Closed Bug 763896 Opened 13 years ago Closed 12 years ago

[adbe 3216155] Flash hang in F_1152915508 by quickly toggling Full Screen


(External Software Affecting Firefox Graveyard :: Flash (Adobe), defect)

Windows 7
Not set


(firefox13-, firefox14-)

Tracking Status
firefox13 - ---
firefox14 - ---


(Reporter: scoobidiver, Assigned: smadayag)



(Keywords: hang, reproducible, Whiteboard: [flash-11.3][fixed in Flash 11.4])

Crash Data


(1 file)

It's #30 top crasher and #6 top plugin crasher in 13.0. It's more common with Flash 11.3 with 64% of crashes. Signature hang | BaseGetNamedObjectDirectory More Reports Search UUID 46fadfcc-609f-453b-ab1e-51b282120612 Date Processed 2012-06-12 12:36:25 Process Type plugin Version: Filename: NPSWF32_11_3_300_257.dll Uptime 325 Install Age 1.9 days since version was first installed. Install Time 2012-06-10 15:14:10 Product Firefox Version 13.0 Build ID 20120601045813 Release Channel release OS Windows NT OS Version 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 Build Architecture x86 Build Architecture Info GenuineIntel family 6 model 28 stepping 10 Crash Reason EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT Crash Address 0x77b67094 App Notes AdapterVendorID: 0x8086, AdapterDeviceID: 0xa011, AdapterSubsysID: 3660103c, AdapterDriverVersion: D3D10 Layers? D3D10 Layers- D3D9 Layers? D3D9 Layers- EMCheckCompatibility True Frame Module Signature Source 0 ntdll.dll KiFastSystemCallRet 1 ntdll.dll NtWaitForMultipleObjects 2 KERNELBASE.dll BaseGetNamedObjectDirectory 3 kernel32.dll WaitForMultipleObjectsExImplementation 4 user32.dll RealMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx 5 user32.dll MsgWaitForMultipleObjects 6 NPSWF32_11_3_300_257.dll F_1152915508___________________________________ F1814729968_______________________________________________________________________________________:115 7 NPSWF32_11_3_300_257.dll F2166389_____________________________________________________________________ F_1046257564___________________________________________________________________:509 8 NPSWF32_11_3_300_257.dll F_917831355____________________________________________ F_1046257564___________________________________________________________________:445 9 NPSWF32_11_3_300_257.dll F1315696776________________________________ F_1046257564___________________________________________________________________:409 10 NPSWF32_11_3_300_257.dll F81047063_______________________________________ F_863654669__________________________________________________________________________________:180 11 NPSWF32_11_3_300_257.dll F845925699_____________________________________ F_1017111218___________________________________________________________________________________________:90 12 NPSWF32_11_3_300_257.dll F1471391699_________________________________________ F520480456______________________________________________________________________________:327 13 xul.dll mozilla::plugins::PluginScriptableObjectChild::AnswerHasProperty dom/plugins/ipc/PluginScriptableObjectChild.cpp:833 14 xul.dll mozilla::plugins::PPluginScriptableObjectChild::OnCallReceived obj-firefox/ipc/ipdl/PPluginScriptableObjectChild.cpp:919 15 xul.dll mozilla::plugins::PPluginModuleChild::OnCallReceived obj-firefox/ipc/ipdl/PPluginModuleChild.cpp:980 16 xul.dll mozilla::ipc::RPCChannel::DispatchIncall ipc/glue/RPCChannel.cpp:517 17 xul.dll mozilla::ipc::RPCChannel::Incall ipc/glue/RPCChannel.cpp:503 18 xul.dll mozilla::ipc::RPCChannel::OnMaybeDequeueOne ipc/glue/RPCChannel.cpp:430 19 xul.dll MessageLoop::RunTask ipc/chromium/src/base/ 20 xul.dll MessageLoop::DeferOrRunPendingTask ipc/chromium/src/base/ 21 xul.dll MessageLoop::DoWork ipc/chromium/src/base/ 22 xul.dll base::MessagePumpForUI::DoRunLoop ipc/chromium/src/base/ 23 xul.dll base::MessagePumpWin::RunWithDispatcher ipc/chromium/src/base/ 24 xul.dll base::MessagePumpWin::Run ipc/chromium/src/base/message_pump_win.h:78 25 xul.dll MessageLoop::RunInternal ipc/chromium/src/base/ 26 xul.dll MessageLoop::RunHandler ipc/chromium/src/base/ 27 xul.dll MessageLoop::Run ipc/chromium/src/base/ 28 xul.dll XRE_InitChildProcess toolkit/xre/nsEmbedFunctions.cpp:513 29 plugin-container.exe wmain toolkit/xre/nsWindowsWMain.cpp:107 30 plugin-container.exe __tmainCRTStartup crtexe.c:552 31 kernel32.dll BaseThreadInitThunk 32 ntdll.dll __RtlUserThreadStart 33 ntdll.dll _RtlUserThreadStart NPSWF32_11_3_300_257.dll 11.3.300.257 4E78057B792547E7838DFC58366D62861 More reports at:|+BaseGetNamedObjectDirectory
