Closed Bug 758620 Opened 13 years ago Closed 12 years ago

Better support for zooming (including asynchronous rendering) with fixed position layers


(Core :: Graphics: Layers, defect)

Not set





(Reporter: cwiiis, Assigned: cwiiis)




(7 files, 9 obsolete files)

406 bytes, text/html
3.77 KB, patch
: review+
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
13.52 KB, patch
: review+
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
6.25 KB, patch
: review+
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
1.84 KB, patch
: review+
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
2.95 KB, patch
: review+
: feedback+
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
1.87 KB, patch
: review+
Details | Diff | Splinter Review
Bug #607417 has landed, which gives us basic support for asynchronous scrolling and zooming with fixed position layers. Unfortunately, fixed position elements are still always laid out with respect to the unzoomed viewport, so zooming in can cause elements to become inaccessible.

We would like to, initially, have the same behaviour as the Android Honeycomb/ICS browser, and have fixed position elements layout with respect to the current viewport, taking into account zoom (so a fixed position element with bottom: 0 will always be anchored to the bottom of the screen, even when you zoom in).

Summarising discussion from bug #6074717, we would like for each fixed position element to receive its own layer (or at least, where fixed position elements have different anchoring, receive their own layer), whereby we can record in layer FrameMetrics the information we need to asynchronously pan/zoom.

We would also like to be able to specify a viewport (likely via nsIDOMWindowUtils) to which fixed position elements will be laid out with respect to, so that we can call this function when we change the zoom level. This will also assist us when we want to go further than this and have fixed position elements anchor to the CSS viewport instead of the screen.

I've been trying to accomplish this first part - tn said:

"I don't know if this will work out but it's the first thing I came up with. In nsIFrame::BuildDisplayListForChild where we go from a placeholder frame to its out of flow near the start check if it is a fixed frame. If it is then wrap the resulting display list in a new display item type specifically for giving fixed items their own layers. It's BuildLayer method can set whatever metadata you need on the layer. This is more complicated because it is building a display list set, so you'll probably want to implement TryMerge on the new display item so they can all get merged, hopefully. roc may have a better idea."

Does anyone (roc?) have any comments or other ideas?

Designating this as a gfx bug at the moment, but it likely involves equal work in layout and gfx.
(In reply to Chris Lord [:cwiiis] from comment #0)
> We would also like to be able to specify a viewport (likely via
> nsIDOMWindowUtils) to which fixed position elements will be laid out with
> respect to, so that we can call this function when we change the zoom level.
> This will also assist us when we want to go further than this and have fixed
> position elements anchor to the CSS viewport instead of the screen.

Why not just go directly to anchoring the elements to the CSS viewport instead of the screen, if that's what you want? (Are you sure that's what you want?)

> "I don't know if this will work out but it's the first thing I came up with.
> In nsIFrame::BuildDisplayListForChild where we go from a placeholder frame
> to its out of flow near the start check if it is a fixed frame. If it is
> then wrap the resulting display list in a new display item type specifically
> for giving fixed items their own layers. It's BuildLayer method can set
> whatever metadata you need on the layer. This is more complicated because it
> is building a display list set, so you'll probably want to implement
> TryMerge on the new display item so they can all get merged, hopefully. roc
> may have a better idea."
> Does anyone (roc?) have any comments or other ideas?

Sounds reasonable, but it might be a good idea to not try to merge (since we can't always safely merge) and handle multiple layers for the same element. AFAICT we should be able to make this "just work".
Blocks: 760805
Is this what you meant, or similar to it? In my very short testing, it seems to work (fixed position elements end up with their own individual layers)
Attachment #631025 - Flags: feedback?(tnikkel)
Comment on attachment 631025 [details] [diff] [review]
Part 1 - Make sure fixed position elements get their own layers

Yeah, this seems good.
Attachment #631025 - Flags: feedback?(tnikkel) → feedback+
Giving a fixed-pos element its own layer can change the rendering in rare cases where the fixed-pos element's descendants are interleaved in z-order with other elements.
(In reply to Robert O'Callahan (:roc) (Mozilla Corporation) (away June 9-19) from comment #4)
> Giving a fixed-pos element its own layer can change the rendering in rare
> cases where the fixed-pos element's descendants are interleaved in z-order
> with other elements.

