Closed Bug 117026 Opened 23 years ago Closed 21 years ago

bookmark properties dialog very slow to load


(SeaMonkey :: Bookmarks & History, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: jmd, Assigned: alfredkayser)



(Keywords: perf)


(5 files, 8 obsolete files)

18.05 KB, image/gif
7.35 KB, image/png
7.89 KB, image/png
31.60 KB, patch
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
6.56 KB, patch
: review+
: superreview+
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
Right click a bookmark in BM manager, click Properties.

Actual Results: Wait 6 seconds, see properties.
Expected Results: Wait <2 seconds, see properties.

New window open is down to 5.5 seconds here...BM Manager itself opens in 3, and
I have a lot of bookmarks. 6 seconds for the tiny properties dialog seems very
mass reassign of pchen bookmark bugs to ben
Assignee: pchen → ben
Target Milestone: --- → Future
Severity: normal → major
Keywords: nsbeta1, perf
Jeremy, what kind of a machine do you have? It takes less than two seconds for
me on a PIII with 256 megs of RAM. Does this happen only on a large bookmark file?
nsbeta1- per nav triage team, but we'd consider a patch that removed the
schedule and notify panes, which should make the dialog faster.  helpwanted.
Keywords: nsbeta1helpwanted, nsbeta1-
trudelle, so you just want the schedule and notify stuff to be removed from the
bm-props.xul file? How about the accompanying javascript and dtd stuff?
Err... I originally had XUL cache disabled. With it back on, nothing seems much
faster, except for this. Props now open in 1.5 seconds. Pretty severe perf
penalty (400%) for props w/o cache.
I'm seeing a similar on window close perf problem bug 131130.
Upcoming patch
Severity: major → normal
Keywords: helpwanted, nsbeta1-
Target Milestone: Future → mozilla1.2alpha
Attached patch remove tabs (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Speeds up dialog load from 1.5s to near instantaneous (actually pops up before
the dialog menu is destroyed sometimes). Reviews?
Comment on attachment 93669 [details] [diff] [review]
remove tabs

sr=bzbarsky.  Make sure a UI-ish person (blake or jag) reviews...
Attachment #93669 - Flags: superreview+
Did a quick search, and it seems some people are (attempting) to use the
scheduling features. But it does seem fairly broken:

bug 44282  bookmark scheduled update fails to trigger
bug 56096  bookmark scheduler settings prevents 23pm to 8am
Bug 90148  bookmark scheduler doesn't finish
bug 94530  bookmark schedule/notification breaks on '?' in URL
bug 110044 Scheduled bookmark notification triggers multiple times
Bug 107268 bookmark scheduler wont do anything
     ^-- this is what I saw when I tried it. No notifications ever.
Bug 94530  bookmark schedule/notification breaks on '?' in URL

Feature incomplete:

Bug 130344 Can't view the schedules as I can in IE
Bug 74627  'schedule' and 'notify' bookmarks globally
Bug 75330  [RFE] Do bookmark checking if scheduled time has passed

And terribly in need of UI love:

bug 132380 Merge "Schedule" and "Notify" tabs in Bookmark Properties
     ^-- this is terribly needed
Bug 89059  Schedule in properties of bookmark should only talk about [...]

So... do we want this in, in it's half working form, or out, and make bookmark
props load in a reasonable time?

It would require a lot of work to make notification robust enough to where it
should be exposed to users, IMO. (Note my patch was made in responce to
trudelle's call for one)
*** Bug 174212 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
This is a replacement (cannot diff at this moment)
for the bookmarks properties dialog box, fixing the following:
* this bug (slow loading): 
   - removed tabs, and lots of extra spacers...
   - removed descriptions and icons (non-info)
* bug 132380: merge schedule and notification panels
* bug 179058: make dialogbox wider, so that most urls fit in editbox.

So, whilst not removing the scheduling features, this speeds up the opening
of this dialogbox, and shows all info in one box, instead of hiding bits and
Removed the entries not used anymore
Ben Goodger, it seems that you are the owner, can
you progress this bug through the r, sr, etc stages?
Note, that my patch also makes schedule.gif and notification.gif in the themes
dead meat.
Attached image Screenshot with Classic
Attached image Screenshot with Modern
Other one is really the 'Classic' shot
Attachment #110813 - Flags: review?(ben)
Attachment #110813 - Flags: review?(ben) → review?(dean_tessman)
Comment on attachment 110814 [details]
Corresponding file: en-US\communicator\bookmarks\bm-props.dtd

><!ENTITY checkforupdates.legend.label "Check this location for updates:">
><!ENTITY notifications.legend.label   "Notification:">

These are group box labels, and thus shouldn't have colons.
Attachment #110818 - Attachment description: Screenshot with Modern theme → Screenshot with Classic
Please note bug 194553, which is about adding access keys to this dialog.
=>patch author
Assignee: ben → alfredkayser
Complete patch, to merge all tabs into one dialogbox (see screenshots).
Does also fix bug 132380, bug 179058, and bug 194553.
(Merge Schedule/Notify, Prop. too narrow, resp. Add access keys).