Crash Signature: [@ hang | BaseGetNamedObjectDirectory] → [@ hang | BaseGetNamedObjectDirectory] [@ hang | NtUserSetWindowsHookEx | RealMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx] [@ hang | GetProcessHeap] [@ hang | WaitForMultipleObjectsEx | RealMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx]
Summary: Flash hang in F_1152915508 @ BaseGetNamedObjectDirectory → Flash hang in F_1152915508
Sal/Hitomi - has the crash signature for this hang shown up in your about:crashes? I'm wondering if this is related to the repro steps you all provided for bug 763444 (which included a hang, I believe). Anthony/Juan - please let us know if you run into this crash while trying the different repro steps for bug 763444.
Also adding needURLs, to help repro in the future.
Keywords: needURLs, qawanted
When I was trying to reproduce the top crash ( ) , four of the crash reports sitting in same session time frame were the followings: The first two hang in mine do not look like same with this bug. But Hang must related to the crash we are chasing. Is there good way to share my about:crashes info with you?
Summary: Flash hang in F_1152915508 → [adbe 3216155] Flash hang in F_1152915508
Kudo-san, about:crashes is just text with dates and URLs... if you copy and paste as you did, that should work. You do not necessarily need to copy the whole url. bugzilla will automatically associate the link to our crash-stats server (Socorro). The crashes that you are seeing is as follows respectively: [@ hang | NtUserSetWindowsHookEx ] [@ hang | mozilla::plugins::PPluginInstanceParent::CallNPP_Destroy(short*) ] [@ F1398665248_____________________________ ] [@ F1398665248_____________________________ ] The last 2 crashes look like Bug 763237.
The first 2 may be related...? I am not sure. For some reason I am not seeing the related URLs to the associated crasher. Marcia, are you able to see any URLs?
(In reply to Alex Keybl [:akeybl] from comment #2) > Sal/Hitomi - has the crash signature for this hang shown up in your > about:crashes? I'm wondering if this is related to the repro steps you all > provided for bug 763444 (which included a hang, I believe). > > Anthony/Juan - please let us know if you run into this crash while trying > the different repro steps for bug 763444. Unable to reproduce this crash on Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:13.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/13.0.1. But the crash from bug 763444 is definitely seen on
Taking a look through these reports in crash-stats, it doesn't appear that there is any particular pattern about what the plugin or browser processes are doing at the time of the hang. In particular, the browser calls are all over the place: PPluginModuleParent::CallPPluginInstanceConstructor PPluginModuleParent::CallPPluginInstanceConstructor PPluginInstanceParent::CallUpdateWindow PPluginInstanceParent::CallNPP_HandleEvent PPluginInstanceParent::CallNPP_GetValue_NPPVpluginScriptableNP I currently suspect that this is just a generic signature/stack for when the our plugin process is waiting for its sandboxed Flash process to respond. As such, it probably replaces a bunch of different hangs which would have been reported as different signatures in prior versions of Flash. And it's probably not something that we can actively track or fix.
(In reply to Benjamin Smedberg [:bsmedberg] from comment #8) > And it's > probably not something that we can actively track or fix. Do we need a bug on file to track splitting this signature out? I'd still like to leave needURLs and qawanted on this bug, since if we can reproduce any hangs, we should file separate bugs. This can serve as a meta bug for 11.3 Flash hangs in that case.
I currently don't see anything that we could split on, so another bug at this point wouldn't be helpful.
(In reply to Alex Keybl [:akeybl] from comment #9) I don't see any URLs listed for any of the crash signatures in this bug. > (In reply to Benjamin Smedberg [:bsmedberg] from comment #8) > > And it's > > probably not something that we can actively track or fix. > > Do we need a bug on file to track splitting this signature out? > > I'd still like to leave needURLs and qawanted on this bug, since if we can > reproduce any hangs, we should file separate bugs. This can serve as a meta > bug for 11.3 Flash hangs in that case.
