Closed Bug 1289964 (stylo-reftest-crashes) Opened 8 years ago Closed 6 years ago

stylo: reftest and crashtest crashes


(Core :: CSS Parsing and Computation, defect, P5)






(Reporter: shinglyu, Unassigned)


(Blocks 1 open bug)


(Keywords: meta)


(1 file)

The following reftests crashed stylo. 

To reproduce, run `./mach reftest --disable-e10s <filename>` or replace <filename> with `layout/reftest/reftest.list`.

The original log is also attached. 

TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/reftest-sanity/no-root.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/reftest-sanity/no-root.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/w3c-css/submitted/images3/object-fit-fill-png-001e.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/w3c-css/submitted/images3/object-fit-fill-png-001e.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/w3c-css/received/css-values-3/calc-in-media-queries-001.html | application terminated with exit code 4
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/w3c-css/received/css-values-3/calc-in-media-queries-001.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/abs-pos/font-size-wrap.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/abs-pos/font-size-wrap.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/backgrounds/background-clip-1.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/backgrounds/background-clip-1.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/bidi/817406-2.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/bidi/817406-2.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/border-radius/corner-3.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/border-radius/corner-3.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/box-shadow/1178575.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/box-shadow/1178575.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/css-animations/partially-out-of-view-animation.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/css-animations/partially-out-of-view-animation.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/css-gradients/radial-shape-closest-corner-1a.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/css-gradients/radial-shape-closest-corner-1a.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/text-overflow/selection.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/text-overflow/selection.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/dom/tests/reftest/bug439965.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/dom/tests/reftest/bug439965.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/dom/multipleappendwitheditable.xhtml | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/dom/multipleappendwitheditable.xhtml | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/first-line/stress-3.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/first-line/stress-3.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/font-face/cross-iframe-1.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/font-face/cross-iframe-1.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/font-inflation/list-1.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/font-inflation/list-1.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/font-loading-api/dynamic-insert-1.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/font-loading-api/dynamic-insert-1.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/forms/fieldset/abs-pos-child-sizing.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/forms/fieldset/abs-pos-child-sizing.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/image/image-object-fit-with-background-1.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/image/image-object-fit-with-background-1.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/layers/move-to-background-1.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/layers/move-to-background-1.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/mathml/dir-1.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/mathml/dir-1.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/margin-collapsing/block-xhtml-root-1a.xhtml | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/margin-collapsing/block-xhtml-root-1a.xhtml | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/object/image.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/object/image.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/parser/htmlparser/tests/reftest/bug608373-1.html | application terminated with exit code 6
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/parser/htmlparser/tests/reftest/bug608373-1.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/pixel-rounding/background-color-base.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/pixel-rounding/background-color-base.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/dom/plugins/test/reftest/plugin-background.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/dom/plugins/test/reftest/plugin-background.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/position-dynamic-changes/multiple-changes.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/position-dynamic-changes/multiple-changes.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/pagination/abspos-breaking-003.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/pagination/abspos-breaking-003.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/selection/pseudo-element-of-native-anonymous.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/selection/pseudo-element-of-native-anonymous.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/svg/smil/container/deferred-anim-1.xhtml | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/svg/smil/container/deferred-anim-1.xhtml | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/table-anonymous-boxes/162063-1.xhtml | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/table-anonymous-boxes/162063-1.xhtml | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/table-bordercollapse/bc_borderoffset1.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/table-bordercollapse/bc_borderoffset1.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/table-width/balancing-1.html | application terminated with exit code 6
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/table-width/balancing-1.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/text-shadow/text-shadow-selected-1.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/text-shadow/text-shadow-selected-1.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/transform-3d/backface-visibility-3.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/transform-3d/backface-visibility-3.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/web-animations/stacking-context-transform-changing-display-property.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/web-animations/stacking-context-transform-changing-display-property.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/webcomponents/input-transition-1.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/webcomponents/input-transition-1.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/xul/grid/reftests/not-full-basic.xul | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/xul/grid/reftests/not-full-basic.xul | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/writing-mode/1106669-1-intrinsic-for-container.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/writing-mode/1106669-1-intrinsic-for-container.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/dom/html/reftests/468263-1c.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/dom/html/reftests/468263-1c.html | application crashed [None]
TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/editor/reftests/caret_on_positioned.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/editor/reftests/caret_on_positioned.html | application crashed [None]
Chris, can you help find someone who is more experienced in Gecko to look into this?
Flags: needinfo?(cpeterson)
Blocks: stylo
(In reply to Shing Lyu [:shinglyu] from comment #1)
> Chris, can you help find someone who is more experienced in Gecko to look
> into this?

