Closed Bug 158464 Opened 23 years ago Closed 9 years ago

Bugs that make Mozilla look bad


(Core Graveyard :: Tracking, defect)

Windows XP
Not set


(Not tracked)



(Reporter: mozilla, Assigned: mozilla)


(Depends on 3 open bugs)


(Keywords: meta)

This is just my bug for tracking the bugs that seem like they should have priority, but do not seem to.
Sorry for the QA spam. Couldn't set it when filing.
QA Contact: asa → jerrybaker
Keywords: meta
Summary: Bugs That Hinder Widespread Mozilla (NN6 & NN7) Adoption → Bugs that make Mozilla look bad
See also bug 92997 - another tracking bug like this.
Here are some bugs I have been suggesting for the last few milestones: bug 32157 [RFE] Title tips (tooltips) for cropped text (probably the biggest UI *blooper* in mozilla) bug 62586 Need Titletips (or tooltips) for Cropped Text in Message Header Pane (what was that subject? - the son of mozilla's biggest blooper) bug 91662 Long strings in mail header cause scroll bars and attachment window to disappear, making message unviewable. (very visible bug - second biggest mozilla blooper) bug 92380 Context menu in Personal Toolbar incorrect when Sidebar items selected (have you accidentally deleted an entire *bookmark folder* lately?) bug 73712 Need Win32 and Linux/GTK icon files for each window (we need icons, man) bug 22687 [RFE] PGP Plugin (e-mail "security", pie-in-the-sky?) bug 56052 Support PGP in PSM (long neglected, but much *voted* for)
Component: Browser-General → Tracking
Depends on: 155951
Just found bug 146490 ... very ugly.
Blocks: 169476
No longer depends on: 9942
Depends on: 9942
This one ought to've been put in here ages ago.... Bug 43278 - Crossposts (same Message-ID) not marked as read in other groups
Depends on: 43278
Just cleaning up this tracking bug. I removed all the duped bugs in which the dupe was fixed. And removed all other resolved bugs as they no longer need tracked since they are fixed or resolved as invalid or wont fix. Also I don't see how <a href="">Bug# 169476</a> blocks this bug
No longer blocks: 169476
Please don't make changes to bug state if it's not your bug. Especially for such a massive cleanup discuss it first. We leave fixed bugs on these lists for historical tracking (and in case they're reopened); it's easy enough to hide them in the dependency tree view.
Depends on: 32571
Depends on: 64647
This bug should block bug 315312.
I don't believe this bug is valuable to any current team to track or prioritize work. Closing.
Closed: 9 years ago
Resolution: --- → INCOMPLETE
Product: Core → Core Graveyard
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