Closed Bug 210553 Opened 22 years ago Closed 21 years ago

Problems launching external links from other applications when Firebird is default browser, XML parsing error (Error "No XBL binding for browser" appears when trying to launch from Eudora, snak, etc.)


(Firefox :: General, defect, P1)






(Reporter: forums, Assigned: bugs)



(Whiteboard: See comment 3 for current symptoms.)

User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.5a) Gecko/20030623 Mozilla Firebird/0.6 Build Identifier: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.5a) Gecko/20030623 Mozilla Firebird/0.6 While this bug is listed in Bugzilla for Mozilla at large, I feel I should report the bug because it's been my unfortunate experience that Firebird is significantly more "willing" to throw this error and is therefore considerably less usable. I have used both Mozilla and Firebird, and unfortunately the problem happens just about every single time with Firebird. The exact problem is that when setting Firebird as the system default browser in the Internet preferences pane (I'm using Mac OS X 10.2.6) and double-command-clicking on URLs in Snak, an IRC client, or when using Eudora, which is set to use Contents/MacOS/MozillaFirebird-bin as the browser to launch, I get the nasty top-left-of-screen "error launching browser: no XBL binding for window". Sometimes, I can't even click OK on the dialog box to make it go away and have to quit (command-Q) the browser to make it go. Reproducible: Always Steps to Reproduce: 1. Set Firebird to the default browser as described above in Details 2. Use application built-in URL launching to try to load any URL 3. Error appears Actual Results: Error dialog box appears complaining of no XBL binding for browser, with hard-to-remove error dialog box sometimes, and certainly never the requested browser window Expected Results: Launched the URL in a browser window
have the bug # handy for the related bug on the mozilla/seamonkey product?
Closest ones I found (no 100% matches) are: (but note that it's doing it on the default theme in this case, and on a considerably later build than the dates in the bug report seem to allow) (but it's only being called once, in theory)
yeah, this is happening for me now ( build 20030821). it occurs in the following cases: 1. firebird is running, no windows open 2. firebird is running, window open. it does NOT occur when firebird is not running. in that case, it cold starts firebird and goes to the appropriate URL. the text of the error is: XML Parsing Error: undefined entity Location: chrome://navigator/content/navigator.xul Line Number 46, Column 1: <window id="main-window" ^
I am seeing the same issue as in comment #3. Build ID 20030827.
Since we have 3 confirmations for this and 2 votes I'll going to mark this one as "New", though I don't have a Macintosh at hand to do some further checks. I also wonder why we don't have more reports on this, since there are for sure some more Mac users out there than 3 ;) So the only last thing I'd like to know is, whether this is also reproducible using a fresh profile WITHOUT any themes / extensions installed. If someone would please be so kind as to check this? => taking QA
QA Contact: asa → mozilla
I moved ~/Library/Phoenix to old.Phoenix to make sure that it was not an extension or crufty profile causing a problem. The results were the same. I'm going to add a link to my nightly page to tell people to vote for this if they are seeing the same results.
It just occured to me to move my Internet Plug-Ins to a new directory also. So with a clean profile and no plug-ins, the results are the same.
I was trying to debug this in gdb (unsuccessfully) by breaking at XML_Errorstring, but it doesn't seem to hit it. Anyway, here is the output from a debug build: (gdb) c Continuing. WEBSHELL+ = 4 JavaScript error: line 0: uncaught exception: [Exception... "Component returned failure code: 0x8000ffff (NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED) [nsIPrefBranch.getIntPref]" nsresult: "0x8000ffff (NS_ERROR_UNEXPECTED)" location: "JS frame :: chrome://cookie/content/cookieTasksOverlay.xul :: CookieTasksStartup :: line 84" data: no] JavaScript error: chrome://global/content/charsetOverlay.js line 270: wintype has no properties WARNING: empty damage rect: update caller to avoid fcn call overhead, file nsFrame.cpp, line 2551 ************************************************************ * Call to xpconnect wrapped JSObject produced this error: * [Exception... "'[JavaScript Error: "getBrowser is not defined" {file: "chrome://mozex/content/mozex.js" line: 43}]' when calling method: [nsIDOMEventListener::handleEvent]" nsresult: "0x80570021 (NS_ERROR_XPC_JAVASCRIPT_ERROR_WITH_DETAILS)" location: "<unknown>" data: yes] ************************************************************ ************************************************************ * Call to xpconnect wrapped JSObject produced this error: * [Exception... "'[JavaScript Error: "this.bundle has no properties" {file: "chrome://communicator/content/viewZoomOverlay.js" line: 49}]' when calling method: [nsIDOMEventListener::handleEvent]" nsresult: "0x80570021 (NS_ERROR_XPC_JAVASCRIPT_ERROR_WITH_DETAILS)" location: "<unknown>" data: yes] ************************************************************ ************************************************************ * Call to xpconnect wrapped JSObject produced this error: * [Exception... "'[JavaScript Error: "popup has no properties" {file: "chrome://navigator/content/mailNavigatorOverlay.xul" line: 149}]' when calling method: [nsIDOMEventListener::handleEvent]" nsresult: "0x80570021 (NS_ERROR_XPC_JAVASCRIPT_ERROR_WITH_DETAILS)" location: "<unknown>" data: yes] ************************************************************ ************************************************************ * Call to xpconnect wrapped JSObject produced this error: * [Exception... "'[JavaScript Error: "this.node has no properties" {file: "chrome://communicator/content/sidebar/sidebarOverlay.js" line: 91}]' when calling method: [nsIDOMEventListener::handleEvent]" nsresult: "0x80570021 (NS_ERROR_XPC_JAVASCRIPT_ERROR_WITH_DETAILS)" location: "<unknown>" data: yes] ************************************************************ ************************************************************ * Call to xpconnect wrapped JSObject produced this error: * [Exception... "'[JavaScript Error: "panels has no properties" {file: "chrome://communicator/content/sidebar/sidebarOverlay.js" line: 789}]' when calling method: [nsIDOMEventListener::handleEvent]" nsresult: "0x80570021 (NS_ERROR_XPC_JAVASCRIPT_ERROR_WITH_DETAILS)" location: "<unknown>" data: yes] ************************************************************ WEBSHELL- = 3
Confirmed as #3. Dragging a link from an application to an open Firebird window works as a (temporary) workaround.
i can confirm this error. in older builds a window opened without this error. but those windows had differnt buttons (they where bigger) than in a normal firebird window. they looked more like mozilla windows than a firebird windows!!!
That's exactly what I am getting. They're Mozilla windows with the default Classic theme installed -- and if opening the preferences dialog none of the current settings are visible, and changing any setting has no effect in that window. To a point it can be overcome with the Tabbrowser Extensions add-on but not comopletely -- if a window exists, links pop up as new tabs if set properly, if no window is open this still happens.
comment 10, comment 11, what you're referring to is bug 206936.
*** Bug 219971 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
When trying to use the iChat "Provide iChat Feedback" item under "iChat" (which would launch a new browser window), I get this -- Error lauching browser window:TypeError: Components.classes[';1'] has no properties Same thing happens when I click on a URL shortcut on the desktop. Don't see the XML Parsing error above anymore. This may provide an additional clue as to what's causing this... This is with version Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.6a) Gecko/20030924 Firebird/0.7+/jtalkington-nightly
I'm seeing the same thing as in comment #3. Build : Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; U; PPC Mac OS X Mach-O; en-US; rv:1.5) Gecko/20030926 Firebird/0.7 I've posted a bug for that, as I was not able to find this one.
*** Bug 220769 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Get the same error here... when I open from almost any external app.
is anyone seeing the original error anymore? we're getting a lot of bugs filed for problems launching urls from other programs and i was thinking that consolidating them here would make sense. in that case, i should probably update the summary and mark several dups here. any objections?
i'm all for consolidating if it helps getting the bug fixed in a more timely manner. note that the error I keep getting is: XML Parsing Error: undefined entity Location: chrome://navigator/content/navigator.xul Line Number 46, Column 1: <window id="main-window" ^
*** Bug 220858 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
consolidating link launch problems here, changing summary to match.
Summary: Error "No XBL binding for browser" appears when trying to launch from Eudora, snak, etc. → Problems launching external links from other applications when Firebird is default browser, XML parsing error (Error "No XBL binding for browser" appears when trying to launch from Eudora, snak, etc.)
Whiteboard: See comment 3 for current symptoms.
Any chance this is caused by the fact that the creator codes for Firebird, Thunderbird and Mozilla are all MOZZ? I have the More Internet preference pane installed and it gets very confused by this... Shouldn't the creator codes be distinct? Else how is OS X going to know which of these to launch for a particular URL?
That is a very good point. I think there was a time when I had Firebird set as my default browser, clicked on a link in Entourage, and Mozilla would load up, but I got this XML parsing error with Firebird. It is possible OS X was confused as to what application was supposed to load up and get the requested URL I asked for.
if that were the issue then wouldn't Mozilla open up? or at the very least you'd get the message saying something to the effect of "there is already another instance of this browser open" (i forget the exact wording). Interestingly enough, if i open Mozilla (1.5a) and THEN set Firebird as my default browse, clicking on a link in Entourage opens the link up in Mozilla and doesn't start up Firebird. hmmm... you may be on to something...
