Closed Bug 877733 Opened 11 years ago Closed 11 years ago

bump mozinfo, mozprocess, mozdevice, mozinstall version and mirror to m-c


(Testing :: Mozbase, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: k0scist, Assigned: k0scist)




(3 files, 3 obsolete files)

bug 871746 introduces the ability to load a JSON file directly.
mozinfo should be version bumped and mirrored to m-c for this as it is
wanted by e.g. bug 868158
Likewise for mozprocess, bug 877864
Depends on: 868158, 877864
Summary: bump mozinfo version and mirror to m-c for bug 868158 → bump mozinfo, mozprocess version and mirror to m-c
Likewise for mozdevice, bug 877811
Depends on: 877811
Summary: bump mozinfo, mozprocess version and mirror to m-c → bump mozinfo, mozprocess, mozdevice version and mirror to m-c
Blocks: 790765
Blocks: 868158
Depends on: 871746
No longer depends on: 868158
Attached patch pre-bump mirror to m-c (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Will push to try and put up for review (with patch for bug 790765)
pushed to try, build only: ; not sure if that suffices for checkin (thoughts?)
Given that the in-tree harnesses aren't using anything but mozcrash it's probably okay.
(Once we start moving harnesses to using more mozbase modules it'd be prudent to do a full test run to sanity check.)
Looks like mozInstall needs to be destrictified too:

(mozbase)│./ mozinfo=0.5 mozcrash=0.7 mozprocess=0.11 -m 'Bug 877733 - bump mozinfo, mozprocess, mozdevice version and mirror to m-c' --dry-run --strict
Checking for pypirc: /home/jhammel/.pypirc
Usage: [options] packageA=0.1.2 <packageB=1.2> <...> error: Bumping {'mozprocess': '0.11', 'mozcrash': '0.7', 'mozinfo': '0.5'}, but you also need to bump {'mozInstall 1.5': ['mozinfo == 0.4']}
(In reply to Ted Mielczarek [:ted.mielczarek] from comment #5)
> Given that the in-tree harnesses aren't using anything but mozcrash it's
> probably okay.

This will very soon not be true; ahal is working on some changes to B2G unit tests that mean they will start pulling in-tree mozbase packages.  But, it's not in place quite yet.
Attachment #757480 - Flags: review?(jmaher)
Comment on attachment 757480 [details] [diff] [review]
make mozinstall requirement less strict

Review of attachment 757480 [details] [diff] [review]:

holy smokes batman!
Attachment #757480 - Flags: review?(jmaher) → review+
(In reply to Joel Maher (:jmaher) from comment #10)
> Comment on attachment 757480 [details] [diff] [review]
> make mozinstall requirement less strict
> Review of attachment 757480 [details] [diff] [review]:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> holy smokes batman!

of course the mozinstall version should probably be bumped too (but it does not need mirroring, afaik)
Summary: bump mozinfo, mozprocess, mozdevice version and mirror to m-c → bump mozinfo, mozprocess, mozdevice, mozinstall version and mirror to m-c
bumped, tagged, mirrored:

