Closed Bug 8227 Opened 26 years ago Closed 21 years ago

dreftool - rickg's phase 1 preventative crash maintenance


(Core Graveyard :: Tracking, enhancement, P3)

Windows 95


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: chofmann, Assigned: timeless)



(Keywords: meta)


(6 files, 13 obsolete files)

20.73 KB, text/plain
20.37 KB, text/plain
36.81 KB, text/plain
36.81 KB, text/html
57.02 KB, text/html
74.05 KB, patch
: review+
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
rickg's full plan posted at this deals with phase one. we need some tools to search the source for possible problem areas. The Problem This document is intended to briefly address some of the shortcomings of our memory management strategy in Seamonkey. Nothing here is particularly new; no state of the art design ideas. But it's my hope that by applying a few of these patterns we can improve the overall state of affairs, thus raising our quality level a bit. The impetus for this was a quick survey that I did of the Seamonkey source code. A quick look revealed that we have over 2000 memory allocation points in 600+ files. These numbers don't even include the number of calls to malloc and it's peers. More troubling is the fact that we regularly write code like this: nsresult nsMyClass::DoSomething() { nsresult theResult=NS_OK; nsFoo* aFoo = new nsFoo(); //assume this fails to alloc memory... aFoo->WatchMeExplode(); return theResult; } There are several problems with this code: 1.The memory allocation result is never conditioned for failure. 2.Error propagation of the memory failure is nonexistent. 3.Object aFoo is dereferenced unconditionally. Memory Management Proposal I propose that each team allocate 1 day during each Milestone for the explicit purpose of systematically reviewing our code in order to resolve and improve memory related issues. Step 1: Memory and resource cleanup and tuning. First, let's review our code and add pointer conditioning to make sure we're not dereferencing null pointers. This is especially true at memory allocation points like the example given above. So we'll rewrite our first example like this: nsresult nsMyClass::DoSomething() { nsresult theResult=NS_OK; nsFoo* aFoo = new nsFoo(); if(aFoo) { theResult=aFoo->NowIWontExplode(); } else theResult=NS_MEMORY_ALLOCATION_ERROR; return theResult; } Note that to be correct, allocation conditioning needs to deal with a few subtleties. For example, assume that you've been given (via an API) pointers to a few objects that you intend to cache. Then you go to make your cache (an nsDeque, for example) and the allocation fails. You have to be particularly careful about what you do with the objects you meant to store. You have to know, for example, whether you can simply drop them on the floor, versus RELEASING them. There's also the issue of benign failures, where you wanted extra memory (or an instance of a given class), but your algorithm would continue to work correctly if even if you can't get the resource you requested. Handling benign failures offers a level of complexity all its own.
Blocks: 8222
Target Milestone: M9
Putting on M9 for now to get off Blank Target Milestone. It this can be implemented by M8...great...but I think rickg team is busy with M8 fixes right now.
where is this error utility? I'd like to run it myself on specific directories that I often work in.
Me too!
Hey rickg, how about making the tool's output be lxr links (e.g., "line 336" under s:/mozilla/layout/base/src/nsNameSpaceManager.cpp could link to 36)? That would rock for us browsers, although fixers just need to fire up their favorite editor, not lxr. /be
where can i find this error tool so that i can run it over new files before i check in. people can't be complaining about the report results getting worse if engineers don't have the opportunity to check the code on their own.
Whiteboard: 9823,9825,9826,9827,9829,9830,9832,9833,9835,9842,9843,9845,9847,9848,9849,9851,9852,9853,9854,9855,9856,9857,9858,9860,9861,9863,9864,9865,9866,9867,9859
Whiteboard: 9823,9825,9826,9827,9829,9830,9832,9833,9835,9842,9843,9845,9847,9848,9849,9851,9852,9853,9854,9855,9856,9857,9858,9860,9861,9863,9864,9865,9866,9867,9859
Summary: rickg's phase 1 preventative crash maintenence. → [META] rickg's phase 1 preventative crash maintenence.
Attached file latest error report...
Depends on: 10443
the tool is now availible in mozilla/tools/dreftool. it's a window's build only at the moment, but it someone wan't to contribute a unix makefile send it to me and i'll check it in -- otherwise i'll try to put togeter a unix makefile sometime down the road.
Updated Report Results for each day are now being posted at
Target Milestone: M9 → M10
Depends on: 9828
I have memerror working on linux, and it should be fairly portable to any system where configure works. The original memerror used private, out-of-date copies of nsCRT and the like, and had some very DOS-specific code for reading directories. I ripped all that out and reimplemented directory-handling using nspr. To update the source, remove ns*.cpp, ns*.h, CDirectory.cpp, IDirectory.h, and bufferRoutines.h from tools/dreftool. Then install and apply the seven patches that I'm about to attach. To build the tool: 1) Configure & build mozilla. The tool uses includes from dist/include and libs from dist/lib. 2) Go to the parent directory of the tools directory in your build area, and run "/path/to/mozilla/build/autoconf/make-makefile tools/dreftool" 3) cd to tools/dreftool and make. memerror is linked dynamically against libxpcom and some nspr libs; I tried static linking so you wouldn't have to fiddle around with LD_LIBRARY_PATH, but no joy.