I'd have thought that if this was the case, the z-ordering would force things to get their own layers anyway and it'd render correctly? Of course, knowing very little about this code, I don't doubt you :) Could you elaborate though?
Attached file testcase β€”
In this testcase, the fixed-pos element's descendants are interrupted in z-order by a non-fixed element.
In James Robinson proposed making position:fixed elements always induce a stacking context, to get around this problem.

The problem is that this is interoperably implemented on desktop and a few sites depend on it. It would be nice not to break that.
Actually come to think of it, your patch won't break the testcase in comment #6, because you're only wrapping display items which are already forced to be contiguous in z-order due to the wrapping in nsDisplayWrapList. So you can do no harm.

It does mean that the "extraPositionedDescendants" (like the z-index:2 element in my example) won't get the special treatment you want. That's probably OK though. Capturing their layout constraints correctly for the compositor would probably be hard anyway.

It would be cleaner to create your own subclass of nsDisplayOwnLayer with its own display item type for your purposes. This would clearer and would help preserve the invariant that no two display items for a given frame have the same display item type/key.

Also, your subclass can override BuildLayer and set the right properties on the layer it generates, based on the style of the fixed-pos frame.

You'll want to look at the spec:
probably the way to go is to figure out some subset of conditions that we should detect and propagate to the layer compositor, and leave the rest unhandled (doing what we currently do). I'd handle situations with "bottom:0", "left:0", "top:0" and/or "right:0" and bail on the rest.

You'll check the frame's style using frame->GetStylePosition(), which will tell you what style was requested (auto, percentage, length). frame->mRect will give you the actual computed position and dimensions of the border-box, in appunits, if you need that.
(In reply to Robert O'Callahan (:roc) (Mozilla Corporation) (away June 9-19) from comment #8)
> You'll want to look at the spec:
> probably the way to go is to figure out some subset of conditions that we
> should detect and propagate to the layer compositor, and leave the rest
> unhandled (doing what we currently do). I'd handle situations with
> "bottom:0", "left:0", "top:0" and/or "right:0" and bail on the rest.

I think we ought to handle more than that - I quite like the way the Android honeycomb/ics browser handles this: All positioning for fixed elements is treated as unscaled and relative to unscaled screen coordinates. So if something has top: 10px, its y position will remain unchanged at 10px from the edge of the top of the window, regardless of zoom. Likewise, if it has top: 10% and the screen is 800 pixels tall, it will remain at 80 pixels from the top of the window.

In this situation, if you have fixed position elements in the four corners of the screen (like and zoom in, they appear to grow towards each other, but their origin (whose anchor is determined by which of top/left/right/bottom are specified) remains unchanged.

This would require positioning of fixed elements to change based on resolution... This would alter the meaning of resolution though, so perhaps we need to have a separate configurable scale factor for the positioning of fixed position elements, so we can set it to 1/resolution when changing resolution?

I can't immediately think of a less contrived way of doing this without breaking previous behaviour. It would be good to get a hold of a recent iPhone/iPad and confirm if they have act similarly - if they do, I really think we ought to mimic them.
This does the same thing as the first patch, but uses a new display-list item and also sets an 'anchor' point on the layer via said item, to allow us to reposition layers correctly when async zooming.
Attachment #631025 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #632341 - Flags: review?(roc)
I've prototyped the necessary CompositorParent changes, and we end up with behaviour that (in my limited testing) appears identical to the ICS Android browser.

Of course, as soon as layout re-renders at a non-1.0 resolution, the results are incorrect.

The third part of this work will be to alter layout to take into account the resolution when laying out fixed position items. I was thinking a boolean property on the presShell that the resolution is set on, something like 'ResolutionScalesFixedPositioning' (please suggest a better name!) could be set to enable/disable this behaviour?

I assume, especially with the new high-res Macbook Pros, that resolution may start getting used outside of fennec using it for zooming, which is why I suggest this boolean to control the layout behaviour.
I thought about this some more, and I think that the simplest current solution would be for fixed position items to layout to a scroll-port if one has been set - As we update that with the zoom level, and it represents the unscaled viewport, this would suit us quite nicely and not require any extra API.