(mozbase)│./ mozinfo=0.5 mozcrash=0.7 mozprocess=0.11 mozinstall=1.6 -m 'Bug 877733 - bump mozinfo, mozprocess, mozdevice version and mirror to m-c' --dry-run --strict
Checking for pypirc: /home/jhammel/.pypirc
Usage: [options] packageA=0.1.2 <packageB=1.2> <...> error: Not a package: mozinstall
(mozbase)│./ mozinfo=0.5 mozcrash=0.7 mozprocess=0.11 mozInstall=1.6 -m 'Bug 877733 - bump mozinfo, mozprocess, mozdevice version and mirror to m-c' --dry-run --strict
Checking for pypirc: /home/jhammel/.pypirc
Pulling from git:// master
Running ['git', 'pull', 'git://', 'master'], {'cwd': '/home/jhammel/mozbase/src/mozbase', 'stderr': None, 'stdout': None}
Bumping mozprocess == 0.10 => 0.11
Bumping mozcrash == 0.6 => 0.7
Bumping mozinfo == 0.4 => 0.5
Bumping mozInstall == 1.5 => 1.6
Commit changes to Bug 877733 - bump mozinfo, mozprocess, mozdevice version and mirror to m-c
Running ['git', 'commit', '-a', '-m', 'Bug 877733 - bump mozinfo, mozprocess, mozdevice version and mirror to m-c'], {'cwd': '/home/jhammel/mozbase/src/mozbase'}
Running ['git', 'push', '', 'master'], {'cwd': '/home/jhammel/mozbase/src/mozbase', 'stderr': None, 'stdout': None}
Updating tags for mozprocess-0.11, mozcrash-0.7, mozinfo-0.5, mozInstall-1.6
Running ['git', 'pull', '--tags', '', 'master'], {'cwd': '/home/jhammel/mozbase/src/mozbase', 'stderr': None, 'stdout': None}
Running ['git', 'tag', 'mozprocess-0.11'], {'cwd': '/home/jhammel/mozbase/src/mozbase'}
Running ['git', 'tag', 'mozcrash-0.7'], {'cwd': '/home/jhammel/mozbase/src/mozbase'}
Running ['git', 'tag', 'mozinfo-0.5'], {'cwd': '/home/jhammel/mozbase/src/mozbase'}
Running ['git', 'tag', 'mozInstall-1.6'], {'cwd': '/home/jhammel/mozbase/src/mozbase'}
Running ['git', 'push', '--tags', '', 'master'], {'cwd': '/home/jhammel/mozbase/src/mozbase', 'stderr': None, 'stdout': None}
Uploading to pypi: mozprocess-0.11, mozinfo-0.5, mozcrash-0.7, mozInstall-1.6
Running ['/home/jhammel/mozbase/bin/python', '', 'egg_info', '-RDb', '', 'sdist', 'upload'], {'cwd': '/home/jhammel/mozbase/src/mozbase/mozprocess'}
Running ['/home/jhammel/mozbase/bin/python', '', 'egg_info', '-RDb', '', 'sdist', 'upload'], {'cwd': '/home/jhammel/mozbase/src/mozbase/mozinfo'}
Running ['/home/jhammel/mozbase/bin/python', '', 'egg_info', '-RDb', '', 'sdist', 'upload'], {'cwd': '/home/jhammel/mozbase/src/mozbase/mozcrash'}
Running ['/home/jhammel/mozbase/bin/python', '', 'egg_info', '-RDb', '', 'sdist', 'upload'], {'cwd': '/home/jhammel/mozbase/src/mozbase/mozinstall'}
(mozbase)│./ mozinfo=0.5 mozcrash=0.7 mozprocess=0.11 mozInstall=1.6 -m 'Bug 877733 - bump mozinfo, mozprocess, mozdevice version and mirror to m-c' --strict
Checking for pypirc: /home/jhammel/.pypirc
Pulling from git:// master
Running ['git', 'pull', 'git://', 'master'], {'cwd': '/home/jhammel/mozbase/src/mozbase', 'stderr': None, 'stdout': None}
From git://
 * branch            master     -> FETCH_HEAD
Already up-to-date.
Bumping mozprocess == 0.10 => 0.11
Bumping mozcrash == 0.6 => 0.7
Bumping mozinfo == 0.4 => 0.5
Bumping mozInstall == 1.5 => 1.6
Commit changes to Bug 877733 - bump mozinfo, mozprocess, mozdevice version and mirror to m-c
Running ['git', 'commit', '-a', '-m', 'Bug 877733 - bump mozinfo, mozprocess, mozdevice version and mirror to m-c'], {'cwd': '/home/jhammel/mozbase/src/mozbase'}
Running ['git', 'push', '', 'master'], {'cwd': '/home/jhammel/mozbase/src/mozbase', 'stderr': None, 'stdout': None}
Counting objects: 19, done.
Delta compression using up to 8 threads.
Compressing objects: 100% (10/10), done.
Writing objects: 100% (10/10), 934 bytes, done.
Total 10 (delta 5), reused 0 (delta 0)
   8655349..76e3c19  master -> master
Updating tags for mozprocess-0.11, mozcrash-0.7, mozinfo-0.5, mozInstall-1.6
Running ['git', 'pull', '--tags', '', 'master'], {'cwd': '/home/jhammel/mozbase/src/mozbase', 'stderr': None, 'stdout': None}
 * branch            master     -> FETCH_HEAD
Already up-to-date.
Running ['git', 'tag', 'mozprocess-0.11'], {'cwd': '/home/jhammel/mozbase/src/mozbase'}
Running ['git', 'tag', 'mozcrash-0.7'], {'cwd': '/home/jhammel/mozbase/src/mozbase'}
Running ['git', 'tag', 'mozinfo-0.5'], {'cwd': '/home/jhammel/mozbase/src/mozbase'}
Running ['git', 'tag', 'mozInstall-1.6'], {'cwd': '/home/jhammel/mozbase/src/mozbase'}
Running ['git', 'push', '--tags', '', 'master'], {'cwd': '/home/jhammel/mozbase/src/mozbase', 'stderr': None, 'stdout': None}
Total 0 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0)
 * [new tag]         mozInstall-1.6 -> mozInstall-1.6
 * [new tag]         mozcrash-0.7 -> mozcrash-0.7
 * [new tag]         mozinfo-0.5 -> mozinfo-0.5
 * [new tag]         mozprocess-0.11 -> mozprocess-0.11
Uploading to pypi: mozprocess-0.11, mozinfo-0.5, mozcrash-0.7, mozInstall-1.6
Running ['/home/jhammel/mozbase/bin/python', '', 'egg_info', '-RDb', '', 'sdist', 'upload'], {'cwd': '/home/jhammel/mozbase/src/mozbase/mozprocess'}
Running ['/home/jhammel/mozbase/bin/python', '', 'egg_info', '-RDb', '', 'sdist', 'upload'], {'cwd': '/home/jhammel/mozbase/src/mozbase/mozinfo'}
Running ['/home/jhammel/mozbase/bin/python', '', 'egg_info', '-RDb', '', 'sdist', 'upload'], {'cwd': '/home/jhammel/mozbase/src/mozbase/mozcrash'}
Running ['/home/jhammel/mozbase/bin/python', '', 'egg_info', '-RDb', '', 'sdist', 'upload'], {'cwd': '/home/jhammel/mozbase/src/mozbase/mozinstall'}
(In reply to Jeff Hammel [:jhammel] from comment #12)
> of course the mozinstall version should probably be bumped too (but it does
> not need mirroring, afaik)