The links in this bug will go to the plugin-side report which doesn't contain URLs. The matching browser-side report will contain a URL. And since we throttle release versions, the process of getting URLs for this might be: * construct a query for the plugin-side signature such as "hang | BaseGetNamedObjectDirectory" on aurora or beta * for each of those reports, click the link to retrieve the matching browser-side report and get the URL Or we could ask the Socorro-folk to construct some sort of custom query to do this.
using the process outlined in comment 12 and a couple of passes on the .csv files here are the top urls in the browser side reports of the plugin hang signature "hang | BaseGetNamedObjectDirectory" 3645 81 onthefarm 30 link 29 # 22 texas_holdem 19 playcastleville 19 cityville 17 bubblesafari 16 messages_center.html?uid= 12 dialog 10 9 watch 8 game 8 thesimssocial 7 ajax 7 mail 7 7 playslingo 7 playhappyfarm 7 empiresandallies 6 watch 6 skin 6 apps 5 www 5 apps 5 mafiawars-two 5 hidden-chronicles 5 cartown 5 bubblewitch 4 watch?v=pwp1CH5R-w4&feature=fvst 4 videos 4 watch 4 video 4 portal 4 home 4 avengersalliance 3 file 3 watch 3 ?ref=tn_tnmn 3 video.php?mloc=videos&loc=toons&vidID=43552 3 iframe_communication_proxy.php#height=2783& 3 pu 3 pioneertrail 3 gardensoftime 3 cafeworld 3 astrogarden and here are the high frequency signatures on the browser side that are connected to plugin side "hang | BaseGetNamedObjectDirectory" 3603 hang | BaseGetNamedObjectDirectory 223 hang | mozilla::plugins::PPluginInstanceParent::CallPBrowserStreamConstructor(mozilla::plugins::PBrowserStreamParent*, nsCString const&, unsigned int const&, unsigned int const&, mozilla::plugins::PStreamNotifyParent*, nsCString const&, nsCString const... 216 hang | mozilla::plugins::PPluginScriptableObjectParent::CallHasProperty(mozilla::plugins::PPluginIdentifierParent*, bool*) 155 hang | mozilla::plugins::PPluginInstanceParent::CallNPP_HandleEvent(mozilla::plugins::NPRemoteEvent const&, short*) 138 hang | mozilla::plugins::PPluginInstanceParent::CallNPP_Destroy(short*) 109 hang | WaitForSingleObjectEx | WaitForSingleObject | google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler::WriteMinidumpOnHandlerThread(_EXCEPTION_POINTERS*, MDRawAssertionInfo*) 98 hang | mozilla::plugins::PPluginScriptableObjectParent::CallGetChildProperty(mozilla::plugins::PPluginIdentifierParent*, bool*, bool*, mozilla::plugins::Variant*, bool*) 87 hang | mozilla::plugins::PPluginInstanceParent::CallNPP_SetWindow(mozilla::plugins::NPRemoteWindow const&) 43 hang | mozilla::plugins::PPluginModuleParent::CallPPluginInstanceConstructor(mozilla::plugins::PPluginInstanceParent*, nsCString const&, unsigned short const&, InfallibleTArray<nsCString> const&, InfallibleTArray<nsCString> const&, short*) 43 hang | mozilla::plugins::PPluginInstanceParent::CallUpdateWindow() 39 hang | mozilla::plugins::PPluginScriptableObjectParent::CallHasMethod(mozilla::plugins::PPluginIdentifierParent*, bool*) 32 hang | mozilla::plugins::PPluginInstanceParent::CallNPP_GetValue_NPPVpluginScriptableNPObject(mozilla::plugins::PPluginScriptableObjectParent**, short*) 21 hang | mozilla::plugins::PPluginInstanceParent::Call__delete__(mozilla::plugins::PPluginInstanceParent*) 20 hang | mozilla::plugins::PPluginScriptableObjectParent::CallInvoke(mozilla::plugins::PPluginIdentifierParent*, InfallibleTArray<mozilla::plugins::Variant> const&, mozilla::plugins::Variant*, bool*) 11 hang 9 hang | mozilla::plugins::PBrowserStreamParent::CallNPP_StreamAsFile(nsCString const&) 1 hang | mozilla::plugins::PPluginInstanceParent::CallSetPluginFocus() 1 hang | mozilla::plugins::PPluginInstanceParent::CallNPP_GetValue_NPPVpluginWantsAllNetworkStreams(bool*, short*) 1 hang | WaitForSingleObjectEx | WaitForSingleObject | xul.dll@0x468f9a | xul.dll@0x6b18f7 | xul.dll@0x6b259b | xul.dll@0x76bded | _PeekMessage
(In reply to chris hofmann from comment #13) Seems to indicate a very high correlation to Facebook and Zynga games.
