Closed Bug 855434 Opened 12 years ago Closed 11 years ago

Story - Non HTML5 specific form elements should work


(Tracking Graveyard :: Metro Operations, defect, P1)

Windows 8.1


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: bbondy, Assigned: sfoster)



(Whiteboard: [block28] feature=story c=Content_features u=metro_firefox_user p=13)

This story is not about getting newer HTML5 form elements working (although those should fallback to standard form elements where appropriate). This story is about having standard form elements working correctly with parity to Desktop Firefox.
Depends on: 851900, 851901, 851907, 851904
Hi Asa, just requires story requirements and an Epic to relate to.
Blocks: metrov1backlog
No longer blocks: metrov1triage
Flags: needinfo?(asa)
I think the content features epic, I'm marking it.
Blocks: 831565
Flags: needinfo?(asa)
Can maybe be combined with bug 831979
Priority: P2 → P1
Depends on: 858184, 858594, 859681, 856926
Depends on: 858598
Increased point value to 13 based on Brian's recommendation as new work has been added to the story.
Whiteboard: feature=story c=Content_features u=metro_firefox_user p=8 → feature=story c=Content_features u=metro_firefox_user p=13
Depends on: 885383
Depends on: 894396
Blocks: metrobacklog
No longer blocks: metrov1backlog
Currently, all the dependencies are relatively minor issues that don't obstruct basic functionality and use of forms. Each is a paper cut that might contribute to an overall perception of poor quality, but as it stands, IMO we could ship preview without them. As a batch of work, the current story title is over-stated. I recommend renaming to "Polish (non-HTML5) form rendering and interactions" or similar, and downgrade to P2 or P3.
Blocks: metrov1it17
No longer blocks: metrobacklog
QA Contact: sfoster
Assignee: nobody → sfoster
QA Contact: sfoster
QA Contact: jbecerra
Depends on: 927802
Depends on: 927238
Whiteboard: feature=story c=Content_features u=metro_firefox_user p=13 → [block28] feature=story c=Content_features u=metro_firefox_user p=13
Blocks: metrov1it18
No longer blocks: metrov1it17
No longer depends on: 927238
No longer depends on: 927802
Blocks: metrov1it19
No longer blocks: metrov1it18
All dependencies are now complete.
Closed: 11 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Could you please provide some guidance for QA to test this? Thanks!
Flags: needinfo?(netzen)
Please test the individual dependencies. You can also just test all types of form elements to make sure their behavior matches what desktop does. I don't have any good specific examples though.
Flags: needinfo?(netzen)
(In reply to Brian R. Bondy [:bbondy] from comment #8) > Please test the individual dependencies. You can also just test all types > of form elements to make sure their behavior matches what desktop does. I > don't have any good specific examples though. I went through the individual dependencies (except for the device specific bugs), and they look good. I've reopened bug 858184 and logged bug 947214 which blocks bug 885383. Tested for iteration #19, with latest Nightly 2013-12-05 on Win 8 64-bit.
OS: Windows 8 Metro → Windows 8.1
Product: Tracking → Tracking Graveyard
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