Closed Bug 271023 Opened 20 years ago Closed 17 years ago

process_bug.cgi needs some cleanup


(Bugzilla :: Creating/Changing Bugs, defect)

Not set



Bugzilla 3.2


(Reporter: LpSolit, Assigned: LpSolit)



There are several points in process_bug.cgi which I cannot understand why there are here. I may misunderstand some of them, but globally, I think this should go away or be simplified. Among others: if (!CheckCanChangeField('product', $::FORM{'id'}, $::oldproduct, $::FORM{'product'})) { $vars->{'oldvalue'} = $::oldproduct; $vars->{'newvalue'} = $::FORM{'product'}; $vars->{'field'} = 'product'; ThrowUserError("illegal_change", { oldvalue => $::oldproduct, newvalue => $::FORM{'product'}, field => 'product', }, "abort"); } Instead of: ThrowUserError("illegal_change", $vars, "abort"); Another example: if ($ownerid eq $whoid) { if (Param('useqacontact') && ($qacontactid eq $whoid)) { if ($reporterid eq $whoid) { Here, we compare numbers, so why not: if ($ownerid == $whoid) { if (Param('useqacontact') && ($qacontactid == $whoid)) { if ($reporterid == $whoid) { Another one: $::FORM{'resolution'} = $str; # Used later by CheckCanChangeField But in CheckCanChangeField, we say: return 1 if ($field eq "resolution"). So why defining a field nobody cares about? Another one: foreach my $field ("rep_platform", "priority", "bug_severity", "summary", "bug_file_loc", "short_desc", "version", "op_sys", "target_milestone", "status_whiteboard") { if (defined $::FORM{$field}) { if (!$::FORM{'dontchange'} || $::FORM{$field} ne $::FORM{'dontchange'}) { DoComma(); $::query .= "$field = " . SqlQuote(trim($::FORM{$field})); } } } Here, $::query is used to update the bugs table, but "summary" is not a valid attribute of bugs. Btw, this field is never defined (does not exist)! Another one: $qacontact = 0 unless (defined $qacontact && $qacontact != 0); Why not: $qacontact = 0 unless defined $qacontact; Another one: my $dupe = trim($::FORM{'id'}); But $::FORM{'id'} is already trimmed by ValidateBugID at the beginning of the file. Another one: my $checkid = trim($::FORM{'id'}); SendSQL("SELECT bug_id FROM bugs where bug_id = " . SqlQuote($checkid)); $checkid = FetchOneColumn(); if (!$checkid) { ThrowUserError("invalid_bug_id", { bug_id => $checkid }); } That's exactly what ValidateBugID does when process_bug.cgi is called. Why checking this twice? There may be some others... Do not hesitate to mention them.
All these dependent bugs, except one, are assigned to me.
Depends on: 193125, 266579
Depends on: 271797
Most of the code in process_bug.cgi has been there since "The Early Days" and many of those much more logical function calls you're suggesting have only been recently introduced. Nobody has yet gone back and retrofitted process_bug.cgi. It's definitely in sore need of a cleanup. There's been talk of completely rewriting it, but nobody's ever got around to it.
Depends on: DupeLoop
Depends on: 264601
I think the summary of this bug is the biggest understatement of the year.
Depends on: 212940
Depends on: 284701
Depends on: 286160
Depends on: 289365
Depends on: 298196
Depends on: 143313
Depends on: 242318
Depends on: 303401
Depends on: 328437
Target Milestone: --- → Bugzilla 2.24
Depends on: 320058
Depends on: 340253
QA Contact: mattyt-bugzilla → default-qa
Target Milestone: Bugzilla 3.0 → Bugzilla 3.2
Depends on: bz-process_bug
Depends on: 371774
Depends on: 276553
Depends on: 347213
Depends on: 303183
Depends on: 382978
As far as I'm concerned, this bug is now fixed since the checkin of bug 412836.
Closed: 17 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
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