Attached patch CCPPTokenizer.cpp patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attached patch CCPPTokenizer.h patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attached patch CScanner.cpp patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attached patch CToken.h patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attached patch SharedTypes.h patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attached patch main.cpp patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attached patch tokens.cpp patch (obsolete) — Splinter Review
I suggest that Rick's utility, especially since it works on Linux as well now, be checked into CVS, and that a description of it be put on Waterson's Performance/Tools page for everyone to see.
Target Milestone: M10 → M11
My C++ is rusty... If I try to create a new Bar object from a constructor of class Foo, and the 'new' operator fails, how do I make the Foo constructor fail? Since constructors return void, I don't know how constructors return a failure status. Here is the code: Foo::Foo() { Bar* aBar = new Bar(); if (!aBar) { // what do I do? } }
I am looking at it from a beginners perspective, and I am probably a little more familiar with C than C++, so take this suggestion with a grain of salt... Anyway, here goes: why not CHANGE the return type of your function from void to int, so you CAN return an error condition? I would have thought that would be the easiest solution. After all, on Unix, even main is usually of type int, returning an error condition back to the operating system. Returns 0 for success, and other values signal various errors.
Another idea--if it really isn't critical that the calling function be notified of errors, you could also consider just saying "return" with no arguments. Of course, I have a problem with this, because I believe strongly in the saying, "one entry, one exit." I don't believe in multiple return statements in a function. I think this makes things too confusing, and therefore less maintainable in the end. The better solution if you insist on making the return type void would probably be simply to do something like this: Foo::Foo() { Bar* aBar = new Bar(); if (aBar) { /* Do your thing, Foo! */ } } This way, the function will silently fail if you fail to allocate aBar.
If you are a hard-core C++ person, I suppose you could also use the "try" and "throw" keywords. But then again, I am not much of a C++ person either, so again, don't take this too seriously. Anybody else out there more expert want to tell me how it should *really* be done?
Target Milestone: M11 → M12
Target Milestone: M12 → M13
Target Milestone: M13 → M14
Keywords: meta
Adding "crash" keyword to all known open crasher bugs.
Keywords: crash
Target Milestone: M14 → M16
M16 has been out for a while now, these bugs target milestones need to be updated.
tracking bug. rtm- to drop off untriaged crash bug radar.
Keywords: rtm
Whiteboard: [rtm-]
Attached file dreftool new version (obsolete) —
Startting from the sources at /tools/dreftool and applying the patches, I created a new version , which overcomes some of the deficiencies of the original program, which is still the source of The following changes are incorporated: - correct linkage to nsString.h (which has changed inbetween) - NS_ENSURE_TRUE is now accepted as a safe method - html works now correctly also in the deep subdirectories. - member variables are now also screened. The last point also warns if if(mFoo) { mFoo = new bar; mFoo->xy } where before the if(foo) would suppress a warning. The file's in the zip-file are tested under Win98. The warning's for the member variables can be suppressed by -s (sloppy). There is still a problem that the line number may be of by a few lines. If you find other bogus warnings please file a bug against me.
leger is no longer @netscape. changing qa contact to component's default
QA Contact: leger → chofmann
No longer depends on: 9849
Milestone 0.8 has been released. We should either resolve this bug or update its milestone.
Target Milestone: M16 → ---
Attached file updated version (obsolete) —
Attachment #30754 - Attachment is obsolete: true
ack. there's a second nsdeque in the tree. I'm rewriting the first one (bug 114166), so i'll probably try to remove the one that's here and make dreftool use the xpcom one.
initial nit: should be
second nit: the copyright. this code is RickG's. Is he ok with modification and redistribution? If it's going to go into the tree, it needs to have the MPL slapped onto it and his blessing given to the licensing.
leaf: the copyright holder is almost certainly, not rickg. /be
timeless: why are you rewriting nsDeque.cpp, pray tell? /be
Unless the code has "Copyright Rick Gessner" in it, I think we can assume it's Netscape's copyright. Therefore, the MPL tri-license should be put on it, because that's the license for all new files in the Mozilla tree (Netscape employees included.) Gerv
Gerv, >Unless the code has "Copyright Rick Gessner" in it, I think we can assume it's >Netscape's copyright. this is exactly the problem. /*================================================================* Copyright © 1998 Rick Gessner. All Rights Reserved. *================================================================*/ while this code at the time it was checked in was a copy of the mozilla tree.
