Bug 99642
Opened 23 years ago
Closed 15 years ago
Freeze nsIWebBrowserPersist
(Core Graveyard :: Embedding: APIs, defect, P3)
Core Graveyard
Embedding: APIs
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: chak, Unassigned)
(Keywords: topembed+, Whiteboard: edt_b3, edt_a3)
Freeze nsIWebBrowserPersist
Please refer to for the
issues to be addressed, if any, for this interface.
Please follow the guidelines outlined in "How to mark an interface as frozen?"
section of the document above.
Updated•23 years ago
QA Contact: mdunn → depstein
New web browser persist code is in but I'll probably have to wait to see if
there are issues that force the interface to change further before I can
continue with this. The interface already has pretty reasonable documentation
but I haven't
viewed after it's gone through Doxygen yet so I might fix any issues I find
doing that for the time being.
Comment 4•23 years ago
I might like to see these added to the API (I'm investigating):
outputEncodingFlags (get/set; defaults to 0)
outputPreferredWidth (get/set; defaults to 72)
contentType (get/set; defaults to "text/html")
doReplace (get/set; defaults to true)
-> 0.9.7
This interface can't be frozen until any issues shaken out by bug 11632 and the
editor group have been resolved.
Depends on: 11632
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla0.9.7
Brade & Ben, do either of you have any comments to make about the current form
of this interface?
If not I'll give the documentation a makeover and submit this interface to be
Comment 7•23 years ago
Yes, we need some changes to this. I'd like Akkana to help with this if that's ok.
See comment #4 for some items Composer will need.
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Comment 10•23 years ago
With all due respect, this interface is not ready for freezing. In particular,
its treatment of pages with postdata that the user wants read from cache is
abysmal. It should either take a cache key or an instance of the upcoming
nsIWebPageDescriptor that Rick is working on. The current implementation will
silently and unconditionally repost when someone tries to saveURI with postdata
from the cache, if I understand the way this stuff works correctly...
Comment 11•22 years ago
Results of API freeze meeting:
* There is some issues about cache keys and cache flags. Essentially without a
cache key, postdata may get resubmitted in the call to saveUri.
* Webbrowserpersist does not accept cache keys, but it's not clear how the
caller would actually provide them. Once this is clarified, there is no point
extending the interface to support them.
* Need to clarify wording in documentation to indicate the issue about cache
flags and postdata.
* Need to add comment reserving a block of flags (i.e. indicate that values in
that range should not be used)
* There was talk of turning the contenttype arg in saveDocument from a string
into an AString, but there seems little point given the way in which it is used
(in param, short length)
* Making the persist object more modular (e.g. callbacks for determining whether
to save a node, url type etc.) is work that can be saved for nsIWebBrowserPersist2.
Otherwise I believe nsIWebBrowserPersist is ready for saving. Does anyone else
have any issues to add, especially concerning the editor/upload side of things?
Comment 12•22 years ago
Oops, "Once this is clarified" -> "Until this is clarified"
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Comment 13•22 years ago
> it's not clear how the caller would actually provide them.
We could use nsIWebPageDescriptor...
What about error handling? If the persistence object is asked to save data from
some URL, should it just save it? What if it's an HTTP 404 response? Should
callers be able to control what happens in such cases? What about an error
response that does not include any savable content (eg FTP).
Perhaps the error handling discussion should take place in bug 99639? It seems
like many web progress listeners would want error notifications...
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Comment 15•22 years ago
Adding two more dependencies: bug 129332 ("Cancelling should clean up because
the caller has no way to do it") and bug 174167 ("Error handling behavior needs
to be defined").
Comment 17•22 years ago
topembed+, freezing APIs is a Good Thing
Updated•22 years ago
Whiteboard: edt_b3, edt_a3
Comment 18•22 years ago
Adam, this is a topembed+ bug that we think is important to get fixed. Removing
the "future" target so that you can schedule it to an upcoming milestone (or
argue the case for it not to be as important as EDT folks might think.)
Target Milestone: Future → ---
Comment 19•22 years ago
These other bugs involve defining extra flags. Assuming the nsIWebBrowserPersist
interface behaviour does not change when new flags are created, and short of
ambiguity or such in the documentation, this interface could probably be frozen
right now.