Well, that looks pretty much like normal usage to me, I don't think I'd draw any special correlations out of that data.
but, it might help to reproduce by pounding away on that list of sites.
No longer tracking for release - this is happening on all Firefox versions and we have no reason to believe there's anything we can do on our side. QA should still try to reproduce the hangs, but this wont' block release.
Keywords: needURLs
Whiteboard: [flash-11.3]
There's a user who can reproduce a problem consistently and sometimes the signature is like the one here. See bug 723987
See Also: → 723987
unfortunately, i'm not able to reproduce the issue using the MirandaIM example. tested: Firefox 13.0.1 Flash Player 11.3.300.262 MirandIM v0.9.52
I just double checked my configuration, and I can also confirm I have the Firefox 13.0.1, Flash 11.3.300.262 and MirandaIM 0.9.52 and I can reproduce the issue ( each time. Just make sure Miranda is already up and running in the tray. Open a clean new session of Firefox and go to Then just bring up the the contact list which has to be docked to the screen side and you will have your freeze. I also want to point out here, I used a complete clean firefox profile with only the Flash Plugin enabled, nothing else! Here's the latest crash with that reproduction:
What we can say pretty much for sure is that hangs are almost twice as frequent as back when 11.2 was the most recent release, and it looks like most now come with this signature, the latter probably due to the architecture changes in Flash. The overall rise in hangs is something that would be good to get some track on.
I was able to get this crash while playing a video on Vimeo. In fact, it seems whenever I just let a video play on Vimeo on some machine I have issues with freezing. STR: 1. Load I was playing 2. Let the video play 3. Go full screen and then come back to the video 4. Crash
I can't reproduce on my machine with the STR in comment 24.
Marcia, can you try disabling Hardware Acceleration in Flash, then in Firefox to see if either make a difference? Also, if you could attach the output of dxdiag, that would be helpful.
Hey Jeromie, I tried to disable the Hardware accleration and it still freezes like discribed in my bug report ( I also tried and updated my Nvidia Driver to the latest Version 301.42, but with no changes at all. How ever, I can't reproduce Marcia's STR.
Crash Signature: [@ hang | BaseGetNamedObjectDirectory] [@ hang | NtUserSetWindowsHookEx | RealMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx] [@ hang | GetProcessHeap] [@ hang | WaitForMultipleObjectsEx | RealMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx] → [@ hang | BaseGetNamedObjectDirectory] [@ hang | NtUserSetWindowsHookEx | RealMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx] [@ hang | GetProcessHeap] [@ hang | WaitForMultipleObjectsEx | RealMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx] [@ hang | GetLogicalDriveStringsA]
Crash Signature: [@ hang | BaseGetNamedObjectDirectory] [@ hang | NtUserSetWindowsHookEx | RealMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx] [@ hang | GetProcessHeap] [@ hang | WaitForMultipleObjectsEx | RealMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx] [@ hang | GetLogicalDriveStringsA] → [@ hang | BaseGetNamedObjectDirectory] [@ hang | NtUserSetWindowsHookEx | RealMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx] [@ hang | GetProcessHeap] [@ hang | WaitForMultipleObjectsEx | RealMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx] [@ hang | GetLogicalDriveStringsA] [@ hang | Lo…
bug 776562 has STR.
Crash Signature: LocalReAlloc] [@ hang | memcpy | RealMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx] → LocalReAlloc] [@ hang | memcpy | RealMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx] [@ hang | GetPrivateProfileSectionW]
Keywords: qawantedreproducible
I can produce this bug with firefox 15.0b2 and flash 11,3,300,268 by watching any video on vimeo and then switching to fullscreen and back a few times (3x usually does it for me) in short succession. This also happens with other sites with embedded video and switching back and forth to fullscreen, but not all of them (e.g. youtube does not seem to be affected)
thanks _w_, jeromie adde your str to our internal bug, #3216155.