I'm glad I made the actually does:

│./ mozcrash=0.7 mozinfo=0.5 mozprocess=0.11 --no-check
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 386, in <module>
  File "./", line 346, in main
  File "./", line 208, in check_consistency
    raise Exception('\n'.join(errors))
Exception: Dependency for package 'mozInstall' failed: mozinfo-0.5 not == 0.4
Sadly, like anything blocking bug 790765, this ain't as easy as 3.14:

│./ mozcrash=0.7 mozinfo=0.5 mozprocess=0.11 mozInstall=1.6 --no-check
Cloning into 'mozbase'...
remote: Counting objects: 4721, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (2834/2834), done.
remote: Total 4721 (delta 2057), reused 4469 (delta 1851)
Receiving objects: 100% (4721/4721), 1.55 MiB | 486 KiB/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (2057/2057), done.
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./", line 386, in <module>
  File "./", line 301, in main
    assert os.path.exists(setup_py), "'%s' not found" % setup_py
AssertionError: '/tmp/tmpbb0Qk6/mozbase/mozInstall/' not found
The packages.txt change may/will overlap with depending on landing coordination.
Attachment #757607 - Flags: review?(jmaher)
Please let me know (anyone) if I should resubmit to try.
Comment on attachment 757607 [details] [diff] [review]
mirror changes + improvements

Review of attachment 757607 [details] [diff] [review]:

no red flags here, just a lot of little details.
Attachment #757607 - Flags: review?(jmaher) → review+
pushed to inbound:

the packages.txt change was dropped
beh, wish i could say i was surprised :(
From the log:

