Closed Bug 107268 Opened 23 years ago Closed 21 years ago

bookmark scheduler wont do anything


(SeaMonkey :: Bookmarks & History, defect, P3)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: crazed_cowboy, Assigned: bugs)



(Keywords: regression)

version 0.9.5 - Under a bookmark's properties, the notify and schedule tabs -- i can set them, but i am never told that the page changes (and i know that the pages are changing). i tried this on a whole barrage of pages, and not a single one results in a notification when it is changed. i've got every possible notify option checked, too. when is this feature going to work? i would really *really* appreciate this feature justin
Perhaps this is bug 44282? Could be many things. Reporter, can you give us some examples?
ok, well i read the bug you suggested. however, the difference is that i have *never* under *any* circumstances (including the ones listed in bug 44282) been able to get a notification.* *also, if i look at the "last modified" field associated with the bookmarks, they're all filled in -- none are set to "unknown", yet i'm still not getting any notifications. in fact, i can actually see that "last modified" *IS* getting updated! i'm just not getting any notifications!
update! a few minutes after my system clock rolled over to november 1st, i received 2 notifications (the first ones i'd ever received). however, the other 6 bookmarks i have set up identically did not notify me -- and i know that several of them (slashdot, toms hardware, uf, and i think even were all updated recently. but, hopefully this helps you track things down a little, but just after midnite, i did get a few notifications. haven't got any since, though.
Doesn't work also on my version ( build ID: 200201103 ), have tried on local page generated at each visit ( Freenet's Nodestatus ) and usual pages like slashdot, lemonde, etc...
*** Bug 121168 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 118128 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Confirming based on duplicates. OS -> All
Ever confirmed: true
OS: Windows 98 → All
*** Bug 110914 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Priority: -- → P3
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.2
*** Bug 123323 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
This is a major feature - upping severity. I really miss this.
Severity: normal → major
*** Bug 113447 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Adding regression keyword
Keywords: regression
*** Bug 126605 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Ben, how easy would it be to fix this by backing out the schedule/notify feature entirely?
Is this still an issue? I believe I was having this problem, but it suddenly seems to have been corrected (for several weeks now?).
yeah its still an still doesnt work. as it stands, i only get notifications for one web site, and i get them (incorrectly) all the time. the rest of the sites i have don't give me notifications at all
*** Bug 147029 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 148084 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Can anyone give an example of a website where the notify mechanism *does* work? I'd like to see if this also works on my system (never seen any notifications, and tried it with several builds in the past, up to and including RC3). I think the best way would be to disable the UI for this feature for Mozilla 1.0 - I get the feeling this feature fails more often than it works.
I have the same problem: schedule & notify do nothing. I'm using Slashdot as my most active test case. One thing I noticed, which I thought was the problem, was the default timing (Midnight to 1 AM)!! Unfortunately, I changed to more sensible values (1AM - 11PM) and it still fails to kick off. BTW, it's around 10AM now, while I'm trying this. I've started and stopped Mozilla completely several times, and I'm using 1.0 (2002053012).
*** Bug 150772 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Is anyone working on this? It's still present in 2002062712. Actually, I've never gotten it to work after many different setting permutations.
I have this problem with Mozilla 1.0 for Windows. Interestingly enough, the behavior had been working in releases as late as Mozilla 0.9.7 for me. I reviewed my bookmarks.html file and wiped out all the elements for LAST_PING, PING_STATUS, PING_LEN, etc. I then revised the schedule for all the bookmarks I had configured to run every five minutes. I have verified that my Mozilla is indeed pinging these bookmarks. After about an hour I exited mozilla and reviewed the bookmarks file. All scheduled bookmarks showed a recent ping attempt. Three bookmarks also now showed an element of: PING_STATUS="new" However, when going into Bookmarks manager in Mozilla, those bookmarks do not show as new (I chose the Icon notification method). I advise looking at the functions for executing notification, rather than the functionality of checking the bookmarks. If anyone can independently verify my results that would be super.
