Closed Bug 93959 (FlashTransparency) Opened 24 years ago Closed 22 years ago

[WMODE] Evangelize Macromedia to enable partial transparency/layering/z-index in Flash


(Tech Evangelism Graveyard :: English US, defect, P4)



(Not tracked)



(Reporter: SkewerMZ, Assigned: arun)




(Keywords: testcase, Whiteboard: [Flash Code][THIS IS NOT A MOZILLA ISSUE])


(1 file)

Procedure: View <>. Expected: "Trans" is floating over background image, no white box is present. Actual: "Trans" is drawn over a box of the animation's background color. This might be a limitation within Macromedia's Netscape plug-in, but it's probably a good idea for a bug on this to exist anyway, to find out whether the browser is able to handle effects like this. Build: 2001080508 Win98
Macromedia Flash MX is about to be released, I think that MM guys should correct this in the new version of his plugin. Testing the testcase with the Flash Player 6 Beta the problem still occurs. Anyone know some MM people email to include on the CC? The URL to download the Flash6 beta player is: and the feedback form to bug report about this beta player is: I've already reported a bug about this in their form, but if more people report this bug maybe Macromedia make something about this old and annoing issue.
Adding Arun and Marcio to CC, they may have other ways to help us with it.
Blocks: 99974
Blocks: 64090
Ok, in a a discussion on a Macromedia newsgroup, I've been informed from MM people that it has nothing to do with the Flash plugin, they say the browser that must support wmode. Anyone knows if there's a specific bug for this wmode problem, I know the bug 99974 and bug 64090 but they were marked INVALID... should we reopen those bugs? BTW, the people that told me that this problem has nothing to do with the player was Petter Hall ( and Clint Critchlow (Macromedia Technical Support)
No longer blocks: 64090, 99974
Flash does not support wmode in 4.x either. The ball is currently in Macromedia's court to implement this. If there are bugs in Mozilla, we can fix them if we know what they are. Mozilla now supports the windowless API for plugins. In this mode, plugins are not confined to a widget and can render anywhere on the page. During compositing, the plugin gets a device context from us to render into. We've been working with Viewpoint ( on their windowless plugin and it has features similar to Flash's wmode plus is scriptable. It may be a possible workaround.
pushing out to 1.1
Priority: -- → P4
Target Milestone: --- → mozilla1.1
Keywords: mozilla1.1
OS: Windows 98 → All
Hardware: PC → All
Whiteboard: [Flash Code]
One interesting thing is that the Macromedia people hasn't bothered filing a bug if they don't manage to get a wmode implementation working. Couldn't someone (Fabricio?) who has been in contact with them ask them to do so, or ask them to comment in this bug. Mozilla and plugin authors obviously need to work together to get things going, it can't be fixed on one side only.
Hi Jonas, I've asked for it in both Macromedia newsgroup and in the Flashcoders mailing list. Below is the feedback by Branden Hall and Clint Critchlow: Branden Hall: "It actually has nothing to do with MM until Mozilla settles on a plugin format. The netscape plugin format is old and quite funky and it doesn't support windowless plugins very easily. Until the Mozilla project settles on a new format there's nothing that MM can do about it. -Branden" Clint Critchlow: "I already posted my comment on this problem with the Netscape browsers. You can see it at <>. You can make feature requests at, <>"
The link of the 2 threads I've opened in MM newsgroup and in Figleaf FlashCoders MM newsgroup Figleaf FlashCoders
*** Bug 146735 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Okay, after spending the day with chrisd working on this problem, I have created a simplified testcase showing an example of how easy it is to use both transparency and z-index layering in Gecko as long as the plugin supports it. It contains the Win32 source of the windowless sample from the mozilla tree, the compiled binary (npwinless.dll) and a testcase using absolute positioning. Notice in the testcase the plugin can be layered underneath even a transparent DIV like you would create menus with. Perhaps someone from Macromedia would like to look at this sample?
Attachment #89039 - Attachment is patch: false
Attachment #89039 - Attachment mime type: text/plain → application/x-zip-compressed
Good work guys! I've posted again in both MM Newsgroup and in FlashCoders mail list, telling about this sample. I think that it will help Macromedia programmers. Lets wait :) MM newsgroup Figleaf FlashCoders
