Closed Bug 110540 Opened 23 years ago Closed 23 years ago

"Tabbed Browsing" preferences for bookmarks/personal toolbar don't work


(SeaMonkey :: Tabbed Browser, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: askwar, Assigned: bugs)



From Bugzilla Helper: User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:0.9.5+) Gecko/20011116 BuildID: 2001111608 Enabling "Middle-click or control-click of bookmarks and personal toolbar items" doesn't do anything. When I enable this and try do a Middle-click on a bookmark, nothing at all happens. If I hold down control while clicking the bookmark, it loads in the current window/tab, but there's no difference to when I do so with this option disabled. Enabling "Control+Enter in the URL bar" has a strange side effect. Entering an address and pressing Enter (without holding down Control!), it loads in a new tab. Holding down Control doesn't change anything at all. Also, there are still cases when new windows popup. Although I enabled "Windows opened by the Web page", clicking on the "Open bugzilla entry form" on the "Bugzilla Helper" page on opens the bug entry form in a new window. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: Enable the options and enter urls. Actual Results: When I enable "Middle-click or control-click of bookmarks and personal toolbar items", the behaviour does not change to when this option is disabled. Enabling "Control+Enter in the URL bar" always opens entered URLs in a new tab. Although "Windows opened by the Web page" was enabled, a new window was opened. Expected Results: I'd expect "Middle-click or control-click of bookmarks and personal toolbar items" to do something. Right now it doesn't seem to. "Control+Enter in the URL bar" should only open URLs in new tabs, when Control+Enter is pressed, not when only Enter is pressed. If "Windows opened by the Web page" is enabled, no new windows should open; instead, only new tabs should open. I tested this with the same builds on Windows 2000 and Linux, and got consistent results. This behaviour was also present in older builds.
*** Bug 110545 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Ever confirmed: true
*** Bug 110554 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Control enter issue is bug 105537 -- "control+enter in url bar firing for just enter" Popup issue is bug 105547 -- "Windows open in new window instead of tabs..." This functionality is just not implemented yet. The middle click issue does not seem to have a bug for it...
Summary: "Tabbed Browsing" preferences don't work → "Tabbed Browsing" preferences for bookmarks/personal toolbar don't work
I also have the CTRL+ENTER in the address bar problems; but that seems to be addressed... The middle click works fine for me... Sorta. My breakdown (This is in Win32 nightly builds, beginning Nov 1, 2001) * Middle clicking on a link WITHIN the current opened window opens the page in a new tab. * Even with the option enabled (not implemented yet?) middle-clicking on any bookmark does not work. A temporary workaround is to just open a link from within a web page (so long as it does not open a new window), and then just open the bookmark in the new tab.
*** Bug 111425 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I use 0.9.6 with on w2k and have the exat same symptoms. OS/platform should be all/all.
Doesn't work in Mac OS X, either, even after taking into account bug 111908. Release 0.9.6 Build 2001112020. I think all/all would be appropriate. :-)
OS: Linux → All
Hardware: PC → All
As an aside (since this one is on the table for a fix anyway), we'd love to see the addition of a NEW option where a simple click (or double click) on an item in the personal toolbar or a bookmark would open it in a new tab (just like occurs in ver 1.1 of Multizilla). That's the simplest (no extra fingers for "control" needed) option that was so appealing in the Multizilla plug-in model. Please give it a thought. Sincerely, George Beker Creative Director Center for Non-Profit Resources
QA Contact: blakeross → claudius
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.1
*** Bug 113747 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
The milestone is set to Mozilla 1.0.1. The bug is very annoying and, without Mozilla source code knowledge, I'd say that seems to be a "simple to resolve" problem. Any possibility to advance the milestone to 0.9.8, for example? :-)
*** Bug 116780 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Reassigning to new component owner.
Assignee: hyatt → jaggernaut
Assignee: jaggernaut → ben
Priority: -- → P3
Target Milestone: mozilla1.1 → Future
I see this bug has been futured. These aren't critical tabbed browsing prefs, so that is understandable. However, it's very bad form to have checkboxes sitting in a prefs panel that we know don't work. The relevant checkboxes (middle-click of bookmarks, ctrl-enter in URL bar and "windows opened by web page") should be removed from the "Tabbed Browsing" prefs panel.
hm, not sure whether this should be removed in the interim --see
Hmmm, that link doesn't work for me.
I would agree that the prefs should be removed until they are implemented. Comment out the code for them and leave em for future reference, maybe? I got used to when entering a URL in the Location bar that a new tab would open, and when clicking bookmarks (either on bm menu or toolbar) the page would open in the current tab. Now that behaviour is reversed and opening a new tab requires a ^t then a click or type<enter>. I have a 2-button mouse, so I can't test the middle click, but ^click or ^enter does nada still.
Bug 112639 is related, though not a dup.
*** Bug 124049 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I just removed the useless checkbox.
Keywords: useless-UI
When I activated the "Cntrl-click bookmarks to open in new tab" option, I'm sometimes unable to access bookmark options in the bookmark manager. (Delete, properties, rename.. Pretty much all that works is "Open" and "Open in new window") Sometimes visiting a bookmark by double-clicking in the manager would allow these options, but only once. Since, so far it looks like this option hasn't been implemented, I'll just leave it off for now. That seems to work just fine, haven't had any more trouble. Mozilla Build ID: 2002020406 Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Win98; en-US; rv:0.9.8) Gecko/20020204
nsbeta1- per ADT triage team. This bug has too many different problems in it, and seems to have morphed. Please limit bug reports to one defect.
Keywords: nsbeta1nsbeta1-
Ctrl+Enter in URL bar has been fixed, middle click for bookmarks is no longer a selectable option. This bug is no longer valid as it stands. Resolving as WORKSFORME.
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
Product: Core → SeaMonkey
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