Sure. Are these crashes in the Stylo/Gecko C++ glue or panics in Stylo's Rust code?
Flags: needinfo?(cpeterson) → needinfo?(slyu)
Keywords: crash
I'm digging through these.
Flags: needinfo?(slyu)
Depends on: 1291891
I've gone through and fixed various issues here, and categorized the remaining ones. Once the current front-of-queue lands on servo/servo and I push the updated gecko-dev branch, these should be the remaining failures:

TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/w3c-css/received/css-values-3/calc-in-media-queries-001.html | application terminated with exit code 4
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/w3c-css/received/css-values-3/calc-in-media-queries-001.html | application crashed [None]
hit unreachable!() during media query parsing:

TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/css-animations/partially-out-of-view-animation.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/css-animations/partially-out-of-view-animation.html | application crashed [None]
Hangs, presumably because the test waits on a "animationend" event that never arrives.

TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/font-inflation/list-1.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/font-inflation/list-1.html | application crashed [None]
We call mozilla::ServoStyleSet::AddDocStyleSheet with a ServoStyleSheet for whom RawSheet() returns null.

TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/margin-collapsing/block-xhtml-root-1a.xhtml | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/margin-collapsing/block-xhtml-root-1a.xhtml | application crashed [None]
Assertion failure: aNameSpaceID > 0 && (int64_t) aNameSpaceID <= (int64_t) mURIArray.Length(), at /files/mozilla/stylo/bb/gecko/dom/base/nsNameSpaceManager.h:43
ç      \#01: nsNameSpaceManager::NameSpaceURIAtom(int) (nsNameSpaceManager.h:43, in XUL)
#02: Gecko_Namespace (ServoBindings.cpp:158, in XUL)
#03: _$LT$wrapper..GeckoElement$LT$$u27$le$GT$$u20$as$u20$selectors..Element$GT$::get_namespace::h7a2f0ddcbd2acca7 (, in XUL)

TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/parser/htmlparser/tests/reftest/bug608373-1.html | application terminated with exit code 6
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/parser/htmlparser/tests/reftest/bug608373-1.html | application crashed [None]
Crashes during the cascade because the <html> element (the parent of the element we're attempt to style) has not been styled for some reason.

TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/pagination/abspos-breaking-003.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/pagination/abspos-breaking-003.html | application crashed [None]
Assertion failure: aNode->IsDirtyForServo() || aNode->HasDirtyDescendantsForServo(), at /files/mozilla/stylo/bb/gecko/layout/style/ServoStyleSet.cpp:421

TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/selection/pseudo-element-of-native-anonymous.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/selection/pseudo-element-of-native-anonymous.html | application crashed [None]
Assertion failure: mSource.IsGeckoRuleNode(), at /files/mozilla/stylo/bb/gecko/layout/style/nsStyleContext.h:325

TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/svg/smil/container/deferred-anim-1.xhtml | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/svg/smil/container/deferred-anim-1.xhtml | application crashed [None]
Assertion failure: aStyleContext->PresContext()->StyleSet()->IsGecko() (ServoStyleSet should not use StyleAnimationValue for animations), at /files/mozilla/stylo/bb/gecko/layout/style/StyleAnimationValue.cpp:2831

TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/web-animations/stacking-context-transform-changing-display-property.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/web-animations/stacking-context-transform-changing-display-property.html | application crashed [None]
Assertion failure: aStyleContext->PresContext()->StyleSet()->IsGecko() (ServoStyleSet should not use StyleAnimationValue for animations), at /files/mozilla/stylo/bb/gecko/layout/style/StyleAnimationValue.cpp:2831

