Closed Bug 67414 Opened 24 years ago Closed 23 years ago

Remove the Search menu


(SeaMonkey :: UI Design, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jruderman, Assigned: bugzilla)




(Keywords: access, helpwanted)

Remove the Search menu. It's currently a short menu, and it groups features in a non-intuitive way (Search Bookmarks should be considered a bookmarks feature, not a search feature). - Move "Find on This Page" and "Find Again" to the Edit menu. - Get rid of "Search the Web". Clicking the Search button without changing the contents of the location bar should take you to the default search page (bug 32791). Make sure there's still keyboard access to searching (bug 19446, maybe bug 62067). - Split "Search Bookmarks/History" into two menu items. Put "Search Bookmarks" in the Bookmarks menu as Ctrl+Shift+B. Put "Search History" next to "History" as Ctrl+Shift+H. - Move toggling between basic/advanced modes for Search sidebar panel into the sidebar panel itself (bug 44724). One problem with this proposal is that it might make the Edit menu too long. This bug disagrees with bug 41616, "Add Search menu to Manage Bookmarks and History windows". This was originally mpt's or blake's idea.
I like this idea! Adding dependencies to the mentioned bugs.
Depends on: 19446, 32791, 44724, 62067
OS: Windows 98 → All
Hardware: PC → All
Yes, kill it. > Put "Search Bookmarks" in the Bookmarks menu as Ctrl+Shift+B. And in the bookmarks manager > Put "Search History" next to "History" as Ctrl+Shift+H. 2 entires in Tasks|Tools for History? Please keep it short. Put search in the History window only. Plelase consider Mailnews. 4.x had the Search Mailnews Msg item in Edit, where it is IMO misplaced. I suggest the View menu. (Message menu is for a single msg (apart from Mark All read). Go should go way, too. File is overloaded, but would be OK, too.)
I agree. The less clutter, the better, IMO.
I don't think "Search History" is clutter. Without that option in Navigator menus, I'd have to hit History (already several menu layers deep, although bug 67416 or bug 32502 would fix that), wait for the history window to load, and then look for a search command. I search history more often than I browse through it... the history window by itself is only useful for checking the last few sites you visited, or finding out if someone's been using the account to browse porn.
> Without that option in Navigator menus, I'd have to hit History The dialog itself would still be able to search for both history and bookmarks. Although being completely unintuitive, you could to Bookmarks|Search in oder to search history. > finding out if someone's been using the account to browse porn. Looking for new cool sites, eh? ;-P
If either of {Ctrl+H, Ctrl+F} or {Ctrl+B, Ctrl+F} takes a long time to type, that's a performance bug which should be filed separately. There is no need to clutter the menus of Navigator windows with items to search the contents of other windows. If you want to include bookmarks and/or history in your search, that is something which should be decided by checkboxes in a standalone search window, not something you have to choose only one of when navigating the `Search' menu. Voting for this bug.
Summary: [rfe] remove the Search menu → [rfe] Remove the Search menu
Chaning the qa contact on these bugs to me. MPT will be moving to the owner of this component shortly. I would like to thank him for all his hard work as he moves roles in, Yada, Yada...
QA Contact: mpt → zach
I think that mpt is interested in this bug. Correct me, if I'm wrong.
QA Contact: zach → mpt
Actually, I am the new QA contact for the component. I'll cc mpt to keep him in the loop while we switch over.
QA Contact: mpt → zach
For the record: This is just the default. At Mailnews, the QA Contact is regularily changed for individual bugs. But do what you want... :)
updating to new owner. sorry for the spam.
Assignee: hangas → mpt
I think the search menu should go but the go menu should remain. I sometimes use the Go menu and I don't believe that the menubar is too long when you remove Debug and QA. The only reason I think search should be removed is that it has become too short to warrant its own menu as well as people expecting that Find should be under Edit. "Search the web" could be placed in the go menu, but only if it obeys the users current search preference. Nominating for 1.0 as I think this menu should be removed by 1.0
Keywords: mozilla1.0
No longer depends on: 62067
Depends on: 85386
