attachments appears not to be deleted at message window, and \Deleted flag is not stored to original mail, when detaching/deleting attachments from IMAP mail opened from "Search Messages" or a "Saved Search Folder"
(MailNews Core :: Networking: IMAP, defect)
(thunderbird_esr78 affected, thunderbird_esr91 affected)
(Reporter: hippiefreak, Unassigned)
(Blocks 2 open bugs)
(2 files)
Comment 1•10 years ago
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Comment 20•9 years ago
Updated•9 years ago
Comment 21•6 years ago
(In reply to hippiefreak from comment #0)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR
2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0;
.NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; BRI/2; rv:11.0) like GeckoSteps to reproduce:
I perform Shift-Control-F to open the Search Box. I search and find emails
ok. I double-click on any email in the Search results, it opens just fine.
If the email has attachments, I elect to remove the attachments by first
right-clicking on the word "attachments" in the bottom status bar of the
opened email. I select "Delete All" from the little menu that results. A
pop-up appears, listing the attachments and advises me the deletion is
permanent; do I wish to continue? I click Yes.Actual results:
The attachments do not delete.
I can confirm that the above issue still occurs with my IMAP account. But there is one important detail to add to the above description: Although it seems that nothing has happened, that is not the case: The removal of the attachments is in fact successfull, however, the stripped message is stored as a duplicate message with the same timestamp as the original message, and the original message remains unchanged. This happens only if the message was opened from the search box (Shift-Control-F), which happens to me frequently, because I use the search box to locate messsages with large attachments when my IMAP account gets too full. If I navigate to the folder where the message is located, the deletion of the attachments works as expected.
This issue seems to be present for at least 10 years already and has been reported several times, see Bug 1299774 and Bug 518891. There seems to be also some similarity with Bug 1106225.
Name: Thunderbird
Version: 60.5.0
Build-ID: 20190122170039
Update-Kanal: release
User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/60.5.0
Betriebssystem: Windows_NT 10.0
Comment 25•4 years ago
There are reports confirming the problem in german support forums.
Additionally I've the problem with duplicated messages after detaching, when the detach process is startet from outside the processed messages folder. This is not only the case, when detaching from a saved search folder. The same is, when using / experimenting with my "AttachmentExtractor Continued" addon. This addon has an automatic detach feature. Running the automatic detach feature, when the focus in 3-pane-window is not in the processed messages folder, leads to the described duplicated messages.
Updated•4 years ago
Updated•4 years ago
Updated•4 years ago
Comment 26•4 years ago
Unfortunately, this bug also affects the MailExtension API event "onNewMailReceived". This event is fired again if the original messages in the IMAP folders are not deleted.
So it would be doubly important that this bug is fixed.
Comment 27•3 years ago
I cannot confirm this bug anymore : I searched using CTRL-F for emails, opened emails with an attachment, deleted the attachment from the message window. I then checked in the original folder : the email had well been deleted. I checked for emails in the IMAP inbox and in local folders. TB 91.7.0 32 bits, on windows 10.
Updated•2 years ago
Comment 28•2 years ago
well, It seems that I need to reconfirm the bug,attachments from emails opened from the CTRL-F search window do neither delete nor detach.
102.3.3 (32 bits) windows 10
Comment 29•2 years ago
It seems to be a never ending story⦠I gave up using this feature long time ago :-/
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Comment 30•1 year ago
(In reply to Matthias St. Pierre from comment #21)
(In reply to hippiefreak from comment #0)
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/7.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR
2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0;
.NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; BRI/2; rv:11.0) like GeckoSteps to reproduce:
I perform Shift-Control-F to open the Search Box. I search and find emails
ok. I double-click on any email in the Search results, it opens just fine.
If the email has attachments, I elect to remove the attachments by first
right-clicking on the word "attachments" in the bottom status bar of the
opened email. I select "Delete All" from the little menu that results. A
pop-up appears, listing the attachments and advises me the deletion is
permanent; do I wish to continue? I click Yes.Actual results:
The attachments do not delete.