I think the Vimeo fullscreen bug is different. Are you going fullscreen by right clicking (or cntrl-clicking) to bring up the context menu, then selecting "go fullscreen"? If so, that crash (which could happen on any site that presents a context menu option to go fullscreen) is new to FP 11.3, it could not happen in FP 11.2. This bug was reported as reproducing with FP 11.2.
In my testing I have seen the problem going full screen using the context menu - what is the Adobe bug for the crash that happens on any site that presents a context menu option? (In reply to chris nuuja from comment #34) > I think the Vimeo fullscreen bug is different. Are you going fullscreen by > right clicking (or cntrl-clicking) to bring up the context menu, then > selecting "go fullscreen"? If so, that crash (which could happen on any > site that presents a context menu option to go fullscreen) is new to FP > 11.3, it could not happen in FP 11.2. This bug was reported as reproducing > with FP 11.2.
The issue was directly related to the interaction of context menu and Full-Screen mode. The resolution was to directly invoke Full Screen mode via context menu as of Flash Player 11.3.300.268. Content authors can work around this limitation and achieve the same end-result by listening for a click on the context menu item, then invoking FullScreen mode via ActionScript.
The bugs that tracked this change are internal: Flash Player 11.3 - 3292736 Flash Player 11.4 - 3286863 They surfaced as STRs in one of the top few crash signatures, but did not account for the high volume of total signatures encountered.
*** (correction, copy/paste mangling) The resolution was to disable the ability directly invoke Full Screen mode via context menu as of Flash Player 11.3.300.268.
Sorry for the late reply, I am not checking this daily. No I do not use the context menu to switch to full screen. Just the normal 'switch to full screen' button also found on various other videosites. There are a variety of videosites which exhibit this behaviour for me. (One example is: the site is in german, but the embedded videos behave like described in my previous post.) Btw I run FF on Laptop with Intel HD + Nvidia graphics card (Optimus - switchable graphics) by default it runs with the Intel video card. If I switch to the Nvidia one for FF these crashes do not seem to appear.
Correction: if run FF with the Nvidia card a lot of strange things happen (blank white screen, some crashes and I never even see a video at most just sound) so i can not really tell if it exhibits the same behaviour. Apologies for not checking this thoroughly enough beforehand.
Thanks, that's helpful information. Please attach the output of dxdiag, so we can get the exact details on your card and driver version. Go to Start > Run > dxdiag (or Start > and type dxdiag in the search box) Click Save All Information, and attach the output to the bug Thanks!
After generating the logs, please try updating to the latest driver versions for your graphics cards and let us know if the issue persists.
Ah, there are known bugs in the Optimus drivers that might be responsible here. Can you reproduce the problem in a browser other than Firefox? Also, can you try updating your Optimus drivers? I believe the Optimus Control panel should have an option to update drivers . Optimus can use both gpus at the same time, its not always clear what gpu is being used for what. Finally can you report what version of Optimus drivers you currently have installed? it is possible that you actually have the latest and the latest has a bug.
Attached file DxDiag output
Ok, I attached the output of DxDiag, the Nvidia card is not mentioned in there... The Intel drivers are the newest available from the Intel website. The Nvidia drivers are really outdated (285.62) but should not interfere (There is a tray icon telling you wether the nvidia card is running any software, and when i normally run firefox it says 'No activity'). They only come into play when I explicitly start FF on the card via context menu. Sure then FF exhibits strange behaviour, but I think these are different bugs alltogether. Sorry for the false lead. I looked through all of the components in System Manager but there is no separate Optimus driver. The Nvidia controlcenter also only shows the driver for the NVS 4200M installed in my system und no separate 'optimus' driver. Finally I can not reproduce this behaviour in chrome.
I'm seeing what looks exactly like this when loading here, and John Schoenick also reproduced the same problem. The hang reports I got were bp-34d69ed2-044f-4911-81fb-525532120801 and What's happening in this case is that the flash plugin asks us to evaluate some JS code, that JS code then ends up setting innerHTML on an element, which ends up destroying a DOM plugin element, which tears down the plugin, and the plugin deadlocks in that call. That is all clear from reading the stack reports in the crashes, and I've seen the same exact thing using the mozilla profiler too. Adobe folks, what more information is needed here for you guys to be able to fix this deadlock in your code?
Sorry, STR for me is not simply loading that page, I load it, and then click in the video to play the video, and after that the plugin process hangs and eventually gets killed by Firefox.