In response to comments 12 & 21... IMHO this all should be consolidated to bug 206936 since it came first. I'm not saying that just because I entered that one, but because I think some of the comments in that bug better describe the real problem causing this bug... Regarding comments 22, 23, and 24... I'm not a coder, but I don't thing that's the problem. OS X really does not pay as much attention to creator codes as OS 9 did. On files it does not even care if they exist... (I don't know about .app's) I've had many many copies of Netscape, Mozilla, Firebird, etc on my machine and never had any trouble with setting the one I want up in the Internet Pref Pane as my default browser. I've never had any trouble getting the Finder and other programs to honor this setting.
Actually, it does care if there's a creator code on the file. Try using a utility to convert a bunch of images associated with Preview by using code 8BIM and they will all become Photoshop files. It is true however that if there is no creator code present, OS X will use the file's extension to determine what it should be opened with. At least, that's been my experience. It's quite possible to have multiple applications installed with the same creator code -- the OS will just use the most recently installed of them to open files with that code. For example, yesterday I installed Acrobat Reader 5.1 on a machine that had Acrobat (full) 5.0.5 on it, to see if it could open a pdf that the full version couldn't. (No, but that doesn't matter here.) Because Reader was the second of the two to be installed, .pdf files would open in it when it was doubleclicked until I trashed it from the drive again. I doubt this is a creator code issue, but I'm not a programmer so I can't say for sure.
I think there's an extra side effect to this bug. I have encountered this bug when Firebird is *open*. The only workaround I know of is to close Firebird and then click on a link in an external program.
comment 25, normally i'd agree, but this bug has way more attention (read: votes) than the other, and the funky theme thing isn't happening anymore.
*** Bug 221800 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I just installed Firebird 0.7 on my Mac (OS X 10.2.6), replacing the old version. When I click on a URL from Mail I observe exactly the behavior reported in comment #3. I have the "Tabbrowser Extensions" extension installed with it setup so that when I click on a URL in an outside application, it should bring up the new URL in a new tab. It worked with the old Firebird and I did not change the settings for the extension when I installed the new Firebird. Disabling the extension did not help. Everything works fine in Safari so I guess it will be my default browser until this is fixed.
*** Bug 222446 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I am running into this exact error (per <a href="#c3">comment #3</a>) with multiple versions of Firebird; most recently I am using nightly 20031016 on OS X 10.2.8. Firebird is my default (set with System Preferences), Thunderbird is my mail default. I click on a link in Thunderbird and up pops that "XML Parsing Error" window.
I just switched to the release of FB 0.7 on my Mac at work, and encountered this particular problem for the first time. I had some funny behavior opening URLS from external apps with FB 0.6.1 (it would open what looked like an entirely different build of Mozilla or something -- it looked like the default Netscape theme -- but I thought that was machine specific, so I didn't make noise). When I switched to FB 0.7, it made this EXACT error (same "XML Parsing error" language), and with 100% reliability. So I deleted EVERY Mozilla related file from my computer, and remounted it, and found the same thing. BUT, when deleting everything again, and bringing back 0.6.1, it suddenly worked EXACTLY as it ought have months ago -- it brings up 0.6.1, and with my themes and extensions intact. I don't understand, but now 0.6.1 is working better than ever. Here I am working on my W2K box at home, LOVING 0.7. I'd rather use IT at work, but for now I am happy with 0.6.1 working unusually well....
*** Bug 222721 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 222657 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
When replacing build 0.6.1 with the current .7, you can no longer manually (using “Select...”) mark Mozilla Firebird as the default browser in System Preferences (Internet pane). The selection does show up, but with no icon identifying the application. In lieu of Firebird being launched, Safari is selected as the default browser (if installed on the machine). Whereas with 0.6.1, System Preferences (Internet pane), shows Mozilla Firebird (1.4a) with the associated Firbird icon and launches accordingly. Secondly, you can not launch Firebird from within Thunderbird. Firebird must already be running before Thunderbird is launched to successfully “switch” to a link from Thunderbird, going into Firebird. It appears as if the common libraries within both the Phoenix library folder and the Thunderbird library folder are confusing the system when attempting to launch Firebird when Thunderbird is run first. Lastly, though this is a Thunderbird issue, “Sendmail” is not allowing an email link, within Firbird (or any other app for that matter), to open a new mailer within Thunderbird, when Thunderbird is selected as the default Mail App. In my opinion, this bug really is a show stopper for the .7 builds being used as a default browser on the Mac. Until these issues can be resolved, 0.6.1 is the only usable Mac Firebird solution.
