[meta] Rebuild the Quick Filter Bar
(Thunderbird :: Toolbars and Tabs, enhancement)
(Not tracked)
(Reporter: aleca, Unassigned)
(Depends on 1 open bug)
(Keywords: design-needed, meta)
(1 file)
1.14 MB,
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The Quick Filter Bar has a lot of idiosyncrasies and weird UX behaviours that have been added through time, resulting in a bit of a UX mess with strange and non intuitive UI.
We should rebuild it from scratch with a completely new UI, focusing on simplicity and easy UX to maintain all its functionalities, but make them more discoverable and easier to use.
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Updated•2 years ago
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Updated•2 years ago
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Updated•2 years ago
Since Supernova (I'm on 115.2.0), the QFB has changed. In the past, when applying a filter (e.g. unread) the buttons stayed in place and the message count appeared to the left of it. Now it displays on the right and the buttons move. When intuitively trying to disable the filter, the buttons have moved and you enable an extra filter. At least personally, I filter my folders on unread quite often, and after seeing if there's something that needs attention now I want to disable the filter again.
Current behaviour attached.
Is this something that falls in the scope of this issue, or shall I open a separate issue for it?
Sorry, just saw bug 1846319 - which was closed because of this report. So I suppose that this will be resolved.
Thanks for all your hard work.
Comment 4•1 year ago
Will this effort encompass bug 1830439 / can it be duped to this?
Comment 5•1 year ago
also bug 1848487 and bug 1837561
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Updated•1 year ago