Closed Bug 1428920 (policies-mvp) Opened 7 years ago Closed 6 years ago

[meta] Enterprise policies to be implemented by ESR 60


(Firefox :: Enterprise Policies, enhancement, P1)






(Reporter: Felipe, Unassigned)



(Keywords: meta)

This bug will track the policies that are wanted for the initial release of the policy engine.

(This bug is only meant to track the policies themselves, and not related work such as the engine or GPO support)
No longer depends on: 1419102
Depends on: 1428922
Depends on: 1428924
Depends on: 1421707
Depends on: 1428944
Depends on: 1428948
Depends on: 1429120
Depends on: 1429122
Depends on: 1429123
Depends on: 1429129
Depends on: 1429131
Depends on: 1429141
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Depends on: 1429148
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Depends on: 1429182
Depends on: 1429183
Depends on: 1429184
Depends on: 1429185
Depends on: 1429186
See Also: → 1419102
Depends on: 1432355
Blocks: 1433173
Depends on: 1433870
No longer depends on: 1429122
Depends on: 1439443
No longer depends on: 1438925
Can I add bugs I filed about policies (like bug 1440566) to the dependencies of this bug? Or, is the list protected for Mozilla employees?
Yuki- Unfortunately, this is the list of policies that we have decided will make up the Enterprise Policy MVP (Minimum Viable Product). Most likely, these will be the only policies that we will be able to implement for Firefox 60.

You can file bugs for policies that you want to see in the future. We will see those bugs and will consider implementing them, but it is unlikely that we will have time to do so for Firefox 60. And, unfortunately, you cannot decide that the policy you want is important enough to be included in the MVP that we are working on; that decision will be made by Mozilla Employees.

That being said, the policy that you want has already been implemented in Bug 1429123 and should be available in the Firefox 60 ESR.
(In reply to YUKI "Piro" Hiroshi from comment #1)
> Can I add bugs I filed about policies (like bug 1440566) to the dependencies
> of this bug? Or, is the list protected for Mozilla employees?

Hey Yuki, this list was based on our capacity planning to include the most important things we think we can make it on time for ESR 60. But we're watching the Enterprise Policies component so it's easy to see all the bugs filed. While we probably won't have enough time to work on more policies ourselves for 60, we'd be happy to accept patch contributions for more, if a contributor shows up with a patch + tests during the next 2 weeks (before Firefox 60 enters Beta)
Depends on: 1432906
Depends on: 1443242
See Also: → tb-enterprise
Depends on: 1445660
Depends on: 1449021
Depends on: 1446482
Depends on: 1446477
Depends on: 1429122
No longer depends on: 1429182
No longer depends on: 1429183
No longer depends on: 1429152
This is complete.
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → FIXED
It looks like the policy docs have been moved off MDN to elsewhere (, so I'm removing the dev-doc-needed flag from here.
Keywords: dev-doc-needed
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