I did some test concerning mozilla's update behaviour of the bookmarks file. (using moz 1.1 alpha build 2002061104 on english win nt4sp5) I scheduled slashdot to be pinged every 3 mins (icon & alert) and forced updates of the bookmarks file by opening and closing new Moz windows. This is happened and what I could read out of the bookmarks file: Notification detected, alert displayed, but the bookmark icon didn't change. LAST_PING is updated correctly. PING_STATUS="new" is set. LAST_VISIT and LAST_MODIFIED is not updated! It is also not updated when I visit the site using the bookmark as well as when visiting the site using the alert notification dialog. From now on, every scheduled period an alert notification is displayed. Behaviour is the same as above: alert displayed, but the bookmark icon doesn't change. LAST_PING is updated correctly. PING_STATUS="new" remains set! LAST_VISIT and LAST_MODIFIED is not updated (and PING_STATUS="new" is not cleared) even when visiting the site. Hope this helps a little bit. Ralph
*** Bug 160699 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 44282 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 180989 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Keep in mind, your skin must support the bookmark updated icon. To my knowledge, only Classic and Lopburi Flat do this. Also, the bookmark update notification works fine for me on Win2K, but not WinXP. (Mozilla 1.2b build 2002101612)
I don't think this has anything to do with the skin - I have "display an alert" enabled, and that does not happen either. BTW, why is this labeled as a regression? This never worked for me in any build, and I've been using Mozilla milestones since M16 or something like that. Only in some Beonex version some notifications showed up, but not all.
a) Both Classic and Modern skins support the new bookmark icon. I believe Netscape 6 "Toybox" skins also supported it. b) Tested with multiple skins, none showed updated icon c) As indicated, none of the requested notification methods would function. I have tested this with Mozilla 1.0 and Mozilla 1.1 on both Windows 98 and Windows 2000. Bookmarks appear to be updated, just noficiation fails. This DID work in beta versions of Mozilla for me, such as 0.9.6 I have not tested with 1.2alpha yet
Still not working as of 1.3 alpha.
Confirming - I'm using 1.3a on Linux, and the scheduler doesn't do anything here either.
*** Bug 90148 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Is there any work currently being done on this bug? Also, is there anything I can do to help on this - I'm not a Mozilla developer myself, so all I could do is testing. This bug is more than a year old, and it seems there hasn't been any progress at all. I really would like to have this feature working. A question that I asked in earlier comments and never got an answer: Has anyone ever had success with the scheduler, did it ever "fire" for someone? If it did, I'd like to have an example page where it works, so I can try for myself. Maybe it would be best to simply remove the GUI for this feature from Mozilla until it actually works.
I tried this feature again in January after missing out on a special edition sale of a new album I'd been waiting for. The site I bookmarked is and I set the bookmark to perform all Notification options, and I set the schedule to "Every day" from 1 AM to Midnight every 60 minutes... which is opposite the default timespan. It works now; however, it notifies me several times after each update, not just once per update. I'm running Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.2b) Gecko/20021016 Hope that helps.
*** Bug 191225 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I noticed that going to a bookmark's properties and telling it to notify me every X mins of updates.. does absolutely nothing. I really don't want to be a dork about this because I love Mozilla and think it's the coolest thing since the discovery of beef..but seriously guys, how hard can it be to fix that? I swear honestly that if I had the free time, I'd fire up VS.NET and learn the Mozilla code and fix it myself. I once wrote a standalone app that checks pages for updates. It's really quite easy. So maybe you can understand my frustration when I see this feature is still not working, since I first got Mozilla around 1.1 or 1.2 beta. The really odd thing is, it works fine for me at work (Win2000 Server), but not at home (WinXP Pro). Why is that? it's strange. Anyway, I hope this one is looked at soon. It's a really great feature.
Re-testing with Mozilla 1.3alpha under Windows2000 (SP3). Bookmarks notification seems to work partially now. I received an automatic pop-up notifying me a webpage had updated. However, the option to update the bookmark icon still fails to work. I verified with both the Classic and Modern themes as well as the 3rd party Skypilot theme. As someone else noted, I also received duplicate notification that the webpage had updated when using the pop-up dialog option. Clearly there is nothing wrong with the functionality of checking the bookmarks. I verified that a long ways back. For some reason the bookmarks rendering system simply fails to display an appropiate icon for updated bookmarks. This is unfortunate since it is the most reliable and discrete way to monitor multiple websites and no when they are updated. Hopefully this can be resolved by the time 1.3 goes final.