Even nicer, I think, would be to replace the scroll-port size with a single ResolutionScalesViewport boolean on the presShell (default true to maintain existing behaviour) that would affect both of these things, and this would remove some complication in mobile/android/chrome/content/browser.js too, but that's an aside.

Now, when setting the scroll-port, any fixed position items on the same presShell  would need to change their position. They oughtn't need to reflow, so I guess we could just change their position and recalculate the overflow areas using the overflow areas changed hint introduced in bug 524925.

I'm not sure exactly how you'd go about this yet, but that's my current plan and I'll now be looking at implementing it. If anyone agrees with my second paragraph (about replacing the scroll-port size), it ought to be a pretty easy change to make later.
Just a note, when width/height are percentages of the containing block, the ICS browser ends up with a visible re-render after the zoom where the elements will change position (the intermediary frames are correct).

I can't quite tell exactly what's going wrong in this case (perhaps they're not applying the zoom at some point during layout?), but I think the method I describe would avoid it, if it's possible.

My current method that just alters the size given to the containing block on reflow doesn't work for this case (the fixed position elements will of course get smaller).

I've altered my test (at to represent what I hope is a pretty pathological case that I want to work. When zooming, the fixed position elements should grow in direct proportion to the current zoom, and they should stay anchored in their respective corners. Ideally, there should be no reflow either.
(In reply to Chris Lord [:cwiiis] from comment #12)
> Now, when setting the scroll-port, any fixed position items on the same
> presShell  would need to change their position. They oughtn't need to
> reflow, so I guess we could just change their position and recalculate the
> overflow areas using the overflow areas changed hint introduced in bug
> 524925.

If the scrollport size changes we need to reflow, yes? If it just moves, we don't.
(I like the idea of attaching fixed-pos frames to the scrollport.)
Comment on attachment 632341 [details] [diff] [review]
Part 1 - Make sure fixed position elements get their own layers + metadata

Review of attachment 632341 [details] [diff] [review]:

r+ with those fixed

::: gfx/layers/Layers.h
@@ +739,5 @@
> +   * is considered the "anchor" point, that is, the point which remains in the
> +   * same position when compositing the layer tree with a transformation
> +   * (such as when asynchronously scrolling and zooming).
> +   */
> +  void SetFixedPositionAnchor(const nsPoint& aAnchor) { mAnchor = aAnchor; }

Don't use appunits in layers. This should be gfxPoint probably.

::: layout/generic/nsFrame.cpp
@@ +1978,2 @@
>    if (childType == nsGkAtoms::placeholderFrame) {
> +    isPlaceholder = true;

Call it hasPlaceholder

@@ +2176,5 @@
> +        rv = aLists.PositionedDescendants()->AppendNewToTop(new (aBuilder)
> +            nsDisplayFixedPosition(aBuilder, child, &list));
> +      else
> +        rv = aLists.PositionedDescendants()->AppendNewToTop(new (aBuilder)
> +            nsDisplayWrapList(aBuilder, child, &list));

{} around these bodies. But share as much code as you can, so share the AppendNewToTop call.
Attachment #632341 - Flags: review?(roc) → review+
This does what I suggested, though it reflows all abspos children and not just fixedpos children (I think) - any suggestions on a concise way of doing that? And does this seem like the right way to go about this?

I also struggled for a while to see if I could have it only alter positioning when the scrollport changes so that we could get away without reflowing, but unfortunately I'm not that clever. I'd have thought reflowing just the fixedpos children, especially as they'll be on their own layers, shouldn't be too expensive? (depending on content of course)
Attachment #634450 - Flags: feedback?(roc)
Just attaching this in case anyone wants to see progress so far - this patch isn't complete... I'd like it to keep fixed position layers within the page boundaries (which the old code did, but in a conflicting manner).

This also shows up that the anchor points aren't correct, and that they should be based on the frame rect of the containing block and not its own frame rect, so I'll update part 1 to fix that (and address the other review comments).
(In reply to Chris Lord [:cwiiis] from comment #18)
> This also shows up that the anchor points aren't correct, and that they
> should be based on the frame rect of the containing block and not its own
> frame rect, so I'll update part 1 to fix that (and address the other review
> comments).