If I understand Netscape's then-extant work-for-hire employment agreement (and IANAL), Netscape holds copyright. Cc'ing mitchell in case she can help, or refer us to someone who can. /be
The first question is whether there are licen headers in the code. It should have the NPL or MPL license header at the top. If not, then whoever checked this in made a mistake. If there is an NPL or MPL header, then the copyright holder's name doesn't matter. Almost all code in the mozilla tree has a copyright owner, which contributes unde the terms of our licensing scheme. So, I'm assuming that the files don't have any license header, and hte ocpyright notice is all there is. It's hard to imagine anything rickg did as a netscape employee not being Netscape's copyright. Why there is code in the tree with his personal copyright is beyond me:perhaps he wrote it before his emloyment? It seems highly unlikely he had some arrangement with Netscape where he maintained ownership, although it is conceivable. So if there is an NPL or MPL liense header, I don't see a problem. If there isn't, then one could try a couple of different things. One, ask Rickg himself. Second, ask Netscape/AOL Legal to determine whether the "copyright rickg" is accurate, or whether Netscape held the copyright. Mitchell
I got the following reply from Rick, so I will go ahead and insert the triple licence or is that email not enough? From: "Rick Gessner" <> To: "'Bernd Mielke'" <> Subject: RE: mozilla copyright issue Date: Wed, 2 Jan 2002 12:20:45 -0800 Feel free to change the file to allow free use of the code. Rick -----Original Message----- From: Bernd Mielke [] Sent: Wednesday, January 02, 2002 11:20 AM To: Subject: mozilla copyright issue Hey Rick, I am asking for your help, or in other words this is your past striking back. I have maintained your old code from But now I am not allowed to modify the code as you put a rickg copyright notice in the file. Could you please lift your copyright so that I can change it to the triple licence? Thanks a lot in advance Bernd
This OK from Rick looks good to me. Our form letter has preset language for responding, but that's because consistency is easier. Rick g's intent is clear here, so using the tri-license looks good to me. Mitchell
By the definitions on <> and <>, crashing and dataloss bugs are of critical or possibly higher severity. Only changing open bugs to minimize unnecessary spam. Keywords to trigger this would be crash, topcrash, topcrash+, zt4newcrash, dataloss.
Severity: normal → critical
Attached patch updated -upN (obsolete) — Splinter Review
Attachment #1757 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #1758 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #1759 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #1760 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #1761 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #1762 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #1763 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #1764 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #19108 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #60077 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Comment on attachment 135297 [details] [diff] [review] updated -upN Please, add the licence headers, this bug clearly indicates that the code can go the normal triple licence.
false positive: 920 aaronl 1.25 nsHTMLComboboxTextFieldAccessible* accessible = 921 new nsHTMLComboboxTextFieldAccessible(this, mDOMNode, mWeakShell); 922 aaronl 1.31 *aFirstChild = accessible; 923 if (! *aFirstChild) 924 aaronl 1.24 return NS_ERROR_FAILURE; 925 aaronl 1.25 accessible->Init(); One might argue in favor of chnaging the code to quiet the test, but technically the code is correct and dreftool just isn't smart enough.
Attachment #135297 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #135299 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #135303 - Flags: review?(bernd_mozilla)
No one should be changing code to work around limitations in this tool. /be
Comment on attachment 135303 [details] [diff] [review] with licenses, bonsai output fixed to handle relative paths I think the main user of this (aka timeless ;-) ) will be able to handle the false positive. I would like to get it in now as it is, because I think it is good enough and also to fix also the licence issue in our tree. Timeless you might file a bug against m for the false positive.
Attachment #135303 - Flags: review?(bernd_mozilla) → review+
Let's limit the focus of this bug to landing a working dreftool. it can still be used as a meta bug if people like.
Assignee: chofmann → timeless
Severity: critical → enhancement
Keywords: crash
Summary: [META] rickg's phase 1 preventative crash maintenence. → dreftool - rickg's phase 1 preventative crash maintenance
Whiteboard: [rtm-]
checked in. bug 225532 and bug 225535 filed for the two issues i found while randomly running dreftool. I also filed and fixed one minor glitch in main.cpp's bonsai parsing. I will probably at times ranodmly run dreftool, and review the results before filing bugs. other people are certainly welcome to run it, but they too should check the referenced code before filing. In the meantime, I'm more likely to look into other tools which need help, since this one seems to work.
Blocks: 225532, 225535
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Blocks: 225993
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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