Closed Bug 24700 Opened 25 years ago Closed 24 years ago

Track evaughan's sidebar related bugs


(SeaMonkey :: Sidebar, defect, P1)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: slamm, Assigned: matt)



No description provided.
20546, Splitter not heeding collapsed state (in localstore.rdf) Causes sidebar to come up open even though the state was persisted as closed. 20226, Sidebar iframe contents not drawing on grippy open. Collapse and expand sidebar by click on grippy. The content area comes up blank. Resizing will restore it. 18891, [DOGFOOD] Splitter resizes under IFrames When dragging the splitter, the splitter draws under the iframes on either side. 23857, [PP] Sidebar fills entire screen on splitter click On Linux, clicking on the grippy can sometimes make the sidebar size to infinity. Takes over the toolbars and menus and everything. Super ugly. 23858, Splitter: spring open behavior screws up click to open. If you drag a slight amount when clicking on the grippy to open the sidebar, the sidebar gets opened to a small width. Drag threshold should be increased. 23860, Spliiter: Drag to spring open confusing If you drag the splitter to open the sidebar, it draws at the full width, but the mouse stay close to the left. When you drop the mouse, the sidebar opens to the current mouse position instead of the full width. Should open to full width and end drag. More minor bugs, 18850, viewing text while resizing sidebar This really a feature request. Filer wants to size sidebar content resize during resize. 18923, Sidebar sizes improperly when collapsed without focus Sidebar still accepts events when another application window has focus. 23814, Can't drag splitter to close panes. If you can drag it open, you should be able to drag it closed. 23917, [PP] Button on splitter shows incorrect cursor. Button inherits its cursor from splitter parent. Should just use its own cursor. 7552, <button> variants all appear disabled but execute script Makes the customize dialog buttons clickable even when they are disabled.
Depends on: 20546
Priority: P3 → P1
Target Milestone: M20
18891 was wrong. Should be 18991.
Depends on: 18991
No longer depends on: 18891
spam: changing qa contact on sidebar bugs from paulmac to (all 67 of them!)
QA Contact: paulmac → shrir
Depends on: 37835
Move to M21 target milestone.
Target Milestone: M20 → M21
Any update on this
Reassigning 50 Sidebar bugs to Matt. I was told this was going to be done shortly about two months ago, but it clearly hasn't been. I think that's long enough for all these bugs to remain assigned to nobody. Feel free to filter all this spam into the trashcan by looking for this string in the message body: ducksgoquack
Assignee: slamm → matt
no longer useful.
Closed: 24 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
marking verified.
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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