Just to correct/clarify, it's not that they should be based on the containing block, but that they should include the frame's offsets (which would end up anchoring it to the edges of the scroll-port in this situation, as desired). Or something along these lines anyway.
Comment on attachment 634450 [details] [diff] [review]
Part 2 - Layout fixed-pos children to the clamping scroll-port

Review of attachment 634450 [details] [diff] [review]:

::: layout/base/nsPresShell.cpp
@@ +8968,5 @@
> +    // XXX Actually, we only need to reflow fixedpos, but that's trickier.
> +    nsIFrame* rootScrollFrame = GetRootScrollFrame();
> +    if (rootScrollFrame) {
> +      nsIFrame* absContainingBlock = GetAbsoluteContainingBlock(rootScrollFrame);
> +      FrameNeedsReflow(absContainingBlock, eResize, NS_FRAME_IS_DIRTY);

This is weird. The root frame is the container for fixed-pos children, so why not just get the root frame, then iterate over GetChildList(kFixedList)?

::: layout/generic/nsAbsoluteContainingBlock.cpp
@@ +392,5 @@
> +      GetScrollPositionClampingScrollPortSize();
> +    if (-1 != containingBlockScrollWidth)
> +      containingBlockScrollWidth = size.width;
> +    containingBlockScrollHeight = size.height;
> +  }

Maybe it would be easier to modify ViewportFrame::Reflow to pass a different size to GetAbsoluteContainingBlock()->Reflow?
Attachment #632341 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #634450 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #634450 - Flags: feedback?(roc)
Reworked part 2 - decided to re-order, as it makes more sense this way.
Attachment #634923 - Flags: review?(roc)
Addressed review comments. Only difference, the anchor point is the edge of the containing block, rather than the edge of the frame rect (this is what we really wanted and provides the correct results in combination with part 3).
Attachment #634925 - Flags: review?(roc)
This respects the layer's anchor point as well as keeping the layers within the page area, regardless of how you zoom/pan.
Attachment #634496 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #634942 - Flags: review?(ajuma)
Comment on attachment 634942 [details] [diff] [review]
Part 3 - Respect layer anchor point in CompositorParent

Removing r? as I've noticed a rather annoying problem that I think I can mitigate/fix before checking this in. Sorry for the spam.
Attachment #634942 - Flags: review?(ajuma)
Comment on attachment 634925 [details] [diff] [review]
Part 2 - Make sure fixed position elements get their own layers + metadata

Review of attachment 634925 [details] [diff] [review]:

::: layout/base/nsDisplayList.cpp
@@ +2030,5 @@
> +  // any positioning set (left/top/right/bottom) indicates that the
> +  // corresponding side of its container should be the anchor point,
> +  // defaulting to top-left.
> +  nsIFrame* parentFrame = mFrame->GetParent();
> +  nsPresContext *presContext = parentFrame->PresContext();

Let's call this viewportFrame since that's what it is.

@@ +2049,5 @@
> +  nsIFrame *activeScrolledRoot =
> +    nsLayoutUtils::GetActiveScrolledRootFor(this, aBuilder);
> +  gfx3DMatrix ctm =
> +    nsLayoutUtils::GetTransformToAncestor(parentFrame, activeScrolledRoot);
> +  gfxRect absAnchorRect = ctm.TransformBounds(anchorRect);

I think here you should be computing the anchorRect relative to the nsDisplayListBuilder's reference frame (using this->ToReferenceFrame() as the topleft of anchorRect) and then converting to layer pixels using factor and the scale factors in aContainerParameters. That will give you layer pixel coordinates in the coordinate system of this layer (to which the layer's transform will be applied).

::: layout/generic/nsFrame.cpp
@@ +2170,5 @@
>      // Genuine stacking contexts, and positioned pseudo-stacking-contexts,
>      // go in this level.
>      if (!list.IsEmpty()) {
> +      // Make sure fixed position placeholder frames get their own layer, and
> +      // that the necessary metadata is set on that layer.

Comment is wrong. placeholders don't get their own layer, that's not what you want or do here.

