Bug 801561
Opened 12 years ago
Closed 12 years ago
[System app][Trustworthy UI] Gaia TrustedUIManager
(Firefox OS Graveyard :: Gaia, defect, P1)
Firefox OS Graveyard
blocking-basecamp | + |
(Reporter: ferjm, Assigned: alberto.pastor)
(1 file)
Follow up for all the work related to the Trusted UI Gaia side.
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Updated•12 years ago
Assignee: nobody → alberto.pastor
blocking-basecamp: --- → ?
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Comment 1•12 years ago
Pointer to Github pull-request
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Updated•12 years ago
Attachment #671356 -
Flags: review+
Updated•12 years ago
blocking-basecamp: ? → +
Priority: -- → P1
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Comment 2•12 years ago
Closed: 12 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
Comment 3•12 years ago
I imagine what's needed here testing wise is a sanity test pass on the trusted UI in itself, correct? I'll take a look tomorrow or Friday.
Keywords: verifyme
QA Contact: jsmith
Comment 4•12 years ago
Sounds like a good time to do a decent test pass with trusted UI with mozPay against a mock payment provider to see what bugs pop up in the trusted UI and general mozPay issues. Here's my minddump of what I've thinking. Any other ideas are welcome. I'll look at the contextual marketplace testing later when more of that stuff lands.
Test that I can make an in-app purchase against the mock payment provider
Test that I can choose and select between two different payments if multiple JWTs are requested
Test that I receive a phone call while I'm in the trusted UI, that I can complete the phone call and return to the trusted UI context
Test that I can be notified with a connection failure if there's no connection while I'm in the trusted UI
Test that I can leave the trusted UI context back to the homescreen
Test that I can return back to an existing trusted UI context by entering an app in that context currently
Test that I can see which apps in task manager are in a trusted UI context vs. not
Test that I can deny an in-app purchase through the trusted UI context
Test that I can run multiple trusted UI contexts across different apps for different payments
Test that I can exit to the task switcher while I'm in the trusted UI context
Test that I can exit to the lockscreen while I'm in the trusted UI context
Test that I can return to a trusted UI context from the lockscreen
Test that I can return to a trusted UI context through the task switcher
Test that I cannot request a trusted UI context within a background page running
Test that I get an error and no trusted UI context when I request an invalid payment provider (aud wrong)
Test that I get an error and no trusted UI context when I request an invalid payment provider (typ wrong)
Test that I get an error and no trusted UI context when I request an invalid payment provider (typ not specified)
Test that I get an error and no trusted UI context when I request an invalid JWT (exp non-numerical)
Test that I get an error and no trusted UI context when I request an invalid JWT (iat non-numerical)
Test that I get an error and no trusted UI context when I request an invalid JWT (iss non-numerical)
Test that I get an error and no trusted UI context when I request an invalid JWT (request not specified)
Test that I get an error and no trusted UI context when I request an invalid JWT (name not specified)
Test that I get an error and no trusted UI context when I request an invalid JWT (price not specified)
Test that I get an error and no trusted UI context when I request an invalid JWT (price not valid)
Test that I get an error and no trusted UI context when I request an invalid JWT (invalid currency)
Test that I get an error and no trusted UI context when I request an invalid JWT (non-numerical price)
Test that I get an error and no trusted UI context when I request an invalid JWT (non-numerical defaultPrice)
Test that I get an error and no trusted UI context when I request an invalid JWT (description not specified)
Test that I get an error and no trusted UI context when I request an invalid JWT (productdata not a valid URL)
Test that I get an error and no trusted UI context when I request an invalid JWT (productdata not a valid URL)
Test that I get an error and no trusted UI context when I request an invalid JWT (iat >= exp)
Test that I get an error and no trusted UI context when I request an invalid JWT (not valid JSON)
Test that I get an error when I request two JWTs with the same payment provider
Test that I can make an in-app payment with no iss specified
Test that I can make an in-app payment with no iat specified
Test that I can make an in-app payment with no exp specified