I just want to report that I have also had this problem starting with 0.7 . It never happened at under all 0.6.x, but it is CONSTANT under 0.7 .
This bug is similar to 206936 but not quite the same... well, it sort of is but it reminds me of a bug I've noticed in Tbird that I need to file so I'm keeping this open and on my list
Assignee: blake → bugs
Priority: -- → P1
Target Milestone: --- → Firebird0.8
I can confirm -- Same 'XML Parse Error' related to 'main-window' problem when launching external links from anything, whether it be clicking from Mail or Entourage or using the "open" command from the shell. Before 0.7 I'd it'd launch the link using the default (Mozilla theme) with strange toolbar/window settings, now it simply gives that error message. When the error window is open, it will not respond to Command-N for a new window *nor* Command-W to close it. I doubt the creator code is causing any problems. I only have Firebird installed (I don't have 'Mozilla' itself installed), and the problem is still here. I would agree the creator code would play into the wrong browser being launched when a link is followed (when you have both Mozilla and Firebird), but that seems to have nothing to do with this error.
... sorry, forgot: I'm using Firebird 0.7 from nightly build 2003-10-24
*** Bug 223623 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Is this fixed in Firebird 0.7.1?
Yes, Firebird 0.7.1 appears to fix this bug. For reference, the version I used is... <>
I can confirm that the experimental 0.7.1 build fixes the XML Parsing Error. It also works with Tabbrowser Extension to open new tabs, instead of new windows. Tested on MacOS 10.3 Panther.
If it's fixed in 0.7.1, when can we expect the fix to make it into the nighly builds? Tomorrow/tonight? -Fred
Fixed in today's (10/27/03) nightly build. 10/25/03 still exhibited a similar (albeit different) problem. I have to say I'm relatively impressed. I had four significantly problems when I downloaded the 0.7 release, and they're now all taken care of.
Yes, it appears to be fixed in CVS. I build my own builds from CVS each morning and the one from today is working as expected when you click on a url in e-mail. Has an official release of 0.7.1 to fix the four major bugs. -- Cheers!
fixed in 0.7.1
Closed: 21 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
This bug is back in nightly builds at least as far back as the 18th or so. First launch after install results in the no XBL error, browser usually dies shortly thereafter. This is not fixed. Requesting bug be reopened (who can do that?) ... I've gone back to the 0.7.1 build which also reliably loads URLs typed from location bar.
I've used every nightly since the 18th, and haven't had a problem. This bug is so convoluted by now, I'd suggest filing a new bug with the symptoms that you are currently having.
*** Bug 217429 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
i also am having a problem launching URL's from Snak with firebird/firefox set as my default browser. during the day while working, i always have three applications open -- two browsers, mozilla 1.6 and firefox. i'm currently running mac OS X 10.2.8, with internet preferences>web>default browser and safari>preferences>default browser both set to firefox. with both mozilla 1.6 and firefox open, if i click on a link in snak, the link will open in mozilla. with only firefox open, if i click on a link in snak, the link will open in snak. i am able to reproduce these results 100% of the time. i am unable to duplicate this problem in other browsers, such as safari or internet explorer. ----- i've corresponded with the author of snak in hopes of resolving this issue; following is the text of that correspondence: "Thanks for the feedback. When Snak opens a link it simply passes it to the system and tells it to use the default application to open it. It uses the ICLaunchURL call from Internet Config. In the Safari preferences you can set which browser is the default. My tests shows that the system does indeed launch another browser when you change that setting. Kent ( On Feb 10, 2004, at 4:46 PM, Steve Merritt wrote: i've e-mailed about this before and you never answered so i thot i 'd try again. i'm having a helluva time getting snak to use firebird (now firefox) as the default browser. i always have two browsers open, mozilla and firebird/firefox, and when i click on a link in snak, it always opens in mozilla. when i go to internet and select any other browser -- IE, safari, etc. -- it opens in that browser. is this a mac/internet prefs problem, a snak problem or a browser problem? i'm guessing it has something to do with recognition -- i.e., mozilla and firebird/firefox are so close, the OS can't tell the two apart. i did get it to work on day for about an hour, but have never been able to get it to work since. any ideas or input you might have would be much appreciated. ----- so, there ya have it. i'd sure like to get this problem figured out.
This bug has come back in 0.8--when I try to open an external URL--by, for instance, double-clicking on a link on the desktop--I am asked to select a user profile. Apparently the app tries to start a new browser when Mac OS invokes it.
That's something new, you should file a new bug on it. The original problem for this bug report is not happening with 0.8.
Seems to be fixed in the latest nightly build, anyway. Fine.
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