Closed Bug 1927111 Opened 5 months ago Closed 4 months ago

The address bar stays static during macOS full-screen animations once focused at least once


(Firefox :: Address Bar, defect, P1)




134 Branch
Tracking Status
firefox-esr115 --- unaffected
firefox-esr128 --- unaffected
firefox132 --- unaffected
firefox133 blocking verified
firefox134 --- verified


(Reporter: muffinresearch, Assigned: emilio)


(Blocks 1 open bug, Regressed 1 open bug, Regression)


(Keywords: regression, Whiteboard: [fidefe-sidebar])


(4 files)

STR Horizontal:

  • On Nightly Mac 2024-10-25
  • With horizontal tabs enabled
  • Click to focus once on the address bar to show the suggest options. (When this happens before or after the next step doesn't seem to matter).
  • Enable full-screen on the window.
  • Move mouse to the top of the window trigger the animation

What happens:

  • The addressbar stays static rather than moving with everything else and ends-up over the top of other parts of the UI such as the tabstrip.

What should happen:

  • The addressbar would move with everything else.

See below for steps for vertical tabs and how that's different:

STR Vertical:

  • On Nightly Mac 2024-10-25
  • With vertical tabs enabled
  • Click to focus once on the address bar to show the suggest options. (When this happens before or after the next step doesn't seem to matter).
  • Enable full-screen on the window.
  • Move mouse to the top of the window trigger the animation

What happens:

  • The addressbar disappears behind other UI.

What should happen:

  • The addressbar would move with everything else.

Screencast to follow...

I bet this is some kind of interaction between bug 1921811 and the fullscreen animation... I will try to look at this if I find time today but I may not be able to.

Flags: needinfo?(gijskruitbosch+bugs)
OS: Unspecified → macOS
Hardware: Unspecified → Desktop
Summary: The address bar stays static during full-screen animations. → The address bar stays static during macOS full-screen animations once focused at least once

Yeah... So the popover urlbar needs to manually be updated, effectively, because for layout purposes it is outside of the toolbox.

Emilio has suggested there may need to be a platform fix here so passing this to him.

Assignee: nobody → emilio
Flags: needinfo?(gijskruitbosch+bugs)
Severity: -- → S3
Priority: -- → P1

I'm not sure if this should be considered more of an S2 so please bump it if you think so.

This will be useful for the front-end to replace
nsIDOMWindowUtils.getBoundsWithoutFlushing(), since I need content box

The static position of these boxes is not great to depend upon, see:

Right now, we are relying on the static pos to be properly set which is
going to go away, eventually, and it is bogus, because it doesn't update
if e.g. only transform changes.

Use getBoxQuads to get the content box bounds properly. Also, make
breakout position: absolute explicitly, to prevent confusion.

Pushed by Add support for ChromeOnly flush: false for GeometryUtils. r=layout-reviewers,webidl,saschanaz,dshin
Keywords: leave-open

[Tracking Requested - why for this release]: Since this is affecting 133 we'll want to get this uplifted to beta.

Thanks for the help Emilio!

QA Whiteboard: [qa-regression-triage]

This is tracked as blocking for Fx133, it is reproducible for me without enabling horizontal tabs or the sidebar.

Blocks: 1927942
Pushed by Don't rely on static position (top: auto) for urlbar position. r=Gijs,sfoster,desktop-theme-reviewers,urlbar-reviewers,mak Shift urlbar during macOS fullscreen animation. r=Gijs,sfoster,urlbar-reviewers,mak

Sheriffs mentioned this was also failing on windows

Flags: needinfo?(emilio)
Flags: needinfo?(emilio)
Component: Sidebar → Address Bar
Regressed by: 1921811

The bug is marked as blocking firefox133 (beta). However, the bug still has low severity.

:cbellini, could you please increase the severity for this tracked bug? If you disagree with the tracking decision, please talk with the release managers.

For more information, please visit BugBot documentation.

Flags: needinfo?(cbellini)
Flags: needinfo?(emilio)
Pushed by Don't rely on static position (top: auto) for urlbar position. r=Gijs,sfoster,desktop-theme-reviewers,urlbar-reviewers,mak Shift urlbar during macOS fullscreen animation. r=Gijs,sfoster,urlbar-reviewers,mak
Closed: 4 months ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → 134 Branch
Regressions: 1928255
Regressions: 1928292
Duplicate of this bug: 1928427
Regressions: 1928491
Regressions: 1928550
Duplicate of this bug: 1928866
Duplicate of this bug: 1928980

Adding a note for the context of users hitting this bug in Fx133:

  • This has been fixed in Nightly for Fx134, however the fix introduced several regressions.
  • We aim to either fix those regressions and uplift everything to beta for Fx133 OR backout Bug 1921811 from beta for Fx133.