Test that I can make an in-app payment with a single price with no default price specified
Test that I can make an in-app payment with UTF-8 characters in the name and description of the request
Test that I can make an in-app payment with at least two prices specified in a valid locale
Test that I cannot make an in-app payment with a price specified in an unsupported locale
Test that I can make an in-app payment with two prices specified with a default price, in which the default price is used due to a locale not specified in prices
Test that I can make an in-app payment with two prices specified with a default price, in which the default price is not used due to a locale already specified in prices
Test that I can make an in-app payment without productdata, postbackURL, and chargebackURL specified
Test that I can make an in-app payment with productdata specified
Test that I can make an in-app payment with a postbackURL and chargebackURL that points to a 404
Test that I can make an in-app payment with a valid postbackURL and chargebackURL
Test that I can make an in-app payment with 10 prices specified with different currencies
Test that I get an error and no trusted UI context when I request an invalid JWT (two currencies that are the same)
Test that I get an error and no trusted UI context when I request an invalid JWT (defaultPrice currency not specified in prices)
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Comment 5•12 years ago
(In reply to Jason Smith [:jsmith] from comment #4)
Thanks Jason! A few comments below.
> Test that I can choose and select between two different payments if
> multiple JWTs are requested
Note that this would require you to register a new payment provider in Gaia and it would show an screen that has no UX desing.
> Test that I can see which apps in task manager are in a trusted UI
> context vs. not
This is not implemented yet. Pending UX definition.
> Test that I get an error and no trusted UI context when I request an
> invalid payment provider (aud wrong)
> Test that I get an error and no trusted UI context when I request an
> invalid payment provider (typ wrong)
Payment providers are only validated through the 'typ' parameter. The 'aud' parameter is ignored by the client.
> Test that I get an error and no trusted UI context when I request an
> invalid JWT (exp non-numerical)
> Test that I get an error and no trusted UI context when I request an
> invalid JWT (iat non-numerical)
> Test that I get an error and no trusted UI context when I request an
> invalid JWT (iss non-numerical)
This is not validated in the client side, so a trusted UI would be shown.
> Test that I get an error and no trusted UI context when I request an
> invalid JWT (non-numerical price)
There is no check for this, but I guess it should. I'll file a bug for it.
> Test that I get an error and no trusted UI context when I request an
> invalid JWT (non-numerical defaultPrice)
There is no check for 'defaultPrice' on the client side and we (Kumar and I) agreed not to validate it. The same applies for other test cases regarding 'defaultPrice'.
> Test that I get an error and no trusted UI context when I request an
> invalid JWT (productdata not a valid URL)
This is not validated in the client.
> Test that I get an error and no trusted UI context when I request an
> invalid JWT (productdata not a valid URL)
> Test that I get an error and no trusted UI context when I request an
> invalid JWT (iat >= exp)
There is no validation for this in the client.
I would also add:
* Test that I can use the keyboard within the trusted UI context. (I'll add a form to the mock provider, so you can easily test it).
* Test that the payment callbacks (successPayment and cancelPayment) are injected in all the pages of the pay flow. (The mock provider allows you to browse to a different page)
* Test that the caller application receives a DOMRequest.onerror event when the trusted UI is closed during the payment flow.
Comment 6•12 years ago
Thanks for the feedback Fernando - very helpful. I've updated my wiki (now it's up to date) based on your feedback on the test cases above to reflect testing of the API and the trustworthy UI independently of marketplace -
Updated•12 years ago
Blocks: basecamp-payments
Comment 7•12 years ago
Planning on looking into this today.
Comment 8•12 years ago
Finished testing this with a basic functional test pass, with the exception of testing keyboard input within a trusted context - which I'll take care of when I test identity integration. Bugs are filed and linked to this bug for followups.
Marking as verified.
Keywords: verifyme
Reporter | ||
Updated•12 years ago
Alias: TrustedUI
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