TEST-UNEXPECTED-FAIL | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/webcomponents/input-transition-1.html | application terminated with exit code 11
REFTEST PROCESS-CRASH | file:///home/shinglyu/workspace/stylo/gecko-dev/layout/reftests/webcomponents/input-transition-1.html | application crashed [None]
Assertion failure: sheet->IsGecko() (GatherRuleProcessor must only be called for nsXBLPrototypeResources objects with Gecko-flavored style backends), at /files/mozilla/stylo/bb/gecko/dom/xbl/nsXBLPrototypeResources.cpp:154
The first one looks like an easy servo bug. We don't have media queries hooked up yet, but we shouldn't crash the way we appear to be here. Shing, do you want to take a look at it?
Flags: needinfo?(slyu)
(In reply to Bobby Holley (:bholley) (busy with Stylo) from comment #4)
> I've gone through and fixed various issues here, and categorized the
> remaining ones. Once the current front-of-queue lands on servo/servo and I
> push the updated gecko-dev branch, these should be the remaining failures:

Bobby, should we file separate bugs for the remaining issues so we can delegate them to more people?
Flags: needinfo?(bobbyholley)
(In reply to Chris Peterson [:cpeterson] from comment #6)
> (In reply to Bobby Holley (:bholley) (busy with Stylo) from comment #4)
> > I've gone through and fixed various issues here, and categorized the
> > remaining ones. Once the current front-of-queue lands on servo/servo and I
> > push the updated gecko-dev branch, these should be the remaining failures:
> Bobby, should we file separate bugs for the remaining issues so we can
> delegate them to more people?

That sounds good, yeah. Do you have the cycles to file them? Most useful to file with the assertion failure or description as the summary and mention the reftest in comment 0.
Flags: needinfo?(bobbyholley)
Flags: needinfo?(cpeterson)
Depends on: 1292272
Depends on: 1292274
Depends on: 1292275
Depends on: 1292278
Depends on: 1292279
Depends on: 1292280
Depends on: 1292281
Depends on: 1292283
Depends on: 1292284
Depends on: 1292285
I filed bugs for the crashes and assertion failures list in comment 4.
Flags: needinfo?(cpeterson)
Flags: needinfo?(slyu)
Depends on: 1299348
Priority: -- → P2
Depends on: 1314045
Keywords: crash
Depends on: 1322945
Keywords: meta
Summary: Stylo reftest crashes → stylo: reftest and crashtest crashes
Depends on: 1323647
Depends on: 1323648
Depends on: 1323649
Alias: stylo-reftest-crashes
Depends on: 1323652
Depends on: 1323654
Depends on: 1323655
Depends on: 1323657
Depends on: 1323662
Depends on: 1323665
Depends on: 1323671
Depends on: 1323672
Depends on: 1323678
Depends on: 1323679
Depends on: 1323680
Depends on: 1323686
Depends on: 1323689
Depends on: 1323693
Depends on: 1323696
Depends on: 1323697
Depends on: 1323702
Depends on: 1323705
Depends on: 1323706
Depends on: 1323708
Depends on: 1323712
Depends on: 1323715
Depends on: 1323716
Depends on: 1323717
Depends on: 1323733
Depends on: 1323890
Depends on: 1323939
Manish, here are the crashes if you are interested.
Flags: needinfo?(manishearth)
Flags: needinfo?(manishearth)
Attached file crashes.txt
Some more crashes from the latest reftest run.
Flags: needinfo?(cam)
Thanks, looks like not too many.  Could you see if any of these crashes are not covered by the dependencies of this bug, and file new ones if they aren't?
Flags: needinfo?(cam) → needinfo?(slyu)
Depends on: 1329118
Depends on: 1329119
Depends on: 1329121

Except for the 3 bugs I just filed, there are quite a few in bug 1323649 and bug 1323665
Flags: needinfo?(slyu)
Depends on: 1329454
Depends on: 1329919
Blocks: stylo-nightly
No longer blocks: stylo
Depends on: 1330592
Depends on: 1331533
Depends on: 1331560
Depends on: 1334982
Depends on: 1335656
Depends on: 1340009
Depends on: 1340607
Depends on: 1341104
Depends on: 1342177
Depends on: 1342188
I hacked the reftest to make it run stylo-to-gecko reftest using the latest reftest.list (including all the newly added tests, and use Gecko's skip-if/fail-if flags), here are the summary:

crashes:          6
unexpected-fail:  5074
unexpected-pass:  248
known-fail:       182
known-skip:       251
passes:           9455
total:            15208