Fully tested with current builds, and safe change as it is only dtd and xul
change (long live XUL!)
Attachment #93669 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #110813 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #110814 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 121896 [details] [diff] [review]
Patch for in xpfe\components\bookmarks\resources

Note, also includes bug 132380, bug 179058, and bug 194553.
Attachment #121896 - Flags: superreview?(dmose)
Attachment #121896 - Flags: review?(dean_tessman)
Comment on attachment 121896 [details] [diff] [review]
Patch for in xpfe\components\bookmarks\resources

>+  <groupbox><caption label="&generalInfo.label;" />

These should be on separate lines.

>-                <label value="&;" control="name"/>
>+        <label value="&;" accesskey="&;" control="name"/>

I assume your indentation is proper, and this looks weird only because it's a
diff -w?

>-              <row id="descriptionrow">
>-                <label value="&bookmarks.description.label;" control="description"/>
>+      <row>
>+        <label value="&bookmarks.description.label;" accesskey="&bookmarks.description.accesskey;" control="description"/>

Without a row with id of "descriptionrow", doesn't line 200 throw a js error?

  document.getElementById("descriptionrow").setAttribute("hidden", "true");

>+  <groupbox><caption label="&checkforupdates.legend.label;"/>

These lines should be intended two spaces more, shouldn't they?

>-          <image id="notification-icon"/>

Should we get rid of this image, then, from bookmarksWindow.css (and eventually
from cvs)?

> <!ENTITY         "Name:">
>+<!ENTITY     "a">

'N' is available now, why not use that?

Other than that, looks good to me.  Can you attach a new patch that addresses
my questions and comments?
Attachment #121896 - Flags: review?(dean_tessman) → review-
Blocks: 203761
Attached patch Patch (diff -uw format) (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Fixed comments from Dean:
* caption on separate line
* indendation fixed
* re-added 'descriptionrow'
* filed separate bug for removal of 'notification-icon' and 'schedule-icon'
* accesskey for Name is now 'N'.
* fixed hiding of scheduling groupboxes for non-http bookmarks.
Attachment #121896 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #121992 - Flags: review?(dean_tessman)
Comment on attachment 121992 [details] [diff] [review]
Patch (diff -uw format)

>-    document.getElementById("ScheduleTab").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
>-    document.getElementById("NotifyTab").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
>+    document.getElementById("scheduling").setAttribute("hidden", "true");
>   }

Are we not hiding the notification section anymore, just scheduling?

>+  <hbox id="scheduling">

Does this have a closing tag somewhere that doesn't show up in the diff -w?
Ad 1. No, the 'scheduling' id refers to the hbox containing
both notification and scheduling groupboxes.

Ad 2. There is a closing hbox, only the diff -uw doesn't show it.
The diff -u is not very useable, as the indenting of almost everything
has changed (due to the removal of the tabs).
Attachment #121896 - Flags: superreview?(dmose)
Comment on attachment 121992 [details] [diff] [review]
Patch (diff -uw format)

That clears up my questions.  r=me
Attachment #121992 - Flags: review?(dean_tessman) → review+
Attachment #121992 - Flags: superreview?(jaggernaut)
Attachment #110813 - Flags: review?(dean_tessman)
Attachment #121992 - Flags: superreview?(jaggernaut) → superreview?
Attachment #121992 - Flags: superreview? → superreview?(jaggernaut)
Attachment #121992 - Flags: superreview?(jag) → superreview?(bzbarsky)
Comment on attachment 121992 [details] [diff] [review]
Patch (diff -uw format)

sr=me, but why do you need the <hbox id="scheduling">?	Couldn't you put the id
on the groupbox?
Attachment #121992 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky) → superreview+
diff -u to be applied to cvs