All the dependencies have now been fixed. In Navigator at least, the `Search' menu now contains only one item. A one-item menu isn't RFE material, it's bug material. --> XP Apps/GUI, helpwanted, CCing possible fixers. How to remove the Search menu in ten easy steps ----------------------------------------------- For Navigator: 1. Move `Search the Web' to Navigator's `Tasks' menu, immediately following the separator after `Address Book'. 2. Add `Search the Web' to the `Tasks' menu of the hidden window, in the same position as for Navigator. 3. Remove the `Search' menu. 4. For bonus points, give `Search the Web' the keyboard shortcut Shift+accel+F. For mail/news: 5. Change `Find in This Message ...' to `Find ...' and move it to the `Edit' menu, immediately following the separator under `Select >'. 6. Move `Find Again' to the `Edit' menu, immediately following `Find ...'. 7. Change `Search Mail/News Messages' to `Search Messages ...' and move it to the `Edit' menu, immediately following `Find Again' (or following `Find Previous', if bug 77704 is implemented first). 8. For bonus points, give `Search Messages ...' the keyboard shortcut Shift+accel+F, as in 4.x. 9. Remove the `Search the Web' item from the `Search' menu. (It's an *e-mail* program!) 10. Remove the `Search' menu.
Component: User Interface Design → XP Apps: GUI Features
(3) should be `Remove the Search menu from Navigator and from the hidden window'. Reassigning.
Assignee: mpt → blakeross
Severity: enhancement → normal
Keywords: helpwanted
QA Contact: zach → sairuh
Summary: [rfe] Remove the Search menu → Remove the Search menu
> 1. Move `Search the Web' to Navigator's `Tasks' menu, immediately following > the separator after `Address Book'. No, remove it altogether. It is a static link to a URL. The user can get exactly the same with a bookmark, but more configurable.
...or make it actually respect the users search engine choice. The the shift-accel-f shortcut that mpt suggested would be a nice feature if it took me to google or whatever I choose as my default engine
QA Contact: sairuh → claudius
Yes, `Search the Web' (and Shift+accel+F) should take you to your chosen search engine, like the Search button on the Toolbar should. Searching is one of the most common tasks for Web users, so I think it deserves a prominent UI distinct from bookmarks. For example: * Mac OS's Internet control panel has a field for `Search Page' next to its field for `Home Page'. Mozilla should be respecting this setting. * In public environments especially (cafes, kiosks, libraries, etc), there will often not be bookmarks at all, but search will obviously still be useful.
*** Bug 44918 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
- IMO, such a menu item just clutters up the menus. Especially in the Tasks menu. - An entry in Tasks is no more prominent than in bookmarks. - Internet Cafes should have default bookmarks which are set for each new user.
--> Ben
Assignee: blake → ben
I like the search menu. Its a often used option and so faster to reach than over edit. I say its better to extend these menu with usefull functions like fuzzy search, a search bookmark manager,... search is a so underpowered point and so necessary. Search the Web should be split into all registered Search engine by choose. It would be a nice option search -> edit categories. Sidebar -> edit categories is a little bit inconsistent cause thats not a searchengine. in this window you should have for every search engine a switch "show in search menu". my opinion is that ALL function from sidebar need to be reachable by the menu ( do you ever used mozilla without a mouse ? :)). At the moment all power is unbalanced in the sidebar.
the Search/Find menu item recently moved to Edit/Find then back to Search/Find. in 2001062104's View/Page Source or View/Frame Source its inconsistently still Edit/Find also, personal opinion...atleast in Windows 9x, traditionally Find (in page) has been located in the Edit menu, but in my perception the better thought-out menus in applciations have moved Edit to the Search menu (Ultraedit; Windows' Notepad; Mozilla) which made more sense to me, so it seems a shame for it to slip back in Mozilla
Fixing this bug would free up the 'S' accesskey, which I would like to see more sites use for their search boxes. See for an example of a site that does this. (I thought of this problem before seeing it on, but forgot to mention it here.) Some sites won't add an accesskey if it requires underlining 'R' or 'C' in the middle of a word, and many sites won't add it unless they see many other sites using it and all using the same letter.
Keywords: access
Target Milestone: --- → Future
*** Bug 101063 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Blocks: 108099
not a blocker
No longer blocks: 108099
See bug 81757, "Need keybindings for various sidebar panels", for more discussion about Ctrl+Shift+B, Ctrl+Shift+F, etc.
-> me
Assignee: ben → blaker
Closed: 23 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Continuation: bug 135372, "Remove the Search submenu".
Product: Core → Mozilla Application Suite
Component: XP Apps: GUI Features → UI Design
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