We believe that this hang Johnny is seeing is fixed in current Flash Player 11.4 builds. I've emailed a copy to Johnny for feedback.
If we can get the build that it is fixed in, we can test on our end to confirm. (In reply to Jeromie Clark from comment #49) > We believe that this hang Johnny is seeing is fixed in current Flash Player > 11.4 builds. I've emailed a copy to Johnny for feedback.
This issue reproduced on my machine with Flash 11.3.300.265, but it doesn't reproduce anymore with Flash 11.4.400.252.
Depends on: 781317
Crash Signature: [@ hang | BaseGetNamedObjectDirectory] [@ hang | NtUserSetWindowsHookEx | RealMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx] [@ hang | GetProcessHeap] [@ hang | WaitForMultipleObjectsEx | RealMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx] [@ hang | GetLogicalDriveStringsA] [@ hang | Lo… → [@ hang | BaseGetNamedObjectDirectory] [@ hang | NtUserSetWindowsHookEx | RealMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx] [@ hang | GetProcessHeap] [@ hang | WaitForMultipleObjectsEx | RealMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx] [@ hang | WaitForMultipleObjectsEx | RealMsgWait…
In case anyone is waiting on the build where this is fixed, it's publicly available here:
Commit pushed to master at Add BaseGetNamedObjectDirectory to the append list for better signatures from bug 763896
Crash Signature: RealMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx | MsgWaitForMultipleObjects | F_1152915508___________________________________ ] [@ hang | GetPrivateProfileSectionW] → RealMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx | MsgWaitForMultipleObjects | F_1152915508___________________________________ ] [@ hang | GetPrivateProfileSectionW] [@ hang | BaseGetNamedObjectDirectory | RealMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx | MsgWaitForMultipleObjects | F_…
Using STR of comment 24: I can't reproduce on Nightly v17.0a1 (11/08/12), Windows XP Mode, Flash Player v11.3.300.268 I also can't reproduce using Firefox v14.0.1, Windows 7 Ulimate SP1, Flash Player v11.3.300.270, MSI GTX 560Ti v131.42.
Crash Signature: RealMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx | MsgWaitForMultipleObjects | F_1152915508___________________________________ ] → RealMsgWaitForMultipleObjectsEx | MsgWaitForMultipleObjects | F_1152915508___________________________________ ] [@ hang | FlushFileBuffers]
we'll need to monitor crash-stats here also as FP11.4 adoption ramps up...
(In reply to blinky from comment #58) Nightly also crashes: bp-a1bce8ba-8517-46c1-be3b-df22f2120902.
Whiteboard: [flash-11.3] → [flash-11.3][flash-11.4][STR in comment 58]
I got a slow script warning, but no crash, even after 15 mins on the page noted in comment #58 Latest m-c hourly build:
(In reply to Jim Jeffery not reading bug-mail 1/2/11 from comment #60) > I got a slow script warning, but no crash, even after 15 mins on the page > noted in comment #58 > > Latest m-c hourly build: > Try this page
(In reply to blinky from comment #61) > (In reply to Jim Jeffery not reading bug-mail 1/2/11 from comment #60) > > I got a slow script warning, but no crash, even after 15 mins on the page > > noted in comment #58 > > > > Latest m-c hourly build: > > > > Try this page Yes, same as above... got a slow script warning twice, then eventually flash crashed.
thanks for the STR in comment #58. can we break that out into it's own bug so we can track it separately? we can reproduce, but the signatures from Firefox 15/18 are similar to Hitomi's (comment #63). thanks...
(In reply to smadayag from comment #64) > thanks for the STR in comment #58. can we break that out into it's own bug > so we can track it separately? I filed bug 788423. I close this one as fixed based on comment 52.
Assignee: nobody → smadayag
Closed: 12 years ago
Keywords: topcrash
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Summary: [adbe 3216155] Flash hang in F_1152915508 → [adbe 3216155] Flash hang in F_1152915508 by quickly toggling Full Screen
Whiteboard: [flash-11.3][flash-11.4][STR in comment 58] → [flash-11.3][fixed in Flash 11.4]
its sure that it has been fixed, I just obtined one, after switching from full screen. full screen. google maps requiring (?!!) flash! hang when switching to other tabs.
Version and milestone values are being reset to defaults as part of product refactoring.
Version: 11.x → unspecified
Product: External Software Affecting Firefox → External Software Affecting Firefox Graveyard
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