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Comment 20•22 years ago
Um... There is also the question of error handling. Eg if I request that
webbrowserpersist persist a page and it comes back with a 404 error, what should
This is probably also a matter of a flag, but there might need to be a way to
pass in a window object so that error dialogs could be modal to that window
It may also be that this need is already covered by the progressListener member
variable; I've not dug into this much, to be truthful.
Quite simply, here is what I need as a user of the interface -- I need to be
able to say "persist this URI, and if you get a network error (HTTP 404, FTP
error, whatever) put up an error dialog telling the user so". It may be enough
to say "persist this URI, and if you get a network error (HTTP 404, FTP error,
whatever) notify me so that I can put up an error dialog and maybe cancel the
save operation".
Comment 21•22 years ago
What is wrong with the current behaviour? Doesn't the OnStateChange tell you
there has been a network error, that you can find more info about by querying
the nsIHttpChannel, e.g. for the response code?
If this is a user land issue, it should be reassigned to the UI.
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Comment 22•22 years ago
To repeat, "It may also be that this need is already covered by the
progressListener member variable; I've not dug into this much, to be truthful."
So I have no idea what the current behavior is. If it already does what it
needs to do, so much the better. When does the OnStateChange fire? Does it
fire _before_ any data is sent to a file? (I would assume that
STATE_TRANSFERRING does, but STATE_STOP does not; the only one that really gives
a useful status code per the comments is STATE_STOP.)
This is all in reference to bug 160454, btw. So yes, there will be userland
work done on this; I just want to make sure that the userland work that needs to
happen is possible... :)
Comment 23•20 years ago
-> me, i want to push this along
Updated•20 years ago
Updated•20 years ago
Comment 24•20 years ago
note: I'd kinda like to extend saveURI/saveChannel to allow an nsIOutputStream
as aFile argument. but that can be done w/o breaking compat, so it can be done
even after freezing.
(use case: tell a channel to resume at a specified offset; give wbp a stream
with PR_APPEND set (or what that's called))
or would people think this should be done w/ a flag? in which case, it would
block freezing this.
Updated•20 years ago
Priority: -- → P3
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Comment 25•20 years ago
We also have the issue of saveURI taking a cache key... I'm not sure there are
reasonable ways to get those, and I'm not sure we want to expose that detail on
this api. We need to come up with a reasonable way of saving data from cache
given a POST result or something...
Comment 26•20 years ago
bz: i think the "cache key" business is nicely abstract. i'm nearly ok with
freezing nsICachingChannel, which would expose it to consumers.
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Comment 27•20 years ago
But there is no way to get the channel for the "currently loaded page" as things
stand... Further, it's not clear to me that just having a cache key guarantees
you the ability to get data properly if POST data is also needed...
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Comment 28•20 years ago
Also, note that I think it's _too_ abstract. There is no indication in the
interface as to what constitutes a "valid" cache key....
Comment 29•20 years ago
(In reply to comment #27)
> But there is no way to get the channel for the "currently loaded page" as things
> stand...
As I recall, a shistory entry works as cache key.
> Further, it's not clear to me that just having a cache key guarantees
> you the ability to get data properly if POST data is also needed...
once setCacheToken gets implemented, it should...
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Comment 30•20 years ago
> As I recall, a shistory entry works as cache key.
How do I get that using frozen interfaces, given an nsIWebNavigation or
Apart from that, that's not what's implemented. The persist code will QI that
arg to nsIWebPageDescriptor, and if that succeeds will use impl details of the
descriptor to get an nsISHEntry and than the cache key on that. If the "cache
key" passed in here does not QI to nsIWebPageDescriptor, it'll be just used as-is.
Also, we're talking about SetCacheKey, not SetCacheToken here. So it looks to
me like properly doing a saveURI on a post response involves having not only the
cache key, but also the post data stream and all that fun stuff... :(
Updated•19 years ago
Target Milestone: mozilla1.8beta1 → mozilla1.9alpha
Updated•19 years ago
Target Milestone: mozilla1.9alpha → Future
Updated•19 years ago
Assignee: darin → nobody
QA Contact: dsirnapalli → apis
We no longer freeze interfaces.
Closed: 15 years ago
Resolution: --- → WONTFIX
Updated•6 years ago
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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