Closed Bug 1727907 Opened 3 years ago Closed 3 years ago

Make Firefox Suggest an opt-in feature and update the onboarding dialog accordingly


(Firefox :: Address Bar, task, P1)

Firefox 92



93 Branch
93.2 - Aug 23 - Sep 5
Tracking Status
firefox92 --- verified
firefox93 --- verified


(Reporter: dao, Assigned: dao)


(Blocks 1 open bug)



(2 files)

Acceptance Criteria:

  • EN-US locale only
  • Modal appears for all users enrolled in the Online scenario of Firefox Suggest
  • If a user clicks "allow suggestions" Firefox can show suggestions with data collection
  • If a user clicks "manage search settings", the user gets taken to search settings under Firefox Suggest. The Firefox Suggest experience will be disabled
  • If a user clicks outside of the modal, the modal will not go away. Users need to engage
  • If a user clicks outside the modal, the Firefox Suggest history scenario will still be the default experience. The history experience will ride the trains Fx 92 for all EN locales. Sponsored content is EN-US only
  • If a user clicks learn more, they go to the Firefox suggest sumo article. The modal goes away and the feature is not on.
  • If a user clicks not now, the modal goes away and they will not be enrolled on the Online experiment
Pushed by
Make Firefox Suggest an opt-in feature and update the onboarding dialog accordingly. r=daleharvey
Regressions: 1728157
Blocks: 1728177
Closed: 3 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 93 Branch

Natalie, this patch is now in mozilla-central. Please let me know when we're ready to request approval for uplift. I see some updates were made to the Jira ticket, but I think nothing changed fundamentally? Is that right?

Flags: needinfo?(nraketic)
Blocks: 1723860

I have verified this issue using the latest Nightly 93.0a1 build (Build ID: 20210906031657) on Windows 10 x64, macOS 11.5.2 and Linux Mint 20.

  • The modal is displayed when setting the “browser.urlbar.quicksuggest.enabled” pref to true and restarting the browser.
  • The modal is dismissed if the user clicks the "Allow suggestions" option. Also Firefox will enable and start displaying the suggestions.
  • The modal is dismissed if the user clicks the "Customize in settings" option. The user is redirected to the "about:preferences#search" page, Search Suggestions section. Also Firefox will not enable nor display the suggestions.
  • The modal is not dismissed when the user clicks outside it.
  • The modal is dismissed if the user clicks the "Learn more" link. The user is redirected to the "Navigate the Web faster with Firefox Suggest" SUMO page. Also Firefox will not enable nor display the suggestions.
  • The modal is dismissed if the user clicks the "Not now" option. Also Firefox will not enable nor display the suggestions.

@Drew, do we know what happens with the modal after the user selects the "Not now" option? Will the modal go away forever, or it will re-appear after some time? If it's supposed to re-appear, do we know what are the conditions that need to be fulfilled in order for the modal to be displayed again? Thanks.

Flags: needinfo?(adw)

[Tracking Requested - why for this release]: This is required for the 9/30 Firefox Suggest experiment on a 92 dot release.

(In reply to Carmen Fat [:cfat] - Ecosystem QA from comment #5)

@Drew, do we know what happens with the modal after the user selects the "Not now" option? Will the modal go away forever, or it will re-appear after some time?

Yes, it will go away forever, and the user will not have sponsored or non-sponsored suggestions enabled. To enable either one, they'll need to go to about:preferences themselves and check the checkboxes.

Flags: needinfo?(adw)
Flags: qe-verify+
Flags: in-testsuite+

Comment on attachment 9238303 [details]
Bug 1727907 - Make Firefox Suggest an opt-in feature and update the onboarding dialog accordingly. r=daleharvey

Beta/Release Uplift Approval Request

Attachment #9238303 - Flags: approval-mozilla-release?
Blocks: 1728430

Let's please uplift this according to the order in this uplift-coordination spreadsheet:

There are some other bugs ahead of it in the queue that haven't been uplifted yet.

Depends on: 1709511
QA Whiteboard: [qa-triaged]

Moving tracking the metabug for this work.

Approval Request Comment
[Feature/Bug causing the regression]: Firefox Suggest offline/online rollouts
[User impact if declined]: Needed for important rollouts on 93 and 92
[Is this code covered by automated tests?]: Yes
[Has the fix been verified in Nightly?]: Yes
[Needs manual test from QE? If yes, steps to reproduce]: Yes, same as comment 5
[List of other uplifts needed for the feature/fix]: See uplift coordination spreadsheet
[Is the change risky?]: Low risk relative to other uplifts needed in the patch stack
[Why is the change risky/not risky?]: This patch modifies the onboarding dialog for Firefox Suggest which will only be shown as part of a Nimbus rollout.
[String changes made/needed]:

Attachment #9240785 - Flags: approval-mozilla-release?
Attachment #9238303 - Flags: approval-mozilla-release?
Flags: needinfo?(nraketic)
Blocks: 1730580
Blocks: 1730702
Depends on: 1730692, 1730691

Comment on attachment 9240785 [details] [diff] [review]
92/mozilla-release patch

Approved for 92.0.1.

Attachment #9240785 - Flags: approval-mozilla-release? → approval-mozilla-release+
  1. restarting the browser after forced enrollment in the online branch of the Offline vs Online recipe.
  2. manually by setting the region to US and the scenario to online, restarting the browser, setting the browser.urlbar.quicksuggest.enabled pref to true, restarting the browser.
  • I have verified that the Onboarding modal is triggered after restarting the browser following both ways mentioned above.
  • I have verified that the Onboarding modal is dismissed if the user clicks the "Allow suggestions" option. Also Firefox will enable and start displaying the suggestions.
  • I have verified that the Onboarding modal is dismissed if the user clicks the "Customize in settings" option. The user is redirected to the "about:preferences#privacy" page, with the Address Bar - Firefox Suggestions section being focused and highlighted. Also Firefox will not enable nor display the suggestions.
  • I have verified that the Onboarding modal is not dismissed when the user clicks outside it.
  • I have verified that the Onboarding modal is dismissed if the user clicks the "Learn more" link. The user is redirected to the "Navigate the Web faster with Firefox Suggest" SUMO page. Also Firefox will not enable nor display the suggestions.
  • I have verified that the Onboarding modal is dismissed if the user clicks the "Not now" option. Also Firefox will not enable nor display the suggestions.
Flags: qe-verify+
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