I have emailed Petter Hall, Branden Hall and Mike Chambers telling about this demo and asking them to forward the info for the right people on the Flash Player team. I received a reply from Mike Chambers only, he have forward the links to this bug to the appropriatte people...
this needs to go to Arun
Assignee: av → aruner
Whiteboard: [Flash Code] → [Flash Code][THIS IS NOT A MOZILLA ISSUE]
*** Bug 95174 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Keywords: mozilla1.1testcase
Summary: [RFE] Support plug-in partial transparency, e.g. for Flash 5 → Evangelize Macromedia to enable partial transparency/layering/z-index in Flash
Since Mozilla already theoretically supports everything Macromedia will need to make their Flash plugin support windowless mode with Mozilla, this is an evangelism issue.
Severity: enhancement → normal
Component: Plug-ins → Plugins
Product: Browser → Tech Evangelism
Target Milestone: mozilla1.1alpha → ---
Version: other → unspecified
Is it really? The Platform and OS for this bug are both set to All, but isn't this only working under Windows?
See bug 137189 for the RFE for winless support on Linux. This bug is set to ALL but implies just platforms that it's possible. Since Mac does not use native widgets at all, it's possible to have a winless/transparent-effect on Mac platforms.
Well, doesn't Flash only support windowless mode on Windows anyway? In that case adding support for it to other OS's ought to be put in another bug.
yes it is being tracked in bug 137189
this is still not working with flash6.0r40 and 0710 brnch. wmode support is stil not there, i assume. have sent a mail to macromedia qa to confirm.
*** Bug 133968 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 157985 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 159682 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Alias: FlashTransparrency
Alias: FlashTransparrency → FlashTransparency
Yes it is true that "wmode" (windowless mode) support is still not there in the Flash plugin available for Netscape and Mozilla browsers (Win32/OSX in particular). I'm working with MM to see that this happens. Here's peterl's brain dump on what the plugin ought to do via ye olde 4.x Netscape Plugin API :-) : "You can refer to the 4.x API doc, specially this section: You can also check out a simple Win32 sample windowless plugin I attached in bug 93959. Basically, windowless plugins on Windows are similar to regular plugins on Mac in that the browser provides the plugin with a drawing surface (hdc/port) to render into and passes all events (as opposed to getting them from the OS). By setting setting some flags through the NPAPI, you can make the plugin area opaque and by using CSS z-index, you can control what order the plugin is asked to paint. Let me know if you have any questions."
Blocks: 139820
*** Bug 162153 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Summary: Evangelize Macromedia to enable partial transparency/layering/z-index in Flash → [WMODE] Evangelize Macromedia to enable partial transparency/layering/z-index in Flash
Blocks: 134375
*** Bug 174767 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
From the Flash 6 beta release notes ( What's New in this Version Windowless Mode now implemented for Netscape Windows & Mac OS X Windowless mode allows you to take advantage of the transparent movie, absolute positioning, and layering capabilities available in the browser . Windowless mode is controlled with the wmode parameter in the object tag. The following browsers are supported: Windows Netscape 7.0 Windows AOL Windows Mozilla 1.0 Windows CompuServe Mac OS X Netscape 7.0 Mac OS X AOL Mac OS X Mozilla 1.0 Mac OS X CompuServe Which would be all stable Windows/OSX gecko based browsers, to my knowledge... Now all we need is Linux support. ;)
Simple testcase reusing the macromedia sample: At Macromedia documentation, the link ( that is located from the release notes document is not updated corretly with the wmode attribute for the EMBED element (EVANGELISM ISSUE :) The above URL is the version with the EMBED element and wmode="transparent" attribute. Just works!!! :) Tested with W2K ;)
there are some focus issues in that testcase, I can't seem to press the play button.
Implementation of Windowless mode on Linux appears to be blocked by 137189. I have the framework in place, it seems to work, but I can't complete it unless I have the hooks to copy the pixels from the browser window into our offscreen buffer at the start of our refresh cycle. After a little thought this would pretty much require Mozilla to render to an offscreen XImage and ping Flash when the browser has rendered its image so we can pickup the buffer and do our render pass. Alternately the browser needs to query the plugin so we give you our XImage, you render in to it and return it when done so we can do our render pass and then either the browser or the plugin copies it to the display.