@@ +2172,5 @@
>      if (!list.IsEmpty()) {
> +      // Make sure fixed position placeholder frames get their own layer, and
> +      // that the necessary metadata is set on that layer.
> +      nsDisplayItem* item;
> +      if (hasPlaceholder && disp->mPosition == NS_STYLE_POSITION_FIXED) {

Instead of this check, I think you should check !this->GetParent() && disp->mPosition == NS_STYLE_POSITION_FIXED. That means we're a fixed-pos frame hanging off the viewport frame. It's possible to have fixed-pos style frames whose parent is not the viewport frame, and you don't want to handle that here.
Addressed review comments, I hope.
Attachment #634925 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #634925 - Flags: review?(roc)
Attachment #635792 - Flags: review?(roc)
Fixed the case of zooming out from a non-1.0x zoom enough to be able to see more than the content rect.
Attachment #634942 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #635793 - Flags: review?(ajuma)
Comment on attachment 635792 [details] [diff] [review]
Part 2 - Make sure fixed position elements get their own layers + metadata

Argh, I didn't test this properly... It isn't correct.
Attachment #635792 - Flags: review?(roc)
Comment on attachment 635793 [details] [diff] [review]
Part 3 - Respect layer anchor point in CompositorParent

Review of attachment 635793 [details] [diff] [review]:

::: gfx/layers/ipc/CompositorParent.cpp
@@ +318,5 @@
>  {
>    if (aLayer->GetIsFixedPosition() &&
>        !aLayer->GetParent()->GetIsFixedPosition()) {
> +    const gfxPoint& anchor = aLayer->GetFixedPositionAnchor();
> +    gfxPoint translation(aTranslation.x - (anchor.x - anchor.x / aScaleDiff.x) / aResolution.x,

An explanation of this calculation would be helpful. When this is called by TransformShadowTree, aResolution.x is rootScaleX, and aScaleDiff.x is either rootScaleX * mXScale or just rootScaleX. In the first case, the above is equivalent to:
aTranslation.x/rootScaleX - anchor.x/rootScaleX + anchor.x/(mXScale * rootScaleX * rootScaleX)

It seems weird that we need to divide by the square of rootScaleX.
Attachment #635793 - Flags: review?(ajuma)
Tested this time.

Regarding your comments, I've interpreted them to the best of my knowledge - if something is incorrect here, I'll need a little more help understanding (sorry).
Attachment #635792 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #636335 - Flags: review?(roc)
Part 2 has changed, which simplified the equation - I added a comment explaining it, regardless.
Attachment #635793 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #636337 - Flags: review?(ajuma)
Just a note, we may want to file a follow-up bug to replicate the anchor-point code in layout/ipc/RenderFrameParent.

This also seems to expose a bug that when you let go of a pinch-zoom that's zoomed out so overscroll is on both sides of an axis, we ask for a render with those viewport metrics, and almost immediately afterwards, a render with the metrics after the snap animation has finished - we probably shouldn't ask for that intermediate render, it could interrupt animations (and this causes a visible glitch as the scroll-port is set to a larger value than the content size, causing parts of fixed position elements to be clipped).
Sorry, removed an unused variable.
Attachment #636337 - Attachment is obsolete: true
Attachment #636337 - Flags: review?(ajuma)
Attachment #636341 - Flags: review?(ajuma)
This removes part of the glitch when zooming out to over-scroll.
Attachment #636359 - Flags: review?(bugmail.mozilla)
Attachment #636341 - Flags: review?(ajuma) → review+
Comment on attachment 636359 [details] [diff] [review]
Part 4 - Clamp scroll-port to content size in browser.js

Review of attachment 636359 [details] [diff] [review]:

Attachment #636359 - Flags: review?(bugmail.mozilla) → review+
Comment on attachment 636335 [details] [diff] [review]
Part 2 - Make sure fixed position elements get their own layers + metadata

Review of attachment 636335 [details] [diff] [review]:

::: layout/generic/nsFrame.cpp
@@ +2174,5 @@
> +      if (!child->GetParent()->GetParent() &&
> +          disp->mPosition == NS_STYLE_POSITION_FIXED) {
> +        item = new (aBuilder)nsDisplayFixedPosition(aBuilder, child, &list);
> +      } else {
> +        item = new (aBuilder)nsDisplayWrapList(aBuilder, child, &list);

Space after (aBuilder)
Attachment #636335 - Flags: review?(roc) → review+
Seems this code works perfectly on the Flyer, but the 'zoomed out to beyond content size' case is broken on a Galaxy Nexus... Investigating.
Backed out for reftest failures:
So, the reftest failures point to there being some kind of rounding issue in basic layers :( (no issue on Mac/Windows builds)