11:16:49     INFO -  'virtualenv_modules': ['simplejson',
11:16:49     INFO -                         {'mozlog': 'tests/mozbase/mozlog'},
11:16:49     INFO -                         {'mozinfo': 'tests/mozbase/mozinfo'},
11:16:49     INFO -                         {'mozhttpd': 'tests/mozbase/mozhttpd'},
11:16:49     INFO -                         {'mozfile': 'tests/mozbase/mozfile'},
11:16:49     INFO -                         {'mozinstall': 'tests/mozbase/mozinstall'},
11:16:49     INFO -                         {'manifestdestiny': 'tests/mozbase/manifestdestiny'},
11:16:49     INFO -                         {'mozprofile': 'tests/mozbase/mozprofile'},
11:16:49     INFO -                         {'mozprocess': 'tests/mozbase/mozprocess'},
11:16:49     INFO -                         {'mozrunner': 'tests/mozbase/mozrunner'}],
11:17:59     INFO - Installing mozlog into virtualenv /builds/slave/talos-slave/test/build/venv
11:17:59     INFO - Running command: ['/builds/slave/talos-slave/test/build/venv/bin/pip', 'install', 'tests/mozbase/mozlog'] in /builds/slave/talos-slave/test/build
11:17:59     INFO - Copy/paste: /builds/slave/talos-slave/test/build/venv/bin/pip install tests/mozbase/mozlog
11:17:59     INFO -  Ignoring indexes:
11:17:59     INFO -  Unpacking ./tests/mozbase/mozlog
11:17:59     INFO -    Running egg_info for package from file:///builds/slave/talos-slave/test/build/tests/mozbase/mozlog
11:17:59     INFO -  Installing collected packages: mozlog
11:17:59     INFO -    Running install for mozlog
11:17:59     INFO -  Successfully installed mozlog
11:17:59     INFO -  Cleaning up...
11:17:59     INFO - Return code: 0
11:17:59     INFO - Installing mozinfo into virtualenv /builds/slave/talos-slave/test/build/venv
11:17:59     INFO - Running command: ['/builds/slave/talos-slave/test/build/venv/bin/pip', 'install', 'tests/mozbase/mozinfo'] in /builds/slave/talos-slave/test/build
11:17:59     INFO - Copy/paste: /builds/slave/talos-slave/test/build/venv/bin/pip install tests/mozbase/mozinfo
11:18:00     INFO -  Ignoring indexes:
11:18:00     INFO -  Unpacking ./tests/mozbase/mozinfo
11:18:00     INFO -    Running egg_info for package from file:///builds/slave/talos-slave/test/build/tests/mozbase/mozinfo
11:18:00     INFO -  Downloading/unpacking mozfile>=0.6 (from mozinfo)
11:18:00     INFO -    Could not find a version that satisfies the requirement mozfile>=0.6 (from mozinfo) (from versions: )
11:18:00     INFO -  No distributions matching the version for mozfile>=0.6 (from mozinfo)
11:18:00     INFO -  Storing complete log in /Users/cltbld/.pip/pip.log
11:18:00    ERROR - Return code: 1
11:18:00    FATAL - Unable to install tests/mozbase/mozinfo!
11:18:00    FATAL - Exiting -1
program finished with exit code 255

So mozfile is installed after mozinfo.  The reverse should be true.  It looks like the config can just be changed to install mozfile before mozinfo
Depends on: 879560
Filed bug 879560 for the mozharness issue.  FWIW, though probably not much, I am a strong believer in not hand-rolling dependency order just for this reason.

Depending on timing, I may land the non-mozinfo parts of the patch before the blocker is fixed.
hmmm....I just realized....I bumped mozcrash instead of mozdevice :( My mistake.  I'll bump mozdevice -> 0.26 and redo the patch
(In reply to Jeff Hammel [:jhammel] from comment #24)
> hmmm....I just realized....I bumped mozcrash instead of mozdevice :( My
> mistake.  I'll bump mozdevice -> 0.26 and redo the patch

bumped, tagged, pypi:

will redo the patch
can we mirror to puppetagain?
Attached patch the same -mozcrash +mozdevice (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attachment #759399 - Flags: review?(jmaher)
Comment on attachment 759399 [details] [diff] [review]
the same -mozcrash +mozdevice

Review of attachment 759399 [details] [diff] [review]:

::: testing/xpcshell/
@@ +39,5 @@
> +            module_path = os.path.join(mozbase, dep)
> +            if module_path not in sys.path:
> +                sys.path.append(module_path)
> +        globals()[module] = __import__(module)
> +

there is a high chance we will append the same paths to the sys path if we allow the modules to grow.  Is there a need for this vs the original method?  Right now we have the original code in as well, it would be nice to keep the hack uniform across all instances.  I am fine fixing that in a separate bug though.
Attachment #759399 - Flags: review?(jmaher) → review+
(In reply to Joel Maher (:jmaher) from comment #28)
> Comment on attachment 759399 [details] [diff] [review]
> the same -mozcrash +mozdevice
> Review of attachment 759399 [details] [diff] [review]:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> ::: testing/xpcshell/
> @@ +39,5 @@
> > +            module_path = os.path.join(mozbase, dep)
> > +            if module_path not in sys.path:
> > +                sys.path.append(module_path)
> > +        globals()[module] = __import__(module)
> > +
> there is a high chance we will append the same paths to the sys path if we
> allow the modules to grow.  Is there a need for this vs the original method?
> Right now we have the original code in as well, it would be
> nice to keep the hack uniform across all instances.  I am fine fixing that
> in a separate bug though.

