Closed Bug 345887 Opened 18 years ago Closed 18 years ago

Thunderbird Theme Update for Qute


(Thunderbird :: Mail Window Front End, defect)

Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mscott, Assigned: mscott)


(Depends on 3 open bugs)


(Keywords: fixed1.8.1)


(8 files)

Arvid has been hard at work on a theme refresh for Thunderbird 2 to the qute theme. This is a tracking bug for those changes.
Flags: blocking-thunderbird2+
OS: Windows XP → All
Hardware: PC → All
In addition to the theme update, we'll need a few more new icons for new Thunderbird 2 features:

1) Toolbar button icon for the new 'Tags' Features. Both a small and a large toolbar icon.

2) saved search folder icon that indicates new mail (similar to but with the new mail indicator on top of it)

3) Replace the existing flag icons with 'star' (like gmail). In particular:

4) We're adding a new feature that lets you navigate backwards and forwards through previously viewed messages. Kind of like a browser back/forward page cache but for e-mail. We need main toolbar buttons for going forward and another one for going backward. 
In addition to the first cut at a theme refresh from Arvid I moved the starred column in the thread pane to a more prominent position, to the left of the subject like it is in gmail.

screen shots coming up.
Attached image screen shot
screen shot of some of the new artwork.
Attached image options dialog
Looks great ! A new icon theme at least. Let's hope you can check it in very soon. I am hardly waiting for it.
What about the RSS icon ???

We should use the standard icon
Comment on attachment 233651 [details] [diff] [review]
theme refresh against the trunk

There might be some problems with us overriding all of the toolbar button padding CSS rules in messenger.css....

In either case, I want to get some feedback on the new theme so I'm going to land this on the trunk today.
Attachment #233651 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #233651 - Flags: approval-thunderbird2?
Is there a specific place you want feedback to go, before this gets checked in (based on the screenshots)? This bug? The MozillaZine thread? Someplace else?
Looks very nice.  I especially enjoy the new options menu you guys rock! :-)
It is great version, but option menu doesn't play very well with gnome :(

It is strange to see what I can see with my ubuntu dapper drake. Composition icon is not completely filled for example. Will attach screenshot asap.
This "bug" is also present for attachments.
Frederic, I think it would be best if you filed follow-up bugs for the issues with GNOME and made them block this one. Thanks!
filled bug 348829. Thanks for your idea.
Blocks: 348829
With 3a1-0816, Win2K, I'm not seeing icons for items in the thread pane unless they've been replied or forwarded, which causes the list of items to appear staggered.

I'm not enthused about a flame icon for Junk -- that could just as easily be interpreted as "of burning importance" -- but it's not like the previous icon was any better.  The star icon looks fine, altho I do personally prefer the "flag" technology -- "flag" works better as a verb, to my ear.

On the Options dialog, the Composition and Attachments tabs have a pale border on the right and left edges (only shows on hover or select) that the other tabs don't.  What's up with that?

All of these icons lack the vibrancy of the earlier ones.  The one icon that looks better than the previous incarnation is the shield on the Options | Privacy tab.
(In reply to comment #14)
> With 3a1-0816, Win2K, I'm not seeing icons for items in the thread pane unless
> they've been replied or forwarded, which causes the list of items to appear
> staggered.

This is part of the new design. Originally there was enough blank space to the left of the subject text for entries without an icon, so things weren't staggered, but I didn't like the wasted space horizontal space this gave most messages, and tweaked it to experiment with the staggered view.

> On the Options dialog, the Composition and Attachments tabs have a pale border
> on the right and left edges (only shows on hover or select) that the other tabs
> don't.  What's up with that?

related to the gtk bug that depends on this one?

Or it could be another way to see this display bug. Anyway, I don't like junk icon, it makes me think of a trash can more than a junk filter.
Depends on: 348969
Depends on: 348966
Attached patch additional patchSplinter Review
some more tweaks from arvid.
Attachment #234297 - Flags: superreview+
These changes have landed on the branch now too. We'll continue to land changes based on feedback into both places.
Closed: 18 years ago
Keywords: fixed1.8.1
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Depends on: 349118
Most e-mails don't have attachments. Thus, the attachments column wastes valuable horizontal space. How about just putting an attachment icon in the subject column in front the the subject?

I posted other suggestions to news://
Subject: New Theme - Why are Folders Sideways? Why is Dig Sig Seal a Ribbon?
Depends on: 349212
Depends on: 349215
Depends on: 349217
Depends on: 349221
No longer blocks: 348829
Depends on: 348829
Depends on: 349562
FYI, I just landed some new toolbar icons from Arvid tonight on the branch and trunk, some minor polish changes.
this patch also fixes the toolbar button padding issue in Bug #349565.
Attachment #235320 - Flags: superreview+
fixes icons for the select folders for offline use dialog.

removes the icons in the autocomplete pop down.
Attachment #235984 - Flags: superreview+
Attachment #235984 - Attachment description: update from arvid → [fixed branch and trunk] update from arvid
Scott, dunno if that only happens for me but there is no junk icon visible inside the thread pane. If it's valid I'll file a new bug for that issue.
That's strange Henrik. I'm definetly seeing the flame junk icon in the thread pane in the Windows release builds off ftp. Any chance of some userChrome.css or an extension that's keeping you from seeing it?

So the junk column is blank?
> That's strange Henrik. I'm definetly seeing the flame junk icon in the thread
> pane in the Windows release builds off ftp. Any chance of some userChrome.css
> or an extension that's keeping you from seeing it?

Good catch. Running Thunderbird in Safe Mode shows me the icon. I deactivated my only extension mnenhy and it's working now. I will file a bug report for that extension. Sorry for bugspam.
New art for the clear quick search icon has been checked in.

Also the thread pane background row image has been changed.

Branch and trunk. 
This latest patch fixes the close button and adds some spacing to the signed icon in the message header envelope.
The text under the icons in the NL build are too big (old problem) and so you don't see the last icon in a clean profile. in tb 1.5 the searchbar moved under the iconbar if this was happened but in tb 2preb1 is this not the case. New users will not now there is a searchbar present.
Attachment #233651 - Flags: approval-thunderbird2?
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