I'll delve into this tomorrow.
The failures were precision errors with alpha blending (composited layers vs. cairo) - Discussed with roc, agreed to mark the affected tests as fuzzy.

try run is green, hopefully second-time lucky!
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla16
cwiiis, these patches cause NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE() aborts on Android debug builds:

###!!! ABORT: clamped(): max must be greater than or equal to min: 'max >= min'"

The problem is that CompositorParent::TransformShadowTree() calls clamped(a=-57.3570824, min=0, max=-17.4481812) here:

Max < min because max == (mContentRect.XMost() - mWidgetSize.width / tempScaleDiffX) == (0 + 720) - (720 / 0.976339757) == -17.448203699442274!

Is |(mContentRect.XMost() - mWidgetSize.width / tempScaleDiffX)| correct? Should it be |((mContentRect.XMost() - mWidgetSize.width) / tempScaleDiffX)|?

#0  NS_DebugBreak_P (aSeverity=3, aStr=0x62acbba4 "clamped(): max must be greater than or equal to min", aExpr=<optimized out>, aFile=<optimized out>, aLine=57) at ~/mozilla/central/xpcom/base/nsDebugImpl.cpp:264
#1  0x61f44f2c in mozilla::clamped<float> (a=@0x648ffc2c, min=@0x648ffc28, max=@0x648ffc24) at ../../../../dist/include/nsAlgorithm.h:57
#2  0x624db1f2 in mozilla::layers::CompositorParent::TransformShadowTree (this=0x63c67c00) at ~/mozilla/central/gfx/layers/ipc/CompositorParent.cpp:430
#3  0x624db3b6 in mozilla::layers::CompositorParent::Composite (this=0x63c67c00) at ~/mozilla/central/gfx/layers/ipc/CompositorParent.cpp:262
#4  0x624d9f18 in DispatchToMethod<mozilla::layers::CompositorParent, void (mozilla::layers::CompositorParent::*)()> (arg=<optimized out>, method=<optimized out>, obj=<optimized out>) at /Users/cpeterson/Code/m
#5  RunnableMethod<mozilla::layers::CompositorParent, void (mozilla::layers::CompositorParent::*)(), Tuple0>::Run (this=<optimized out>) at ~/mozilla/central/ipc/chromium/src/base/task.h:307
#6  0x62460512 in MessageLoop::RunTask(Task*) () from ~/mozilla/central/OBJDIR-ANDROID/dist/bin/
#7  0x62460d38 in MessageLoop::DeferOrRunPendingTask(MessageLoop::PendingTask const&) () from ~/mozilla/central/OBJDIR-ANDROID/dist/bin/
#8  0x62461a86 in MessageLoop::DoWork() () from ~/mozilla/central/OBJDIR-ANDROID/dist/bin/
#9  0x62462066 in base::MessagePumpDefault::Run (this=0x63708080, delegate=0x648ffdd4) at ~/mozilla/central/ipc/chromium/src/base/
#10 0x62460aae in MessageLoop::RunInternal() () from ~/mozilla/central/OBJDIR-ANDROID/dist/bin/
#11 0x62460b0e in MessageLoop::Run() () from ~/mozilla/central/OBJDIR-ANDROID/dist/bin/
#12 0x6246b744 in base::Thread::ThreadMain (this=0x637df0d0) at ~/mozilla/central/ipc/chromium/src/base/
#13 0x6247b3ba in ThreadFunc (closure=0x3) at ~/mozilla/central/ipc/chromium/src/base/
#14 0x40084c50 in __thread_entry () from /Users/cpeterson/Code/mozilla/jimdb/lib/014691061901701A/system/lib/
#15 0x400847a4 in pthread_create () from /Users/cpeterson/Code/mozilla/jimdb/lib/014691061901701A/system/lib/
#16 0x00000000 in ?? ()
Depends on: 769541
(In reply to Chris Peterson (:cpeterson) from comment #43)
> cwiiis, these patches cause NS_ABORT_IF_FALSE() aborts on Android debug
> builds:
> ###!!! ABORT: clamped(): max must be greater than or equal to min: 'max >=
> min'"
> The problem is that CompositorParent::TransformShadowTree() calls
> clamped(a=-57.3570824, min=0, max=-17.4481812) here:
> Max < min because max == (mContentRect.XMost() - mWidgetSize.width /
> tempScaleDiffX) == (0 + 720) - (720 / 0.976339757) == -17.448203699442274!
> Is |(mContentRect.XMost() - mWidgetSize.width / tempScaleDiffX)| correct?
> Should it be |((mContentRect.XMost() - mWidgetSize.width) / tempScaleDiffX)|?

