Bug 1170789
Opened 10 years ago
Updated 1 year ago
Add support for the most important WebKit prefixed CSS properties & features for web compatibility
(Core :: CSS Parsing and Computation, enhancement)
CSS Parsing and Computation
(Reporter: miketaylr, Unassigned)
(Depends on 4 open bugs)
See Bug 1170774 as well as the ones implemented in Edge:
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Comment 1•10 years ago
This is sub-meta bug to collect the bugs related to aliasing -webkit- CSS properties. Individual bugs incoming.
Comment 2•9 years ago
[Broadening this from "CSS properties" to "CSS properties & features", to better cover things like -webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio, -webkit-gradient, display:-webkit-box, none of which are "properties" technically.]
Component: Layout → CSS Parsing and Computation
Summary: Alias the most important WebKit CSS properties for mobile compatibility → Alias the most important WebKit CSS properties & features for mobile compatibility
Comment 3•9 years ago
It would be nice, in the process, not to break things for people who use Lea Verou's PrefixFree [0] to handle prefixes where needed.
Since some browsers support multiple prefixes, PrefixFree iterates over all existing properties [1], at load-time, to pick the most used prefix.
I know that you don't use the -moz prefix for new WIP features, but if there are still -moz-prefixed properties/values/selectors/at-rules hanging around by the time you ship this issue, -moz may be drowned out by -webkit, and PrefixFree will pick the wrong one.
While I'm sure PrefixFree can be adapted to cope with the situation, sites that rely on older versions may break.
Comment 4•9 years ago
To be frank, I'm not very familiar with the current state of -moz-prefixed features left in Firefox...
If some of them are still present when -webkit lands, you could double the remaining -moz things with -webkit counterparts, and both would be deprecated when the corresponding non-prefixed feature ships.
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Comment 5•9 years ago
Hi Pierre-Yves, if we're breaking sites then that's a bug. Can you point to a site or demo page to demonstrate the issue? Or is this more a theoretical concern?
Flags: needinfo?(pygy79)
Comment 6•9 years ago
I don't have a concrete example, but given the popularity of the library, it is quite likely that some sites could end up being affected. Finding examples on my own would require infrastructure that I don't have at hand.
Actually, it depends on whether the `-webkit`-prefixed properties are exposed to JS through `getComputedStyle(document.documentElement, null)`. If they aren't PrefixFree as it extists today will continue to work fine.
Flags: needinfo?(pygy79)
Comment 7•9 years ago
How can I build a FF version that implements -webkit prefixes? I'd like to test if the way it is implemented breaks PrefixFree as it currently works (or could break it in the future if the -webkit count ever surpasses -moz).
Comment 8•9 years ago
You can just download & test Nightly from -- these prefixes are enabled by default there. Or, any trunk build should work too ( )
Comment 9•9 years ago
Ok, I got it up and running.
As it is, it will not break PrefixFree, but I don't know if it is by design of by accident.
`getComputedStyle(document.documentElement, null)` returns an array-like `CSS2Properties` object with 256 string items representing properties. Among those, none are Webkit-prefixed, which means that PrefixFree will not stumble on the wrong prefix.
However, the prototype of that object, `CSS2PropertiesPrototype`, a dictionary-like object, has 600+ entries, many of which being webkit-prefixed and enumerable.
I don't have any idea of the criteria to select what to put in the Array-like `CSS2Properties` object, though, and if `webkit` prefixed properties ever outnumbered `moz` prefixed ones there, it would break things.
It may be nice to add a comment in the source that populates `CSS2Properties` to keep it webkit-free.
Comment 10•9 years ago
Glad to hear it works! I don't know much about the distinction between that CSS2Properties & CSS2PropertiesPrototype interface offhand, but it sounds like the difference is that one includes aliases (whether -webkit or not), and one does not. I believe they're populated by macros which are run over our lists of known properties & property-aliases, and I think the restricted nature of CSS2Properties is deliberate.
Anyway -- if you do run into any issues, please file a bug and CC me. Thanks!
Comment 11•9 years ago
Thanks for the help.
I just had a look at the source and it looks like you are right about the distinction, so it was a false alarm, definitely.
Comment 12•9 years ago
Release Note Request (optional, but appreciated)
[Why is this notable]: Important change for compatibility
[Suggested wording]: Support of the most important WebKit CSS properties & features
[Links (documentation, blog post, etc)]: Do we have an official blog post which explains that?
--- → ?
Comment 13•9 years ago
This bug here is actually a metabug, which didn't directly have anything land (and there will likely continue to be a long tail of helper-bugs that get filed/fixed here, before we consider this bug "fixed").
Also: this feature isn't shipping past aurora, for the time being (bug 1238827). Given that, does it still merit a relnote? (Perhaps an Aurora-only relnote?)
> Do we have an official blog post which explains that?
karl blogged about this here:
(I should perhaps blog about this from more of a technical/implementation perspective, too, though I might wait until this is closer to shipping past Aurora.)
Flags: needinfo?(sledru)
Summary: Alias the most important WebKit CSS properties & features for mobile compatibility → Alias the most important WebKit prefixed CSS properties & features for mobile compatibility
Comment 14•9 years ago
(If we do want an aurora-only relnote, I'd suggest tying that to bug 1213126 instead of to this bug, since this bug here is "meta" & hence hard to follow from a release-tracking perspective -- whereas bug 1213126 had a patch land to enable the feature.)
Comment 15•9 years ago
Right, thanks. Moved to bug 1213126
? → ---
Flags: needinfo?(sledru)
Reporter | ||
Updated•9 years ago
Summary: Alias the most important WebKit prefixed CSS properties & features for mobile compatibility → Alias the most important WebKit prefixed CSS properties & features for web compatibility
Updated•9 years ago
Depends on: webkit-line-clamp
Reporter | ||
Updated•8 years ago
Summary: Alias the most important WebKit prefixed CSS properties & features for web compatibility → Add support for the most important WebKit prefixed CSS properties & features for web compatibility
Updated•6 years ago
Type: defect → enhancement
Updated•3 years ago
Updated•2 years ago
Severity: normal → S3
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