Beh, wrong attachment.  This was meant for bug 707976
(In reply to Jeff Hammel [:jhammel] from comment #29)
> (In reply to Joel Maher (:jmaher) from comment #28)
> > Comment on attachment 759399 [details] [diff] [review]
> > the same -mozcrash +mozdevice
> > 
> > Review of attachment 759399 [details] [diff] [review]:
> > -----------------------------------------------------------------
> > 
> > ::: testing/xpcshell/
> > @@ +39,5 @@
> > > +            module_path = os.path.join(mozbase, dep)
> > > +            if module_path not in sys.path:
> > > +                sys.path.append(module_path)
> > > +        globals()[module] = __import__(module)
> > > +
> > 
> > there is a high chance we will append the same paths to the sys path if we
> > allow the modules to grow.  Is there a need for this vs the original method?
> > Right now we have the original code in as well, it would be
> > nice to keep the hack uniform across all instances.  I am fine fixing that
> > in a separate bug though.
> Beh, wrong attachment.  This was meant for bug 707976

I moved this discussion to bug 707976 . See follow up at . I'll attach the patch I meant to attach
Attachment #756881 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #757607 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #759399 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #759886 - Flags: review?(jmaher)
Comment on attachment 759886 [details] [diff] [review]
trying this again

Review of attachment 759886 [details] [diff] [review]:

looks good.  I don't know if we need to update these to puppetagain at all, it is unclear if we still want to do that.
Attachment #759886 - Flags: review?(jmaher) → review+
Depends on: 880806
(In reply to Joel Maher (:jmaher) from comment #32)
> Comment on attachment 759886 [details] [diff] [review]
> trying this again
> Review of attachment 759886 [details] [diff] [review]:
> -----------------------------------------------------------------
> looks good.  I don't know if we need to update these to puppetagain at all,
> it is unclear if we still want to do that.

I believe that is necessary: I've filed bug 880806 to that effect which ABICT blocks this.  Not sure how to find an owner for it
Heh, bug 855893 landed not a moment too soon
(In reply to Andrew Halberstadt [:ahal] from comment #34)
> Heh, bug 855893 landed not a moment too soon

Oop, meant for a different bug, apologies for bugspam.
Blocks: 865349
(In reply to Jeff Hammel [:jhammel] from comment #33)
> I believe that is necessary: I've filed bug 880806 to that effect which
> ABICT blocks this.  Not sure how to find an owner for it

Bug 880806 looks finished, anything else I can help out with to get this landed?
Pushed to try: ; Will land to inbound on presumed success.
Hmmmmm :( Outside of the usual orange intermittent splatter, a few things.  First, the likely dead herring, OSX 10.6 M(bc):

17:29:41 WARNING - TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | chrome://mochitests/content/browser/browser/base/content/test/social/browser_blocklist.js | sub-test testBlockingExistingProvider failed: Error: SocialProvider: provider with origin [] is blocklisted

ABICT, this is unrelated.

There is then the OSX 10.6 b2g issue which I'm not sure post-retriggering if it is related or not:

cppunittests INFO | Running test TestSTSParser
cppunittests TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | TestSTSParser | test failed with return code 65280
cppunittests INFO | Running test TestUDPServerSocket
Running STS Parser Tests tests...
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | Couldn't get the profile directory.
Finished running STS Parser Tests tests.

It seems unrelated....but I have not yet investigated the test itself.  Any clue bats?

Then there is the absolutely related xpcshell test on Android 2.2 Armv6 opt and Android 2.2 opt.  In both cases:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "xpcshell/", line 9, in <module>
    import runxpcshelltests as xpcshell
  File "/builds/tegra-269/test/build/tests/xpcshell/", line 14, in <module>
    import mozinfo
  File "/builds/tegra-269/test/build/tests/xpcshell/", line 21, in <module>
    import mozfile
ImportError: No module named mozfile

Hot damn.  Well, that does make sense since the new mozinfo requires mozfile and mozinfo is imported first.
I have seen the TestSPSParser error on unrelated try runs, so at a guess, I'd say it's unrelated.
After talking with :ahal and :ted, the hack we've picked from amongst the possible pre- bug 849900 (see ) hacks is to hack up the harness for the imports.  We're going to redo the current insanity to replace with all the mozbase modules:

10:58 <@ted> for d in os.listdir(mozbase): 
             sys.path.append(os.path.join(mozbase, d))
Depends on: 882461
the change has already been landed:

removing from diff
carrying r=jmaher forward
Attachment #763573 - Flags: review+
pushed to try with changes from bug 882461 ( )
Assignee: nobody → jhammel
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla24
You need to log in before you can comment on or make changes to this bug.


