment #20)
> 66f632121112
This crash signature is bug 807714, not this bug.
(In reply to banakon from comment #22)
> 02aac2121223
Does it happen with Pivot disabled?
Flags: needinfo?(banakon)
how to disable it? thanks.
Flags: needinfo?(banakon)

other than with 10 tabs FB (foto album in ful screen mode, scrolling ftos), this crash if reproducble *every time* with the java installer.
the java installer launches the default browser, at this time, when clsing, FF crashes.
starting from 7u25 installer. 
three time I tried.
today too, with the new build 17.
also reproducible.
new version of Java > the default browser open itself > crash at closing.

(congratulations for ff22: after one year! FF22 resolved the silent crash xul.exe at FF closing with flash sandbox on, super!)
perhaps this is due to java deployment toolkit!!
I unistall the toolkit, but the first time after installing, closing the installer, FF open itself BEFORE I unistall the deployment plugin in FF, then is god. please fix.
Blocks: 830786
Flash doesnt work in ANY OS reliabaly.

It generally cannot be reproduced at will.  What seems to be required is messing with the windows.  e.g putting them in the background, resizing them etc.  ESPECIALLY when Flash is also wanting to different things, such a s"play commercials".

It happened in the last version I ran on WIN 7 and it happens in Linux.  the "LAST developed" version of flash, it will happen with and it will happen with Chrome, which has the embedded latest version.

Adobe has STOPPED working on versions of Flash for Linus ecept the one in Chrome, not Chromium.

I really urge that Mozilla. not allow the install of Flash in nay automated fashion, with out manually going through so many hoops that they fix it.

Make it a "manual install" only just like Adobe does and make sure the warning to the affect of"

Flash is the top plug-in Crasher"
For that reason it is disabled.
You MUST install it from the Adobe Website.

We want you to have a pleasent browsing experience and Flash detracts from that.

For adobe to be allowed to have Flash so it can be easily installed two conditions must happen.
1. They can't be the top crasher - the bug must be fixed.
2. All OS's that were originally in the pool continue.  Linux, Mac, Windows and smart phones.
they cannot be Linux agnostic.

One day, FF should turn off Flash with a warning.  Flash is the top crasher.  It has been disabled.  Contact Adobe for installation instructions.

Bet the probelm would be solved.
PS:Any idea what error #1009 is.  It results in a hang on Linix when streaming HD (High Definition) movies.

I can't answer the questions such as random etc.  But it generally isn't a single occurance in the video.

The 1009 error is just one type of hang that Flash experiances.
reproduced successfully yesterday and today (after 2 months without problems)
always here

only embedded vidoes. zero issues on youtube.
I'm closing a lot of bugs which are filed as Adobe Flash bugs which are either irrelevant, not actionable, or not serious enough to track in the Mozilla bug tracker. For the most part, Flash bugs should be filed in Adobe bugbase, and we'll only track a few highly-critical issues in the Mozilla tracker.
Closed: 8 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Version and milestone values are being reset to defaults as part of product refactoring.
Version: 11.x → unspecified
Product: External Software Affecting Firefox → External Software Affecting Firefox Graveyard
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