Closed Bug 1774066 Opened 2 years ago Closed 2 years ago

Add colorways screen in MR onboarding


(Firefox :: Messaging System, enhancement, P1)




105 Branch
105.2 - Aug 8 - Aug 19
Tracking Status
firefox105 --- verified


(Reporter: pdahiya, Assigned: pdahiya)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(1 file)

Scope of this bug is to add colorways screen in MR onboarding

Priority: -- → P2
Blocks: 1778792

User Story
As a new user or existing user I want to be able to pick the color of my Firefox right from the onboarding, so I can find something that suits my mood and don’t have to settle upon one of the default themes until I discover Colorways later on my own.

Figma file (new users)
Figma file (existing users)

Acceptance Criteria

  1. All new and existing users are presented with the Colorways selection card in MR that includes colorways themselves, plus titles and descriptions.

  2. The hover state for each colorway display its title, and default/no colorway selected state’s hover state is “None”.

  3. For new users “Balanced” intensity is a default for all colorways.

For existing users, their previous intensity is used.

  1. Existing users who have a custom home page are presented with a “Make Firefox Home my colorful home page" checkbox. It is unchecked by default. If a user checks the checkbox, their existing Home page will be replaced by the Firefox Home page.

  2. Clicking a colorway circle changes Firefox chrome, but does not save it. The user has to click “Set Colorway” for his choice to get saved.

  3. Clicking the “Set Colorway” button sets the Colorway and moves users to the next step in Onboarding.

  4. The screen is always displayed with a random colorway selected rather than user’s existing theme or system default for new users.

  5. Bypass CTA that allows users to move to the next step without setting the Colorway is available on this screen. System theme is selected for new users and existing user’s theme/Colorway remains unchanged in the case they choose the bypass CTA.

  6. If a Colorways collection is expired, this screen is not displayed at all.

  7. For the representation of the system default (for new users) and the user's existing theme a separate option with the description "Use my current Firefox colors" text is displayed.

No longer blocks: 1778792
Assignee: nobody → pdahiya
Iteration: --- → 105.1 - July 25 - Aug 5
Priority: P2 → P1
Blocks: 1781361
Attachment #9287711 - Attachment description: WIP: Bug 1774066 - Add colorways screen in MR onboarding → Bug 1774066 - Add colorways screen in MR onboarding
Iteration: 105.1 - July 25 - Aug 5 → 105.2 - Aug 8 - Aug 19
See Also: → 1783750
Blocks: 1783751
Pushed by Add colorways screen in MR onboarding r=mviar
Closed: 2 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 105 Branch

I‘ve started verifying this enhancement using the latest Firefox Nightly 105.0a1 (Build ID: 20220809213127) on Windows 10 x64, macOS 12.3.1, and Linux Mint 20.2 x64.

  1. The Colorways screen is displayed on the MR Onboarding to new and existing users after clicking the secondary button from “Pin Firefox to taskbar”/”Import Data” screens.
    a. The screen contains the title, description, and colorways. I've noticed that the “You are a [descriptor]" text from the description is not in bold. Is this issue tracked anywhere?
    b. The System Theme icon is not updated. (Tracked in Bug 1783780)
  2. The tooltip is present when hovering each colorway stating the colorway name.
    a. Will the “None” tooltip text be covered in Bug 1783780?
  3. A. For new users the balanced variation is displayed on all the colorways.
    B. For existing users the previous intensity of the colorways is not respected. (tracked in Bug 1783751)
  4. For existing users the “Make Firefox Home my colorful home page" checkbox is not implemented yet. (Tracked in Bug 1781361)
  5. The theme is applied to the browser after clicking on each colorway, and if the secondary button is clicked, the theme is not saved.
    a. If the back/forward buttons are clicked or if the “ESC” key is pressed, the theme remains saved even if the “Set colorway” button was not clicked. (tracked in Bug 1783750)
  6. Clicking the “Set Colorway” button sets the colorway and the next screen/modal is shown.
  7. The screen is not displayed with a random colorway selected rather than the user's existing theme or system default for new users.
    a. Is this functionality tracked in an existing issue?
  8. The user is moved to the next screen/modal without setting the Colorway after clicking the secondary button from the Colorways screen, and the System theme remains enabled for new user’s/existing user’s theme/Colorway.
  9. I’m not sure how to verify that the Colorways modal is not displayed to existing/new users if a Colorways collection has expired.
    a. Could you please provide us with instructions in order to be able to verify this scenario? Or could you please point us to a person that could provide the older Colorways themes?
  10. The "Use my current Firefox colors" text is displayed when the System Theme/ previous theme is selected.

@Ania & @Punam, could you please take a look over the questions from points 1. a, 2. a, 7. a, and 9. a, and let me know if I should file new issues for them?

Flags: needinfo?(pdahiya)
Flags: needinfo?(asafko)

(In reply to Simona Rosu [:srosu], Ecosystem QA from comment #5)

I‘ve started verifying this enhancement using the latest Firefox Nightly 105.0a1 (Build ID: 20220809213127) on Windows 10 x64, macOS 12.3.1, and Linux Mint 20.2 x64.

  1. The Colorways screen is displayed on the MR Onboarding to new and existing users after clicking the secondary button from “Pin Firefox to taskbar”/”Import Data” screens.
    a. The screen contains the title, description, and colorways. I've noticed that the “You are a [descriptor]" text from the description is not in bold. Is this issue tracked anywhere?

[punam] Should be fixed with Bug 1781378

  1. The tooltip is present when hovering each colorway stating the colorway name.
    a. Will the “None” tooltip text be covered in Bug 1783780?

[punam] There should be a tooltip visible when hovering over respective colorway icon, please file a bug if you are seeing 'None'. Final tooltip text should be updated with bug 1781378

  1. The screen is not displayed with a random colorway selected rather than the user's existing theme or system default for new users.
    a. Is this functionality tracked in an existing issue?

[punam] Captured as a edge case in bug 1783751 description

  1. I’m not sure how to verify that the Colorways modal is not displayed to existing/new users if a Colorways collection has expired.
    a. Could you please provide us with instructions in order to be able to verify this scenario? Or could you please point us to a person that could provide the older Colorways themes?

[punam] This should be fixed with bug 1783751 and updated with test steps based off implementation approach. NI @ray to help provide steps to install old colorway themes thanks!

@Ania & @Punam, could you please take a look over the questions from points 1. a, 2. a, 7. a, and 9. a, and let me know if I should file new issues for them?

Flags: needinfo?(rfambro)
Flags: needinfo?(pdahiya)
Flags: needinfo?(asafko)
Flags: needinfo?(rfambro)

Based on comment 5 and comment 6, I'm marking this enhancement as Verified.

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