If this is going to make it in to the Flash 6 Linux player there will beed to be a working API to get an off screen image of the browser window by November 4th. Once an API is roughed out I will supply a player that is using it for testing.
A new beta just went out, and on windows, wmode/events seem to be fixed
I'm afraid the window is closing to get wmode in the Flash 6 Linux player. I'm still waiting for the hooks in Mozilla to implement this in X11.
Testing latest branch and trunk with Flash 6.0 r60 public beta2 passes on WinXP Pro displays "Trans" floating over background image, no white box is present.
*** Bug 179015 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I uninstalled my previous version of flash and downloaded Macromedia Flash Player 6 for Netscape and compatibles. The wmode still doesn't work for me. Mozilla Build ID: 2002101612. Windows98se.
Should be reading the comments more careful. I install the latest open Beta and wmode works fine. Forget my last comment.
*** Bug 181930 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 183164 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
a better test case is available at: where it can be seen that "Flash 6.0r61" which is the latest beta doesn't support WMODE in latest nightly build 20021202 on WindowsXP
It doesn't look like a good example to me as wmode="transparent" isn't set for the embed tag. So, it won't be windowless.
new flash has been released with wmode for windows, testing linux right now! is a good example. using "Shockwave Flash 6.0 r65" I cant click any of the links since the flash plugin seems to take over. The flash on the site is written in: which has "wmode=transparent" on the embed tag.
Henrik - the problem you are referring to is covered by bug 182299 as you know. This bug is about evangelising Macromedia to support windowless mode. With the latest release of Flash they have done that. It is debatable how the problem in bug 182299 should be fixed, but it is probably a Mozilla problem not a Flash problem. Doron - You don't need to test the Unix version, it won't work. Windowless mode is not supported under Unix by Mozilla. See bug 137189.
I mean macosx :)
I would like to point out one behavior with Z-inde, I belive is a bug, please input. I found this case in one of the many wmode bugs on the Tech evangelism court. I simplified the testecase and it's online: What happens: 1) Table elelement with FLash using wmode. 2) After the table, DIV element with the GLOBE icon (GIF) and position:absolute; Expected behavior: the globe icon appearing on top of the flash. Note that if you embed the table+flash inside a DIV with position:absolute, then it works as expected.
*** Bug 187072 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
Another example of this problem: Really annoying.
Testing with Flash 6 r65 with branch. "Trans" is floating over background image, no white box is present:
correction to previous comment(wrong URL) ... testing Flash 6r65 with trunk and branch on Win2k "Trans" is floating over background image, no white box is present
*** Bug 193389 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
*** Bug 193999 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
fixed. mmm, the smell of success.
Closed: 22 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
comment #48 : on addition to have a "<param NAME=bgcolor VALUE=#5E87A6>" and a "bgcolor=#5E87A6" in the object tag, if you fetch directly your swf file, you'll see that there is a non transparent background in it. Example #50 work well with : Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv:1.4b) Gecko/20030426 Shockwave Flash 6.0 r79
SPAM: New Components
Component: Plugins → English US
comment #48: wmode=transparent attribute must be set for the <embed> tag in order for the submarine to float over the page without a background. Currently the page is only has wmode set for the object tag.
*** Bug 226463 has been marked as a duplicate of this bug. ***
I have a question regarding this flash issue. Do I understand it correctly, in that flash images/movies should always appear above other page contents (such as an asbsolute div tag) UNLESS, the wmode="transparent" attribute is added?
correct, flash movies without the wmode="transparent" will be above everything, IE have the highest z-index.
What should the behaviour be when the plugin is not installed? If I visit some of these test pages with Konqueror 3.1 (no Flash plugin) on Red Hat 9, ie: ...the blank area occupied by the embedded object *is* transparent. Viewing these same sites using Firefox (also without the Flash plugin) shows a blank rectangle containing the plugin icon, obscuring the background.
Product: Tech Evangelism → Tech Evangelism Graveyard
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