I can confirm that the above issue still occurs with my IMAP account. But there is one important detail to add to the above description: Although it seems that nothing has happened, that is not the case: The removal of the attachments is in fact successfull, however, the stripped message is stored as a duplicate message with the same timestamp as the original message, and the original message remains unchanged. This happens only if the message was opened from the search box (Shift-Control-F), which happens to me frequently, because I use the search box to locate messsages with large attachments when my IMAP account gets too full. If I navigate to the folder where the message is located, the deletion of the attachments works as expected.
This issue seems to be present for at least 10 years already and has been reported several times, see Bug 1299774 and Bug 518891. There seems to be also some similarity with Bug 1106225.
Name: Thunderbird Version: 60.5.0 Build-ID: 20190122170039 Update-Kanal: release User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:60.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/60.5.0 Betriebssystem: Windows_NT 10.0
Hi, this is OP. Yes, the above important detail was omitted by me. The problem as identified in the OP and as augmented above is still occurring. It's now December 2023. Merry Christmas, everyone!
Comment 31•1 year ago
Hi @hippiefriek,
merry Christmas to you as well. I donated 20β¬ to Mozilla this year. Hopefully they will us the money to fix our bug. :P
Comment 32•1 year ago
Comment 33•1 year ago
And btw @hippiefriek: your initial conversation with @WADA from 9 years ago still makes me chuckle π
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Comment 34•1 year ago
@Matthias St. Pierre,
If you'd like another chuckle, consider that my hair is now gray since 9 years ago. In another 9 years I could be dead and then my problem with these attachments will be solved. LOL.
Seriously, it appears that this is a low-priority issue suggesting that few users encounter the need to delete attachments from emails found through the Search Box. I, however, manage a highly active hobby website where people send me attachments regularly and I only delete them much later after research for my website caused by those attachments has been completed. This can take months or sometimes years. This causes me to constantly use the Search Box by necessity to find these old emails to want to then delete the attachments I've found, to recover storage space. So, I encounter this issue almost every day that I am managing my site. After 9+ years the workaround for this is now its own procedure but it would be nice if it got fixed.
Comment 35•1 year ago
Can I just add that I find the same issue - when I delete an attachment from a message viewed in a saved search folder I end up with the original and the copy with the attachment deleted. If I do the same from the IMAP Inbox folder everything works correctly and I no longer have the original message. Was going to raise a new issue - but found this one which seems to be the same bug.
Obviously the workaround is not too onerous, but since I typically only view the saved search folder (which includes messages from all my inboxes) this is a bit of an annoyance.
Comment 36•5 months ago
I'm just confirming that in Mozilla Thunderbird 128.2.0esr x64 (Microsoft Windows 10.0.19045.4842) the "Delete" and "Delete All..." functions for attachments do not work. Emails are opened from the "Inbox" and "Open Message in Conversation" folders. Mailbox on GMail, connected via IMAP. The result is the same - emails in the "Inbox" folder and in the web interface on remain with attachments for which the deletion command was given.
What are the current workarounds for removing attachments (making full copies of selected emails, but without attachments)? Preferably not only in the "Inbox" folder, but also in the folders that Google calls "Labels".
Comment 37•5 months ago
Seems to work for me.
Comment 38•5 months ago
(In reply to Magnus Melin [:mkmelin] from comment #37)
Seems to work for me.
Did you follow the steps to reproduce the reported bug from the preceding comments?
I see this in 102.15.1 [which I'm not upgrading due to the UI/UX changes and feature/extension regressions] and, unless it's been fixed outside this 10-year-old bug report, I'd say there's a very good chance that the originally reported bug still exists in the latest version.
So, did you follow the steps to reproduce the reported bug from the preceding comments?
Updated•2 months ago