Yes, I think it should, but I'd want to test it out first - it may ought to be mContentRect.XMost() / tempScaleDiffX - mWidgetSize.width... It's difficult to keep the various coordinate spaces in my head at once without testing it out...

Well spotted though, and oops on my part. Will ping you on IRC later to see how we want to go about fixing this.
The original equation was almost correct, it was actually the min that was the incorrect value. Dividing by the scale diff puts the compositor-side coordinates in the space of the content, and multiplying does the opposite - so dividing the min value was incorrect.

The value should also have been set in the else block of the if statement that checks if both sides of an axis are visible - this is the condition in which max could be less than min.

cpeterson - if you could double-check that this fixes the issue, that'd be much appreciated!
Attachment #638090 - Flags: review?(ajuma)
Attachment #638090 - Flags: feedback?(cpeterson)
Attachment #638090 - Flags: review?(ajuma) → review+
The patch fixes the crash for me (well at least in my limited testing so far).
(In reply to Kartikaya Gupta (:kats) from comment #47)
> The patch fixes the crash for me (well at least in my limited testing so
> far).

That's good enough for me - pushed to inbound:
Depends on: 771529
Comment on attachment 638090 [details] [diff] [review]
Fix incorrect offset clamping

Attachment #638090 - Flags: feedback?(cpeterson) → feedback+
Depends on: 772479
Depends on: 775453
Depends on: 776247
Depends on: 776643
Chris, I think we should fix the regressions in FF16 by only creating nsDisplayFixedPositions when shadowlayers are enabled (and landing that patch on Aurora).
(In reply to Robert O'Callahan (:roc) (Mozilla Corporation) from comment #51)
> Chris, I think we should fix the regressions in FF16 by only creating
> nsDisplayFixedPositions when shadowlayers are enabled (and landing that
> patch on Aurora).

To clarify, do you mean just for aurora? That sounds fine to me (though I do hope that bug #769541 will fix the last of the regressions). Will still need to land bug 769541 on Aurora too, for android.

If you mean for central too, though I'm hardly in a position to argue, I'd rather we didn't so that we can get better testing and work out any problems.
I didn't know the way to check for shadow layers being enabled without a LayerManager off-hand, but here's a rebased patch that was hanging about in my tree that I guess does what you want using the displayport instead(?)

A quick test shows nsDisplayFixedPosition not being used in desktop, and async zooming still working on mobile, so I guess this works. Applies on top of the patch in bug 769541.
Attachment #645339 - Flags: review?(roc)
(In reply to Chris Lord [:cwiiis] from comment #52)
> To clarify, do you mean just for aurora? That sounds fine to me (though I do
> hope that bug #769541 will fix the last of the regressions). Will still need
> to land bug 769541 on Aurora too, for android.

Yes, only for Aurora.
Comment on attachment 645339 [details] [diff] [review]
Only use nsDisplayFixedPosition when a displayport is set

[Approval Request Comment]
Bug caused by (feature/regressing bug #): Possible visual regressions (incorrect or missing rendering) due to display-list creation changes
User impact if declined: User may experience unforseen glitches
Testing completed (on m-c, etc.): Tested locally and pushed to try
Risk to taking this patch (and alternatives if risky): Low risk, I think.
String or UUID changes made by this patch: None
Attachment #645339 - Flags: approval-mozilla-aurora?
Depends on: 777371
Comment on attachment 645339 [details] [diff] [review]
Only use nsDisplayFixedPosition when a displayport is set

[Triage Comment]
Given where we are in the cycle, and the fact that multiple devs have seen these issues in their own work, fast tracking to Aurora 16.
Attachment #645339 - Flags: approval-mozilla-aurora? → approval-mozilla-aurora+
Depends on: 779269
Depends on: 793998
Depends on: 794344
Depends on: 823877
tracking-fennec: ? → ---
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