Note the 'id=scheduling' is to the hbox, so that both
groupbox's contained in the hbox are hidden for bookmark
items (such as folders) are hidden by this flag.
Furthermore the hbox is required to put the groupbox's
horizontally next to each other. (see screenshots)
Attachment #121992 - Attachment is obsolete: true
this patch has merge conflicts in bm-props.xul.  alfred: it's not obvious to me
how to resolve the conflicts.  if you can post an updated patch, i'll be more
than happy to check it in for you.  thx!
Attached patch Updated diff -u patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attachment #132591 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Note, if this is checked in, the following bugs can also be 
closed bug 132380, bug 179058, and bug 194553.
(Merge Schedule/Notify, Prop. too narrow, resp. Add access keys).
This is the last and final patch.
Also removed the redundant showDescription function
and renamed the global var Bookmarks to gBookmarks.
Attachment #132667 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
adding bugs blocked by this one per comment #32
Blocks: 132380, 179058, 194553
It would have been better to have this patch reviewed by a person familiar with
the bookmarks code (Jan or me which appear to be the default assignee for the
bookmark component).
For instance, the renaming of bookmarks into gBookmarks makes no sense since
there is already a global var |BMDS| to that effect that should have been used.
Also, descriptions from should be removed. The indentation
is wrong in some places, also.
Please avoid that in the future.
reopening bug

alfred: can you please create a followup patch to address p_ch's review
comments.  thx!
Resolution: FIXED → ---
> It would have been better to have this patch reviewed by a person familiar
> the bookmarks code (Jan or me which appear to be the default assignee for the

> bookmark component).
Sorry about that, will look better and harder for the right reviewers...

> For instance, the renaming of bookmarks into gBookmarks makes no sense since
> there is already a global var |BMDS| to that effect that should have been
See patch

> Also, descriptions from should be removed. 
See patch

> The indentation is wrong in some places, also.
If you take a look at:

you can see it is correct. 
The patch looks like a mess, because the removal of the tab/tabpanel levels.
Attachment #132987 - Flags: review?(p_ch)
Comment on attachment 132987 [details] [diff] [review]
fixed followup patch for the additional review comments

please, don't forget to re-indent the file.
> If you take a look at .../bm-props.xul
> you can see it is correct. The patch looks like a mess, because the removal 
> of the tab/tabpanel levels.

I was referring to
indentation is not correct.
Comment on attachment 132987 [details] [diff] [review]
fixed followup patch for the additional review comments

Index: resources/bm-props.js
RCS file: /cvsroot/mozilla/xpfe/components/bookmarks/resources/bm-props.js,v
retrieving revision 1.31
diff -u -r1.31 bm-props.js
--- resources/bm-props.js	9 Oct 2003 21:23:27 -0000	1.31
+++ resources/bm-props.js	20 Oct 2003 09:43:49 -0000
@@ -42,9 +42,6 @@
 // that they are associated with.
 var gProperties;

-// All the bookmarks datasource
-var gBookmarks;
 // The ID of the current shown bookmark
 var gBookmarkID;

@@ -63,7 +60,6 @@
		  NC_NS + "ShortcutURL",
		  NC_NS + "Description"];

-  gBookmarks = RDF.GetDataSource("rdf:bookmarks");
   gBookmarkID = window.arguments[0];

   var i;
@@ -74,7 +70,7 @@
   for (i = 0; i < gFields.length; ++i) {
     var field = document.getElementById(gFields[i]);

-    var value = gBookmarks.GetTarget(resource,
RDF.GetResource(gProperties[i]), true);
+    var value = BMDS.GetTarget(resource, RDF.GetResource(gProperties[i]),

     if (value)
       value = value.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral).Value;
@@ -90,7 +86,7 @@
   propsWindow.setAttribute("title", title);

   // if its a container, disable some things
-  var isContainerFlag = RDFCU.IsContainer(gBookmarks, resource);
+  var isContainerFlag = RDFCU.IsContainer(BMDS, resource);
   if (!isContainerFlag) {
     // XXX To do: the "RDFCU.IsContainer" call above only works for RDF
     // 	   if its not a RDF sequence, we should to more checking to see
@@ -110,7 +106,7 @@

   var showScheduling = false;
-  var url = gBookmarks.GetTarget(resource, RDF.GetResource(gProperties[1]),
+  var url = BMDS.GetTarget(resource, RDF.GetResource(gProperties[1]), true);
   if (url) {
     url = url.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral).Value;
     if (url.substr(0, 7).toLowerCase() == "http://" ||
@@ -125,7 +121,7 @@
   } else {
     // check bookmark schedule
     var scheduleArc =
-    value = gBookmarks.GetTarget(resource, scheduleArc, true);
+    value = BMDS.GetTarget(resource, scheduleArc, true);

     if (value) {
       value = value.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIRDFLiteral).Value;
@@ -222,9 +218,8 @@
       // Get the new value as a literal, using 'null' if the value is empty.
       var newvalue = field.value;