The only crashes left are:


That's too good to be true, so I'll double check if my modified reftest runner are actually working or not :/
The stylo build is commit 08d398913, on linux-64
Also the number suggest we'll need to add ~5000 `fail-if(stylo)` annotations to the reftest.list, which I believe is still too high. The top 5 fails-if only have this much:

    155 fails-if(Android)
    127 fails-if(webrender)
     17 fails-if(!haveTestPlugin)
     16 fails-if(winWidget&&layersGPUAccelerated&&!d3d11)
     12 fails-if(layersGPUAccelerated)

And skip-if only have 

    237 skip-if(Android)
     68 skip-if(!asyncPan)
     61 skip-if(!Android)
     21 skip-if(!webrender)
     15 skip-if(!cocoaWidget)

I gut feeling is that we need to reduce that number to less then 1000 or even lower.

Bobby, do you have some opinion on this?
Flags: needinfo?(bobbyholley)
The detailed log for the reftest run can be found here:
(In reply to Shing Lyu [:shinglyu] from comment #14)
> That's too good to be true, so I'll double check if my modified reftest
> runner are actually working or not :/
> The stylo build is commit 08d398913, on linux-64

This is probably because most of our crashes are in the form of assertions, and from the logs I think you're running a build with --disable-debug. I think you should probably test with --enable-debug --enable-optimize.

I don't think the manifest churn itself is necessarily a problem. However, if we're only passing ~70% of the total tests, there's a decent chance that any newly-added tests will also need fails-if(stylo), which is a bit annoying for other layout developers (since they won't find out until try or inbound).

The primary disadvantage of our current setup is that we don't notice when tests stop crashing (since there's no equivalent of TEST-UNEXPECTED-PASS for a disabled test). How easy is it to automatically retest the tests we have disabled in our stylo manifests and re-enable the passing ones?
Flags: needinfo?(bobbyholley)
Priority: P2 → P5

I'm working on another patch for reftest that enabled it to recover from crashes [1]. This way we don't need to disable them, we can simply run all the tests every time. We might also need a new flag "crash-if(stylo)" which can give us TEST-UNEXPECTED-PASS if it stops crashing.

Does that sound like a good plan to you?

Flags: needinfo?(bobbyholley)
(In reply to Shing Lyu [:shinglyu] from comment #18)
> @Bobby:
> I'm working on another patch for reftest that enabled it to recover from
> crashes [1]. This way we don't need to disable them, we can simply run all
> the tests every time. We might also need a new flag "crash-if(stylo)" which
> can give us TEST-UNEXPECTED-PASS if it stops crashing.
> Does that sound like a good plan to you?
> [1]

I think it will mostly depend on performance, i.e. how quickly the content process can be restarted in --enable-optimize builds (the numbers might differ with and without --enable-debug). If crashing and spinning up a new content process is many times slower than a normal page load, then our high crash rate might cause the reftest jobs to take a lot longer, which might not be acceptable.

If the performance is good enough though, this sounds like a great plan, and a great contribution to developer productivity even beyond stylo. Just need to measure.
Flags: needinfo?(bobbyholley)
I just re-run the test using the original reftest.list with my modified reftest runner:

Here are the summary:

crashes:          25
unexpected-fail:  4908
unexpected-pass:  18
known-fail:       423
known-skip:       251
passes:           9837
total:            15217
(In reply to Shing Lyu [:shinglyu] from comment #20)
> I just re-run the test using the original reftest.list with my modified
> reftest runner:

That's a debug build, for getting the assertion crashes
That's great! At least 25 crashes is a manageable number.
Depends on: 1357060
Depends on: 1373874
No longer blocks: stylo
Depends on: 1387080
No longer depends on: 1292283
Depends on: 1388232
Depends on: 1388222
No longer blocks: stylo-fuzzing
Blocks: stylo-reftest
No longer blocks: stylo-nightly
Depends on: 1396117
There are no dependent bugs and there doesn't seem to be having for a year
Maybe this bug can be closed and crashes taken care of independently as they arrive
I agree.
Closed: 6 years ago
Resolution: --- → WORKSFORME
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