Reproduced the issue on Firefox 133.0a1 (2024-10-25) on macOS 15.1 by following the STR from Comment 0, and it is easily reproducible without enabling horizontal/vertical tabs as Donal mentioned in Comment 13.

This issue is fixed on Firefox 134.0a1 (2024-11-04) on the same system.

Duplicate of this bug: 1928180

Comment on attachment 9433386 [details]
Bug 1927111 - Add support for ChromeOnly flush: false for GeometryUtils. r=#layout,#webidl

Beta/Release Uplift Approval Request

  • User impact if declined/Reason for urgency: regression fix
  • Is this code covered by automated tests?: No
  • Has the fix been verified in Nightly?: Yes
  • Needs manual test from QE?: Yes
  • If yes, steps to reproduce: comment 0
  • List of other uplifts needed: Bug 1928550, Bug 1928255
  • Risk to taking this patch: Low
  • Why is the change risky/not risky? (and alternatives if risky): Even though this change is a bit scary, the final state with the other two bugs is not too different from the current beta code, so I think it's worth a try.
  • String changes made/needed: none
  • Is Android affected?: No
Attachment #9433386 - Flags: approval-mozilla-beta?
Flags: qe-verify+
Attachment #9433387 - Flags: approval-mozilla-beta?
Attachment #9433388 - Flags: approval-mozilla-beta?

Comment on attachment 9433386 [details]
Bug 1927111 - Add support for ChromeOnly flush: false for GeometryUtils. r=#layout,#webidl

Rejecting beta uplift request, since this already rode the train to beta with Fx133

Attachment #9433386 - Flags: approval-mozilla-beta? → approval-mozilla-beta-

Comment on attachment 9433387 [details]
Bug 1927111 - Don't rely on static position (top: auto) for urlbar position. r=dao,Gijs,sfoster

Approved for 133.0b6

Attachment #9433387 - Flags: approval-mozilla-beta? → approval-mozilla-beta+

Comment on attachment 9433388 [details]
Bug 1927111 - Shift urlbar during macOS fullscreen animation. r=dao,Gijs,sfoster

Approved for 133.0b6

Attachment #9433388 - Flags: approval-mozilla-beta? → approval-mozilla-beta+
Blocks: 1928180
No longer duplicate of this bug: 1928180
QA Whiteboard: [qa-regression-triage] → [qa-regression-triage][qa-triaged]
See Also: → 1929853

(In reply to Pulsebot from comment #18)

Pushed by
Don't rely on static position (top: auto) for urlbar position.
Shift urlbar during macOS fullscreen animation.

Perfherder has detected a talos performance change from push 75d799eb1f33254be20ff86f0776133c89e4c9ae.


Ratio Test Platform Options Absolute values (old vs new)
15% tresize linux1804-64-shippable-qr e10s fission stylo webrender-sw 22.81 -> 19.34
15% tresize linux1804-64-shippable-qr e10s fission stylo webrender-sw 22.67 -> 19.37
5% tresize windows11-64-shippable-qr e10s fission stylo webrender-sw 5.17 -> 4.90
3% tresize linux1804-64-shippable-qr e10s fission stylo webrender 21.29 -> 20.59
3% tart windows11-64-shippable-qr e10s fission stylo webrender 1.76 -> 1.71
3% tresize windows11-64-shippable-qr e10s fission stylo webrender 4.68 -> 4.55

Details of the alert can be found in the alert summary, including links to graphs and comparisons for each of the affected tests.

If you need the profiling jobs you can trigger them yourself from treeherder job view or ask a sheriff to do that for you.

You can run these tests on try with ./mach try perf --alert 42469

For more information on performance sheriffing please see our FAQ.

Verified that this issue is fixed on Firefox 133.0b6 (Treeherder build) on macOS 14.7.

Flags: qe-verify+
Regressions: 1932652
Flags: needinfo?(cbellini)
Regressions: 1939888
Regressions: 1940896
Regressions: 1951284
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