Closed Bug 88684 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Back and forward button not working on pages with unload handlers that redirect to another page.


(Core :: DOM: Navigation, defect, P3)






(Reporter: markushuebner, Assigned: radha)




(Keywords: regression, testcase, top100, Whiteboard: [driver:asa] [br])


(1 file)

Go to the URL:
In the menu at the bottom choose "work".
In the appearing animation click on the left picture (print design).
Now do a "back" in the browser and you will be redirected to page without the 
animation. (everything fine so far).
But if you choose the second (or any other) picuture (let's say brand identity) 
and go "back" nothing happens.

using build 2001063008
confirming with win2k build 20010630
-> history
Assignee: asa → radha
Component: Browser-General → History: Session
QA Contact: doronr → claudius
In the body of the page a 'onunload' event should redirect to the page, this 
isn't done at all.
But when clicking on an item at the bottom, it works ... but not when leaving 
the page via the "back and forward" button.
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.0
OS: Windows 2000 → All
this works fine in MSIE and Opera.
NS4.X seems to do an endless loop.
I reproduce it on: Win98; en-US; rv:0.9.2+) Gecko/20010723
It took me some time going back and clicking on the links to reproduce it but 
the back button dosen't work any more after some clicks,but also the fordward 
button dosen't get activated at all.
Summary: Back button not working → Back and forward button not working
*** Bug 92743 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 93791 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Radha, any progress on this?  This (back button not working) continues to be one
of the most prominent 6.1 (rtm/pr1) complaints.
Whiteboard: [br]
*** Bug 94970 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
updating keywords
Keywords: mozilla0.9.4
A testcase is available at

It starts with "work_s.htm". Just click on the first picture.
You are now on "Print Design". When you click the "back button" you are 
directed to "work_s2.htm" (this is done in the body - 'onunload').

Just click on the second picture now. You are on the "brand identity" and
no back or forward buttons work now anymore, although this page has the same

What is strange: just type a URL - ... then the onunload event
is triggered (you are directed to "work_s2.htm") and then the mozilla website 
is loaded.
Keywords: testcase
Summary: Back and forward button not working → Back and forward button not working on pages with unload handlers that redirect to another page.
*** Bug 99883 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
what's the current status of this one?
Keywords: mozilla0.9.6
The back button is working correctly!
any clues who?! :)

The forward button is still deactivated.

using build 2001101909
The back button does not work on
Build  2001102106.  The malfunctioning of the back and forward
buttons and the mess in the history (the Go menu) is exactly as
I described them in bug 92743 , which was marked as duplicate of 88684

Target Milestone: mozilla1.0 → mozilla0.9.8
*** Bug 112818 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 117259 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Nominating since lots of users are still reporting running into this.
Keywords: nsbeta1
Blocks: 115520
Whiteboard: [br] → [driver:asa] [br]
In today's build, the back button does work after visiting the "brand identity"
page. The back forward buttons respond properly. However the Go menu is filled
with entries for these 2 pages. Every time back is pressed, a new session
history entry is created for the redirected page and added to 'Go' menu.
However, back and forward buttons are always updated and respond. 

NS4.x goes in a loop. I don't believe that this bug should be a 0.9.8 stopper.
This is a special situation. I  will see if something can or should be done
about the Go menu. 

I don't believe this is a regression either. 
Priority: -- → P3
OK, pulling off the 0.9.8 list.
No longer blocks: 115520
Testing with build 2002011803 on winxp the "forward button" isn't activated at 
all - so not working.
This testcase worked already fine in mozilla - it is a regression.
If there is a chance for it to get in 0.9.8, it would be fine.
Major sites affected (bug 117259)
Keywords: top100
when you click 'back' from the Brand identity page, the forward button will not
be activated, because, when the 'brand identity' page gets unloaded, its unload
handler kicks in, which redirects you to the page you wanted to go through the
back button. Technically you are taken one page forward. So, you may think that
you went back to the previous page, (since the previous page and the forwarded
page are the same), but technically you went forward to that page because of the
redirection.  That's why, everytime you click back from the brand identity page,
a new entry is also added to  session history, which is evident by the
increasing number of entries for that page in the 'Go' menu.  In my opinion, as
long as back and forward buttons respond, there is no bug here. 
markush, Can you provide some testcases regarding misbehavior in top100 sites. 
Ohh yes, before the Back Button takes action, the JavaScript code drives the
user to a new web page. So the 'back button' is not part of the story here. The
fact that the JavaScript directs the user to a new page is cool and it's good
that forward button is not activated - that's the proper behavior since time
traveling is not possible. is in the top 100 list, AFAIK. Just visit it, and try to get back to the
front page by forward and back buttons. The menu and IHT logo are an easy
workaround so no real showstopper, but it is still less than beautiful.

Keywords: mozilla0.9.4
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.8 → mozilla1.0
I really do think we should address this one as soon as possible. (and of course others) is far too important to forget about it ...

Keywords: mozilla0.9.9
Maybe another one (which is probably the same problem): go to, select 'News Informer'. select the 3rd news, then press
back button...nothing happens. Press it come back to the entry
screen. build is 2002012921 
nsbeta1+ per ADT triage team
I would like more specific steps to reproduce this bug in I do not understand that "3rd news".
Target Milestone: mozilla1.0 → mozilla0.9.9
3rd news just means: take e.g the 3rd news out of the list, or any other except
the first one
*** Bug 124373 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I have figured what the problem is with, however its going to be a
hard problem.  Can someone provide a simple trestcase for  The site often refuses the connection and makes
debugging tough. 
Radha,dont know where your physical location is, but over here i dont have a problem accessing this site. What can i do to support your debugging?
Axel, Are you saying that you have no problem with ie., you don't
see 2 entries in hte go menu once you visit the site? 
This patch takes care of the problem with I'm still
working on the problem with
Hello Radha,
dl'd the latest builds (2002022021 for linux and 2002022103 (?) for windoze).
Had a look at Backward button not working at all, and the windows
version crashed several times.
Both versions did not work with informer2 -> no change to prevoius behaviour 
This can't work because this patch is not checked into the tree.
A patch needs a r= and SR= and after that the developer will add a "checked in"
comment. (and mark this bug fixed)

Good point, Matthias, didnt know this. I'll try again when the patch is in.
Depends on: 105619
I have a patch for the problem, but just visiting that site crashes the
browser. S, I'm not able to verify my patch. 
I'm moving this one out. This bug should be fixed once 105299 and 124427 are
fixed.  Both these bugs are waiting for approval and/or reviews. 
Target Milestone: mozilla0.9.9 → mozilla1.0
This now works for me in today's build.
This bug got fixed, by fixing 105229 and 124427 last week. 
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Sorry to disagree, i played around a little with today's build (2002030621): -> on the main screen, go to 'Kurslisten' -> Deutscher
Aktien Index (DAX).
-> Result: the DAX-ranking is displayed.
From there, go to 'News-Informer' -> First news is displayed.
Select another news from the list (e.g. the 5th one) -> 5th news is displayed.
Press back button -> DAX ranking is displayed
expected result: Screen with first news displayed again#
Works for me with build 2002031104 (WinNT4.0) from the 0.9.9-trunk 
vrfy'd fixed using 2003.02.19 comm trunk on linux rh8.0.
This might have regressed since being fixed.  See bug 251944.
Component: History: Session → Document Navigation
QA Contact: claudius → docshell
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