I tried the address, and get notifications from that site - but all the other sites still don't work. I tried this on Linux only (Using Mozilla 1.3.alpha - has there been any change in this feature since then?)
*** Bug 193983 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Build 2003032508. This still doesn't work properly, or is sporadic at best. works on Win2K machine at work, doesn't work at home on XP Pro. When will this bug be fixed once & for all?
Confirming this is still an issue in Mozilla 1.3 final (on Linux). Since this bug is about 1 1/2 years old, and it doesn't seem there has been any progress on this, I guess nobody is working on it. I don't get any alerts at all, it's not just a problem of an icon in the skin. Target milestone should be changed for this bug, since 1.2a is in the past. Also, I don't think this is a regression, since I used Mozilla since M16 or so, and this never worked. So I suggest removing the "regression" keyword. Another question: In the bookmarks.html, I have an entry like <DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="992597358" LAST_VISIT="1049129833" LAST_MODIFIED="1049130021" ICON="" SCHEDULE="0123456|13-23|10|icon,alert" LAST_PING="1049129873" LAST_CHARSET="ISO-8859-1">heise</A> In what format are the gives DATE-strings here? I can't figure out what they mean. But it seems, the LAST_PING entry is fairly recent (I visited the page shortly before copying this from the .html file, and changed the notification settings). Any ideas on this?
this really blows and i'm tired of this feature not working. if I had the time, I'd fix this myself. it's seriously not that hard at all, so I don't know why it's being delayed so much
The current Target Milestone, mozilla1.2alpha, will not be met (obviously). Perhaps the Target Milestone could be changed to either: 1) --- 2) Future 3) mozilla1.x where x>3 Is this bug still assigned to the proper person? If nobody is working on it, should it not be marked NEW rather than ASSIGNED? Note: I may have misunderstood the Status field.
Only the bug owner or submitter can change the target milestone and other attributes. Need to raise the priority of this bug, and correct the Hardware platform (It doesn't effect just PC systems). Only the owner/submitter of this bug can up the priority beyond P3. Adding Justin to CC list. Justin, please update accordingly. If you have NOT already voted for thus bug, DO SO. It's a good measure of how important getting the bug fixed is to the Mozilla community. We may want to re-open the issue as a new bug targeted to the 1.4b milestone Note: date strings are, I believe, in a standard unix format. It's the number of seconds since Jan1st, 1970.
It is the time known as 'epoch' I believe and is a standard time format in many languages (Java being one of them).
Just tested this again with a fresh profile and still no notifications. So it's *not* because of a damaged bookmark file. (Using Mozilla 1.4a on Linux). This bug is assigned to Ben - does he read this? Ben, are you there? This bug is open for 1 1/2 years, and no work has been done... Anyway, Happy Easter!
I started a query in mozilla.public.general about the bookmark scheduler feature - I didn't get many replies (2 to be exact), but both of them confirmed the feature not working. I guess this feature doesn't really work for *anyone*. Since there is obviously nothing happening for this bug, and the bug owner doesn't even find the time to change status fields (target milestone 1.2a is obviously outdated, regression is wrong), let alone work on this, it seems this bug is assigned to the wrong person. Does Ben even still work on Mozilla? I have searched Google Groups, and his last post I could find is from January, 2002, over a year ago. So, is there any way to re-assign this bug to someone who still works for Mozilla, so this might get fixed after all? I thought about creating another bug about this, but I guess that would only be resolved as duplicate, and would only "spam" Bugzilla. Any suggestions?
i think the same issue you will find in bug 203992
*** This bug has been marked as a duplicate of 203992 ***
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → DUPLICATE
Hi, this is *not* a duplicate of 203992, since 203992 is "about a regression which appeared after bookmarks rewrite to use unique IDs. These IDs were used instead of urls, so it was absolutely impossible to get a notification, since an ID looks like rdf:#$8L0BJ3 [...] This patch should make things behave just like it was before 1.4a." Obviously, the bug we're talking about here is something else, since this one is open since 2001, way before 1.4a. So, please re-open this bug.
Re-opened as bug 207814
Product: Browser → Seamonkey
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