-      var oldvalue = gBookmarks.GetTarget(RDF.GetResource(gBookmarkID),
-					  RDF.GetResource(gProperties[i]),
-					  true);
+      var oldvalue = BMDS.GetTarget(RDF.GetResource(gBookmarkID),
+				     RDF.GetResource(gProperties[i]), true);

       if (oldvalue)
	 oldvalue =
@@ -255,8 +250,8 @@
   var schedulingHidden = scheduling.getAttribute("hidden");
   if (schedulingHidden != "true") {
     var scheduleRes = "";
-    oldvalue = gBookmarks.GetTarget(RDF.GetResource(gBookmarkID),
-				    RDF.GetResource(scheduleRes), true);
+    oldvalue = BMDS.GetTarget(RDF.GetResource(gBookmarkID),
+			       RDF.GetResource(scheduleRes), true);
     newvalue = "";
     var dayRangeNode = document.getElementById("dayRange");
     var dayRange = dayRangeNode.selectedItem.getAttribute("value");
@@ -308,7 +303,7 @@

   if (changed) {
-    var remote =
+    var remote =
     if (remote)
@@ -324,21 +319,16 @@
   if (prop && (oldvalue || newvalue) && oldvalue != newvalue) {

     if (oldvalue && !newvalue) {
-      gBookmarks.Unassert(RDF.GetResource(gBookmarkID),
-			  RDF.GetResource(prop),
-			  oldvalue);
+      BMDS.Unassert(RDF.GetResource(gBookmarkID), 
+		     RDF.GetResource(prop), oldvalue);
     else if (!oldvalue && newvalue) {
-      gBookmarks.Assert(RDF.GetResource(gBookmarkID),
-			RDF.GetResource(prop),
-			newvalue,
-			true);
+      BMDS.Assert(RDF.GetResource(gBookmarkID),
+		   RDF.GetResource(prop), newvalue, true);
     else /* if (oldvalue && newvalue) */ {
-      gBookmarks.Change(RDF.GetResource(gBookmarkID),
-			RDF.GetResource(prop),
-			oldvalue,
-			newvalue);
+      BMDS.Change(RDF.GetResource(gBookmarkID), 
+		   RDF.GetResource(prop), oldvalue, newvalue);

     changed = true;
Index: resources/locale/en-US/
RCS file:
retrieving revision 1.4
diff -u -r1.4
--- resources/locale/en-US/ 5 Oct 2003 08:21:25 -0000      
+++ resources/locale/en-US/ 20 Oct 2003 09:43:49 -0000
@@ -18,15 +18,6 @@
 # Contributor(s): 

-description_Bookmark = %brandShortName% can remember web page locations for
you. Type the page name and location in the fields below, then click OK. Select
the page from the Bookmarks menu or your Bookmarks Sidebar tab to visit the
-description_Folder = %brandShortName% can organize your bookmarks into
specific folders. Type the folder name and an optional comment below, then
click OK.
-description_FolderGroup = %brandShortName% can bookmark a group of web pages.
Type a group name and an optional comment in the field below, then click OK.
Select the group from the Bookmark menu or your Bookmarks Sidebar tab to open
each page in a separate Navigator tab.
-description_PersonalToolbarFolder = Folders and bookmarks in this folder
appear on the Personal Toolbar.
-description_NewBookmarkFolder = Newly created bookmarks will be stored here by
-description_NewSearchFolder = Search results will be stored here by default.
-description_NewBookmarkAndSearchFolder = Newly created bookmarks and search
results will be stored here by default.
-description_BookmarkSeparator = %brandShortName% can organize your bookmarks
by putting separators between them. Type an optional separator name below, then
click OK.
 cmd_bm_open = Open
 cmd_bm_expandfolder = Expand
 cmd_bm_collapsefolder = Collapse
Attachment #132987 - Attachment description: Followup patch for the additional review comments → fixed followup patch for the additional review comments
Final, follow-up patch, to fix the review comments of p_ch.
Attachment #132987 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #133865 - Flags: review?(p_ch)
Attachment #132987 - Flags: review?(p_ch)
Attachment #133865 - Flags: review?(p_ch) → review+
Comment on attachment 133865 [details] [diff] [review]
Final patch to fix the last items (indenting, BMDS, and descriptions)

Very minor cleanup, but still nice to include in 1.6
Attachment #133865 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky)
Attachment #133865 - Flags: approval1.6a?
Comment on attachment 133865 [details] [diff] [review]
Final patch to fix the last items (indenting, BMDS, and descriptions)

sr=bzbarsky, though this does not address whatever indent issue pch
mentioned... you may want to address that at checkin time.
Attachment #133865 - Flags: superreview?(bzbarsky) → superreview+
Comment on attachment 133865 [details] [diff] [review]
Final patch to fix the last items (indenting, BMDS, and descriptions)

a=asa (on behalf of drivers) for checkin to 1.6alpha
Attachment #133865 - Flags: approval1.6a? → approval1.6a+
It should also address the indenting issues, as they are
related to the 'bookmarks' to 'gBookmarks' to 'BMDS' changes,
which are included in this last patch.
patch checked in on the trunk for 1.6 alpha.

marking FIXED
Closed: 21 years ago21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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